Chapter 265 "Run!!!"

"Now tell me again, what is the use of this potion that your R&D department has spent the past few years developing?"

“What’s in it for the company?”


The researcher standing in front of the screen was unable to refute it for a moment. He wanted to say that the development of this medicine was really epoch-making. It could solve previous terminal diseases. It was really powerful. This represented the progress of research and development.

After what the leader said, this potion seems to be of no use.

Although he didn't want to admit it, when he only had 60 in his pocket, he would definitely not spend 60 to save his father who had been petrified for two years.

What's the point of rescuing his father? Without the money, his life is completely ruined. What should he do?

"Do not be discouraged."

Mr. Wang, who was leaning on his chair, suddenly laughed: "The potion you developed is still very good. It's just that it is not a very profitable potion, but it does not mean that it is not an epoch-making potion."

"It's equivalent to k12 education serving children, but the paying people are parents, so the main purpose of k12 education is to improve children's scores? No, the main purpose is to satisfy parents who have paid a lot for their children, which is ridiculous And foolish vanity.”

"Any relationship will die with the passage of time, whether it is family affection or love, it is the same."

"When you are a salesperson of K12 education, you only need to understand this, and you will be able to place orders well."

"The one-shot effect is changed to long-term use. One shot only costs 1000 yuan. As long as he takes one shot, his father, who is suffering from "petrification disease", will return to normal. "

"Just try it differently."

Mr. Wang said meaningfully: "This means that the people who are willing to pay for this medicine are often not the patients, but the patients' family members. This is a very important point."

"Even if this disease is detected in the early stages, it cannot be cured. It can only delay the onset of the late stages. It is a completely terminal disease."

"Do you know what this means?"

"The kind of medicine that must be taken for a long time, and you will feel better once you take it, but you will die if you don't take it. This kind of medicine is the company's favorite medicine."

"And the same is true for our potion."

"There is no doubt about it."

"Believe me."

"If your father has been suffering from petrification for two years and your mother has been suffering from petrification for one month, and you were asked to save one of them, who would you save? Is your mother right?"

Mr. Wang leaned on the chair, casually hanging his arms on the table and said with a smile: "Although human nature is fragile, it is still extremely touching when the cost is not high. Most people are willing to spend 1000 yuan to have their patients treated." The father who suffered from petrification became a normal person again."

"First we need to be clear."

"So the price must be lowered. The price of 60 yuan will exclude % of people. Moreover, it is a very stupid method to be effective in one shot. None of our company's medicines are effective in one shot."

"Do you know which potion the company likes best?"

"A person suffering from "petrification syndrome" will go from slow thinking at the beginning to complete stiffness of the body, that is, it only takes a week from the early stage to the late stage. This speed is extremely terrifying. Almost 99% of people, in By the time you find out you are sick, it is often already at an advanced stage. "

"But taking one can only return you to normal within 24 hours. If you don't recover again after 24 hours, you will return to the state of suffering from petrochemical disease."

"But it's still not the best way to make money."

"We can reset the price. The price of buying the first pill is only 10 credit points. The subsequent price will slowly increase until it rises to 1000 credit points per pill after half a year." "This half year is enough for relatives to pay attention to it." The relationship between them can be restored to its previous state, and regaining the lost will make them feel better."

"At this time, even if their financial ability is no longer good, it is difficult for them to give up a relative with whom they have a good relationship, and they still watch his relative. This is completely different from a relative who has been lying in the hospital bed for two years. a different feeling."

"I want to make those patients become parasites, let the families of those patients work for us for the rest of their lives, and I want to suck their blood for the rest of their lives. This is a good drug."

"3 a month, 30 a year, we can get back the money in two years."

"It will be all profits after two years."

"Believe me, the profit of this method is definitely higher than the profit point of one shot. And for some high-value customers, this method can also collect more benefits. Do you understand?"

"Go down and develop it again."

"I don't want to see anything that works with one shot, I just want to see drugs that need to be taken for a long time."

“A drug that works in one shot may be good for patients, but it doesn’t make any sense to the company.”


Mr. Wang picked up a cup of coffee with a satisfied expression, looked at the R&D personnel in front of him whose faces were full of shock and horror, and chuckled: "Are you shocked?"

The R&D person in front of him just raised his hand and pointed out the window with a look of horror on his face.


Mr. Wang took a sip of coffee, turned around and looked out the window casually: "Are there any activities in the company tonight? There are indeed a lot of fireworks, and they look pretty good."

But the next second—

He was also in situ with a horrified look on his face! ! !
A stone pillar appeared outside the window at some point. Standing on the pillar was a man holding a submachine gun in his hand, shooting wildly at the glass in his office. Although it did not penetrate his glass, it still shook the office!

He always thought that the shaking in the office was caused by fireworks outside, and never thought that someone was attacking!
Damn it, his office is on the top floor of the company, a few hundred meters high. How could there suddenly be multiple stone pillars outside at such a height? The entire company building is an extraordinary prop with extremely strong defense power.

It was for this reason that his glass did not shatter immediately.

But it seems like it won’t last long.


Mr. Wang, who reacted quickly, jumped up from his chair without any hesitation and fled out of the office in horror.

But at this moment.


There was a somewhat crisp sound, and the glass shattered. Along with the shattering of the office glass, the entire building's defense seemed to have been defeated in half in an instant. Countless firelights and bullets poured into every room in the building.

Countless screams of pain seemed so inconspicuous amidst the gunfire that filled the sky.

And at this time——

As events go by, nearly a thousand clones of Chen Miao have emerged from the basement of the pharmaceutical group, and are attacking everything in sight with cold expressions!

(End of this chapter)

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