Chapter 269: It’s dawn.

After all, not everyone can be like that strong man from the Zhang family, who can forcibly kill the invincible clone of Chen Miao standing on the pillar to death. Dozens of top transcendents from the Zhang family are already dead at this time. The ones who escaped escaped.


When the giant bitch in the sky was resurrected for the ninth time, she raised her head and let out an extremely miserable scream. Her voice was full of unwillingness and despair. Perhaps at this moment, she desperately hoped that someone would come to save her life like a god. .

Unfortunately, no!
After being blasted into a rain of blood again, this time, she was not resurrected.

And these Chen Miao clones standing on the stone pillars immediately turned their guns and continued to kill the surrounding living forces and buildings.

Under the horrified eyes of countless people.

On the major ranking lists, the name of the wolf god, who was respected by everyone as the female war goddess, is slowly passing away, gradually disappearing from the rankings, leaving no trace, and this also proves that the female war goddess of the Federation is completely dead. .

It was a disaster.

It's a federal loss.

It will come sooner or later.

Jingjiu City is full of highly sophisticated and top-notch talents. Even if one person dies, it is a huge loss. As for the death of those extraordinary people, although it is equally heartbreaking, it is not unacceptable. After all, those who chose extraordinary people If you are on the road and enjoy higher honors and benefits than ordinary people, you should know that this day is your destiny.

Or they delayed it until the duration of the stone pillar expired, and when the clones were no longer invincible, they swarmed up and killed them. Moreover, these clones actually had a resurrection function, and it took two kills to kill them all.

The casualties were countless.

These clones will not wander around at will when there are attack targets around. Jingjiu City also uses this rule to control the damage scope of these clones within the Zhang family territory as much as possible, without affecting Jingjiu. city.

Extremely straightforward.

It's there.

After one night, all Chen Miao's clones finally died, and this disaster finally ended. However, there was one piece of news in Jingjiu City that was not announced to the outside world, that is, the number of clones they killed only accounted for Less than half.

It doesn't care how many people died on this planet last night.

No matter how great a disaster occurs in this world, the sun will rise as scheduled. The sun gives everyone the same sunshine equally, but the sun also ignores every life equally.

Unless the Zhang family buried the bones of their ancestors in the rock layer, there would definitely be no bones left.

This can be considered a blessing in misfortune.

The other half of the clones died of suicide. Some clones used up all their means, all their star coins, and all their bullets. After finding that they had no means of attack, they committed suicide directly.

It has long since turned into powder.

It doesn't care whether the person who enjoyed his sunshine today will still be alive tomorrow.

No matter what happened, it was there.

Not to mention the ancestors of the Zhang family buried here.

The Zhang family's territory has been completely reduced to a wilderness. If nothing goes wrong, not even a single blade of grass will grow here within a few decades. A large number of missiles and shells have almost flattened the area, and even rock layers can be seen. .

Just half the amount.

The only good thing is.

It's daylight soon.

Ninety percent of extraordinary beings end up dying accidentally, and there are basically no extraordinary beings who die of natural aging.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the world has only been transformed into supernatural beings for a few decades. The first batch of transcendent beings have not yet reached the age of old age and death. However, there is a saying. According to statistics, the first batch of transcendent beings are all dead, and no one is alive. of.

The first person to eat crab may really be the first person to eat crab.

But the first person to eat poisonous weeds was definitely not the first person to eat poisonous weeds, but the first person to eat poisonous weeds and survive.

As dawn dawned, the Zhang family accounted for nine of the top ten hot searches.

The Zhang family has never had such an arrangement before. After all, there are so many things happening in the Federation every day. It is not easy to occupy the nine hot searches in such a competitive environment. This is something that cannot be achieved even with money.


In Fengtian City, the head of the Chi family was kneeling in front of the Buddha statue in the temple with his hands clasped together. His voice was even trembling with tears and fear: "Buddha, I farted yesterday. Please don't take it seriously." ?"

"I was wrong."

"Can you just treat me like a fart?"



At this time, there was no one else in the temple except the Chi family. The head of the Chi family came with everyone in the Chi family early in the morning and booked the temple.

Many people looked at the back of the family leader with speechless expressions.

In fact, they all understand why.

It is said
Yesterday, after the Chi family was insulted by the Zhang family outside the city, they were very angry. They went to the temple alone. After giving a lot of incense money, they made a wish to the Buddha. If the Chi family could be like the Zhang family, he would I would like to give you a lot of money for incense.

If the Chi family is made the same as the Zhang family within three years, half of the Chi family's property will be donated.

If within one day, let the Chi family and Zhang family be the same.

All the property of the Chi family is presented. Originally, they were discussing this matter in a low voice yesterday. They felt that the head of the family was a little fanciful. Even if he made a wish to the Buddha, he couldn't make such an exaggerated wish. The distance between the Chi family and the Zhang family was really huge.

Not on the same level at all.

Not to mention catching up with the Zhang family in one day, even if it takes a hundred years to catch up with the Zhang family, there is no possibility. There may be some hope in three hundred years, but that must be based on the fact that the Zhang family is gradually declining.

This wish is too outrageous.

Even if all the family property were given to Buddha, Buddha would say it would be very difficult.

But perhaps it was the head of the family's promise that if he caught up with the Zhang family within one day, all the property of the Chi family would be given to the Buddha, which moved the Buddha very much, so after thinking about it for a while, the Buddha felt that it was not impossible.

Immediately afterwards——

As soon as they got up, they heard the news that the Zhang family was completely destroyed, that all the members of the clan were dead and all their property was destroyed.

It can be seen that Buddha is planning to use another method to make the Chi family and Zhang family the same.

So the head of the Chi family hurriedly brought them here early in the morning to make a new wish. Today's head was obviously more pious than before, and contrary to the head's upright posture, he even cried and trembled.

That's a joke.

"how to say."

Chi Qiu stood in the crowd, looking at the head of the family who kept kowtowing in front of the Buddha, and said with a complex expression: "Ke Gou, have you ever thought about this ending? The Zhang family, who covered the sky with one hand, suddenly disappeared."

"Overnight, all the roots were gone."

"The older generation often said that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. It has a strong foundation and will not lose any wealth no matter how miserable it is. Why do you think this family suddenly disappeared completely?"


Ke Gou stood expressionless and didn't speak. After a long time, he said quietly: "You have no temper, Brother Miao is awesome."

They all watched the video of the Zhang Family Territory last night.

The 70,000 clones of Brother Miao were as crazy as their mother, and they went all out to cause chaos in the Zhang family's territory. Although the video was only a short part, it was shocking enough. The air in the camera was heated by the high temperature. Keep twisting.

They didn't see any undistorted air.

The whole scene looked no different from hell.

"I have to say that Brother Qiu is better than me when it comes to judging thighs. Although I think Brother Miao is very strong, I definitely didn't dare to refute it in front of Zhang Wanlin yesterday. Brother Qiu, how did you decide that you would rather offend? Zhang Wanlin won’t offend Brother Miao?”

Hearing this, Chi Qiu put one hand behind his back, squinted at the sky at 45 degrees, and murmured in a daze: "If you are stupid, you are wise."

How the hell could he judge this?

It was simply that he didn't know Zhang Wanlin's identity at the time. How could he refute Zhang Wanlin if he knew his identity? Wouldn't he be waiting to die?
But Ke Gou finally admired him, so he had to pretend.

He really wanted to say a word with a high definition, but after thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of it. He could only say "dazhiruoyu", but "dazhiruoyu" also felt that the definition was a bit low. If he guessed the word and reversed it, it would appear to be more "presence". .

Take your time and guess what it means.

"If you are foolish, you will be wise"

After Ke Gou lowered his head and thought for a long time, there were some doubts in his eyes at first, and then he suddenly realized: "Brother Qiu, I understand. It turns out that you are older than I thought. It seems that Brother Qiu, you have already expected that the relationship between Brother Miao and Zhang Wanlin must be Brother Miao wins."

"But when Brother Miao couldn't see it and it was clear that he was acting on the weaker side, he defended Brother Miao in front of Zhang Wanlin without fear of death."

"As long as the word gets out."

"Your status in Brother Miao's heart will have a qualitative change."

"This would be an excellent amulet!"

"It turns out that Brother Qiu, you thought of this step at that time. It's a wonderful plan, but this plan is a bit too desperate. If you lose, you will lose the whole game. Brother Qiu, weren't you afraid of losing at that time?"

Chi Qiu glanced at Ke Gou expressionlessly and said softly: "I am willing to admit defeat."

"Brother Qiu, high!"


Chi Qiu tightened his tie and put one hand behind his back. He couldn't help shouting in his heart. He finally understood why Brother Miao kept pretending to be cold. It felt so good to dare to pretend to be secretive.

At this time, Chen Miao had already returned to his base camp.

And also saw hot searches.

"There is still something good in Jingjiu City."

Hungry Monkey clicked his tongue in shock: "That's 70,000 Miao brothers with full firepower. How can they control the battlefield within the Zhang family's territory without causing too much damage to other places?"

"Although we didn't specialize in sabotage in the past."

"But there are 70,000 Miao brothers. Isn't it too embarrassing to be solved so easily?"


Zhou Shen shook his head helplessly and said: "After all, the clone does not have its own thinking. It is like a robot. It is easy to be played by others and does not even know the basic penetration tactics."

(End of this chapter)

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