I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 298 "I feel like my life has been in vain."

Chapter 298 "I feel like my life has been in vain."

The unknown is the scariest thing. A hidden profession is like a sword hanging over your head. It will strike you anytime and anywhere, but you don’t know when it will strike, or even whether it will strike you. From which direction it stabbed.

I don't know how to defend myself at all.

However, none of this has much to do with Chen Miao. He doesn't really care about the profession of "ascetic monk" now. He cares more about a more important thing.


A trace of guilt flashed in Heiying's eyes, and he whispered in a weak voice: "There are some deviations in the plan. Brother Miao, the "colonial human race" in your body has not been completely eliminated. At present, ten visits to the secret realm are not enough. "


Chen Miao frowned slightly and thought for a moment before sighing softly: "It's okay. Will ten more times be enough?"

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to say that in these ten days, he had suffered all the sins of his life. That was not a life that a person could live. He fell asleep every day. He never thought that one day he would Will have the ability to sleep on a pillow.

He felt that he could become a doctor, specializing in the treatment of insomnia. Prescribing any sleeping pills would be useless. They would be useless and have side effects. He would just give the patient a knife and draw some blood. As long as the blood loss was enough, he would definitely collapse. Sleeping is much more effective than sleeping pills.

But even if he complained in his heart, he still accepted the fact. After all, "colonizing the human race" was something that was related to his life. Even if it happened ten times, he could only endure it, let alone ten times, even if it happened a hundred times. , he also had to bite the bullet and enter the secret realm.

A flash of panic flashed in the black doctor's eyes: "Looking at the current situation, another ten times probably won't be enough."

"What you mean is that I can just wait to die, right?"

"No more. A thousand times is not enough. Maybe ten thousand times can be tried."

"Compared to the few billions at the beginning, this number has been significantly reduced."


"A hundred times?"


There are no side effects.

The black doctor lowered his head and whispered: "The situation is a little unexpected. The base of the "Colonial Human Race" is too large. In the past ten days, almost all of the "Colonial Human Race" have been cleared. Although the specific data cannot be obtained, it is roughly It can be concluded that Brother Miao only has a few million "colonial humans" in his body now. "

"I feel like my life has been in vain."

How good.

"Why don't you just build a grave for me in this secret place?"

"Ten thousand times?" Chen Miao looked up at the black doctor expressionlessly: "One time is one day, and there are 365 days in a year. Do you want to calculate how many years ten thousand days are? It's almost thirty years. You asked me thirty Stay in this secret realm every day?"

Other than that, there is no other way.

"But the problem is, as the number of "colonial humans" decreases, Brother Miao, your wound recovery speed also slows down. In other words, these "colonial humans" no longer repair this body at all costs, but rather As much as possible, the number of tribesmen can be ensured so that the tribesmen can reproduce. There are few colonizers jumping into the wounds and using their own bodies to quickly repair the wounds. "

"In other words, these colonial races are not intelligent enough."

"Not much wisdom." "But there are three goal points in the minds of the "colonial people". These three goal points run through the life of the colonial people, and the priorities are higher than the last and cannot be surpassed. "

"The first goal is: to ensure the number of tribesmen and to reproduce quickly."

"The second goal is: repair the host body at all costs."

"The third goal is to replace the host with a more powerful one and completely occupy the host's body."

"This is also the way Miao Geqi first used to stop these "colonial people" from occupying your brain. Using the second target point of the "colonial people", let them choose the second priority between repairing the host's body and occupying the host's body. target point. "

"The priority of the second target is higher than the third target point."

"And now because the number of people in the "Colonial Tribe" has been greatly reduced, they have completely abandoned the second and third goals and began to focus on retaining the number of tribesmen as much as possible and reproducing quickly. "

"Only after the number of members in the group has returned to a certain level, they will put the second and third target points on the charter again, and"

"All right."

Chen Miao interrupted the black doctor's tirade. He remained silent for a moment with a calm face before speaking: "I understand. It means that this "colonial race" will not threaten my life and safety for the time being, but it cannot be completely eradicated." Right. "


Perhaps because he saw Chen Miao's face not looking good, the black doctor hurriedly spoke up and said, "But this is actually better, Brother Miao. It's not long before the "colonial human race" has fully multiplied to a sufficient number and reappeared, threatening your life and safety again, Brother Miao." It takes a long time. "

"And during this period of time, Brother Miao, you can gain the ability to automatically heal your injuries without paying any price."

"And as the number of "colonial races" continues to increase, the ability of this effect will become stronger and stronger. "

"As long as the number of "colonial humans" reaches a certain level and begins to endanger Brother Miao's life, we only need to go to the secret place in Broken Jar City a few more times to solve this problem. "

"Looking at it from another perspective, this can be considered a good thing. After all, no one in the Federation has such an item or skill that can automatically heal injuries. In many cases, it can have very good results and can even turn the tide. "


Chen Miao nodded and said no more. Since this matter has already happened and there is no way to correct it, he will naturally not complain about it, but it will be a lot of trouble.

Every once in a while I have to go to the Broken Jar Market.

In fact, trouble is not bad. He is not a person who is afraid of trouble. He is mainly afraid of pain. For example, Zhang Wanlin's family members. How could he go to the hell bus to take them out once a day? That would exhaust him to death.

He buried them all.

Where is it buried?

Chen Miao looked up at a small cemetery not far away. A new small cemetery had been built there. Many small earthbags were sitting there quietly. At the entrance of the cemetery was sitting their familiar old security guard. Gravekeeper.

All the people of the Zhang family were buried here by him. The dead souls and resentful spirits could not leave and were imprisoned in this cemetery. He could summon them at any time when needed. This was a professional ability exclusive to the old man. Not everyone Everyone can do it.

"Gravekeeper" is naturally a hidden profession. It is not said to be very powerful. It is a leftist profession and does not pursue combat effectiveness.

(End of this chapter)

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