Chapter 239 Empty the magazine in one second.

The reason is simple. This level +1 reward is definitely better for players with higher levels.

The higher the level, it means that more experience points are needed to upgrade. So level +1 means that more experience can be added. From level 15 to level 16, he does not have much experience in total. Level + The effect of 1 was wasted.

Unfortunately, the effect of level +1 cannot be saved and can only be used immediately. Otherwise, he really wants to save it until level or to use it again.


Chen Miao shook his head sadly, but soon accepted this. It was okay. He was at least level 16, and he was not far away from his level 20. After level 20, he could watch Let’s see what the effect of the S-class taboo that Master Meow left for him.

I don’t know that Master Meow is completely dead now.

Still reincarnated.

Just when he was thinking wildly, Hungry Monkey and others not far away had discovered that Brother Miao was back, and they all swarmed up.

"Brother Miao!"

Under the leadership of Hungry Hou and others, Chen Miao glanced around and nodded with satisfaction.

In the next period of time, Chen Miao didn't go anywhere. He and Hungry Monkey and others built their base in this extremely cold place, and maintained a high intensity in the secret realm, gaining experience quickly while also enhancing their own strength. combat experience.

Hungry Monkey and others have dug a deep pit next to it. The entrance is not big, about the size of 3*3, 3 meters wide and 3 meters high. But you can climb all the way down the ladder at the entrance and climb up to a few meters. After that, there will be no winter.

A large open space was cleared.

Hungry Monkey and others have activated the Tiangong and built it on this platform. This underground platform is their base, and this platform is still being expanded in all directions. At the same time, various ventilation windows, heating sheets and other facilities are also being installed. Lay them one by one.

When the constant temperature protective cover of the Heavenly Palace is opened, it will no longer feel cold inside.

"How many days?"

Chen Miao was slightly stunned at first, but soon realized that he had been in this secret realm for two days. The flow of time in the secret realm was the same as that in the outside world. If you calculate it like this, several days have indeed passed.

At this time, the base here has also changed drastically.

And his level has also reached level 18 and a half. Logically speaking, the rate of increase in experience is not that fast, but he was lucky enough to encounter a few secret realms that increased the experience a lot, which allowed him to reach level 18.

There is a platform at the bottom about the size of two classrooms.

It is worth mentioning that this place does not belong to any city-state.

The total number is probably close to a hundred.

Belongs to the unclaimed land.


Chen Miao looked at the open space around the highway with a sigh of relief, feeling a slow sense of accomplishment. These days, all the entrances to the surrounding secret realms had been cleared by him and other members of the Tomb Keeper force.

That is to say-


Today is also the last day of this year. After today it will be next year, and tonight is also New Year’s Eve.

The time came quickly, December 12st.

Hungry Monkey sighed with emotion on his face: "In the past few days since you left, I haven't been able to eat well, and I can't sleep. I was afraid that something would happen to you. Now that you are back, it's great. I will I know that this little thing, Brother Miao, will definitely not stop you."

There are no city rankings here, and the secret realms that have been perfectly cleared will not enter the secret realm building and be permanently retained. The secret realms that have been perfectly cleared have no idea where they have gone.

And if he wanted to keep his cane, he would have to go to Fengtian City in the next few days so that he could complete the task of retaining the cane.

"Brother Miao, didn't you strengthen Gatling last time? Why have I never seen you use it during this time?"

The hungry monkey on the side breathed into his hands and trotted over with a mink hat on. Although the base had a constant temperature protection cover, it was only on the underground platform. There was no such thing on the ground, so it was still very cold.

Although they installed many heating sheets and sunflowers around the place, it was still bitingly cold.

The extremely cold place is not just talk, the temperature is not something normal people can bear.

This means that they are extraordinary people, and their physical fitness is much stronger than ordinary people. Otherwise, if an ordinary person is left in such an environment, let alone moving, he will collapse on the spot.


Chen Miao chuckled lightly and glanced at Hungry Monkey: "I haven't had a chance to use it yet. I'll let you take a look when I get the chance."

Before he entered the C-level secret realm "The Dutiful Son of a Poor Family", because he had never entered such a high-level secret realm, he spent the three minutes during the preparation period to improve his combat power as much as possible.

At that time, Wu Shi Space was also upgraded and received a skin that was perfect for Gatlin.

"Item name": 猰貐·Gun skin. "Item Level": No level (unique).

"Prop Effect": You can designate any firearm and activate the prop. The prop will turn into a skin to accompany the firearm permanently, and will increase the range, ammunition capacity, damage, rate of fire, etc. of the firearm from multiple dimensions, and will Randomly adds an exclusive effect.

"Prop Restrictions": It can only be used on firearms and cannot be removed after use.

"Prop description": "Born with nine tails, four ears, quick movements, and no fear."

He has activated this skin on his Gatling, and the effect it brings makes him extremely satisfied, but he has never had the opportunity to use it in the secret realm of "the filial son of a poor family".

His Thomson didn't even fire the machine gun, let alone take Gatling out, there was no chance to use it.

"Weapon name": Yuki·Gol Gatling.

"Weapon level": D level.

"Weapon Restriction": It can only be used by "Gunner" and extraordinary players on the promotion route series, and the player level must be at level 15 and the strength attribute is above 20.

"Weapon Details": The damage energy coefficient is 40-55, depending on the hit location. There is no upper limit on the bullet capacity. One bullet chain has 1000 bullets, depending on how many bullet chains the player can carry.

"Weapon Introduction": One person can block a city.

"Skin effect":

1: 'Comprehensive development': The rate of fire is greatly increased, the range is greatly increased, the damage is increased, and the ammunition capacity is increased.

2: 'Light as a swallow': The Gatling is extremely light in weight. Players can hold the Gatling and move around easily without any sense of weight.

3: 'Reverse Thruster': This Gatling can be transformed into a mecha suit to fire bullets towards the rear, relying on recoil to allow the player to move at high speeds. The maximum speed can reach 300km/h, but when moving at high speed, it will move towards Fire bullets in the opposite direction.

When the bullets are exhausted, the power will disappear.

And people in the opposite direction will be attacked.

4: 'Colored Bullets': Each bullet fired by the Gatling has the effect of a flare, which can maintain sufficient light while firing.

5: 'In-situ defense': This Gatling can be set somewhere and turn on automatic attack. When the automatic attack is turned on, it will automatically attack all non-whitelisted creatures within the range.

This is the entire attribute panel of the "Hell Gatling" in his backpack. The original Gatling's damage energy coefficient was not 40-55, and the bullet chain capacity was not 1000 rounds. These are all the effects of strengthening.

The main weapon of many gunners is Gatling, not just because Gatling can adapt to most combat situations.

What's more, the calculation method of Gatling bullets in the backpack is different from that of other firearms.

If other bullets are loaded, a single grid in the backpack can hold up to 1000 bullets. In theory, a player can carry up to 1 bullets in his backpack.

But it's different if you install a Gatling bullet chain. A backpack grid can hold up to 10 bullet chains.

Normally, the bullet capacity of a bullet belt is 500 rounds, which means that one grid can hold 5000 Gatling bullets, and a backpack can hold up to 5 rounds of bullets. This can hold many more bullets than other weapons. .

This is also the reason why many professional gunners carry their weapons on their backs. It’s not because they like to show off or they are arrogant, but because they can leave a grid and load more bullets. When they encounter danger, they can Can maintain more combat power.

Almost all of these effects given to the skin are very powerful.

But if that's all it is, there's nothing too eye-catching about it.


Chen Miao couldn't help but clicked his tongue and looked at a small accessory lying in his idle space. This was a C-level exclusive professional accessory he obtained after clearing the secret realm of "Sublimation Crisis" with 100% perfect clearance progress.

After so long, today he finally comes into use! -

"Item name": Roaring Dog (gun accessory).

"Item level": C level.

"Item Restrictions": It can only be used by "Gunner" and its promotion series professions, and the player's strength value must be above 30.

"Prop Effect": The skill uses the exclusive firearm accessory on the gunner's professional weapon 'Hell Gatling'. If you install this firearm accessory on 'Hell Gatling', you can obtain the following effects.

1: Each bullet of the 'Hell Gatling' will have fire attributes, which will produce great power under special circumstances.

2: Can greatly increase the rate of fire of 'Hell Gatling'.

3: Every time 1000 bullets are fired, the 1001st bullet will turn into a roaring dog, lighting up the sky, and at the same time turn into a meteor shower and shoot towards the enemy.

4: And make the bullets of 'Hell Gatling' cause 10 times fixed damage to dog creatures.

This accessory can almost be said to have raised his "Yuqi Hell Gatling" to another level.

Fire-type bullets improve Gatling's response ability, and the greatly increased rate of fire makes Gatling, whose rate of fire has already been enhanced, become faster, which is of course the same as Thomson's rate of fire. It's definitely incomparable.

Thomson relies on the regular rate of fire.

Empty the magazine in one second.

That thing can no longer be counted as a rate of fire, but as bullet discharge.

(End of this chapter)

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