Chapter 268 Immune to 99% damage.

Don't talk about basements, underground roads and the like.

The entire ground of the Zhang family was covered with super-saturated firepower, and all the basements and underground roads collapsed. Everyone believed that when the Zhang family built these underground buildings, they must have considered bombing prevention.

But the Zhang family must not have considered at that time that one day, tens of thousands of artillery shells, missiles, and bullets would fall on their heads at the same time.

"court death!!!"

at this time--

The Beijing-Kowloon City Incident Bureau arrived belatedly. A woman who looked like a squad leader, led seven or eight extraordinary people, rode on a huge wolf dog, and drove quickly from the horizon! ! !
"She is the female war goddess ranked 283 among the thousand top powerhouses in Jingjiu City, the Wolf God!!!"

"It can be saved, it can be saved!!!"

"This is one of the few female war goddesses among the top powerhouses in Jingjiu City!"

"I heard that during the last random incident in Jingjiu City, the boss attacked the city. This female war goddess killed the boss of more than 40 levels with just one casual blow!"

Although it only lasts for a short five minutes, it is enough.

not much.

Worthy of being called the Wolf God!
And when the wolf god transformed, it attracted everyone's attention, which naturally included nearly 7 clones of Chen Miao. As of now, all the clones captured by Zhang Wanlin have been assimilated. It's over.

It is somewhat similar to the profession of "Howling Sky Dog".

It has to be said that although these people who all look exactly the same have no idea where they come from.

When this woman and her teammates rode over on a huge wolf dog at a high speed, the other extraordinary people around her who were struggling to support each other breathed a sigh of relief. The addition of such a top powerhouse to the battlefield can often change the direction of the entire battlefield.

The next second—

"This female war goddess is also ranked very high in the federal ranking list, at 830th!"

There are just 7 Chen Miao, extraordinary beings in the tenth level, and extraordinary beings who have no concept of saving and waste wantonly.

The next second—

However, the Roaring Dog profession is forced to maintain a dog-like shape at all times. This woman can freely choose to transform, and the transformed wolfdog is a hundred meters long and looks extremely oppressive.

Everyone around the Zhang family's territory felt suddenly relieved. The hail of bullets that had been suppressing them suddenly disappeared. Then they saw nearly 70,000 Chen Miao, all turning their Gatling guns and aiming uniformly. This huge wolfdog jumped from the air to the Zhang family’s territory

However, this 100-meter-long wolfdog not only showed no fear on her face, but raised her head and roared provocatively, and was ready to tear up all the clones after landing. After entering the transformed state, her defense power will reach a level of Extremely exaggerated.

The woman roared angrily, jumped down from the wolfdog in an instant, and then turned into a wolfdog a hundred meters in the air, jumping toward the Zhang family's territory in a devastating posture!
A rare transformation-type extraordinary profession.

Not only was the firepower extremely fierce, but they themselves were also invincible. What a fucking joke. They managed to rush in despite the hail of bullets, only to find that the people standing on the stone pillars were all invincible and immune to all sources of damage. This was also Playing with chicken feathers!

All gunmen.


Only 7.

Not only is the defense greatly enhanced, but it is also immune to 99% of damage.

But it's really scary.

It can be imagined that no matter how big the boss is, it is probably just a small toy in front of a boss that is hundreds of meters long.

In these five minutes, she is the god of this world.

She has never experienced failure in the transformed state.


The gunfire in the entire Zhang family territory fell silent for a moment. The sudden silence made people feel like they were hearing hallucinations. Then, extremely dense and rapid gunfire suddenly sounded again. Countless bullets with lighting effects were fired at this huge wolf dog from all corners of the Zhang family's territory!
Viewed from a distance.

Then you can see tens of thousands of pillars rising unevenly in the Zhang family's territory. There is a person standing on each pillar. Chains of light envelope the Tengu at a speed that is difficult to catch with the naked eye!

Gatling's accessory effects.

Causes fixed 10x damage to dog creatures.

Taboo effect.

Causes fixed 10x damage to female creatures.

Gatling skin effect.

Greatly enhances Gatling's base damage.

With the blessing of various effects, the bitch in front of her has almost collected all the debuffs, and these doubled fixed damage can be superimposed, and is doubled on the basis of the former.

The damage was extremely exaggerated.

After a few seconds.


I saw the huge wolf dog in the sky suddenly exploded, and its huge body suddenly turned into minced meat. Countless blood spilled from the air, forming an extremely rare blood. Under the night wind and smoke, the taste was extremely tempting.

The bloody storm may be nothing more than that.

However, I have to say that after all, he is one of the top experts in the federation.

In the next second, he saw part of the minced meat and blood condensing in the air. In the blink of an eye, the image of the female superhuman was condensed again and resurrected on the spot.

Then without any hesitation, this extraordinary person once again transformed into a hundred-meter-long tengu, hoping to block the violent storm for a moment, but this time there was no sarcasm in her eyes, only fear.

Even though her defense was greatly enhanced and she was immune to 99% damage, she was actually killed instantly.

Is this a joke?
Are you still talking about heavenly scriptures?

It's too ridiculous.

However, these clones themselves have no consciousness or thinking, just like programmed robots. They are not surprised at all by the resurrection of the woman in front of them.

Even the movements of his hands did not stagnate at all.

Since you are alive, let's continue killing.

The trigger continued to be pulled.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

In just seven seconds, this tengu has been resurrected six times. After the seventh resurrection, this huge bitch no longer had the arrogance and sarcasm it had at the beginning, and there was only fear in its eyes.

She began to keep trying to resurrect and leave here.


Nearly 7 Gatling guns were locked directly on her, leaving her with no choice but to resist!
And these clones seemed to be single-line processes. When they concentrated fire to attack the Tengu, many people took the opportunity to start killing Chen Miao who was standing on the pillar. I don't know if they were confident but their brains couldn't handle it. These clones of Chen Miao He didn't even look at anyone else.

He was just concentrating on cleaning up this huge bitch in the air.

of course.

No one can break through the defense of Chen Miao's clone standing on the pillar, completely invincible.

(End of this chapter)

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