I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 252 "Hungry Monkey, can you see what they look like?"

Chapter 252 "Hungry Monkey, can you see what they look like?"

"Ding, the random event 'Surge of Crowds' has officially arrived. Please prepare all citizens in Fengtian City to deal with it."

An extremely common reminder sounded in the ears of all the citizens of Fengtian City.

But almost everyone ignored this prompt.

Even some people who were playing games in Internet cafes were unwilling to be distracted and concentrated on playing their own games, not taking the prompt seriously at all.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

If you were born in this world, you would basically hear many prompts for the activation of random events every year thereafter, but each time it would have no effect on you and you would be solved by the incident bureau outside the city. When.

You won't care about this either.

But this time, something seems to be wrong.

The moment the prompt sounded, Chen Miao subconsciously looked to the horizon in the distance and saw countless people appearing on the hillside at an unknown time at the end of Sankui Wasteland, walking towards them at a gentle pace.

He couldn't see the faces of these people clearly, couldn't even tell the gender and age, let alone what clothes these people were wearing.

He could only vaguely see someone standing there, walking slowly towards them.

Yes, it's slow.

It's only a quarter of the normal walking speed, and it looks no different than squirming.

He didn't know how many people there were, but he only knew that there was a seemingly long line of heads, about several thousand meters long, covering almost the entire Sankui Wasteland.

"What the hell."

When the director of the Law Enforcement Bureau, who was kneeling on the ground, saw this scene, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes. He subconsciously stood up from the ground, took out his walkie-talkie and gave some hasty instructions: "All combat units be prepared and prepare to attack."

Although these things that appear suddenly look like humans.

Everyone knows that these people are obviously not normal people.

"All members of the Incident Bureau obey orders!"

Zhou took a deep breath, glanced at everyone present with a serious face and said word by word: "The situation is urgent and I have been ordered to do so. The incident bureau is temporarily under my control. If anyone is dissatisfied, I will talk about it later. If you refute me now, I will kill you without mercy!"

"All combat units are ready for battle. Listen to my orders and prepare to attack!"


Chen Miao didn't care about what was going on around him. He stood there with a cane in one hand and frowned for a long time, then motioned for Hungry Monkey and Yuan Buping to get in the car: "Let's go over and take a look."

These people who suddenly appeared were about a kilometer away from them.

Can't see anything clearly.

The prompt did not say what these things were, and there was no information at all. Unlike previous random events that would clearly tell them to kill the boss, this random event did not tell them any information.

Just tell them there's a random event called the Crowd, and then this stuff pops up.

There is no other information.

And with Gatlin slowly taking off.


The hungry monkey couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Only when flying in mid-air could he realize how many people there were. Not only were the people below covering almost the entire Sankui Wasteland, but he couldn't even see the end.

A rough estimate is that there are millions of people!
This is a big problem.

If things go wrong, this could be a catastrophic fixed event like Dead Rising.

But unlike zombies, these people move extremely slowly, not even as fast as a baby crawling on all fours. As long as they don't fall into the middle of the crowd, even an old lady can get away at this speed, so there is no threat. I just don’t know if these people are aggressive in any way.

The specific answer still needs to be observed closely.

After a few seconds.

Chen Miao had already controlled Gatlin Luo to a place not far from the first row of "people". After slowly landing on the ground, he tentatively moved closer to observe these "people". They looked like they were really human. .

The same face and the same clothes as humans.

There are men and there are women.

There are old people and little ones. (It’s not rude, but the word “h” is a forbidden word and cannot be used. To be precise, it can be used, but it cannot be used.)
However, these people's eyes were uniformly dull, their pupils were not focused at all, and they just moved forward slowly in a daze.

Slowly lift your left foot and lower it.

Slowly lift your right foot and lower it.

Nearly a million people marched in a certain direction in unison, and everyone lifted and landed their feet in unison. Every time these people stepped on the ground, the ground shook, although these people's footing was very light.

But it can’t hold nearly a million people from settling down at the same time.

The resonance effect brought about will make the sound louder.

This is equivalent to thousands of students in the school singing a song. Although everyone sings with a very low voice, even coming from the throat, the chorus sound is extremely deafening.

“It’s a little weird”

Hungry Monkey took a few steps back with a chill in his back, and said cautiously: "Brother Miao, I think we should retreat first. After all, the Eternal Cemetery is no longer our home, and this trip through the muddy water is obviously not safe." It’s easy to handle. In fact, I don’t think we have to take care of this matter, right?”

"I have a vague feeling that this muddy water will be difficult to deal with."

"It's more than a little weird." Yuan Buping, who was standing aside, felt goosebumps all over his body: "This looks scarier than a fixed event. Fixed events will at least tell you the rules. This kind of information is all If I don’t tell you, who would dare to come forward?”


Chen Miao stood there without speaking, just observing these people one by one. He did not come forward to make physical contact with them. He was a little worried that these people were like zombies and would be assimilated once they came into physical contact.

After frowning for a long time, he hesitated and said, "Hungry monkey, can you see what they look like?"


The hungry monkey glanced at Brother Miao with some doubts, and then looked at the man closest to him: "Brother Miao, can't you see? This man looks a bit tough, with a scar on his face and white hair. He looks like Quite tasty”

"Close your eyes and think again in your mind what this man looks like."


The hungry monkey nodded weakly, but still closed his eyes obediently and said subconsciously: "This man."

But the sound suddenly stopped.

After a few seconds.

Hungry Monkey opened his eyes again in confusion: "I forgot what that man looked like. I can't even construct his appearance in my mind."

"is it?"

Chen Miao paused for a moment with a complex expression, then continued softly: "Then what are you looking at, the man in front of you who was a bit tough and had a scar on his face just now?"

Hungry Monkey heard the sound and ran away, but the next second, he froze in place, and the panic on his face could not be suppressed.

(End of this chapter)

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