Chapter 287 'Democracy·Fake'.

What's more, this announcement doesn't give them any chance to choose. How can they refuse? If they refuse, they will die violently. If you refuse, it's your mother's fault!
Wouldn't it be over if you just force it on?

Why should we have a 'democracy holiday'?

Is there any procedural process that requires you to go through it symbolically?

In the past ten minutes, he tried to get in touch with the outside world, but unfortunately he had completely lost contact with the outside world. He smoked two cigarettes in a row, not to keep himself emotionally focused, but just to hope that he would be less afraid before dying and die with dignity. point.


He had no hope of surviving.

1v1 clan, are you kidding me?

No matter how powerful his firepower is, he can kill ten thousand, one hundred thousand or even one million, but so what? The other party belongs to Clan 1, not to mention that the bulletin board clearly states that the total number of members of the other party's clan is 38 trillion.

1v38 trillion.

Before there were any signs of recovery from his injuries, his bullets were fired like a rainstorm of pear blossom needles.

And when the white space suddenly opened up and the man in armor stood in front of him, his face gradually became weird. If it was just 1v1, he might not really die today.
After that, it was a crushing attack on one side.

It seems to be a very harmonious symbiotic relationship in the animal kingdom.

A spear is sharper than a shield.

With almost full firepower, he pushed the man in armor to the ground and blasted the hammer. Although the man's armor had a high defense and his body recovered quickly, he couldn't withstand his fiercer firepower.

Not to mention, there are countless more lethal weapons on the 'Gatling', which is logically unreasonable, because spears and shields generally develop at the same time.

This race belongs to a special race in the universe outside of Blue Star.

If you let Nuwa come, Nuwa would be frightened, let alone him.

In this way, they are intertwined with each other. However, on the blue star, the human's 'spear' has become a defense far beyond the 'shield'. As long as the exaggerated human's 'spear' is smashed down, no one's worsening 'shield' can stop it. live.

A shield is stronger than a spear.

That fist-sized blood hole can make all carbon-based creatures realize what a terrifying two-legged beast is.

What started as a 'shield' blocking a 'spear' gradually turned into a 'spear' blocking a 'spear'.

This is actually an unscientific development.

The average intelligence of all tribesmen is about two years old, not even as good as crows. They all rely on instinct. The way for their race to survive is that all races are parasitic on one person. If this person dies, their race will die.

Because the damage has been far beyond the limit, before the world became extraordinary, even the power of the most common individual weapon 'Gatling' was unstoppable to any carbon-based creature in the world, no matter how rough the skin or flesh. A thick elephant or a huge whale.

This person is alive and growing stronger, and the strength of their race is also increasing rapidly.

When the ten-minute countdown was about to end, a more detailed rules panel popped up, and he realized why this race was called "Colonial Race". As the name suggests, this race does not have its own territory and relies entirely on colonization.

But the difference is that in this symbiotic relationship, the parasitized person cannot maintain his own thinking, and his consciousness will be completely swallowed up and become a zombie-like animal.

Like a parasite.

Firearms are an extremely special invention in human history.

When the countdown ended, the space suddenly became brighter several times. A man in armor stood in front of him with a helmet. According to the rules, all 38 billion colonized humans were parasitic in this man's body.

This is the so-called Big Bang of science.

Not to mention that after the world became supernatural, the power of firearms was greatly enhanced. With such strong power, the armored man opposite could not stop him. In less than ten minutes, he defeated this man. The flesh was broken into pieces.

And on the panel.

The number of people in this "colonial race" has also been decreasing drastically. From the extremely outrageous 38 trillion at the beginning, it has been continuously reduced to the remaining few billions. It can be said that with this casualty ratio, if placed on Blue Star, There were no more people standing in sight.

Just when he thought he had won.

Something outrageous happened!

"Ding, congratulations on successfully defeating the 'Colonial Race'. Your heroic performance has been recognized by the 'Colonial Race'. The Colonial Race will all migrate into your body until you are defeated by your opponent in the next race decisive battle."


Points of light all over the sky emerged from the puddle of minced meat on the ground, and they all flew into his body.

To be honest, others were a little confused.

He only got all the information in the evaluation panel after the battle.

The colonial race is an extremely special race in the universe. The size of its members is about the same as that of a cell. It is basically impossible to observe it with the naked eye. It is a wandering race. It does not have its own planet or its own territory. The race will constantly change hosts.

Moreover, the selection conditions are extremely stringent.

First of all--

Strong combat effectiveness must be the primary factor. Only if the host has extremely strong combat effectiveness, the combat effectiveness of their own race will also become stronger after they control the host.

The second is. The host must be a human creature, and must be an adult male with a height of about 178cm.

This is because the number of members of this race can be maintained at a maximum of 58 trillion, while a normal human body has about 50 trillion cells, if the host is too large.

They would not have enough manpower to control the host's body.

Generally speaking, men's physical fitness is much higher than that of women, and their combat effectiveness is also stronger. 178 is also a very good combat height.

This race has also become extraordinary. Before becoming extraordinary, this race was just a host target constantly selected on their planet. After the world becomes extraordinary, the people of this race cannot choose extraordinary professions, nor can they like their federation. There are various occupations in life.

But it can initiate a racial showdown.

Not only are targets selected on the planet where they originally lived, but targets can be screened in the entire universe, and the targets are selected completely randomly, as long as the selected targets have defeated their original hosts.

The "Colonial Race" will all move to this new target.

Once a day.

Day after day, year after year.

If everything goes well and the time span is high enough, that race will definitely reach the top of the universe one day. It is simply too rogue and parasitic without giving anything.


It can't be said that they are parasitic without any effort. These gadgets are quite costly. When repairing wounds, these gadgets often rush into the wounds one after another and then fill the wounds with their bodies.


Chen Miao lay on the bed, feeling the biting and numb pain coming from his feet. He sighed helplessly. Who would have thought that the winner of the race showdown would be the loser?

He thought that if he won, everything would be fine, but he didn't expect that if he won, he would be parasitized.

Of course there is no way to die.

If you die, you lose.

Chen Miao, who was leaning on the bed, lit a cigarette and frowned in the smoke, thinking about how to solve this problem. Now this "colonial race" has not completely parasitized him, and is in a relatively symbiotic relationship with him.

After these "colonists" broke through his brain, his whole body was completely parasitized.

But now, he can use the method of constantly injuring his feet so that these "colonists" have no time to consider parasitizing him for the time being. Instead, they should first consider preventing their new host from killing him too early.

But this is also a first-aid measure.

Cannot be used all the time.

The reproduction rate of the "colonial race" is very fast. Although there are only a few billions now, it will return to its peak scale of tens of trillions in less than a month. By that time, his tricks will be There is definitely no way to stop the "colonial race".

The colonists could easily divide their forces into several groups and completely parasitize him.

In other words, although he seems to be alive, he is actually dead. He has less than a month left. The most important thing is that he cannot search for other information about this race at all.

Currently, all this information is given on the combat evaluation panel.

It definitely can’t be found on the Internet.

He could think of only one way to completely kill this race, which was to commit suicide. If the host died, this race would definitely die, but this was pure bullshit, how could he die.

His city-state effect, which can instantly repair injuries on his body, is still there.

You can fake your death to escape.

But the problem is that it is unrealistic. In the decisive battle, the armored man's body was beaten like that. The "colonial race" did not abandon it, but was still working hard to heal his body. It was not until he found that there was no hope at all that he chose to migrate to On him.

And the effect of his city-state.

As soon as the body loses all vitality functions, the effect is automatically activated in an instant. Before the "colonizers" leave, they see the host resurrected.

"How to do this?"

Chen Miao frowned with a distressed expression and couldn't think of any solution for a while. At this moment, he was as distressed and helpless as a sixth-grade primary school student who suddenly discovered that the papers on the final exam were full of high numbers.

These things have completely replaced his cells, or they have become one with the cells. Anyway, he has no way to remove these things from his body now.

He had less than a month to solve the problem.

Otherwise he will completely become a puppet.


Chen Miao thought thoughtfully, the "Colonial Human Race" mainly relied on the tribesmen to fill the wounds with their bodies, which would consume a large amount of the "Colonial Human Race", and pointed out that the "Colonial Human Race" was in a weak stage at this time, with only a mere number of people. Billions.

That is
As long as he takes advantage of the low period of the "Colonial Race" and finds a way to consume all the billions of "Colonial Race", he can completely wipe out this race.

ps: No update tomorrow night, have a day off.

(End of this chapter)

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