Chapter 258 "g."

"No. No, something seems really wrong!"

The hungry monkey's originally confused voice gradually turned to panic. He saw nearly a million people in the wasteland suddenly starting to run wildly. At first, the people at the front were running wildly, and slowly, slowly, the people behind were running wildly. People also started running wildly.

Everyone's speed began to increase sharply.


Hungry Monkey took a deep breath and had only one thought in his heart, that is, if nothing happens to Fengtian City, it will be unable to withstand it. If something unexpected happens, it will not only be Fengtian City that cannot withstand it.

"No, we can't wait any longer, we must solve it as soon as possible!"

Mayor Zhang stood aside with a pale and gloomy face, looking at the crowds of people passing by him and running towards Fengtian City. He felt that he had made the wrong choice, and maybe he should be tougher.

When these people started running.

His inner uneasiness was magnified to the extreme.

These guys are really improving fast.

From the beginning, the forward speed was not as fast as a baby crawling, but now it is equivalent to the speed of an adult man running at full strength. It has only been more than ten minutes. He dare not imagine what would happen if these people were allowed to continue to evolve. what happened.

He has stayed in Fengtian City for many years. Fengtian City has deep feelings for him. He cannot let Fengtian City be destroyed in his hands like this. This is a great insult to him!

"Do it!"

At this time, many of Fengtian City's top combat forces have gathered around, including all the forces in Fengtian City. All the forces in Fengtian City have gathered here. The mayor looked serious and cold and said hoarsely: "This station determines the life and death of Fengtian City." !”

"If you don't want Fengtian City to disappear into history, please use all your strength!"


The moment the order is given!

Almost everyone standing around, the top combat forces in Fengtian City and people from various forces all used their own methods to bombard the vast crowd. No one let these forces from Fengtian City come over. These people were completely voluntary. Came here.

As local gangsters in Fengtian City, most of their heritage and wealth are in Fengtian City. If Fengtian City is destroyed, all their years of accumulation can be said to be gone in an instant.

After so many years of pampering, they can no longer adapt to ordinary people's lives.

Don’t talk about tall tales like starting from scratch.

Starting from scratch mainly depends on luck. Who can guarantee that when you start from scratch for the second time, you will still have good luck?

No one dares to make such a guarantee.

Many local gangsters in the Federation started their business in the chaotic years after the world became extraordinary. The more chaotic the era, the more opportunities there are to rise up. Until now, the various rules and systems of the Federation have been Once you have perfected it, it would be almost impossible to start over again!
Join the battlefield with this powerful force!
Almost instantly.

That huge crowd was like ice and snow meeting lava, melting instantly. In just the blink of an eye, hundreds of people died tragically in this huge crowd.

But the weird thing is.

Not only did these people make no resistance before they died, they didn't even look at them and completely ignored them. The remaining large troops, let alone taking action against them, also didn't look at them and continued to rush forward. The speed is getting faster and faster!
"Stop, stop!!!"

"damn it!!"

"Zhang Wanlin, do you still want to do it?!!"

Zhang Wanlin looked at those who were killed with an anxious and heartbroken look. These were all good fucking experimental materials, and they were wasted like this. Then he couldn't help shouting at his watch: "You fucking Speed ​​up!!”

"If you come later, you won't even be able to drink the soup!" Just then——

"call out!"

An extraordinary person who was an archer standing next to the mayor fired the energy bow arrow that had been charged for three seconds on the bow string. The energy bow arrow with tail flames shot through dozens of people in a row. people.

Finally, it shot directly at a 'person' who had transformed into Chen Miao.

There is no stagnation.

The energy bow and arrow directly blasted this 'person' who looked like Chen Miao into pieces, and shot dozens more people without losing any strength.


After seeing this scene, Mayor Zhang breathed a sigh of relief, and finally let go of his worries. The thing he was most worried about has not happened. Even if these people look like Chen Miao, they are just They just look similar in appearance.

It does not mean that he has all the strength of Chen Miao.

That would be much easier to handle.

Next is a matter of time. Although it will take some time to kill these nearly one million people, it is only a matter of time.

"Look, what did I say, what did I say?!!"

Zhang Wanlin, who also saw this scene, became even more confident and shouted angrily: "I've already told you, just because these people become Chen Miao doesn't mean they also have Chen Miao's strength. I don't even know what you are afraid of?!"

"A Chen Miao, a transcendent who is less than level 20, will scare you to death!"

"Then how strong can Chen Miao be?"

"Why are you so cowardly sitting in this position? Huh? A bunch of pig brains?"

Although Zhang Wanlin cursed very dirty.

But Mayor Zhang is not angry at all. Not to mention that he dare not scold him back. After all, he relied on the support of the Zhang family to reach this position. Secondly, he is in a good mood now. At least there is no such devastating crisis. He just got scolded, since the other party didn't mention him by name anyway, so he just pretended not to hear.


Chi Qiu, who was standing aside, looked a little unhappy, and there was a hint of hostility in his voice: "It's normal that you don't know Brother Miao when you first come here. When you really get to know Brother Miao, you will know that ordinary levels are not at all for Brother Miao." significance."

"The mayor did nothing wrong at all."

"If these people really become Brother Miao and have all the strength of Brother Miao, don't you know what a disaster it will be?"


The voice just fell.

Zhang Wanlin slapped him with a cold face: "Where did you come from, you beast? Are you qualified to talk to me? Ask your master to come and talk to me!"

"Master Zhang, Master Zhang!"

A middle-aged man next to him trotted over with a respectful smile on his face. He kept nodding and bending and whispered: "The playboy in the family needs training. He is talking like an animal. I will deal with him when I get back."

“Calm down your anger.”

"When this matter is over later, I will definitely come to apologize in person."

(End of this chapter)

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