I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world

Chapter 299 "Brother Miao, the sky is falling!!!"

Chapter 299 "Brother Miao, the sky is falling!!!"

There are many hidden professions in this world that do not pursue combat effectiveness or high damage, but this does not mean that these hidden professions are useless. In many cases, they have extraordinary effects.

It can be used as a support player on the battlefield, or as a solo player.

Along with the black doctor's final conclusion.

This matter has also come to an end, whether it is "colonizing the human race" or "ascetic monks", at least there is no need to consider the matter of "colonizing the human race" for a short time, and it cannot be said to be a complete disaster. After all, it is just like what the black doctor said , if the negative effects are not considered, the positive feedback brought by this "colonial race" is still very strong.

As for the "ascetic monk", with the initial high fever, the fever gradually dropped.

After all, those who thought they could succeed at the beginning had already tried it in the first few days. After the first few days, those who were confident had already tried it. The rest of the people were extremely self-aware of themselves and did not try it.

Limited rare hidden profession.

The value is extremely high, it is just there, like a young girl who has just left the court, you can get it as long as you go, but under the eyes of countless people, there are still six places for this hidden profession. There, no one cares.

Mainly because of the restriction on the profession "Fighter", many players of other professions have no choice but to give up. Even if they succeed in the challenge, they cannot obtain this hidden profession.

The cost of changing jobs is very high.

The reason why I often stay on the ground is simply because I am used to it.

What? You want to try it first? Should you try first to see if you can pass the level without changing classes, and then find out that you can pass the level before changing to a fighter class?

Chen Miao lay on the rocking chair and said casually with his eyes closed. Although there is a palace underground, he spends most of his time on the ground. It is not because there is the sun on the ground. After all, this is an extremely cold place, and the sky has always shrouded it. With dark clouds.

Logically speaking, as long as you can return to the profession of "ascetic monk", you can make money.

No matter how expensive it is to change jobs and retrain, as long as you can get a rare hidden job, it is extremely profitable. A rare hidden job is not only as simple as having job effects, but also has many things in the future, such as job-specific props, skills, etc., every time Each of these things can greatly increase combat power, and they are all good things.

Although he didn't do anything big in the past ten days, it was indeed the most tiring ten days since he time traveled. Today he didn't want to do anything. He just wanted to lie here and have a good rest. Even if the sky fell, it didn't matter to him.

Today is day off.

It's just a pity that at present, the extraordinary people who have obtained three "Ascetic Monk" professions in the past eight days have all cleared the level in one go, that is, they have successfully won it the first time they entered this secret realm. No one has done so in the past eight days. After many attempts, I finally reached the score requirement.

Most of the time, we have to rely on light bulbs for lighting during the day. Only on a few days, when the sun is relatively strong at noon, can some sunlight shine through the dark clouds. In most other cases, it is gloomy at 12 noon.

This actually made many ruthless people have no choice but to leave the game with regret.

good idea.

The reason is very simple. This kind of thing cannot be tried. There is only one way to complete it, and that is to persevere. Once you breathe a sigh of relief, you will never get up again.

"New Year approached."

And the problem lies precisely here.

So the time came to January 1th.

It's not a direct exchange. If they try to change jobs to "Fighter" in advance and find that they can't pass it, wouldn't it be a waste of time? I was originally a senior transcendent, but after changing my job, I started from scratch again. Isn't this pure nonsense?

There is almost no sunlight coming through.

"Brother Miao!"

at this time--


The hungry monkey in the distance trotted over anxiously: "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!! Brother Miao, the sky is falling!!!"


Chen Miao closed her eyes angrily: "Speak up if you have something to say, and don't be surprised. How big of a deal can it be, and the sky is falling? Even if the sky is falling, what does it have to do with us?"

"If the sky falls, a tall man will hold it up."

"We are in an extremely cold place, can it still affect us?"

"If we can't even handle it here, then there won't be many living people on this planet. Since everyone is going to die, what's the rush?"

"No!" Hungry Monkey looked a little anxious and at a loss as he called Zhou Shen and others who were distracted not far away: "Is the sky really falling? Didn't you look at your watch?"

"In case of emergency, the Federation has started broadcasting live broadcast around the world!!!"

"An emergency?"

Chen Miao opened his eyes, turned on his watch, looked at the live broadcast at the top, and said thoughtfully: "Which city is this a random event? The entrance to this live broadcast is so far forward, the zombie siege and the gate to the underworld last time But they don’t have the qualifications.”

"Global events. Noah's Ark?"


He was stunned for a moment before he realized what was happening. He looked up at the hungry monkey and murmured, "Is this a fucking global incident?"

He was still thinking about which city this incident was about. The battle was so big that it was a global incident, which meant that not only one city was affected, but all cities were affected. This is a global event!

Even if they are in an extremely cold place that does not belong to any city-state and is almost on the edge of the Federation and is known as the top ten forbidden places, they cannot avoid it. They just said that the sky is falling, and there are tall people who are holding it up. .

As a result, when he woke up, he became taller.

Because the sky that collapsed was the sky in his extremely cold place!
I saw in the live broadcast——

An extremely huge hole appeared in the distant sky at some point. It looked like an upside-down bowl with a hole in it, or like someone had dug a hole out of the Rolls-Royce Starry Sky Top with an iron rod. .

This cave entrance seems to be directly connected to the sea of ​​another world.

Countless seawater rushed out along the entrance of the cave.

It is roughly estimated that the hole is about 10,000 meters high from the ground, and the seawater rushes from a height of 10,000 meters to the ground. The diameter of the hole is about 10,000 meters wide.

A huge hole that is extremely scary and exaggerated.


It is true that for Blue Star itself, this hole is not very big, but for humans, this is a bit exaggerated.

The extremely cold place is located in the North Pole, almost close to the top of the North Pole, and the hole is right at the top of the North Pole. In other words, this large amount of seawater will soon flood the entire northern hemisphere with terrifying floods.

And their extremely cold place is the first stop.

Innocence is shattered.

There are really tall people who resist.

Unfortunately, when they wake up, they become the tall ones.

Chen Miao jumped up from the recliner almost instantly. He stood there and looked towards the direction of the North Pole. He couldn't see anything. The thick dark clouds above his head blocked all his sight, even though his gunner's passive skill Eagle Eye was already very high. The height is higher, and the sight is far beyond that of ordinary people.

But no matter how good the sight is, it is not perspective.

These dark clouds completely blocked his view.

"Grandma's innocence is fucked!"

He lowered his head and looked at the ground. Logically speaking, if such a huge amount of water fell from the sky and hit the ground, the ground would definitely shake. He was not far away, so he would definitely feel it. But so far, the ground was very stable and he didn't feel anything. .

It felt like nothing happened and everything was business as usual.

"and many more!"

Chen Miao suddenly realized something: "Since it is a global special event, is there no announcement?"


Hungry Monkey nodded helplessly: "The name of this event is "Noah's Ark." Only 1000 million people in the Federation have received the announcement, and these 1000 million people are the chosen ones. "

"In 72 hours, there will be a huge ark that will hold all 1000 million people in it and then float in the air for 77 days."

"In these 77 days, floods will destroy the entire world and kill all land life."

"Then after the 77 days were over, the Ark landed, and the 1000 million people landed on the ground again and began to rebuild their new world in the receding flood. From the beginning to the end, only these 1000 million people received the announcement."

"No one else knew."

"But someone leaked the announcement, and everyone learned about it. The federal satellite also detected that an extremely terrifying giant hole suddenly appeared at the North Pole of Blue Star, and countless seawater gushes out of it."

"Immediately afterwards, a global live broadcast began."

"Brother Miao, what should we do? How about running to Antarctica and trying it first?"

Yuan Buping, who was not far away, said thoughtfully: "I think if this is really the case, we may not be able to survive. The "Tiangong" prop can always have sufficient oxygen and maintain a constant temperature in our territory. It even keeps the pressure at bay. "

"Now that there is flooding, the ground cannot survive."

"I think we can move directly to the seabed. As long as there is sufficient oxygen and constant temperature and the pressure is relieved, there is basically no danger to us on the seabed. We just need to prepare and stock up on food in advance."

"You can even build a road under the sea so that you can go to other places via the Hell Bus."

Chen Miao did not reply. Instead, he held his chin with one hand and lowered his head in thought for a long time. Then he raised his head and looked at Hungry Monkey: "You are the first to hear the news. Is there any solution from the Federation?"


Hungry Monkey nodded firmly: "The Federation's current thinking is that they do not accept the outcome that only 1000 million selected people will survive and everyone else will die. They have decided to find a way to plug this huge hole."

"And try to create something that can survive a flood for more than 77 days, such as a large number of ships and so on."

"Anyway, I don't plan to wait to die like this."

(End of this chapter)

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