I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 253 "Do you still have this hobby?"

Chapter 253 "Do you still have this hobby?"

I saw the man in front of me who had a scar on his face just now. At this time, his face was slowly changing. After only a few seconds, the original face had disappeared and was replaced by a new face.

And this new face is exactly the face of a hungry monkey.


Caught off guard, he saw a face exactly like his own, wearing different clothes, walking among the crowd. This ridiculous feeling suddenly made the hungry monkey's stomach churn, making him feel extremely sick.

He even retched uncontrollably.

"Oh my god, can I invite him to be my best single man, if I have a wife?"

Hungry Monkey, who was suffering from extremely painful stomach cramps, did not forget to complain. The scene before him really refreshed his understanding.


Yuan Buping glanced at Hungry Monkey with a strange expression: "Do you still have this hobby?"

"Brother Miao, what's going on?"

"That person turned into a hungry monkey. Isn't there any danger to the hungry monkey?"

"do not know."

Chen Miao shook her head, and slowly stepped back a few steps to give way to these people. She looked at a man in the group with a complex expression. The man's face was exactly the same as his.

He glanced at this man and remembered this man's face in his mind. After blinking, this man's face became his face.

Such a strange phenomenon made him think that he was hallucinating for the first time.

It wasn't until the hungry monkey did the same thing that he was convinced that this was not an illusion, but some kind of mechanism, or some kind of rule. Although he didn't know what the use of this mechanism was, it would definitely not be good for him.

"Want to kill?"

Jokes aside, Hungry Monkey could still recognize what was going on, and said with a pale face: "We can't just let someone who is exactly like us mingle with the crowd, right? It's weird just thinking about it."

"And I wonder, Brother Miao, have you noticed? These people seem to be moving faster and faster?"


Being reminded by the hungry monkey, Chen Miao narrowed his eyes slightly and observed carefully. After a while, he confirmed that what the hungry monkey said was not wrong. These people were really getting faster.

If we say it turns out to be only one-quarter of the normal human walking speed.

That's now a third of the way there.

These people are getting stronger.

It's just that the process of them becoming stronger looks more like...

A word popped out of Yuan Buping's mouth, and he said with a slightly serious expression: "I finally know what is strange. These "people" are learning. They are learning how humans walk normally, and their walking speed will become faster and faster. "


"They seem to be imitating our speech."

I saw that the mouths of the people closest to them were opening and closing slightly. Although no syllables were uttered, they could clearly see that their lips were moving, but their eyes were still dull, and their pupils were still dilated. Move forward straight ahead.


It's not over yet.

Soon they discovered that this matter seemed to be getting out of control. Currently, there were shadows of Hungry Monkey and Chen Miao in the crowd. Yuan Buping did not look at anyone carefully from beginning to end, so there was no one of him in the crowd at this time. shadow. The two people whose faces had turned into Hungry Monkey and Chen Miao were assimilating the people around them like viruses.

when they found out.

The person with the face of Chen Miao in the crowd, the faces of more than a dozen people around him have turned into the faces of Chen Miao, and the person with the face of the hungry monkey in the crowd also has seven or eight people around him who have turned into the faces of the hungry monkey. .

Like a virus.

So far they have only got one piece of news, that is, when you focus on someone, that person's face will turn into a fake face, and your face will spread quickly like bacteria.

Other than that, there is no other news.

at this time--

Several cars in the distance were driving toward them at extremely fast speeds and parked steadily beside them. These cars seemed to be expensive and special cars. Not only were they extremely safe, but their top speed even reached normal speeds. Two to three times that of a car.

Soon, a group of officials headed by the mayor jumped out of the car.

"Chen Miao."

The mayor, who claimed that Zhang Wanyi had interacted with Chen Miao for a while, walked up to Chen Miao with a serious face and said in a hoarse voice: "You must tell me all the information you know. This random incident may have some extraordinary."

"tell me!"

"Why did you suddenly return to Fengtian City? Coincidentally, this random incident happened just after you returned to Fengtian City, and you were the first to arrive at the scene."

"Do you know anything about this?"

"I don't have time to joke with you now. Standing behind me are Fengtian City's tens of millions of people. It's impossible for me to treat tens of millions of people as a joke. I need you to tell me whether this random incident was caused by you."

"Otherwise, why have random events in Fengtian City been solved so easily for so many years? Even in the history of the Federation, most random events have been solved easily. As soon as you returned to Fengtian, this random event became almost a fixed event in difficulty. Already?"

Originally, he didn't pay much attention to this random incident.

But when the people below told him that through real-time satellite observations, about one million people gathered in and around the Sankui Wasteland, he couldn't sit still. Not to mention one million people, even one million zombies were enough. Fengtian drank a pot.

What's more, this kind of upright ape is more terrifying than zombies.

He naturally knew that it was Chen Miao who voluntarily gave up his position as spokesman, so he never thought that Chen Miao returned to Fengtian to seize power. There was no family member of Chen Miao in Fengtian, not to mention that Chen Miao did nothing when he arrived in Fengtian. I had a few bites of noodles in the noodle shop.

Then something random happened.

This had to make him connect the two. He naturally knew Chen Miao's methods, and he also knew that such a special extraordinary person could always know some very secret information.


Chen Miao did not speak, but looked at the mayor in front of him expressionlessly. This commanding and questioning tone made him a little unhappy.

The last time they met, Zhang Wanyi was still the deputy mayor and apologized to him.

And be grateful that he saved the entire Commonwealth.

When we met again, Zhang Wanyi had already become the mayor. I have to say that the position of mayor is really nurturing. After just sitting on it for a long time, his whole face was already glowing, and he looked a little bit less aura as the mayor. Not weak either.

Although I felt a little unhappy inside.

But he also knew that this was not the time to dwell on this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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