Chapter 266 This life is really impermanent!
"Good guy"

The hungry monkey stood on the edge of the cliff at the top of the mountain, overlooking the Zhang family's territory. His face was complicated and he didn't know what to say for a moment. He estimated that there had never been so many fireworks in the Zhang family's territory.

Under the influence of countless fireworks and countless flares.

The Zhang family territory is a bright spot tonight.

Brighter than ever.


As a large amount of dust rose, the tallest building of "Beifeng Pharmaceutical Group" also collapsed to the ground. The nearly a thousand clones of Chen Miao also began to scatter in all directions, and the living forces and buildings were visible to everyone around them. A devastating blow in unison.

And the surrounding area is all the territory of the Zhang family.

The Zhang family seemed to have reacted. At least they saw many seemingly high-level transcendent people taking to the air and began to round up these Chen Miao flying in the air. However, so far, they have not seen a single clone of Chen Miao. body death.

How to die?

Chen Miao, who was standing on the spot with a cane, looked calm and said softly without a trace of emotion: "The Zhang family is one of the top families in Jingjiu City. There are many top experts in the federation in the family. Such top experts must have their own unique methods. ."

A roar resounded throughout the sky. Even if they were standing on the top of a mountain so far away, they could still hear the roar clearly!
I saw a person suddenly flying in the Zhang family's territory. This person's body was covered with golden light, like the reincarnation of a living Buddha. He was roaring and blasting towards the clones of Chen Miao standing on the stone pillars in the air!
next second.

Accompanied by the slap of Buddha's phantom.

The hungry monkey who saw this scene with his own eyes was a little confused. Didn't he promise that standing on the stone pillar would make him invincible? Why can so many people be killed by a slap? The stone pillars were shattered by a slap, and the clone of Chen Miao on the stone pillar must be dead.

at this time--

"It's normal."

Standing on the stone pillar, I am fucking invincible!
How to die?
One hour of invincibility, do you have what it takes to mess with me? ? ?
That's called arrogance. I guess even if the real Chen Miao passed by, he wouldn't be that arrogant. This arrogance makes the hungry monkeys a little confused. It's too arrogant. Is this a mad dog style of play!
"Heaven! God! Come! Come!"

"Now it seems that it is still difficult for these clones to destroy the entire Zhang family. Now we will see how much damage they can cause to the Zhang family."

He even saw the blood mist explode.


Almost at the same time, nearly a thousand clones of Chen Miao on the scene put down all their attack targets and pointed their guns at the man who had just activated the Buddha's phantom.

"It shouldn't be impossible to forcibly destroy an invincible clone."

I saw a golden and huge Buddha silhouette suddenly appeared in mid-air, thousands of meters high. This Buddha silhouette simply raised his right hand and pressed down.

Zhou Shen, who was standing aside, said with a complex expression: "Brother Miao, you may have overestimated the Zhang family and underestimated yourself. I'm sure the Zhang family will not be able to withstand this."

It also restored the momentum of the Zhang family a lot.

All those stone pillars shattered.

And at this moment.
The dozens of Chen Miao clones that were slapped into the depths of the ground glowed with a burst of white light. Then, under everyone's gaze, these pieces of meat began to assemble quickly until the original The earth is resurrected!


He pushed all the dozen Chen Miao who were standing on the stone pillars deep into the ground.

They even heard the excited roars of those who rushed over from the Zhang family. It was obvious that this slap greatly boosted their morale.


Because all Chen Miao's clones stopped attacking at the same time, the entire venue even became eerily quiet for a moment.

However, the next second!
More intense firepower came with a roaring sound!
Countless bullets and missiles almost filled the entire space, shrouding the man who summoned the Buddha's shadow for more than ten seconds. This time, they did not see any shadow rising.

Ten seconds later, these clones spread out again to attack their targets.

The man just now is gone.

To be precise, there were quite a few people standing in the air just now, but now none of them could be seen. It was clean, as if it had just been cleaned up.



This scene made countless people dumbfounded.


Chen Miao touched her nose in embarrassment: "Am I so strong? I just forgot that I have a city-state effect that can be resurrected."

Who would have thought of this? He has never had the chance to use this effect.

But it allows the clone to enjoy it in advance. This life is really impermanent!

At this time, it is already dark!

It's zero o'clock!
Not too early, not too late, just right!

Tonight is the last night of the year and the first day of the New Year, commonly known as New Year’s Eve. Countless young people will gather together tonight to celebrate the New Year together.

"10, 9, 8, 7"

"6, 5, 4, 3, 2"


"0!!!" In Jingjiu City, countless young and beautiful men and women are walking on the streets tonight, gathering in various squares in Jingjiu City, preparing to enjoy the New Year's Eve fireworks, when the time comes to 00:00.

Fireworks suddenly shot into the sky.

Extremely beautiful.

However, although it looks good, it is just a little bit sparse and not satisfying enough.

Just when people were still planning to disperse.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The deafening sound resounded in the ears of countless people, and millions of fireworks exploded in the sky as if they were free of charge. It was like a huge flare was dropped over the entire Jingjiu City!
Countless fireworks make the whole city become extremely dreamy!

“Oh oh oh oh oh so awesome!!!”

“Kyoko City is awesome!!”

Countless young people waved and shouted excitedly when they saw this scene, frantically venting their usually suppressed emotions. They all thought that these fireworks were specially prepared by Jingjiu City. Although these fireworks must cost a lot of money, as we all know, Jingjiu City is the least All that's missing is money.

It’s not a big problem at all! ! !

But there is always a shortage of smart people in this world!

“It’s the Zhang family’s territory, it’s the Zhang family’s territory!!!”

A reporter sitting in the news truck pointed to the horizon and shouted excitedly: "That's the Zhang family's territory over there. These fireworks may have been set off by the Zhang family's territory. Quickly, turn the car around, let's go to the Zhang family's territory quickly!"

"The fireworks in the sky will definitely be the headline news in Beijing and Kowloon tomorrow!"

"We need to seize the opportunity!!!"

As countless news vehicles turned around, a large number of people's news vehicles immediately turned around and headed towards the Zhang family's territory on the outskirts of Jingjiu City!
Originally, people thought that the fireworks would stop soon!

But after more than ten minutes, not only did the fireworks not stop, but there were even more fireworks!
A large number of young people who were already excited rushed towards the Zhang family's territory outside the city, using various means of transportation.

new Year's Eve.

For young people, this is a very important day, which means saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new.

Being able to enjoy such stunning fireworks on New Year’s Eve is something that can be talked about all year long.

"have to say."

Hungry Monkey smacked his tongue with some emotion: "Brother Miao, the quality of your fireworks is really good. The environmental protection level is very high. There are so many fireworks launched into the sky, but there is no smoke at all. They are still smokeless fireworks."

"Normally speaking, when millions of fireworks are launched into the sky, you can basically only see the smoke filling the sky. Occasionally, you can see some light spots exploding in the smoke."

"How could it explode like this?"

As time passes.

More clones came out from below, and now there are more than 10,000 clones.

The Zhang family did send out a lot of awesome-looking extraordinary beings, but in front of the three buffs of invincibility, rebirth, and as many as locusts, it was meaningless. At this time, the entire Zhang family territory had turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The entire Zhang family was completely destroyed.

At least the Zhang family's strategy has begun to change. They can clearly see that the Zhang family has begun to disperse and flee. After all, the Zhang family's old house and ancestral temple have been bombed to rubble.

The clones have not yet been completely assimilated, and there are still 60,000 clones waiting in the basement for the assimilation to be completed.

"It's truly spectacular."

"It's a once-in-a-century event."

In Fengtian City, Mayor Zhang is in his office, admiring in a trance the sky full of fireworks from the Zhang family in the real-time satellite image. It is such a shocking scene. Even in the movie, it is impossible to use special effects to render such a shocking scene.

And this scene appeared in reality.

In fact, from the moment the hungry monkey clones started attacking people, he had guessed something. The final destination of these assimilated clones must be crazy attacks. Although Chen Miao didn't let him see it when he was doing the experiment, he didn't. No specific conclusion was told to him.

But he still guessed it.

He clearly remembered that Zhang Wanlin pulled a car of Chen Miao's clones back.

But he didn't tell Zhang Wanlin.

First, for safety reasons. If Zhang Wanlin learns about it and pulls him back to Fengtian City for safety reasons, will Fengtian City be able to stop him?
The second is for safety reasons.

But one is for the safety of Fengtian City, and the other is for his own safety.

He no longer wants to be a puppet, being dictated by a junior. As the mayor, not many people even listen to his own words. He hates the way those people always subconsciously glance at Zhang Wanlin when he gives orders!
If the final destination of those Chen Miao clones is really the same as the hungry monkey clones.
The Zhang family has something to play with this time.

Even if they are not finished, they will not come to him for a long time. After all, there are so many things to clean up, so there is no time to look for him, so he has been watching the real-time images on the satellite.

The sky full of fireworks is really shocking.

Mayor Zhang couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly. He brought a cup of tea to his mouth and sipped it slowly. The cup of tea made by the secretary today was really good. It was much more fragrant than before.

so good.

(End of this chapter)

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