I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 275 "Do you think this woman looks like a normal person?"

Chapter 275 "Do you think this woman looks like a normal person?"

"Calm down."

Chen Miao took out a cigarette from his arms and threw it into his mouth. He chuckled and looked at Hungry Monkey: "Don't worry, of course I believe you. You can't remember the time when I took you to Fengtian City to buy things. When he came out of Block 7, he met this woman and the man next to him?"

"At that time, this woman was nestled in the arms of that pretty boy, laughing and mocking you."

"You were angry."

"I told you not to be angry."

"I will take you with me later and tie the man aside so that he can watch you break your heart for that woman, remember?"


After the hungry monkey was stunned for a moment, he scratched his head and said awkwardly: "Brother Miao, you still remember this matter. It has been so long, I thought you had forgotten it, Brother Miao."

"Of course I remember."

"Are you right?"

the other side.

Waiting for Chen Miao to save her?

Hungry Monkey didn't know what to say for a moment, but he just said in a trembling voice with red eyes: "Brother Miao, you moved me so much that I don't even know what to say. I didn't expect that Brother Miao not only considers me, but also considers me." My jb."

Her family knew about her own affairs, and as Chen Miao's confidant, Hungry Monkey was too late to kill her. How could she let Chen Miao come to save her? Even though her rape would be broadcast live later, and so many people would see it with their own eyes, the rest of her life would be ruined.

But what she is more afraid of is that she will not have the rest of her life at all.

"How else can you not have any regrets about this?"

Thinking of this, the woman even forgot what situation she was in, and licked the corners of her slightly dry mouth with blurred eyes.

"No matter what, I have to bring it back for you to play with."

The woman who was tied up with a rope kept raising her opinions with a trembling voice.


"Think about it."

"If you want to take revenge on the hungry monkey, kill me directly. Isn't your aggressiveness towards the hungry monkey too low?"

".Shut your mouth and get ready to go."

As long as you don't die, what does being reincarnated mean?
Just put your mind at ease and just enjoy it.


"If you keep me alive and pull me out of the wheel from time to time, it will definitely be the lingering shadow of Hungry Monkey. And if Hungry Monkey finds a girlfriend in the future, her girlfriend will also feel resentful. That's okay. Are you always driving a wedge between Hungry Monkey and Chen Miao?"

Chen Miao sighed softly: "I, Chen Miao, have seldom broken promises to others in my life. Since I promised you, you must do it. And even if you have no feelings for this woman, you have paid so much in the beginning, even with your hands." Are you willing to be led away and die like this?"


The little bitch was still crying and begging for mercy: "Well, brother, I just want to ask a question. When you take my turn later, can you be gentler and save my life?"

Just when the hungry monkeys were eagerly waiting to board the hell bus and prepare to set off.


Zhang Wanlin, who was standing aside, took all this in his eyes, and said with disgust on his face: "Well, can I not take her turn later? This woman is too coquettish, and she is probably sick."

"Do you think this woman looks like a normal person?"

"Cut the nonsense!!!"

Zhang Wanlin said word by word with a gloomy face: "Go down and lay the trap according to the plan. There is a high probability that you will not have a chance to take your turn. Chen Miao will definitely send someone to rescue her."

"Why boss?"

The younger brother was a little confused and said, "I went to check and found out that this woman is indeed washing dishes in Jingjiu City."

"It means that 80% of what she said is true. If Hungry Monkey really doesn't care about this woman, will Chen Miao and the others still come to save people?"


Zhang Wanlin took a deep breath with an extremely ugly expression. If any of his younger brothers dared to question him like this on normal days, he would have slapped him in the face. But after all, things are different now. The Zhang family is finished. To put it mildly, He is considered a remnant of the Zhang family.

In this case, it would be nice to have someone following him to help him.

These people are not waiting for the Zhang family to rise again, they are just waiting for him to give them more money when he dismisses them. After all, although the Zhang family is gone, such a big family, even if it is gone, there will be no money in the account. Instantly empty.

There is still a foundation.

It is precisely because of this that some people are willing to follow him. Naturally, it is impossible for him to make a move that will defeat people's hearts at this time. He can only patiently explain: "You don't understand the superiors."

"Even if this woman has nothing to do with Hungry Monkey, Chen Miao and I both know this."

"But he still had to come to the rescue."

"The reason is very simple. Those who are watching the excitement in the Federation don't know this. They will only think that what this woman said is to save herself, and will not take it seriously. After all, I have a sweet photo of this woman and a hungry monkey in my hand."

"Once Chen Miao doesn't come, what will other people think of Chen Miao?" "They will all regard Chen Miao as the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. He watches his trusted woman being tortured to death and is unwilling to rescue her for fear of taking any risks. , his reputation is ruined, will anyone still cooperate with him in the future?"

"So Chen Miao will definitely come in order to preserve his reputation."


"You damn servants, how can you understand the thoughts of your superiors? Get the hell out of here and do your work!!!"

Zhang Wanlin, who was still explaining patiently at first, saw the doubts in his subordinates' eyes getting stronger and stronger, and couldn't help but became angry and yelled with uncontrollable anger.

Many of the subordinates looked at each other and did not dare to say anything. They hurriedly ran outside the warehouse and started to lay traps.

This will be the place where Chen Miao will be killed.

Of course, in the live broadcast, the location Zhang Wanlin told Chen Miao was definitely not here. It was thousands of miles away. After Chen Miao arrived at the first location, he would lure Chen Miao to this location step by step.

"Jie Jie"

Zhang Wanlin, who was deserted, looked at his plan in the memo and grinned sadly. For some reason, he felt like he suddenly had an epiphany after suffering this disaster.

When you clearly tell a person that this is a trap, but you must come, the other person's crisis perception will be maximized.

But when I arrive at the scene and find that there is nothing, the string in my heart will instantly drop, and it will be difficult to rise again.

Then under his command, the other party will continue to go to one new location after another. Every time he toss, the tight string in the other party's heart will be relaxed, and this process will make the other party subconsciously react to each one. New location, crisis awareness.

And the actual location of his ambush.

On the way to the final location, Chen Miao definitely didn't have much preparation on the way. Who would have thought that he would launch an ambush on the way. As soon as he took revenge, he would hide his name and find a place to start over.

Although the Zhang family is almost gone, if you think about it from another perspective, no one can order him now. He has become the complete boss.

It's not a good thing either.

It's just that the revenge that deserves to be avenged must be avenged.

"How to say?"

At this time, outside the warehouse.

Zhang Wanlin's men looked at each other. One of the men took the lead and lowered his eyelids and whispered: "You have been with the boss for so long. You should know what kind of virtue the boss is and what good ideas he can come up with with his brain."

"You have seen Chen Miao's strength. To be honest, it's not that I don't believe in the boss. It would be okay if Chen Miao didn't come, but if Chen Miao really comes, we will have to be buried with the boss."

"The one who has a grudge against Chen Miao is the boss. What does it have to do with us?"

"We didn't offend the boss from the beginning to the end, so we died like this. Isn't it a bit too aggrieved?"

"And do you think the boss has treated us as human beings? He usually insults or beats us. The Zhang family is gone, and he is no longer the Mr. Zhang. He still calls us servants. You are so angry. Got it?"


The people around who were working on setting up traps glanced at each other, but no one responded. Although everyone had this idea in their hearts, no one dared to speak out. The long-standing majesty of the Zhang family prevented them from discussing this matter at all.

"do not talk."

One of the little men whispered: "If someone tells the boss, you will have to peel off the skin. It's not like you don't know the rules of the Zhang family."

"The rules of the Zhang family?"

The man sneered: "Are you all confused? Where is the Zhang family? The Zhang family is damn dead. Now there is only one Zhang Wanlin in the Zhang family. It's not like you don't know Zhang Wanlin's strength. I'm much stronger than him." Double that?"

"Why is he yelling?"

"Didn't you just rely on the Zhang family to have money in the past?"

"Why is he still yelling at you now? Let me tell you why we might as well tie up Zhang Wanlin and force him to hand over all the money. Then the brothers will split the money and go away to fly high. From now on, they will be popular and drink spicy food for the rest of their lives. Do you need to suffer this kind of injustice?"


The words fell.

Many people around were dumbfounded. The long-standing majesty of the Zhang family made them dare not think about it at first. Now that they think about it, it seems to make sense. It is well known that Zhang Wanlin is not strong. This kid Rarely focus on improving strength.

If there was no Zhang family and only this kid
It seems that there is really no danger, right?


The little man murmured in confusion: "Instead of waiting to be dismissed to get settlement allowance, it seems that I can get more money this way, and I don't have to fight to the death with Chen Miao?"

"And I've thought about the follow-up for you."

The man narrowed his eyes and whispered: "We don't even have to kill Zhang Wanlin. We just need to tie him up and throw him on the ground. Then Chen Miao will kill him when he comes. Even if there are still people in the Zhang family who are not dead, they will only take this account." Counting it on Chen Miao, it has nothing to do with us."

"Isn't this more cost-effective than ambushing Chen Miao?"

After some words.

The people around them all put down the traps they were setting up with understanding, looked at each other, rolled up their sleeves and walked towards the warehouse.

(End of this chapter)

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