Chapter 240 Advantages and Disadvantages

And with the blessing of Hell Gatling.

Females, dogs, and bosses will be his best opponents to kill. With the blessing of a variety of damage-increasing skills, it is almost impossible for female dog bosses to escape from him. The only regret is.

This skill, which increases damage to dog-like creatures, is not available on sniper rifles.

Many of his damage-increasing skills are tied to the sniper rifle. If this skill is also attached to the sniper rifle, then basically any female dog boss will be eliminated in one shot without any surprises.

He once met an extraordinary person whose extraordinary profession was "Roaring Sky Dog", and he didn't know if this skill, which increased the damage to dogs, could be used on such an extraordinary person.

During this period of time, he found a remote place in the secret realm and roughly tested the effect of this Gatling.

All I can say is it's pretty good.

There is nothing much to say about the first effect. It is to comprehensively strengthen some basic attributes. After all, it is the only level of firearm skin. It is normal to comprehensively strengthen the attributes.

The second effect is very powerful.

It is as light as a swallow, allowing players to move easily when holding the Gatling, and making the weight of the Gatling extremely light. You must know that the biggest drawback of the Gatling is that it is too bulky and a bit troublesome to move.

What's more, there is a third effect.

Reverse thruster, he tested this effect in a single-player secret realm. It is a mecha-type transformation. It is a bit like a gun battle game he played before time travel. In that gun battle game, the gun can even transform into a mecha and its owner. Two become one and fight side by side.

The "ammunition consumption" of 100 kilometers is relatively high, it costs a little money, and it may cause a devastating blow to the creatures behind you. When flying in this mode, you will never worry about being rear-ended, and no creature can survive intact. chasing your tail.

Even if your speed is not fast.

The same is true for the Hell Gatling that has been blessed by Yuqi. After activating this effect, the Hell Gatling can also transform into a mecha and fight side by side with its master. There is no time limit. As long as you want, you can You can even stay in this state while sleeping.

The back of the butt is inlaid with Hell Gatling.

And this effect perfectly eliminates this drawback.

The highest speed is only 300 kilometers per hour. In the world before transcendence, this speed was not bad, but in the world of transcendence, a high-level transcendent will definitely have something that moves at high speed in his hands. This is almost a must.

It's just not realistic.

His mecha does not cover the whole body, but is like a pair of pants, only covering the buttocks and waist. It is like a pair of pants with an elephant trunk, except that the elephant trunk is designed behind the buttocks.

As Gatling fires, the strong recoil will push the player in the opposite direction. It does sound unscientific, but the world has become so magical, and there is no point in mentioning science anymore.

Extremely sci-fi.

Although the recoil is still there, his strength attribute value is not low. This recoil can be offset with one hand.

There are no drawbacks.

But it's worth mentioning.

This thing can fly at low altitude, which means that anyway, Chen Miao also has his first means of flying——

Hell Gatling's reverse thruster. Good.

As for the fourth effect, colored bullets are just a joke. Basically, they are useless in most cases. In a few cases, they may even have negative effects. A flare is enough to illuminate the sky above a jungle, with even clarity. You can see centipedes squirming on a one-meter-long tree.

And with Gatlin's super high rate of fire.

In addition, each bullet has the effect of a flare, which means that as long as the shuttle goes down, even at three o'clock in the morning, it will instantly become brighter than the sky at twelve o'clock at noon, and even a rooster who has just yawned and fallen asleep will be Dazedly, he rubbed his eyes and got up from his bed and started to crow.

This effect is mandatory.

Unable to choose freely.

In other words, whenever you fire a gun, the effect of the flare is a must. Basically, if you are doing anything like an assassination or a raid, you will definitely not need this thing.

But if you want to say that this thing cannot be used for assassination, that is not accurate.

After all, with the power of this thing, if it goes down with a shuttle, there is no need for any assassination, it can be killed directly.

The fifth effect, in-situ defense, is also a relatively useless effect. It is only useful in a few cases. For example, if you are in a dangerous place and dare not sleep because the surrounding environment is too dangerous, but with this effect .

You can put this "Hell Gatling" aside and let it enter the automatic defense state, and then you can sleep peacefully. It will attack all enemies that step within the attack range.

It is very useful in many secret realms.

But there are also disadvantages.

That is, it is very easy to accidentally kill important NPCs in the secret realm. After all, the only criterion for judging whether the intruder is a person on the white list is whether the intruder is on the white list. Players will definitely not treat an important NPC without coming into contact with them. Enter into the whitelist.

In addition to these effects, although the effect of his C-level accessories is not as good as the effect brought by the only level of gun skin, it is still very good and can be regarded as top-notch.

Needless to say, the effect of making every bullet have a fire attribute. In most cases, it can provide the power of the bullet. In a small number of cases, it may be when facing some bosses that are immune to fire element attacks. Will have the opposite effect.

on the contrary.

When facing some bosses that can only be damaged by the fire element, the power will also be greatly increased.

Generally speaking, there are advantages and disadvantages, and the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

Needless to say, the increase in the rate of fire, the more the better, and the increase in damage to dog creatures. The important thing is the third point. After every 1000 bullets are fired, the 1001st bullet will turn into a roar. Celestial Dog.

Not only can it light up the sky, it can also turn into meteors and fire showers and shoot them at enemies.

This is a bit functional, with some lighting effects, and it conflicts with the colored bullet effect that comes with Hell Gatling. It doesn't have much effect. However, the second half of the sentence, which can turn into meteors and fire showers and shoot at the enemy, is interesting. It can be regarded as a group attack skill.

He has tested this skill in the secret realm. It is not very powerful, but has a high coverage. It can be used to clean up zombie groups and other mobs. The effect will be very good, but for some high-defense bosses, it will not work. The effect is not that good.

All in all, the appearance of Yuqi Hell Gatling has made up for a big shortcoming of his.

(End of this chapter)

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