I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 226 “What’s wrong with cross-dressing?”

Chapter 226 “What’s wrong with cross-dressing?”

Normally, the definition of a bad thing should at least include breaking the law, and most laws prohibit killing. He has killed a lot of people. According to common sense, he should have done a lot of bad things.

But he admits that he has never killed a good guy or a bad guy.

Those who are killed are those who deserve to be killed.

What you are doing is obviously for the sake of heaven, so how can you say it is a bad thing?

While Chen Miao was thinking and looking around, trying to get as much information as possible, the village chief had already walked to the second chair. Sitting in front of the second chair was the strong man as tall as a bear.

The chair looked like a child's toy under the strong man's butt.

The hunchbacked village chief stood in front of him, just like a primitive man standing in front of a dinosaur.

"What bad things have you done?"

The village chief continued to ask the question.

Obviously this strong man is waiting for the final result. If no one is more guilty than him, he will be the one who will be executed. This strong man will obviously not sit still and wait for death, but will fight to the death.

They are all extraordinary beings around level 40.

The number "1289".

The fist is a little ready to move.

Chen Miao looked silently at the strong man next to him who was a little emotionally unstable. A transcendent of level 40 or so could kill many people. Even if he obeyed the law in reality, he would certainly not be able to kill many people in the secret realm. Few people.

Has this strong man never killed anyone in the secret realm?


This strong man, who was as tall as a bear, began to tell in great detail the bad things he had done since he could remember, one by one, and none of them were missed. However, there were not many bad things about killing people, and more bad things were very morally bad. Reprehensible.

Finally stopped at——

Then, he even started talking to himself uncontrollably.

When he saw this four-digit number, the strong man's face instantly turned pale and he froze on the spot. His originally very burly body seemed to be suddenly deflated. At the same time, his eyes flashed with madness and ferocity, and he turned his head to look at the rest. of four people.

No one would just let others slaughter him and die without any resistance. Even if he died, he couldn't die sitting down.

The crime value on the machine is also constantly rising.

The strong man looked serious and was about to repeat what Chen Miao had just said. Then he just opened his mouth, but found that the following words could not be said no matter what, as if something was stuck in his neck.

"When I was young, I often used my size advantage to bully my classmates, and I gave a classmate a concussion."

And as this strong man kept talking.



"My whole life."

But in the confession of this strong man just now, there was no mention of him killing people in the secret realm.

It's because this strong man doesn't think killing in the secret realm is a bad thing at all. This is not only because the secret realm is such a relatively cruel environment, but also because even federal law stipulates that killing in the secret realm is not illegal.

So at this point, the definition of this 'bad thing' is completely clear.

If you feel in your heart that something is wrong, and if you feel guilty, uneasy, or guilty afterwards, it is a bad thing. But if you are a very perverted person.

If you think that everything you do is right and you will not feel guilty no matter what you do, then you are a unique saint in this village.

He finally understood why before entering the secret realm, the old tombkeeper told him that it would be easier to pass the level if he put his own perspective into the devil's perspective. As a devil, he would definitely not feel guilty.

As a complex of confusing emotions.

No such thing exists.


Chen Miao still looked at this bear-like strong man with a slightly weird expression. He really knows people but not his heart. A man who seems to be more than two meters tall and covered with muscles and muscles is actually a transvestite? And you also like to eat shit?

Still stealing traces of my sister-in-law?

What a strange behavior.

"What are you looking at!!!"

Sensing Chen Miao's gaze, the strong man shouted angrily: "Who doesn't have some quirks? Do you dare to say that you are absolutely clean? In this dirty world, how can you pretend to be noble!!"

"What's wrong with crossdressing?"

"I just like this kind of excitement, what's wrong?"

"Is there a problem?"

"No, no." Chen Miao hurriedly shook his head and whispered: "I respect the culture of every city and everyone's preferences equally. I think this is good. I respect you, Rui Sibai."

At this time, the next person has arrived.

That's the young man who carries a rocket launcher and is also a gunner.

It is worth mentioning that this young man wore a white mask from beginning to end and has not taken it off until now. The village chief stood in front of the young man and asked the question again.

The young man smiled.

"That's too much. I killed my whole family. Why? I've forgotten it."

"I remembered."

"At that time, I was already a level 34 transcendent. Even the city government treated me with respect. I was respected wherever I went. But my parents still dared to yell at me. Do you think they deserve to die? "

"They just gave birth to me. Why do they think I will be their slave for life and have to listen to them all my life? I don't like the feeling of being stood over my head and pointed at. I will kill them."

"I feel much more relaxed."


As he spoke, the young man's eyes suddenly began to turn red, and the people sitting on other chairs also looked at this man with slightly strange expressions. They had never known that this young man could be so cruel.

Not only did he kill his own family.

He also killed his own wife.

The reason is very simple. One day his wife went out to buy groceries and was kidnapped by his competitors to threaten him. He paid a heavy price to rescue his wife, and then sat on the rooftop in silence for a long time, and finally Understood one thing.

His wife is just an ordinary person, and she is also his only weakness. If this kind of thing happens once, it will definitely happen a second time.

And he will not allow this to happen a second time, let alone be threatened a second time! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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