I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 276 "I turned against you!!!"

Chapter 276 "I turned against you!!!"

"What are you going to do!!"

"I rebelled against you!!!"

"Are you looking for death? I am Zhang Wanlin of the Zhang family and my father Zhang Boling. Who dares to touch me!!!"

"Calm down, everyone. I have money. Can I give you three times your salary?"

In a burst of hysterical roars, Zhang Wanlin was captured alive by his men without any pressure. Logically speaking, with the resources of the Zhang family, becoming a top transcendent is simply easier than eating shit.

If the Zhang family randomly pulls out a direct descendant, which one is not a top strong person?
Not to mention direct lineage.

Even Zhang Wanlin's cousin is a special profession of a high-level transcendent "magician" in his forties. This is despite the Zhang family giving him very limited resources, but only Zhang Wanlin is a special case.

After all, no big family can always use money to expect others to work hard for it, and its own strength cannot be left behind.

Only Zhang Wanlin was not interested in improving his strength from the beginning, and the reason was very simple. After reaching a certain level, he would be forced to enter the secret realm every once in a while.

These former subordinates of Zhang Wanlin looked at each other and prepared to leave this place of right and wrong quickly, and then find a safe place to share the spoils. They would not want to see each other in the future, and they would live their own stable lives.

But this does not affect the fact that when people imagine these plots, goosebumps appear subconsciously on their backs.

Logically speaking, one would rather die than say it.

Even the simplest and safest secret realm cannot be guaranteed to be completely foolproof.

Perhaps Zhang Wanlin never dreamed that one day, he would fall into his hands.

And tell this information to the direct descendants of the Zhang family.

Zhang Wanlin happens to be a person who is extremely afraid of death. In other words, he is not afraid of death, but afraid of the feeling of facing death directly. It is like everyone knows that watching a horror movie will not kill anyone, but imagine that there is someone under the bed. The plot doesn't really happen.

They only had the money in the company account, but they didn't take it.

After doing all this.

Because this also means that if there are other flowers in the direct line of the Zhang family that are still alive, it will not only ruin the hope of other direct line members, but also put them at risk of the sheep falling into the tiger's mouth. However, Zhang Wanlin, who has never been tortured, was pierced with a toothpick. When he was under his fingernails, he had already collapsed and couldn't care less about this.

As we all know, as long as it is a secret realm, there will be a mortality rate.

They took away the account balance and noted the location of the bearer deposit.

The Zhang family had long thought about what to do if there was a disaster one day. So when the Zhang family had no shortage of cash flow, they put a large part of the cash into anonymous black cards and hid it. In every corner of the federal cities.

Not much longer.

In this way, no matter which direct descendant of the Zhang family survives, they can use this wealth to start anew, or live a stable life in the second half of their lives, which is considered a way out, and this secret is also the biggest secret in the hearts of all direct descendants.

Zhang Wanlin, who had never been tortured, easily revealed the balance in his brother's account, including the balance in the company's account and unnamed deposits in various other locations.

In order to ensure that he is not forced to enter the secret realm, Zhang Wanlin has always been very resistant to improving his strength. Anyway, he is Mr. Zhang of the Zhang family. Who in the entire federation dares to touch him?

There is no way to get it. The procedures for transferring money out of the company account are very complicated. Zhang Wanlin alone can't transfer it out. Moreover, the money in the company is also a hot potato and it is difficult to get it. The amount is too huge. Beijing-Kowloon City It will definitely be traced.

after all
No city would be willing to see this amount of money taken away from someone who suddenly had such an extra amount of money for no reason, let alone Beijing-Kowloon City.

Only Zhang Wanlin's account balance and those anonymous deposit black cards can be obtained, and the risk is not very high. The big head should always be left for others to eat, so that they can eat the small meat safely.

Before leaving——

The little man glanced at the woman who was tied up and whispered: "Brother, what should we do with this person? Are we going to kill him? She has seen a lot of things, and I'm afraid she will reveal them to us later."


The middle-aged man holding a sharp weapon looked at the little bitch who was tied up with a gloomy expression. To be honest, this was what he was thinking in his heart. It would be very dangerous to stay alive after all.

If there were other Zhang family members alive, they would definitely be hunted down and killed at all costs until they behaved like this.

Little people like them, facing the pursuit of such a big family, even if only the remnants of the exterminated family can withstand the pursuit, the gap is too big, so big that even if the aircraft carrier has been completely destroyed, the sputtering The fragments that come out can kill them just as easily.

What's more, this woman also knows that the money is in their hands.

I also saw their whole faces.
It's always dangerous.


The static tape on her mouth had long been torn off. When the woman who was huddled in the corner and shivering saw this scene, her voice was almost dripping with fear: "Brother, I said I didn't see anything. Do you believe me?"

"Don't kill me. Really. I really won't lie to you. I've never been strict in anything except my words."

"If it really doesn't work, you want me. Then I will be considered your woman. I will definitely not report you, right?"

"Brother, be careful"

The little man whispered with disgust on his face: "This woman probably wants to use some means to infect us with the disease that can cause mushrooms to grow on people's bodies. She has ulterior motives."

"Very bad."

"Don't say return it."

The man took a deep breath, stood there and pondered for a moment, then shook his head, stepped forward and put the electrostatic tape on the woman's mouth again, although letting the woman go would have many hidden dangers.

But there was one thing, he really didn't dare to kill.

He was not sure whether Chen Miao wanted this woman or not. If he really wanted this woman, killing her would be a big enmity. Offending such a big person would be a little more scary than offending the Zhang family.

After all, that's what the Zhang family has.

Now it was time for them to run away. There was only one problem left, which was how to tell Chen Miao the coordinates here.

The group of people looked at each other.

None of them are friends with Chen Miao, so they can't explain it through live TV, right? Then the first person to arrive is probably not Chen Miao, but the melon-eating masses and the federal law enforcement army.

For a while, the whole group was stumped by this question.

Their current idea is to quickly hand these two people into Chen Miao's hands and slip away, but the problem is how to contact Chen Miao.

(End of this chapter)

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