Chapter 286 1v1 clan?
Having said that——

Chen Miao waved her hand, took her bloody foot out of the footbath, stuffed it into her slippers as if nothing had happened, and walked down the steps toward the underground palace with a cane in one hand.

"Well, it's really a long story."

Yuan Buping looked at Chen Miao's back with some confusion: "Isn't it too simple? Where did the devil come from? Did it frighten Brother Miao and curse him without any reason? This is obviously like seeking revenge. Are you here?"

"Hey, wasn't Brother Miao cursed by a demon some time ago? He forced Brother Miao to enter a high-level secret realm, and he couldn't carry any props in his backpack. Do you think it was this demon who discovered that Brother Miao actually passed through last time? He cast a curse, and then rushed over in anger and cast another curse?"

"Probably not."

Hungry Monkey looked at Chen Miao's back with admiration: "After Brother Miao successfully cleared the level that time, didn't the map evaluation say that he got the admiration and appreciation of the devil? Since he admired and appreciated it, he couldn't get angry and angry. Come here and give me another punch, okay?"

"Although devil is not a good pronoun, after all, it is an announcement on the panel, so it should still have credibility, right?"

"There must be many stories here that are unknown to outsiders."

"It's just inconvenient to talk about."

But now it seems that that cartoon is somewhat unrealistic. Wounds can heal indefinitely, which does not mean that you will be immune to pain. On the contrary, you will start to fear pain, just like him now.


That is simply not human life! !

Only Zhou Shen lowered his head thoughtfully and didn't know what he was thinking.

Chen Miao, who had just returned to the house, waved his hand to the boy who was carrying the footbath for him to go out first, closed the door and took a deep breath. A painful expression instantly appeared on his face, and he curled up in a ball. An uncontrollable moan came from the corner of the bed.

He let out a long, feeble sigh and lay down on the bed. If nothing else happened, he would stay like this for a long time.

Is this still something humans do?

He must ensure that his body is always in the injured stage, and those things that can help him heal quickly will rush all the way north to his mind, occupying his entire body and even his head.

"But there is one thing to say, Brother Miao is a real man. Both of his feet were scraped like that by the high-speed rotating blades, and he didn't say a word, not even a drop of sweat. I feel that Brother Miao's choice of a gunman was a waste. If Miao If I choose a fighter like me, I will definitely become a god of fighters!!"

Even after being injured, he can directly stab himself in the neck to quickly kill himself, and then resurrect with full health on the spot.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Chen Miao shakily lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth. Then he closed his eyes and stuffed his feet into the footbath again. The familiar painful feeling came again.

The second goal is to occupy his body.

Although he had been sleeping for the past few days, his consciousness was completely awake. The severe pain tortured him all the time, making him almost worse than death, especially since his body was still unable to move.

It hurts so damn much! ! !
Even when Master Meow died, he had never felt such pain! !

The black doctor is right.

He has even become accustomed to this kind of pain. He has read a comic before. The protagonist of that comic has the ability to infinitely resurrect and heal injuries. The protagonist can be said to be extremely arrogant and not afraid of pain at all.


Looks extremely chic.

The first goal of these "villains" is to repair his body.

It can be roughly described by the saying, "Before fighting the outside world, you must first make peace with the inside."

But it's not completely without benefits. If he doesn't mind the pain every moment, he actually has an extremely powerful defense effect. Even if his heart is stabbed with a knife, he can heal quickly in a short time.

This powerful healing ability greatly makes up for the gunner's weak defense. The disadvantage is.

Very painful and inconvenient.


Chen Miao took out a blood-tonifying pill from his arms with an expressionless face and swallowed it. This is a gadget in the prop mall. It is very cheap and has a simple effect. After taking it, it can replenish part of the blood in the body. .

It's a feminine product.

It is a supplement for women after their monthly period, but now it can be used as a strategic material. This blood-tonifying pill has the effect of producing blood in the body, which is actually very suitable for dealing with injuries after the battle.

But generally speaking, few people use them as strategic materials.

The reason is simple, there are limitations.

This thing can only generate blood when a person's blood loss is less than 2.78%.

When the blood loss is higher than this stage, the blood-tonifying pills will not be effective.

Almost all injuries sustained in battles will not be lower than this number, and if the number is lower than this number, there is actually no need to replenish blood, just bandage the wound.

So this cheap little pill has become a tonic for most female supernatural beings.

But it was just right for him to use at this time.

Just need to eat more often.

It's crunchy and crunchy, one bite at a time, quite sweet, and the taste is random. Each taste is different, which is full of surprises.


Thinking of the ridiculous things he encountered during this trip, he felt a little helpless. It could be said that this disaster was completely unintentional. He swore that he had no intention of looking for trouble before going out. He simply went to collect Zhang Wanlin's anonymous black cards. Get all the money back.

But just when I got more than 7 million.

An accident happened.

He was suddenly sucked into a small whirlpool out of thin air. At first, he thought he was being sniped by the Federation. His thoughts were highly concentrated and he was ready to fight back. However.
The next second—

A prompt sounded in his ears!

"Ding, congratulations on being selected by the 'colonial race' to become the target of the decisive battle in the race war."

"You can choose to agree or not."

"If you choose to agree, the race war will begin immediately. If you choose otherwise, you will be killed on the spot."

"Player Chen Miao is asked to make his own choice within ten minutes."

When the prompt sounded, he also found that he was in a white space, which looked exactly like the space he was waiting for before entering the secret realm. Only then did he realize that he was not being solved by the federation.

But he didn't relax.

Instead, his face turned even uglier.

What does war of the races mean? And he became the target of a decisive battle with an inexplicable race? Just him?

1v1 clan?
This is a fucking race showdown!
If it were really a race showdown, shouldn't everyone in the Federation be called in?
(End of this chapter)

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