Chapter 271 "This is fate."

But he is a little worried. He is extremely optimistic about Brother Miao's future. Brother Miao has never failed so far. He believes that Brother Miao can continue to be successful in the future. And there is something about Brother Miao that makes him feel that no matter what happens, , a temperament that even Brother Miao can bear.

He was a little worried. What if he returned to Fengtian City and missed the opportunity to follow Brother Miao all the time?
It would be nice if I could separate myself.

One is in Fengtian and the other is with Brother Miao.

Yesterday when he was in Fengtian, Brother Miao still wanted him to return to Fengtian to be the director, but for some reason, he never mentioned it again. I don't know if it was because Brother Miao's plan changed or what happened.


Zhou Shen, who was tossing and turning and unable to fall asleep, finally lay on the bed and let out a long sigh. He didn't want to think about it anymore. It all depends on Brother Miao's decision. He will do whatever Brother Miao decides about him in the end.

And on the hungry monkey's side.


The deafening snores have already sounded. Hungry monkeys always fall asleep very quickly. Not only do they sleep well, but they also eat well. There are actually three true happiness in life.

I don’t know what happened to the other brothers. Anyway, he has been using the method of falling asleep on airplanes before going to bed every day recently. He really misses women. He finally went out. He thought he could finally play with women, but all he wanted to do when he went out was Shit, he didn't even touch a woman's hand, and he came back again! ! !

But he was really hungry.

Apart from that, there are really no women left, and the air is full of the strong smell of male hormones.

But you must not say this to Brother Miao, Brother Miao will kill him! ! !
At this time, in Fengtian City.

The only female creature is Zhou Shen's daughter. How old is the child? She can't be too animalistic.

Not that he was really hungry.

As for Yuan Buping, he was looking excitedly at the chat interface on his watch, waiting for the other party's reply. He was playing an instant dating software, which was very interesting.

Eat well, sleep well, and be healthy.

Everything else is imaginary, or in other words, it serves these three. When I was young, I always dismissed it, thinking that being rich was the only happiness in life. Only after I suffered a serious illness and managed to survive, did I truly understand. These six simple words of eating well and sleeping well are actually really difficult to achieve.

Although this place is very safe and quiet, and there are all good brothers and good friends here, it is quite a paradise, but there are no fucking women here! ! !
Not a single woman! ! !

Mad! !

After walking out of the temple, I looked up at Zhengyang in the distance.

His eyes were full of fear.

"Hey, look at the legs."

He really couldn't hold it in any longer.

The head of the Chi family knelt devoutly in front of the Buddha in the temple for a whole morning, and then slowly walked out of the temple with the help of a servant with lingering fear and numbness in his legs.

Although Hungry Monkey and Brother Miao now sleep separately, there is still a light bulb hanging on the roof. Hungry Monkey's habit has not changed yet. In the morning, he must wake up in his mother's warm arms.

It's terrible. The huge Zhang family, which was a super giant in Jingjiu City and even the entire federation, disappeared so easily without leaving any trace.

Seventy thousand Chen Miao cleaned the Zhang family.

"This is fate." The head of the Chi family sighed with a complex expression: "If Zhang Wanlin had listened to the mayor and Brother Miao at that time, why would he have ended up like this? How could he have ended up in such a situation? It's a pity that Uncle Zhang of the Zhang family Ling and the old man of the Zhang family."

"Those two are both heroes, and they are well-known in the entire federation."

"When the world first began to become extraordinary, the old man of the Zhang family made a lot of contributions. Those were real contributions, and they were useful contributions to the progress of the entire Blue Star. However, he died in the hands of his grandson in his later years. .”

"A dandy boy."


As he spoke, the Chi family suddenly fell silent. He had always intended to let the dandy children of the Chi family go. In this way, even if the dandy children of the Chi family provoked something that he shouldn't have provoked, he would directly take the dandy children's heads to make amends. .

This not only represents his sincerity, but also eliminates 80% of the other party's anger, and also has such a relationship with the Chi family, which can be regarded as a connection.

This is the usual method of the Chi family.

In the Chi family, those dandies who fool around every day are equivalent to disposable diplomatic relics, and he is worried about it. He feels that the pattern of the Chi family must be changed, and the dandies can no longer be indulged like this in the future.

If a serious enemy is provoked, the family may not even have a chance to come forward, and the family will be destroyed directly.

Just like the Zhang family this time.

The old man of the Zhang family can't even calculate that in his later years, his grandson will bring in 7 nuclear bombs for his family and then detonate them at the same time. Who can explain this, and he must not give too much power to the dandy.

If the old man of the Zhang family had not doted on his grandson and had not given Zhang Wanlin the authority to be the head of "Beifeng Pharmaceutical Group", Zhang Wanlin would not have been able to drag so many nuclear bombs to the core of the family territory.

For various reasons, the Zhang family was lost.

"It's so fast."

Until now, the head of the Chi family still murmured in a daze: "For a family to develop to the level of the Zhang family, it requires the painstaking efforts of countless people. It is not something that can be solved by one person."

"And it takes a lot of time and the efforts of several generations to be concentrated in the family to make the family develop."

"But if such a family wants to perish, it only takes one person like Zhang Wanlin, and it only takes one night."

“Destruction is often countless times easier than creation.”

"When you become a big business, you have to pay more attention to whether it will collapse overnight."


The head of the Chi family quickly woke up from his trance. Although the destruction of the Zhang family had a great impact on him, he was not someone who had never seen the big world. He would not always be immersed in that shocking emotion. He quickly Chi Qiu's voice was found in the crowd, and after waving to call him, he spoke seriously.

"In the Chi family, you and Brother Miao have the best relationship."

"Next, you still need to find a way to have a good relationship with Brother Miao."

It turned out that he called Chen Miao directly by his first name, but now he also has to call him Brother Miao. Although he is much older than Brother Miao, this brother's name is weird, but that doesn't matter. It has never been the case in this world. Distinction based on age.

"Under Zhang Wanlin's power, you still spoke out to defend Brother Miao. This is very good. I will leak this news without leaving any trace. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Until what to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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