I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 272 "When did this kid develop so fast?"

Chapter 272 "When did this kid develop so fast?"


Chi Qiu nodded with a serious face. In fact, he didn't know what he understood, but it wasn't important. He just nodded. He would go down later and ask Ke Gou what the master wanted him to understand.

"As long as you know."

The head of the Chi family nodded happily and patted Chi Qiu on the shoulder: "I don't ask Brother Miao to help our Chi family. It's enough that Brother Miao can protect our Chi family from destruction at some critical moments." ”

"Chi family, it's up to you."

The height he stands on is actually quite high. The Chi family is definitely considered a prestigious family in Fengtian City. Although it is far inferior to the Zhang family, it is already stronger than 95% of the people in the entire federation.

If everyone in the federation is divided into three, six or nine levels, even if he is in the 96% position, this is almost the position of the bottom.

In fact, the gap from 100% to his position is larger than the gap from his position to 1%, even countless times larger.

This is exactly the opposite of headphones.

To be precise, it seems that the Federation is about to face an extremely terrifying disaster. The entire Federation is preparing for it. Starting from the fixed incident in Zhenba City last time, the Federation started many things that he didn't know about on weekdays. plan.

Broken Jar City, in front of a clinic.

What's more, the clinic is just Dr. Gou's hobby. The real profitable business is the side business. The last zombie siege caused a lot of damage to Broken Jar City. Broken Jar City is undergoing vigorous reconstruction projects these days.

"And now he has made a name for himself throughout the federation."

In the headphone industry, the gap between headphones priced at 100 yuan and second-tier headphones priced at 1000 yuan is almost as big as heaven and earth. However, headphones priced at 10000 yuan are only slightly better than headphones priced at 1000 yuan.

Although this clinic does not make much money, it is enough.

He suddenly discovered that the Federation seemed to have made a lot of plans for the end of the world, and it was not just a whim, but a lot of preparations in an orderly manner. He even seriously doubted that even if Chen Miao did not succeed that time Preventing the fixed events in Zhenba City will open the passage between human beings and hell, and the Federation will not be destroyed.

Dr. Gou was sitting on the rocking chair at the door with a cup of hot tea. In the snow, he looked leisurely at the news projected in the air by his watch. He couldn't help but smacked his tongue: "It's so fast, just like not long ago." , he just came to my door and rented a clinic with me for a day."

This made his premonition stronger and stronger.

That kind of unimaginable bigness is why he is so humble when facing the Zhang family. If the Zhang family wants to strangle him, they don't even use a finger, and standing in his position, he may also see it. There are many things that ordinary people cannot see.

If an extremely tragic war really comes, the Chi family will definitely not be able to withstand it on their own. And in such a short period of time, maybe half a year or maybe March, the war will come. In such a short period of time, the Chi family will No matter how fast it develops, it won't become much stronger.

If it weren't for the Black Doctor, he would have died in the last zombie siege.

After all, he still has a good grasp of the Chi family's background.

He placed a large part of his hopes on Chen Miao. Chen Miao
"When did this kid develop so fast?"

And when he became aware of this and deliberately investigated, he found that the Federation seemed to be preparing for a decisive battle.

Since the last zombie siege in Broken Jar City, he has taken a dim view of many things, including the black doctor. Then he turned his head and glanced at the black doctor and said with a grin: "I mean, boy, you are not young either. Now, why don’t you find yourself a companion?”

In the Federation, the class goes up, and the gap becomes wider.

This gave him more trust and deeper feelings for the black doctor. The two miserable people gathered in Broken Jar City for different reasons and ran a clinic together.

In headphones, the higher you go up the class, the smaller the gap becomes.

In the near future, an extremely tragic war will most likely sweep across the entire Blue Star, and the only one who can save the Chi family is Chen Miao. If Chen Miao is willing to help them then, then their Chi family may You can also survive.

The Federation is changing.

It won't be possible for a while.

But it won't be long.

In Poguan City, only some suburban buildings collapsed and shops on some streets were damaged. The overall damage was not that great, unlike Zhenba City, where almost half of the city was completely destroyed.

The cost of reconstruction is not much less than the cost of building a new city. That is a real big project. Closed to Zhenba City, the project of breaking the can is completely a small project and not worth mentioning.


The black doctor sitting on the small bench nearby looked quite cold and nodded without replying, obviously not wanting to reply to Dr. Gou's question.

And Dr. Gou didn't have any good intentions. He winked and deliberately teased: "Why, did that female reporter hurt your heart last time?"

"Young people are all like this. How dare you say that you are a man or that you have grown up even if you have not been disappointed in love a few times?"

"Used to it."


The black doctor nodded again, but still didn't reply.

"It's boring." Seeing that no one was arguing with him, Dr. Gou pouted a little boringly and stopped talking.

After Chen Miao slowly woke up from his sleep, washed himself briefly, and walked out of his room, he saw Hungry Monkey and others all gathered together, as if they were watching some live news.

"Are you here?"

He asked casually, walked to the cigarette cabinet next to him, took out a pack of cigarettes, lit one and threw it into his mouth.

"It's a little hard to tell."

Yuan Buping said with a strange expression: "How should I put it? A rather magical thing happened just now. Most of the Zhang family died, but there are still a few people alive. For example, Zhang Wanlin did not die, and And crazy.”

"Not only did he not die, he also kidnapped Hungry Monkey's first love, then hid in a place that looked like a warehouse and started a live broadcast to the whole society."

"The expression looked a little crazy, and he yelled hysterically, telling Brother Miao, you and Hungry Hou to go and see him, otherwise, in front of everyone, someone will find someone to take over Hungry Hou's first love."

"The hungry monkey's first love?"

Chen Miao was stunned for a moment before reacting: "Is that the salesperson who used the cemetery as a wedding room and sold it to hungry monkeys?"

"Yeah, that's the little bitch."

Hungry Monkey put his right hand in his pants and stared at the live broadcast with excitement and anticipation: "I specifically looked for her in Fengtian City last time, but I didn't find her. I didn't expect to see her."

"It really takes no effort at all."

".What are you doing with your hands on your crotch?"

"Don't Zhang Wanlin have a show to prepare for later? I sharpened my guns in advance. I didn't even touch her hands. Now I can see such an exciting scene. I must be prepared in advance."


Chen Miao remained expressionless and silent for a long time. He felt that Zhang Wanlin was crazy, or that he had not investigated them clearly at all. Even if he wanted to threaten them, could he change his mind to someone else?

For example, Doctor Gou or Black Doctor?
The worst is Zhang Liu.

They might actually go, but for such a person, they really have no desire to go to the rescue. Not to mention the desire to rescue, looking at the posture of the hungry monkey, they have already started to look forward to the next step. program.


Yuan Buping touched his nose in embarrassment: "Hungry Monkey, this is my sister-in-law after all. How about I take my brothers to avoid her first?"

"What sister-in-law?"

Hungry Monkey looked dissatisfied and said gloomily: "She is just a stinky bitch and a bastard sister-in-law. That is to say, I have not found the pretty boy who was arrogant and arrogant in front of me. Otherwise, I will tie up the pretty boy and let him be by my side." Watch how I pedal."

"It's just a pity."

"I didn't even find it. How did you find this Wanlin? When did that bitch go to Jingjiu City? No wonder I didn't find it in Fengtian City."

"If only I had found it first, I would have jumped up and kicked the hell out of me!"

When saying this, Hungry Hou almost gritted his teeth and said that this woman left a huge shadow on her. If he hadn't met Brother Miao, he might really have to spend the rest of his life in that tomb and die. It is not a waste to bury it directly on the spot.

And at this time——

In Kyoto City!

Zhang Wanlin was waving a dagger crazily, shouting at the camera with his eyes full of bloodshot eyes: "Chen Miao, you destroyed my whole family, and now I want you to taste the pain of losing a loved one!"

"This woman is your best brother's woman!"

"Do you want your brother's woman to be fucked in front of so many people?"

"How will you take care of your brothers in the future? Will anyone still hang out with you in the future?"

"If you can't get to my designated location within 12 hours, you will see my cruelty!!! Believe me, I will let everyone see the full picture of your brother and woman!!"

In the picture, there is also a woman who is bound by ropes, with static tape on her mouth, and her eyes are full of fear and regret. At this time, this woman is struggling violently on the ground like a maggot.

If she had known she would end up like this, what kind of bragging was she doing? ! !

At this moment, she only felt regret!

At that time, she was having breakfast at a table in Jingjiu City. Someone next to her was talking about Chen Miao and the Hungry Monkey. Someone said that the Hungry Monkey was also a transcendent person who was not weaker than Chen Miao. She got mad at that time and said that she was a Hungry Monkey. woman.

He also took out a photo of himself and Hungry Monkey, which got a lot of envious looks. To be honest, it was a great moment!

But who knew that Zhang Wanlin was wearing a hood and sitting at the table behind her for breakfast. After hearing what she said, he went crazy. He rushed up to tie her up and forcibly helped the bird. No place to poop!
(End of this chapter)

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