Chapter 211 "Take the trouble."

"And I laid a lot of reeds and cotton underneath to ensure that it won't be hurt if it falls."

"This is the entrance to the maze I designed."


The hungry monkey was silent for a while and then gave a thumbs up: "Thank you for your trouble."

He didn't know how to evaluate it, so he simply didn't evaluate it.

After that, Yuan Buping led Brother Miao and others to successfully enter the underground palace through this entrance, and began to introduce his achievements these days. It can be seen that he really put a lot of effort into it. There are vents, emergency passages, and everything is ready. .

The entire underground was almost hollowed out.

Although various living measures have not been completed, the space for displaying living measures has been reserved.

It can be imagined that for countless days and nights, Yuan Buping led his men to start digging in this underground palace. After a lot of trouble, although it was only a prototype, he could still see a lot of things.

It just so happens that I've been experiencing jet lag lately, so I've adjusted to it by getting a little more sleep.

After doing all this, Chen Miao left the underground palace and returned to his tomb. He continued to sleep and adjust the market. Ever since he woke up from his dream, he had been feeling very tired for some reason.



Hundreds of thousands of these more than one million people fled Zhenba City overnight.

But it’s worth mentioning.

The excavated space is about fifty square meters, with a height of more than three meters.

Having more blessings does not mean that your luck will definitely get better.

The next day, dawn.

Very good luck, mediocre luck, very bad luck.

Some people feel that Zhenba City has been too chaotic recently and they need to find another place to survive.

Although it sounds small, in order to keep it secret, these spaces were dug out bit by bit by Yuan Buping and others, which sounds like a lot.

Always wanted to sleep.

For them, three or five blessings are enough. If they want to capture too many blessings, they will be too conspicuous. If they are caught or shot directly, the gain will outweigh the loss.

Eight o'clock in the morning.

Some of them had their family property in Zhenba City destroyed and had nothing left to remember, so they simply left Zhenba City and went to other cities to find a better way out.

How to put it, just like a person's life, most situations will be composed of three situations.

What's more, in the second stage, I won a lot of blessings and ran away just to be on the safe side.

Many aborigines in Zhenba City have fled. No matter how small the population is, Zhenba City is still a city with a population of 200 million, even if it is not the main city of the federation. Even if hundreds of thousands of people die, there are still more than a million people. people.

Chen Miao finally woke up. After washing up, he stood at the door of the tomb, smoking a cigarette and watching the news in Zhenba City. Everything was still under the control of the federation. Although the progress of the second stage of the human suffering has increased. Quite a bit, but still under control.

Chen Miao narrowed his eyes slightly. At this time, he had completely woken up from the dream and began to sort out what he had experienced recently. This blessing is not equal to luck.

Most people's lives are mostly mediocre. Only a few lucky people will have "extremely good luck" or "extremely bad luck" appear particularly frequently in this life.

And this "blessing" is like helping you increase the frequency of "very good luck".

It sounds like there is no difference from luck value, but in fact there is an essential difference.

It does not increase your personal luck, it just helps you increase the frequency of "extremely good luck". "I was born at the wrong time."

At this time, Hungry Hou and others also woke up. After looking at the news on the translucent panel in front of Brother Miao, he said with some emotion: "We are also in Fengtian City. If we arrive in the town in advance before the sea of ​​suffering comes, Ba Shi.”

"I can't even imagine how happy it would be."

"With Brother Miao's ability, isn't it easy to harvest tens of thousands of blessings? I can't even imagine that when a person's blessings reach tens of thousands, what kind of existence does that have to be? Isn't he just a land god?"

"The kind where you can pick up money while walking."

"Is the layout too small?"

Yuan Buping said with longing and fantasy: "It would be like picking up a wife, finding out that his wife is the richest man in the world, and then loving him wholeheartedly, and thus reaching the top of the world in one fell swoop."

Chen Miao ignored the few people and just continued to sort out recent events and take stock of recent gains.

Two things need to be dealt with as soon as possible.

Perfectly passing an E-level secret realm can upgrade his trouble-free space to another level.

Raise your character level to level 20 as soon as possible to unlock the panel of the S-level taboo "Fallen Life".

These two things are his current main tasks. Of course, before that, he needs to find a quiet and secluded place first. He is going to start collecting grain.

"Have you found the location I asked you to find yesterday?"

"found it."

Seeing Brother Miao starting to get down to business, Hungry Monkey straightened up and said, "There is a place in the northernmost extreme cold land that is extremely suitable for our existence. That place is absolutely hidden. It is so hidden that there is not even a map for that place. "

"Satellites can't see that part."

"That area is too cold. It used to be normal before the world became extraordinary, but after the world became extraordinary, the whole world has changed a lot. The clouds there have been frozen, and countless thunderclouds have been floating in the sky for many years. .”

"Some clouds are frozen into solid objects, and some clouds can travel normally."

"The plane flying into the clouds depends entirely on luck. You never know whether the cloud in front of you is an iron lump. Countless rainwater is frozen into ice in mid-air, and then falls on these frozen thunderclouds, making the The sky remains cloudy all year round, and it is absolutely isolated from the rest of the world.”

"It's also absolutely hidden."


Before Brother Miao could reply, Yuan Buping took the lead and said: "Although Brother Miao said that you should not consider the living conditions, you must at least find a place where one person can survive. Can people survive in this kind of place?"

Chen Miao didn't care about this, but turned his head and looked at Hungry Monkey: "How do you know this place?"


The hungry monkey proudly opened his browser page slowly.

A line of text suddenly appeared on the browser.

"Exposed! The top ten uninhabited and forbidden places in Blue Star! The first place is even uninhabitable by gods, and nine out of ten people don't know about it!"

"Tenth place: Shutter Island."

"Ninth place:."

"First place: the deepest part of the extremely cold place!"

Yes, this is an article, the most common marketing account article. Generally speaking, the way to make money is to make people click on it through some exaggerated titles, and then earn platform traffic fees.

The Hungry Monkey seemed a little proud of his intelligence, and was still telling his thoughts: "Yesterday, Brother Miao asked me to find a new site. It is absolutely hidden and there is no need to consider the living conditions."

(End of this chapter)

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