I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 227 "1 Shuangzi was saved by them."

Chapter 227 "They were saved in one stroke."

You might have to pay a big price next time.

Rather than letting his wife fall into the hands of his enemies and possibly suffer painful taint, it would be better for him to die in his own hands, and he would have no weakness after that.

Afterwards, this young man seemed to be crazy. He rushed to his hometown, found his family tree, and killed everyone who was related to him, leaving no one behind.

"My wife is dead!!!"

"Why do they live!!!"

The young man looked a little hysterical and shouted ferociously: "The world forced me to do this, they forced me!!!"

And the guilt value on the machine next to it finally slowly stopped.



He raised his head and looked blankly at the strong man on the chair next to him: "Were you around Fengtian City when you killed this mother and son?"

This time it was nothing for him. He originally had a sin value of more than 1000 and was desperate. He felt that he must be the highest and he would have to fight to the death later. He didn't expect that there were still masters.

Seeing this, the strong man who was still flashing madness in his pupils was stunned for a moment, then suddenly took a deep breath, his expression gradually calmed down, and he huddled in the chair again and whispered softly.

Soon, he remembered.

"and many more!"

"Let me tell you, no matter how bad a cross-dressing fetish is, how bad can it be?"

The strong man was a little shocked and said in disbelief: "I have never told anyone about this matter, and it has never been discovered by anyone. How do you know about it? Is it possible that you know this mother and son?"

"Actually, ever since my cross-dressing habit was discovered by the mother and son last time, I have been feeling guilty in my heart. I have never killed an innocent person. Those mother and son are the only two innocent people I have killed."

"But I still feel guilty."

"I always dreamed that the mother and son turned into ghosts and came to me. During that time, I had nightmares every day, so I went to the temple every day to burn incense and pray. Finally one day, the Buddha seemed to have got my reaction, and the mother and son came to me again. He didn’t bother me in my dreams anymore.”

A total of nearly 2 sin points.

The strong man's tone was very sincere, and he even lifted up his shirt to reveal the mother and son tattoos on his chest.

This guy is really awesome.

"I have the image of the mother and son tattooed on my chest to remind me of the mistakes I made."

"I was almost punished. I even felt that I was a heinous person."

"Since then, I have been thinking, is the hobby of cross-dressing really so shameful?"

Chen Miao nodded in response and glanced casually. He believed that this strong man was indeed guilty, otherwise he would not think that what he did was a bad thing. Just like him, as long as there is no guilt, there will be no bad thing.

"how do you know?"

After learning that he was safe, he was quite relaxed at this time. He didn't even care about Chen Miao teasing him about his transvestite just now. He turned his head to look at Chen Miao and whispered with some emotion.

He considers himself not a good person, but even he thinks this guy is quite a beast.

It was just a casual glance at first, but this glance made him freeze on the spot. Why did the mother and son look familiar? It felt like they had seen them before somewhere.


Chen Miao looked at the mother and son with a complicated expression. He had indeed seen this mother and son. Not long ago, he entered the Hell Bus for the first time, and this mother and son were his first guests.

But at the time, he didn't understand that the task could be activated.

I just thought that if I don’t let the guests get on the bus, I don’t need to ask the guests to collect the tickets. So he immediately saved the souls of the mother and son.

Now it seems that he has somehow escaped the disaster.

Otherwise, if the mother and son were allowed to get in the car, the task of the mother and son would definitely be to kill the strong man in front of them. However, with the power of the "Gravekeeper" at that time, it would be simply impossible to kill a 40-level transcendent. It's no different than a fool talking about a dream.

"On a hell bus, I am the conductor and they are my guests."


The strong man was stunned for a long time before he realized: "Isn't their last wish to kill me?"

As a high-level transcendent, he naturally understood the operating rules of the Hell Bus. He did not expect that the resentment of the mother and son would be strong enough to turn into resentful spirits, nor did he expect that he would happen to be on the Hell Bus. The conductor at the time was also I just happened to meet him.

"do not know."

Chen Miao shook his head: "I didn't let the two of them get on the bus, and I gave them a break."


The strong man nodded somewhat sarcastically. He finally figured out why the mother and son never bothered him in his dreams during that time. It was not because of the Buddha's power, but because he was saved by physics.

"Um, thank you."


Chen Miao was also a little silent. He didn't expect to have such a connection with the strong man. Is this considered cause and effect? ​​But for God's sake, he didn't want to have any cause and effect with a pervert who was obsessed with cross-dressing.

As for the young man carrying a rocket launcher next to the strong man, after he finished his hysterical roar, he seemed to be suddenly deflated. He slumped in a chair, lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

His eyeballs were bloodshot, staring straight at his pants.

The silence seems a bit penetrating.

At this time, the village chief had already walked up to the pretentious man in a tuxedo and asked the same question.


A kind smile appeared on the pretending man's face, and he said softly: "I have never done any bad things in my life, but I have done a lot of charity."

Then the man raised the wine glass in his hand, looked at Chen Miao on the left and raised the glass lightly, a hint of teasing flashed in his eyes.

Chen Miao met his gaze indifferently without saying a word. She was also convinced in her heart that this man was not a good person. Here, the higher the sin value, it does not mean that you are worse, but can only mean that you are kinder.

Although you have done a lot of bad things, you know what you did was wrong.

This is some kind of kindness.

On the contrary, if you think that you have never done a bad thing, you are a pervert who has lost your conscience. If you do not think that what you have done is a bad thing, that is the biggest bad thing.

Just like this tuxedo guy.

He understood the joke. It was a joke about similar people. In the eyes of this man in a tuxedo, they were the same kind of people. This kind of banter was mocking him for being a great hero who saved the world on the surface, but secretly he was a hero. Such people.

But only he himself knows.

There is a difference between him and this tuxedo man.

The village chief seemed to be used to this. Halfway back, he walked up to the two women sitting on the far right. The first was the red-haired woman holding a leather whip in her arms, and asked the same question.


(End of this chapter)

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