Chapter 297 Professional Effect: "Received"


Yuan Buping spread his hands helplessly and shrugged. Although he was dissatisfied with the black doctor's unemotional answer, in fact he had no way to refute, and there was nothing wrong with what he said.

This is indeed not something that ordinary people can bear.

Actually, don’t say it so many times.

As long as it happens more than once, he admires it.

After feeling the severe pain once, he was able to take the initiative to do it again. This kind of willpower alone is beyond the reach of ordinary people. I have never seen so many people enter this secret realm and persist until the second time. They are all in the minority.

Most people immediately give up after experiencing it once.

12 hours passed quickly.

Chen Miao's secret realm has also come to an end. His secret realm has taken the longest. Logically speaking, this secret realm can be surrendered in advance. In other words, as long as four people admit defeat, this secret realm can end early.

This time, the four people he matched with were not ruthless people. They were far less shocked than Brother Broken Egg and Sister Shengba. The four people gave up early. However, there was another rule in the rule, that is, even if four people Everyone has given up, but as long as the person with the highest points does not want the secret realm to end early, the secret realm must wait until 12 hours have passed.

Chen Miao walked out of the whirlpool with a cane, with a hint of fatigue on her face. She looked at the hungry monkeys in the hall and waved her hand to indicate that it was time to go home and sleep. It was already past one in the morning.

Firstly, Chen Miao did not come here to settle grievances with others, secondly, he did not come here to obtain the hidden profession "Ascetic", and thirdly, he did not come here for the high ticket rewards. So why did Chen Miao come here?
Just to let yourself be tortured for 12 hours?
Is this a disease?

And now the biggest function of this secret realm is naturally to obtain the hidden profession "Ascetic".

When a ruthless person appears in this secret realm, and the other people see that there is no hope of catching up, they will automatically choose to admit defeat and give up.


The number of "colonial humans" in the body is significantly reduced.

Go home, eat, sleep.

When he got up to eat the next day, the black doctor examined him and brought him good news.

Almost everyone doesn't know what Chen Miao's purpose is for entering this secret realm. Originally, this secret realm was used for negotiation. When the two gangs don't want to fight but have to divide their interests, they often come here. A showdown in the secret realm.

Wait, you can't be really sick, right? m?
For a moment, many people looked at Chen Miao's leaving figure with strange expressions. They didn't know what to say for a while. Could it be that Chen Miao really has this kind of hobby? It has long been heard that high-level extraordinary people usually play very hard in private. Flower, I didn’t expect it to be like this.

At this time, people also remembered that it seemed that it was Chen Miao's high ticket reward that attracted everyone's attention here in the first place.

Many people looked at Chen Miao's back, filled with confusion.

Or like that Broken Egg Brother, he was attracted by the high ticket rewards.

At this time, the hall was no longer as lively as it was during the day, with only a few hundred people standing there.

Chen Miao didn't make any unnecessary movements and simply got into bed. At this moment, he was very sleepy and almost passed out. He was losing blood all the time and felt extremely tired from having no control over his body.

But the problem is-

According to the posture, if you do it eight more times, it will basically be completely wiped out.


Chen Miao put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, glanced at the sun that had already risen in the sky, straightened his clothes, and strode towards the Hell Bus parked on the highway. Now it seemed that this "human colonizer" was nothing more than that. As long as you can find the corresponding removal method, it is still very simple.

In the blink of an eye.

Eight days passed.

A lot of things have happened in these eight days. For Broken Jar City, it seems that nothing has changed, and at the same time, it seems that everything has changed. The fame of the D-level secret realm "Game of the Brave" has spread to more than a dozen surrounding cities.

Perhaps even the municipal government of Poguan City did not expect that Poguan City would one day even be able to develop tourism.

Yes, that's right.

The 78th floor of the Secret Building in Broken Jar City has evolved into a tourist attraction. Countless tourists arrive here every day, grinning and watching the egg-breaking process in the live broadcast.

It sounds a bit indecent, but in fact, this kind of thing is rarely seen in real life.

So far, there are 9 of the 6 remaining professions of "Ascetic".

It has to be said that there will never be a shortage of ruthless people on this continent. Even if the conditions for obtaining this profession are so harsh, with a full 66 points, which makes almost everyone daunted, ruthless people will always appear. In the past eight days, three people have succeeded. Get this limited and rare hidden profession "Ascetic".

The exclusive effects of the ascetic profession were also revealed.

All I can say is it's pretty good.

Professional effect: "Any damage received will be converted into a fixed 1% damage, and the body's skin will be petrified, making it immune to all control effects."

It's a pretty good professional effect, pretty good for this level of professional effects.

Chen Miao looked thoughtfully at the professional effect panel posted online. He always felt that he had seen something similar to this effect somewhere recently. Was it a prop, a skill, or a boss?

Forgot about it.

But what he can tell is that the effect of this profession is quite familiar.

From a certain point of view, the effect of this profession is still very strong. In theory, even if you are hit by a nuclear bomb and your head is devastated, you will be fine. After all, no matter how high the damage is, you will only take 1% of the damage, but for He's useless.

If every bullet hits, he can kill this person with 100 bullets without even using a single shot.

It's easier than killing a mob.

In other words, it is not just him, but all the extraordinary beings of the Gunslinger profession play a role in the hidden profession of "Ascetic". If this profession panel is not revealed, the threat level of this profession will increase a lot. , but I don’t know what the person who leaked this career panel thought.

Logically speaking, the fewer people know about this kind of thing, the stronger the extraordinary person who has this profession will be.

This is why the only hidden profession is so powerful.

A big reason is that only you know the specific effects of your profession. Even if the outside world guesses something based on your usual battles, it is just a guess, and it is only one-sided and not comprehensive.

Only you know the true effect.

You can give the enemy a fatal blow at the critical moment.

(End of this chapter)

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