Chapter 257 This is not scientific.

"For example, if it weren't for Brother Miao, that fixed event last time would have perished long ago."

Zhou Shen explained with some effort.

And on the other side.

The mayor looked at the group of millions of people heading straight towards Fengtian City in front of him with a somewhat ugly expression. He felt that he might have misunderstood Chen Miao, and all this must really have nothing to do with Chen Miao.

This random event may actually be random.

It has nothing to do with Chen Miao.

But even so, something is wrong now. He actually wanted to order these people to be eradicated quickly, but he did not dare to order it. Unlike the original mayor, who had stayed in Fengtian City for decades, he was completely One word.

Once an order was given, it was quickly implemented, and no one disobeyed him.

But he is different.

He has just taken office, and many people are dissatisfied with him, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he was supported by the Zhang family, which means that after many things, he needs to obey the Zhang family's orders.

When his ideas conflict with those of the Zhang family, he will always listen to the Zhang family.

And Mr. Zhang is beside him now. Mr. Zhang won't let him do anything. He has no temper at all. He is just standing here like a welcoming pine. There is no difference. He is like a mascot.

He even felt that he was not as happy as when he was the deputy mayor. At least at that time he was free and he did not need to be lectured in a commanding tone by a child. Although his position has become higher now, he feels that his status But it’s all over the place.

This made him think about whether his decision at that time was correct.

He was not an illegitimate son of the Zhang family. His name happened to be Zhang Wanyi, and his surname was Zhang, which was the same as the Zhang family. At that time, the Zhang family sent someone to find him, saying that the Zhang family was willing to support him as the new mayor of Fengtian City.

But there are many people watching this position.

Many forces in Jingjiu City want someone they trust to take this position.

The Zhang family can support him, but there is one less reason, one less reason to participate in the competition. Unless there is news that Zhang Wan is the illegitimate son of the Zhang family, then the Zhang family can legitimately support him.

But the premise is that he must return to the Zhang family's ancestral temple and lose his own genealogy.

This is a difficult requirement for him to accept.

He has lived for half his life, but he never thought that one day he would cross out his name in the genealogy, go to other people's genealogy, light incense and kowtow to other people's ancestors. This is betrayal of the ancestors!

But he didn't agree immediately.

After hesitating for a day, he chose to agree. The position of mayor was really attractive to him. He also wanted to sit in this position and see what the scenery was like. The deputy mayor was just a short distance away from the position of mayor. a step far,

It's just a difference between positive and negative.

But he knew in his heart that for such a small difference, many people spent their entire lives never getting there.

In fact, he already knew his true intentions before he refused immediately. The reason why he spent a day hesitating was mainly to make himself feel at ease. At least he could not agree to betraying his ancestors. It's too easy.

"I understand, I understand. I'm watching over here. Just come here quickly."

Zhang Wanlin, who was hiding in a corner, looked at his watch and said with a smile on his face: "There are so many experimental materials this time that we can speed up our progress many times. It is not too early to get such a good opportunity. You should try your best to do it as fast as possible." point."

When I saw this group of people for the first time.

He only had one thought in his heart, a lot of legal experimental materials.
Their company's medical research requires a large number of human subjects for experiments. The white rabbit cannot fully test the effects on humans, but recently, it has become increasingly difficult to recruit volunteers.

They can obtain more experimental materials through some special means, such as kidnapping, purchasing on the black market of human traffickers, increasing the settlement fees of volunteers, and other means.

But these methods will not only cost a lot, but the number of volunteers is still very small. It is impossible for them to kidnap people on a large scale or buy them on the black market from human traffickers on a large scale.

The risk is too great.

Even though the Zhang family has a big business, it should still do less of this kind of thing, otherwise it will still be very troublesome once it is exposed, although ordinary people do not take it seriously.

But their consumer group is mainly ordinary people.

Once ordinary people begin to boycott them uniformly, their Zhang family's profits will be greatly reduced.

When he saw these nearly one million living people, he had a small thought in his heart. With so many experimental materials, how much money would be saved? What he was waiting for was not the Beijing-Kowloon City Incident Bureau at all.

The incident bureau of Jingjiu City is not idle. Whenever the random events in a city are different, they have to ask for a visit. In that case, what is the point of asking for a local incident bureau?

What effect does the local incident bureau play?
Only when a fixed incident occurs like Zhenba City last time, when the city is almost destroyed and even threatens the entire federation, the Jingjiu City Incident Bureau will go. At other times, they will ignore it.

Just like the last time Broken Jar City was besieged by zombies, the entire federation was paying attention to the situation in Broken Jar City. Countless media were tracking the relevant news immediately, but even so, the Incident Bureau of Jingjiu City did not dispatch.

Not to mention, no one died this time, and the Beijing-Kowloon City Incident Bureau came running all over the place. How is that possible?

He just called all the employees of his pharmaceutical company over, and planned to ask the employees to capture as many "people" as possible to make experimental materials, which are exactly like humans, are not illegal, and are free. , it’s really hard to find.

Especially. The faces of these people are exactly the same as Chen Miao. "hehe."

Zhang Wanlin couldn't help but sneered. He couldn't imagine how happy he felt when he tortured these people who looked exactly like Chen Miao. The old man of the Zhang family gave Beifeng Pharmaceutical Group to him a long time ago.

Although I gave it to him.

But he is only the largest shareholder, not an absolute shareholder. He cannot use the power of Beifeng Pharmaceutical Group to deal with Chen Miao. Other shareholders will not agree. The goal of other shareholders is only to make money.

He is the person in charge of the company, but this does not mean that the company is his.

These are completely two concepts.

Not a thing.

But that was before. Chen Miao had just killed the director and deputy director of the incident bureau installed by his Zhang family in Fengtian City, and also killed his cousin who was a "magician" in the secret realm. This had completely broken up with the Zhang family. Enemies were made.

He only needs to report these matters, and the Zhang family will take action against Chen Miao.

Although he didn't deal with Chen Miao, he certainly couldn't beat Chen Miao, but there are countless capable people in the Zhang family, who are much stronger than Chen Miao. After all, no matter how strong Chen Miao is, he is just a transcendent of level 20.

And at this moment——

Mayor Zhang spoke worriedly again: "The person you are talking about has not arrived yet. These people are evolving too fast. Have you seen that person? The person who was first infected by Chen Miao now has someone around him. Gatlin is suspended in mid-air."

"These people are really slowly moving closer to Chen Miao."

"If this matter is not contained as soon as possible, it will be really difficult to deal with the aftermath."

"I'm talking about Mayor Zhang."

Zhang Wanlin said with a somewhat unkind expression: "I think you may have been frightened by Chen Miao and lost your judgment. There are no rules for this random event at present, and everything depends on guesswork."

"Then Chen Miao said that these people will eventually become like him and have the same strength as him, do you really believe it?"

"If you really believe it."

"Then the solution is simple. Just stare at a person inside for a few seconds and let yourself get infected. At least in this way, at least it won't be Chen Miao and you in the end."

"No matter what happens, you can find some ordinary people to come over and prevent the infection. Wouldn't it be possible to solve the problem?"

"not to mention"

Zhang Wanlin narrowed his eyes slightly and said softly: "I think that even if these people look like Chen Miao, it doesn't mean they have Chen Miao's power. Otherwise, don't you think that person has Chen Miao's Gatling? "

"The Gatling that can hang in the air."

"But why hasn't it been fired?"

"What does it mean?"

"It shows that they can only make the appearance look exactly the same, but they don't really possess Chen Miao's strength. I think this should be a curse."

"If we kill these people who look like Chen Miao, maybe Chen Miao will die or be seriously injured. In short, no matter what happens, even if the worst result really comes, there will still be Fengtian missiles Do you know the truth?"


Chen Miao was standing too far away. Even with the blessing of the gunner's passive skills, he could not see that the person who was first infected had Gatling.

The distance is just too far.

Relying on the gunner's passive skills, he could vaguely see some things, while Hungry Monkey and others could not see anything.

If he had seen this scene, he wouldn't be so calm now.

the reason is simple.

That Gatlin is not in his backpack, but in his idle space. What is idle space? It is his golden finger.

Gatling was copied.

This means that all 600,000 Chen Miao will have his golden finger, which is simply too scary. A large part of the reason why he can develop so fast is because of his golden finger.

And now that these people all have his golden fingers, it shouldn't be too scary.

The scene was unimaginable and terrifying to the ears.

"How come it's been so long and there's still no reaction?"

The hungry monkey stood on the edge of the cliff and looked at the figures in the distance with some doubts: "Could it be that we are overthinking it? They don't seem to be far away from Fengtian City."

(End of this chapter)

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