I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 296 "Yuan Buping can't do it."

Chapter 296 "Yuan Buping can't do it."

"After all, it's a limited-edition hidden profession, and its strength is probably quite high. Now that we've seen it, it would feel a bit of a loss if we didn't take one away."

"You go see who wants this opportunity."

Yuan Buping, who was sitting aside, twitched his mouth slightly for a while, but then he still looked up at the members of the tombkeepers who were sitting on both sides of the long table having breakfast. But for some reason, everyone who was chatting happily just now had their heads lowered. He stared straight at his food, as if there were flowers on the food, and he looked at it seriously.

Eating is called concentration.

There is quite a demeanor of not listening to what is going on outside the window, and only focusing on eating the food on the plate.


When Yuan Buping saw the scene in front of him, he felt a little embarrassed and lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Chen Miao. He naturally understood what his buddies were thinking, did he need to say it? It’s not like they all feel like they can’t bear the 12 hours of torture.

But these people have also been with him for a long time.

Being so timid at this time made him feel a little embarrassed in front of Brother Miao.

Whether you can get it or not is one thing.

Zhou Shen, who was sitting next to him, also shook his head helplessly. He considered himself a person who would do anything to climb up, but he had to say that he couldn't bear the pain of these 12 hours.

"come on! Come on!!!"

The trap is here. In this secret realm, you can completely create automated machines, but the control is always in your hands. As long as you want to stop, you can stop at any time, and you cannot set up the control that is not in your hands. machine.

Many people started to get excited.

Yuan Buping let out a long sigh of relief: "Yes, yes, Brother Miao is right."

It also tests physical fitness and one's mental endurance limit.

"This hidden profession is a bit difficult to obtain."

Most people just can't hold on. Even if you promise them 1 trillion, they can't hold on if they can't hold on. Unless they are being executed, the control is not in their hands. Anyway, you will never die in the secret realm. That can definitely be sustained.

But whether you have the courage to get it is another matter.

But soon, Chen Miao shook his head again: "Let this opportunity be left to others for the time being. I took a look and found that Wang Mang's spirit was a little abnormal, and the rest who got high scores also seemed to be in good spirits. have some problem."

It's like, let you take a bite of shit and give you 100 million.

"Compared to combat power, spirit is more important."

"Let's go."

But there are still many people who will refuse, but if these people who refuse are forced into their mouths, they will not be unable to eat. This is when subjective initiative comes into play, people will subconsciously avoid some possible effects on their bodies. Behavior that causes harm, but also reduces one’s own potential.

This is not only a powerful test for your character.

Chen Miao, who quickly finished his breakfast, wiped the oil stains from the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, then walked towards the road not far away with a cane, where the Hell Bus was already standing there waiting for him.


"never mind."

On the 78th floor of the Secret Building in Broken Jar City, the noise on this floor was extremely deafening. Usually there was almost no one on this floor, but today there were so many people that there was not even room for one person to stand.

Simply project the live broadcast directly to the TV station, so that some theatergoers can watch the fun without leaving their homes without coming to the Secret Realm Building.

The people who came to the scene were all ready to compete for this hidden career spot. Places are limited.

There are only 9 people left. Logically speaking, the competition should be extremely fierce. There are many open and covert attacks on each other, and they will definitely not have a good look on each other. However, uncharacteristically, everyone here is constantly giving in and even giving back to each other. Keep up the good work, it looks like a happy one.

I can't tell it at all, it's a competitive relationship.

After absorbing dozens of experiences, many people have found some experience. For example, at this time, a strong man strode out from the crowd. His drunken head looked a little unclear, and he staggered toward him. Rush through the entrance of the vortex.

This is a drunk.

What exactly can numb the pain, good idea.

It's a pity that this man didn't do enough market research at first glance. If you do a little research, you will know that whether it is alcohol or anesthesia, as long as you enter this secret realm, these effects will be clear and your brain will be extremely clear.

If you want to get 66 points in this secret realm, there is almost no shortcut, you can only rely on hard resistance. This is the meaning of the ascetic.

Chen Miao didn't care about this, but walked into a whirlpool entrance at will. There was no need to queue. Soon the secret realm was opened. Everyone's ticket was 1 credit point, and the same was true for him.

There is no need to let yourself lose a lot of money in a game that is bound to lose anyway.

The goals are different.

His goal is to make himself endure more trauma, and he has to allow a certain amount of time for the wound to recover, which will also waste some time. In addition, the score brought by trauma is definitely far lower than that of Broken Egg.

Since there is no comparison, there is no need to differentiate. His main purpose is to eliminate the "colonial race" in the body.

Chen Miao's appearance did not cause much trouble. With most of them breaking eggs, Chen Miao's high-speed blade rotating machine really couldn't make much noise. However, many bright-minded people came up with new ones. method.

Why do you have to break the eggs?

Anyway, as long as you reach 66w points, you just need to get enough points. Why do you want to use this method to make yourself immortal? But soon, everyone discovered a situation.

That is 66 points, which is equivalent to almost 6 points needed to obtain in one hour.

That's 1000 points per minute.

There is basically no other way than breaking eggs. You can get 1 points in 1000 minute. A knife wound is far from enough. Breaking an egg adds 1000 points at a time. Once you close your eyes, your brain will stop.

Just leave the rest to time.

As long as you survive 12 hours, there is a lot to do in this world, and you will definitely not be unknown in the future.

In other words, there is no other way to collect 12 points in 66 hours except breaking eggs. The conditions for obtaining the hidden profession of "Ascetic", to put it bluntly, is to let you break eggs non-stop for 12 hours.

Why can this profession be called an ascetic? I think it is more appropriate to call it "eunuch".

"Yuan Buping."

Hungry Monkey looked at the group of people in front of him with a complex expression: "Tell me honestly, if you had encountered this opportunity before you met Brother Miao, would you have gone?"

"will not."

Before Yuan Buping could answer, the black doctor shook his head and said, "This is not something you just have to persevere in. Everyone's psychological endurance is not enough. If the endurance is even worse, even if you persevere, you will be stupid."

"Yuan Buping can't do it."

(End of this chapter)

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