I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 212 Brother Miao, is this place still suitable? "

Chapter 212 Brother Miao, is this place still suitable? "

"When I think about it, doesn't No Man's Land completely meet this condition?"

"Since we are going to no man's land, we must go to the number one no man's land. Although many people know about this no man's land, the most dangerous place is the safest place. So what if they know it? Can you still send someone to find us?"

"The article said that this is a place where even gods cannot live!"

"How's it going, Brother Miao, is this place still suitable?"

After reading the article with a calm expression, Chen Miao paused for a while and nodded: "If it is the same as what is described in the article, then it is indeed quite suitable."

"Leave immediately."

"So urgent?"


He is not worried that the temperature there is not suitable for living. The "Tiangong" prop is a purely domain-like building. It not only gives you a territory, but also allows you to live anywhere you want.

The old man laughed, got up and stuffed his yellowed quilt sheets and the TV with flashing black and white dots into his backpack. He stood up from the bed tremblingly: "Then let's go. At this age, you still can't do it." A young man invites us with such an attitude. If we don't go, wouldn't it be a bit too shameful?"



"Even if I leave with you, I will do nothing but guard the tomb."

Chen Miao laughed: "Just guard the tomb. You don't have to do anything except guard the tomb."

"no problem."

Such as the seabed and alien planets.


But there is one thing that needs to be done before leaving.

The uncle raised his head and glanced at Chen Miao, then lowered his eyelids again: "Do you have a cemetery there?"

Even at the bottom of the sea, Tiangong can give him an oxygen mask so that people in the territory will not suffocate to death due to sea water. As for this extremely cold place, Tiangong will also give them a cover to maintain a constant temperature inside.

After Chen Miao thought for a moment, he said again: "How about we build one for you?"

"Let me tell you in advance that you have to expect to encounter strong enemies in the future. It is unrealistic to treat me as a hidden master and ask me to go up and defend against strong enemies."


Chen Miao walked to the door of the security room, leaned over the window and looked at the old man in the security room. He knocked on the glass and threw the unpacked cigarettes in: "We are leaving, and we may not come here in the future." It’s a cemetery, do you want to come with us?”


"Anyway, wherever you go to guard a tomb, you are a guard, and whose tomb you guard is also a tomb."

The uncle seemed to be interested. He raised his head with a half-smile and formally looked Chen Miao up and down for a few times before speaking again: "We don't seem to have much communication, do you? Do you think so highly of me, a bad old man?"

"Old man."

"Then I won't go."

"Then I'll take good care of you from now on."

"I am old, but the world still belongs to you young people after all."

The hungry monkey standing aside curled his lips in dissatisfaction. He always felt that this old man was a bit hypocritical. Although this old man helped him a lot in the early days, he turned a blind eye and let him have a child in the cemetery. A place to stay. But he still felt that this old man was a little unreal.

He kept talking about guarding the tomb and guarding the tomb.

Then when he was digging someone else's grave in the cemetery, he didn't see the old man standing up.

Which tomb are you guarding? Whose tomb are you guarding? You can't guard your own tomb, right? Anyway, he thought this old man was weird and kept saying that he was the gravekeeper. But every time the cemetery might be damaged, this old man would always sneak away immediately.

For example, after the Gravedigger boss was about to invade the Eternal Cemetery, the old man ran away without even raising his head, without even a moment's pause. That was called decisiveness.

Aren’t real tombkeepers supposed to live and die with the tomb?

I would rather die in body than die in the grave.

"Old man."

Chen Miao looked at the old man in front of him and stuffed the almost damaged TV into his backpack as a treasure. He couldn't help but say something more: "Let me buy you a holographic projector. That one looks better."

This thing seems extremely out of place in this era.

Nowadays, many people use holographic projection to watch TV. Not only does it have a strong sense of immersion, but the picture quality is also excellent. It can be projected anywhere and watched anywhere. How much better is it to not use this old-fashioned square black and white TV?

"No, no."

The uncle shook his head with a smile and said: "This thing has been with me for a long time. I can't live without him. It has never thought of changing me as its master. How could I change it? Do you know why there were so many foolish, loyal and foolish people in ancient times? Are filial people invisible in modern times?"


Chen Miao frowned slightly and hesitated for a moment without speaking. He didn't quite understand what the old man wanted to say when he brought up the topic. It didn't feel like chatting, but more like he was telling him something through a covert means. .

"it's actually really easy."

While the uncle was slowly packing his luggage, he started chatting in an accented dialect like an old man doing his homework: "In the past, people in ancient times, all kinds of information exchanges were not developed, and there was not much information in a person's life. What a chance.”

"For example, a scholar in ancient times took the exam three times in a row, but failed each time. He was not selected to serve as a soldier, and he had no talent for business. At this time, this person would be useless. But if he accepts his failure and stays with him all the time, By your mother's side, you can at least have the reputation of being a filial son."

"Is this scholar really filial?"

"not necessarily."

"But becoming a filial son is the only way for him to gain social status and reputation in this society."

"He can be nothing but a dutiful son."

"Why do we say that there are more filial sons in poor families? This is exactly the reason, because those people have no choice. If they don't become filial sons, they can only become a gangster wandering around the streets with nothing to do, and everyone will stab them in the back. .”

"But after becoming filial sons, although they still achieve nothing, they can still gain a good reputation among the neighbors."

"If you give these filial sons a chance to achieve fame, the price will be to leave their hometown from now on, and 80% of them will not care about my life or death anymore."

"This is the first kind of person, a filial son from a poor family."

"There is a second kind of person. What is the second kind of person? A gravekeeper who has guarded the grave of a dead general for decades and never went home to see his wife."

"There's a story like this."

"In a certain war, a general led his army to defeat and died on the battlefield. However, his cronies escaped with his body. They spent the rest of their lives guarding the general's tomb, and they were called foolish loyalty."

"Is he really loyal?"


(End of this chapter)

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