I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 264 “Do you fucking understand?!!!”

Chapter 264 “Do you fucking understand?!!!”

"What the hell do you care about the warehouse? Is there something wrong with your brain???"


"Hurry up and contact the owner of the family and let him handle this matter. There are so many security guards in the group who usually take me so much money, and it's time for them to pay. No matter what means are used, the situation must be controlled within the scope of the entire Beifeng Pharmaceutical Group. Inside!!!"

"Do you fucking understand this!!!"

In a road tunnel of Beifeng Pharmaceutical Group, Zhang Wanlin was sitting in a car and escaping quickly while shouting angrily at his watch.

Things developed too quickly.

Before he even reacted, a clone of Chen Miao suddenly opened fire. He admitted that he had underestimated Chen Miao. His seriousness towards Chen Miao was limited to Chen Miao's successful awakening from the fourth level of the dream. Prevented a devastating fixed event.

It's not like he hasn't seen Chen Miao's battle scenes.

He also watched the battle scenes of Chen Miao in the major incident in Fengtian City and the boss battle. He felt that although he was indeed much stronger than the extraordinary people of the same level, it was just that, and it was not impossible to solve.

Zhang Wanlin, who was on the run, had eyes full of resentment, and it was all Chen Miao's fault. After this accident was over, he would personally capture Chen Miao until he died!

And he naturally escaped through the underground highway tunnel as soon as possible.

If it weren't for his luck and not being affected in the first place, he would have died long ago!

But there is no one behind him. Although he can't handle it anymore, he believes that the Zhang family can still handle it.

This kind of thing is no longer something he can handle.

It was more than he could handle.

He didn't lose much, but these nearly a hundred Gatlings actually fell into his hands.

It was also profitable.

"Damn Chen Miao!!!"

Not one hand, not two hands, not three hands!

Although there are only a hundred Gatlings, which is a little short of his gunner army, they are still very strong. Forming an elite team is also a good choice.

When the clone of Chen Miao opened fire without any warning, he was dumbfounded. The sudden violent attack caused a devastating blow to the entire basement almost instantly.

And at this time——

Panting heavily, Zhang Wanlin glanced at the nearly a hundred Hell Gatlings in his backpack. He had captured them all from Chen Miao's clones, and only a few of them were captured. These Chen Miao clones suddenly went crazy.

When it was all over, not only did he not lose money, but he also made a lot of money.

Only now did he know how many hands Chen Miao had left in the past.

Enough. Anyway, it was the property of the Zhang family that was lost. Yes, he was the main person in charge of this giant company. The market value of this company was indeed in the trillions, but those were company assets, not his personal property. property.

But even so.

But tens of thousands of fucking hands! !
What else do you call Chen Miao? Why don’t you just change your name to Chen Wanshou and be done with it? ?

Immediately afterwards, the second clone of Chen Miao, the third clone of Chen Miao, and the clones of Chen Miao one after another seemed to wake up one by one, and began to carry out devastating attacks on the surroundings without distinction and with full firepower. !

On the high floor of the headquarters of "Beifeng Pharmaceutical Group", several shareholders and senior executives were having a meeting.

"Mr. Wang."

One of the technicians with a respectful face stood in front of the ppt on the big screen and introduced: "This is the latest product of the R&D department. This drug will be an epoch-making drug. It can solve the problem of 'petrification disease' in the past." There has never been a cure for a terminal disease." "Only one in 100,000 people in the world will get this disease. Once they get this disease, the whole body will slowly become petrified, but they will not lose consciousness and will wake up. Feel the loss of life bit by bit."

“And this medicine, whether it’s in the late stage or early stage, can cure the disease with just one injection!”

"With the R&D costs over the years plus the cost of the drug itself, the cost of one shot is around 60 points."

"Mr. Wang, please indicate the price of this medicine."


The middle-aged man sitting in the main seat, Mr. Wang, looked expressionless and showed no reaction as he listened to the R&D staff introduce the entire potion before casually turning the tip of the gel pen.

"You nerds really only know how to read."

"Please tell me, what use does this potion you developed for the company?"


The R&D staff was stunned for a moment, thinking that the boss did not hear what he said, so he hurriedly explained: "Mr. Wang, you don't understand. This medicine can solve the previous terminal illness "petrification disease", and it only takes one injection."


Mr. Wang knocked on the table with a gel pen with a cold expression: "I know your medicine is very useful to users. What I want to ask is how useful it is to the company? You think someone will spend 60 to buy this?" medicine?"

"Definitely. After all, there are nearly 10 billion people in the Federation, and there are not a few people suffering from petrochemical disease. These people..."

"I can tell."

Mr. Wang interrupted the R&D staff again: "You don't understand human nature very well. Let me ask you, if there is a petrochemical patient in your family, this person is your father, and you have a good relationship with him."

"After he got this disease, he turned into a stone and lay on the hospital bed. Apart from having his own consciousness, he was no different from a vegetative state."

"You're getting married soon too."

"The mother-in-law wants a gift of 18 yuan. You like your wife very much, and you are also preparing a house for the wedding. At this time, you saw the news. You only need 8 yuan to buy such a medicine to save your father. .”

"Will you choose to save your father?"


The R&D personnel nodded very firmly at first, but after slowly opening and closing their mouths, they remained silent and hesitated to speak.


Mr. Wang leaned on his chair and looked at the fireworks rising outside the window, and said casually: "Everyone said this before something really happened, but in fact you underestimated and overestimated the pressure of 60 yuan on a family. It shows the obsession of a person who is willing to go bankrupt to see his loved ones revive again.”

"A man who has been unconscious for two years."

"Spending 60 yuan to wake it up? Not many people would be willing to do that."

"do you know?"

"Let me tell you a statistic: 80% of the oxygen tubes in the ICU are not removed by nurses, but by family members themselves."

"In the entire federation, ICU is the only place where you can legally kill your loved ones. Although those people will use various excuses to tell themselves that they have no choice but to do so, this cannot hide the fact that they killed their loved ones with their own hands."

"Human nature cannot stand the test, not to mention that 60 is still a cost price."

(End of this chapter)

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