Chapter 125 Where did you get it? ? (five-in-one)

[PS]: I finished writing it in one go today, so I won’t divide it into chapters. This chapter has 10,000 words.

In the Du family manor, Chen Mo got out of the car, turned around and reached out thoughtfully to help Zhao Yue down.

This was Zhao Yue's first time here. She looked around and could see that the security here was quite tight.

Zhao Yue's bodyguard group is all waiting outside the Du family manor.

"You two, please come inside."

With Du Zixi leading the way, Zhao Yue took Chen Mo's arm and followed calmly into Du Renyuan's mansion.

"Master Tang and my father are waiting in the living room."

Du Zixi extended her hand in one direction and said.

Although Chen Mo had been here last time, he went straight to Du Renyuan's room last time. It was obvious that Du Zixi had not given him a detailed introduction to the structure here.

Following Du Zixi to the door of the reception room, he saw Du Renyuan, Du Zihang, Tang Zhan and another Tang family member sitting there.

Tang San and Tang Tianhao fell, and the third in command of the Tang family named Tang Tiansheng took advantage of the situation.

He was Tang Tianhao's second brother, but he was not as capable as Tang Tianhao, so he was killed by him.

Unexpectedly, Chen Mo took action and fished it out for him again.

Logically speaking, he should have a good impression of Chen Mo, but when Chen Mo fished for him, he sent a signal that he wanted to kill the Tang family.

Then this is not a good thing.

Something like this happened to Tang San and Tang Tianhao, and he came to power the next day, so would he also suffer the same fate as Tang San and Tang Tianhao the next night?

Just thinking about this made the hairs on Tang Tiansheng stand on end.

Today, when he heard his father say that he wanted to join the Du Yuan Group, he didn't even complain at all.

It's not about money now, it's about life.

It is enough to hand over the property as long as you can leave enough wealth to enjoy the rest of your life.

He didn't want to fight for anything anymore.

Seeing Chen Mo and Zhao Yue come in, the four people immediately looked towards them.

"Please take a seat, both of you." Du Zixi opened the two chairs next to the table and said.

As Chen Mo and Zhao Yue took their seats respectively, Du Zixi sat next to Chen Mo. The servant on the side immediately showed the guests tea.

At this time, Du Renyuan spoke up and said: "Shenyi Doctor Chen and Xiao Yue are also here. Brother Tang, if you have anything to say now, you can say it directly."

This was the first time that Tang Zhan and Tang Tiansheng saw Chen Mo in person.

After a quick glance, I felt that this person was indeed a talented person with a majestic appearance.

"Mr. Tang Zhan, right? What do you want us to talk about?" Chen Mo looked at Tang Zhan with a half-smile.

Tang Zhan is also a mature man, how could he not understand Chen Mo's attitude.

At this time, the other party's expression was obviously playful.

"Sure enough, the sniper should have been killed by them, otherwise he wouldn't have this expression."

Although he knew that Chen Mo had guessed it, as long as Chen Mo didn't have the ability to read minds and refused to admit it, and it was not his idea in the first place and he didn't ask someone to do it, then it had nothing to do with him.

After reading Tang Zhan's thoughts, Chen Mo just smiled and ignored it.

"I asked three people to come here today just to say one thing. Our Tang Group has agreed to be acquired by Du Yuan Group and Zhao Group. As for the specific allocation of the acquisition shares, you can decide for yourself."

"Oh? What about the purchase price?"

"We are willing to sell it to three people at a price of 10% of the market value." Tang Zhan didn't say much and directly quoted a low price.

"So low?" This price was beyond Du Renyuan and Zhao Yue's expectations.

Even if they knew that Tang Zhan wanted to withdraw from the competition, in their opinion, he still had to take 20% of the price.

Unexpectedly, he cut off half of it first.

Just when Du Renyuan and Zhao Yue felt that this was no different than giving it away for free, Chen Mo smiled and said: "Mr. Tang, your price is very reasonable. We seem to have no reason to refuse."

As soon as these words came out, Tang Tiansheng immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but Tang Zhan didn't. He knew that Chen Mo was definitely not done yet.

From Chen Mo's expression before, he knew that things were not going well today.

"If Mr. Chen is satisfied, then we will start signing the agreement. We have also called the lawyer." Tang Tiansheng said immediately.

"Wait a minute, this price is indeed reasonable, but it is only before Sister Yue and I leave Mingyuan Community. After we left Mingyuan Community, this price is no longer suitable."

"Mr. Chen, the total market value of our Tang Group is 500 billion. Currently, our Tang Group is still in the period of rising profits. The group's prospects are excellent. If it were to acquire our Tang Group in normal times, even 500 billion would not be available.

We only need 10% and 50 billion to sell it to you, which is already extremely cheap. Tang Tiansheng said quickly.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Tang Zhan immediately raised his hand to signal him to shut up, then looked at Chen Mo with a smile and said, "What price does Mr. Chen think is appropriate? I'm all ears."

"That's 5 million. I originally wanted to give you million, which is enough for your whole family to live in the future, but who told me to be a kind-hearted person? Let's enjoy more while there are still a few good days left. "

"What! 5 million? Our subsidiaries have a market value of more than 5 million." Tang Tiansheng was dumbfounded.

The Tang family still has such a big group of people, how much does it cost to get such a share of 5 million?

"Thank you Mr. Chen for your kindness. Let's do it as Mr. Chen said, 5 million." Tang Zhan could only say with a smile even though his heart was bleeding.

After these two simple sentences, the two easily reduced 50 billion to 5 million, which really surprised Du Renyuan and Zhao Yue.

Although Chen Mo's assertion of power yesterday could really scare Tang Zhan, the rabbit bit him when he was anxious. It really drove the Tang Group into a panic. If they merged with them, then the economic war would bring chaos to the entire Magic City. Chaos benefits no one.

But who would have thought that Tang Zhan would be willing to accept such an extremely oppressive price.

It's actually a bit unbelievable.

Is this still the Tang Zhan they remember who has been able to dominate the big stage of the Magic City for many years?

"Father..." Tang Tiansheng obviously couldn't accept the price. Although he was afraid of death, he also wanted to exchange money for fun. But with such a low price, how could he have fun? He wanted to keep fighting for it, after all, everyone sat down and didn't talk much at all.

Why are you willing to keep the price so low?

Even his own father is still thanking others?

It’s simply baffling!

"Shut up!" Tang Zhan snorted coldly, "Do you have the right to speak here? I'm calling you here just to let you know about the future situation of the Tang family so that you can go back and pass on the matter."

At this time, Tang Zhan finally revealed a bit of the domineering power of the head of the Tang family.

The pressure he had accumulated over a long period of time allowed him to suffocate Tang Tiansheng with just one drink.

Tang Tiansheng immediately shrank aside with a sad look on his face and remained silent.

"Mr. Tang, I'll leave the Tang family's affairs at this. Originally, today's affairs were just like this.

That person just attacked me, but he targeted someone he shouldn't have targeted..."

When Chen Mo said this, he glanced at Zhao Yue, and everyone immediately understood who he was talking about.

"Since you are aware of this matter, then this account will naturally be borne by you.

But considering that you are already old, you could settle the matter with Tang San and Tang Tianhao yesterday, so let’s not settle this matter with your Tang family today.

Go back and tell Hongyun Group to get them ready. "

As soon as these words came out, what happened to Tang San and Tang Tianhao was completely confirmed.

Although everyone thinks that this kind of weird thing can be done by no one except Chen Mo.

But after all, everyone had just made their own guesses before, and no one really asked Chen Mo for confirmation.

Now that Chen Mo has personally admitted it, everyone will naturally be able to confirm it immediately.

But confirmation is confirmation, looking at Chen Mo who looked harmless to humans and animals.

It was really hard for them to imagine what method Chen Mo used to accomplish such a bizarre thing.

If there are other experts behind him, at least none of them have appeared so far.

After hearing Chen Mo's words, Tang Zhan could only bite the bullet and nodded: "I will take the words to you."

Soon the two parties signed the acquisition agreement under the witness of lawyers.

"I will hold a press conference tomorrow to announce the acquisition." After saying this, Tang Zhan left with Tang Tiansheng.

As soon as he left the house, Tang Tiansheng couldn't help but ask: "Father, why do we agree to sell the group at such a low price? There is obviously room for negotiation. Since they want our group, what about 50 billion and 5 million?" How much difference can it make to them?

We are not Hongyun Group, with a market value of hundreds of billions. "

"Shut up, you idiot. We can only come out alive now because of others' shame. If you are still talking nonsense here, let's talk about it after we get in the car!"

Seeing that there were many Du family members around, Tang Zhan didn't want to embarrass himself in front of others, so he directly pulled Tang Tiansheng into the car.

As the car drove all the way out of Du's house, Tang Zhan said, "You didn't see the look on the face of Miracle Doctor Chen just now. Isn't it right?"

"I found it, I just don't know why."

Tang Tiansheng was naturally not a fool, but he didn't know, so he didn't understand.

"Hong Jian and I made such a plan last night..."

As Tang Zhan finished speaking, a drop of cold sweat fell from Tang Tiansheng's forehead.

"Why, we have decided to sell the group and stop playing. Why are we still playing with fire? Isn't this jumping into a pit of fire? Judging from the attitude of Divine Doctor Chen just now, it seems that the idiot who was hired as a killer has taken action against Zhao Yue. This is not to offend others!"

Tang Tiansheng instantly felt that being able to sit safely in the car now was like saving his life.

"What do you know? We are just here to talk today. How to talk is naturally determined by current events. If Hong Jian's operation succeeds, we will naturally not need to talk.

But obviously, Hong Jian not only failed to succeed, but also angered the miracle doctor Chen. Then we can only stand upright after being beaten. The original purchase price of 50 billion was reduced to 5 million. The 45 billion is your father and I acquiesce in Hong Jian's plan. price.

He was able to let us go, partly because this matter was not my plan or instigator. "

Hearing what Tang Zhan said, Tang Tiansheng suddenly reacted and said: "That's not right, father, since you were not the instigator of this matter, and you were not involved in it, then why didn't you explain just now? Why did you just acquiesce? ?

Explain this matter clearly. We can't still negotiate a purchase price of 50 billion. "

Tang Tiansheng immediately felt a pity. The gap between a few sentences was as high as 45 billion.

If they were still in control of the Tang Group, then none of this would matter, but now that their Tang Group had been betrayed in exchange for such a small amount of money, he was really heartbroken.

"Do you think I don't want to say it? It's not that I don't say it, it's that I have no chance to say it.

This miracle doctor Chen is definitely not an ordinary person.

From the way he looked at me, I already knew that he had definitely understood everything, and I couldn't hide anything from him.

Instead of trying to forcefully defend yourself in front of him to no avail or even be self-defeating, it would be better to admit it directly and gain some favor from him.

Otherwise, do you think we can really come out so easily? "Tang Zhan snorted coldly.

"Hey, how come our Tang family has provoked such evil spirits? Can't we find a solution to the Jiang family in the imperial capital?"

"What about the Jiang family? Can the Jiang family follow you 24 hours a day? Can't you find someone to surround you when you go to the toilet, take a shower, or sleep?"

If you can't do it, how do you know that the next San'er and Tianhao are not you? "Tang Zhan said coldly.

"That's not what I meant. I just wanted the Jiang family to adjust in the middle so that we lose less. Or maybe we just sold the Tang Group to the Jiang family before, so we can just leave and let the Jiang family fight with them."

"It's a beautiful thought. Do you think the Jiang family is a fool like you? The Tang family, which is always trying to be courteous, cheats or steals, and is running a good business, suddenly sells people at the drop of a hat?

Do you think our Tang family is a fortress and no one knows what happened yesterday?

As far as I know, there are no less than three informants within our Tang family.

The reason why I kept them was just to let them convey some of the things I wanted to convey in real time, but who would have thought that something like last night would happen. I didn't even have time to control them, and they had already conveyed the information. It's too late to say anything.

And even if they don't spread the news, San'er and Tianhao are like this, how can they show up in front of others the next day?

Even if you can hide it for a day or two, what will happen next?

After I get rid of these few informants that I know, the next time the other party bribes the informants that I can't understand for a while.

Things should be leaked anyway, there is no need. "

"Well, it seems that since we provoked this person, we have entered an unsolvable situation." Tang Tiansheng also accepted his fate at this time and said no more.

I only regret that Tang San and Tang Tianhao chose good enemies, whether they chose the Liu family or the Zhao group, they were all untouchable. If they concentrated on dealing with the Du Yuan group, they wouldn't have an uncontrollable situation like today.

The more he thought about Tang Tiansheng, the angrier he became.

It was purely because of the wrong strategic goals of these two guys that I incurred an unreasonable disaster.

He just felt now that these two guys deserved what happened to them.

Tang Tiansheng was originally unhappy that his brother had squeezed out his position, but now that he thought of the father and son, he felt even more unhappy.

However, these two people were already in the worst condition, and he had no need to vent to these two people.

After Tang Zhan left, at the conference table, Du Renyuan looked at Chen Mo with a smile and said: "Miracle Doctor Chen, although the Tang Group is the same family as the Hong family, they actually wear the same pair of pants. The group can actually be counted as part of the Hongyun Group.

Since we have already agreed before that our Du Yuan Group will not take any of the interests of the Hong family, then it will be the same this time.

Of these 500 million, our Du Yuan Group will come up with it, and one-third of the Tang Group's share that belongs to our Du Yuan Group will all belong to you, Chen Shenyi. "

"Since President Du is willing to bear the acquisition fee alone, it is natural that our Zhao Group will not be able to participate in the sharing, so we will just keep all the profits silently." Zhao Yue said with a smile.

"You two are so polite, so I am not a polite person, so I would rather obey your orders and not give in to you." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Of course, this is the best." Du Renyuan immediately smiled and said.

Although the Tang Group is a piece of fat, how can it compare to Chen Mo's favor.

Moreover, in the future, the Du Yuan Group, the Zhao Group, and Chen Mo's forces will be in a state of absolute good relations. There will be a lot of opportunities for win-win cooperation, so why should we care about the petty profit in front of us.

"Since the Tang Group has voluntarily sold out, let's focus on dealing with the Hong family next. I really didn't expect that we could easily get the Tang Group just by teaching Tang San and Tang Tianhao a lesson. If we follow the same pattern, we should be able to deal with the Hong family faster. Things at home are not as troublesome as I thought before.

I originally thought these people were hard-core, but I never thought they were all weaklings. "

"The main thing is that they haven't been forced into a desperate situation. The 5 million retreat you gave them may seem hard to accept, but it is a pretty good retreat after all. Even if they fall from the clouds into the mortal world, they will still be at the upper level of the mortal world." Du Renyuan analyzed.

"The fact that the Tang family has such a result can be regarded as a reward for Tang Zhan's self-awareness..."

When Chen Mo said this, Zhao Yue immediately asked curiously: "From what you said just now, it seems that something happened to us when we were in Mingmingyuan Community just now? But why didn't I feel anything?"

When Zhao Yue asked, several other people immediately looked at Chen Mo.

"This is about Hong Jian. Originally, Tang Zhan wanted to join Tang Zhan because of Tang San and Tang Tianhao's affairs, but Hong Jian came up with the idea of ​​assassinating one person and joining the other.

If Hong Jian can successfully assassinate me, then there will be no need for Tang Zhan to continue negotiations.

The reason why I let Tang Zhan go today is because his initial plan was just to surrender. This subsequent plan was thought up and proposed by Hong Jian, and he just acquiesced.

Of course, since he acquiesced, he had to pay a price. They could have easily escaped with 50 billion, but now they had to withdraw with 5 million.

5 million is of high value to one person, but for a large group of people in the Tang family, 5 million seems to be a lot. It is not easy to distribute it properly. "

"Hong Jian sent someone to assassinate you? When?" Zhao Yue became even more curious after hearing this.

On the way from Mingyuan Community to Du Manor, she encountered nothing unusual.

"The moment we stepped out of Mingyuan Community, a sniper shot directly at you, but don't worry, he has been taken care of without you knowing." Chen Mo said with a smile.

Hearing this, Zhao Yue felt confused for a while. Chen Mo had been by her side at that time. When did he go to deal with the person?

But thinking of Chen Mo's unpredictable methods, Zhao Yue was too lazy to think about it.

"No wonder Tang Zhan looked guilty after you lowered the price just now. He even said words of gratitude to you and didn't even dare to refute or raise the price." Zhao Yue also understood the reason for Tang Zhan's reaction just now.

"If he dares to say it, then the 500 million will become 50 million, maybe even 5 million!" Chen Mo said coldly.

That's why he said that Tang Zhan was self-aware and quite smart.

There is obviously a reason why this guy can be the head of the Tang family and has always been at the top of a big stage like the Magic City.

"Now that we've settled the matter here, it's time for us to leave. I'll go talk to Hong Jian later."

As he spoke, Chen Mo wrapped his arms around Zhao Yue's weak and boneless waist. The next moment, Chen Mo and Zhao Yue disappeared out of thin air in front of Du Renyuan, Du Zihang, and Du Zixi. Since they are all his own, Chen Mo is too lazy to hide this matter.

After all, just knowing this, others can't know the method he used to disappear, nor can they formulate a way to restrain him.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Zhao Yue saw that the scene in front of him had changed.

At this time, he had actually returned home.

"What's going on?" She looked around blankly.

"We are already home, Sister Yue." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Ah? How did you come back?" Zhao Yue didn't even understand what was going on, why he was home in the blink of an eye.

"Immortal arts are all immortal arts." Chen Mo smiled mysteriously.

"Then when you ascend, remember to take me with you." Zhao Yue smiled.

"Absolutely, sister Yue, please stay in the Mingyuan community first. After all, I don't know how many waves of people Hong Jian has arranged. Xiao Huang is safer here. I will go and settle the Hong family's affairs first. .”

Although Chen Mo read Tang Zhan's mind and realized that Hong Jian was looking for a sniper to deal with him, the exact number of people Hong Jian found was unknown.

So Chen Mo didn't dare to gamble.

Since the sniper just now had the idea of ​​taking action against Zhao Yue, who knows if there is such a person behind him, so Chen Mo can only tell Zhao Yue not to go out for the time being until he has finished looking for Hong Jian.

"I understand, then I'll drink tea and watch dramas at home, waiting for your good news." Zhao Yue said with a smile.

Chen Mo nodded, then used teleport again and disappeared in front of Zhao Yue.

At this time, inside the Du family.

Du Renyuan, Du Zihang, and Du Zixi still looked as if they had seen a ghost.

"Where did the two of them go?" Du Zixi asked blankly.

Du Zihang quickly took out his mobile phone and clicked on all the surveillance cameras set up around his father's house in the manor.

But I didn't see any trace of Chen Mo and Zhao Yue.

"We can't even see their shadows in our house. It's really strange."

"I have long thought that Divine Doctor Chen's methods are extraordinary, but I never thought that his methods are so extraordinary. Before, I thought that what happened to the three brothers of the Hong family was done by his fellow sect, but with the way he just came and went at will, I am afraid that the three brothers of the Hong family It was all his doing.”

As soon as Du Renyuan finished speaking, Du Zixi immediately reacted and said: "By the way, when I brought Chen Mo and Zhao Yue over just now, we talked about this matter in the car. He said that Hong Xingsheng was him. fixed.

The reason Hong Xingsheng held a sword instead of a gun was because he thought he was a ghost.

When I heard this, I still didn’t know why Hong Xingsheng had such an idea.

Now I finally understand that if he appeared in front of Hong Xingsheng out of thin air like he disappeared out of thin air today, it would not be surprising at all for him to regard Chen Mo as a ghost. "

"Are there really superpowers in this world?" Du Zihang was already doubting science.

"The world is full of wonders, and you should never doubt something you don't understand. You would rather believe it or not. This sentence is quite reasonable. Since we have seen it with our own eyes, there is nothing to be surprised about. Moreover, Miracle Doctor Chen has never shown his ability like this in front of us before.

Today, he does not shy away from us. He has more or less trust in us, which is a good thing. "

Hearing what he said, Du Zihang and Du Zixi both nodded.

At this time, the Hong family.

After Hong Jian called Tang Zhan and told him that something might have happened to someone under his command, he was already prepared for Chen Mo to come to his door.

But all he was prepared for was that Chen Mo might come to his door at night.

He never expected that Chen Mo would come to his door so impatiently in broad daylight.

He just received a call from Tang Zhan without saying a few words.

"I have left the Du family. The Tang family has barely survived, but the Hong family is probably going to be destroyed!"

"Brother, what do you mean?"

As soon as Hong Jian finished saying this, he looked in front of him blankly.

" did you get in."

As soon as he said these words, Tang Zhan on the other side of the phone shrank his pupils.

"Father, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Tang Zhan's expression was wrong, Tang Tiansheng asked immediately.

At this time, Tang Zhan's face was livid, and he clicked the hands-free button with a look of shock on his face.

Soon Chen Mo's voice came from the phone.

"I just asked Mr. Tang to remind you to be prepared. It seems that Mr. Tang really cares about you, and the reminder was really timely. He called you not long after leaving the Du family."

"You...impossible, weren't you still at Du's house just now?" Hong Jian's incredible voice came from the phone.

Tang Tiansheng felt a chill running down his spine as he listened.

He directly clicked the hang up button.

At this moment, he was extremely scared, fearing that Chen Mo would follow the call signal and go directly to his car.

"Dad, what are you listening to? The Hong family is done playing. Let's go home and prepare to run away. We can't stay in this magical city for a while now. This person is not a human at all." Tang Tianhao's face was distorted with fear.

At this time, Tang Zhan was also extremely frightened.

He knew that Chen Mo would settle the score with Hong Jian, and he also knew that the Hong family could not escape.

But he never expected that it would be so fast, so abnormal and weird.

Chen Mo was still in the Du family just now, how did he manage to appear in the Hong family thousands of meters away in an instant?

You can't even fly that fast in a plane.

This thing was so weird that Tang Zhan didn't dare to think about it.

As the phone hung up, Hong Jian put it down and calmed down: "I know you will come, but can we talk?"

"Let's talk? How do you want to talk?" Chen Mo smiled and sat in front of Hong Jian, playing with the tea set on the table.

"Like the Tang family, our Hong family also belongs to the Du Yuan Group and the Zhao Group and sells it at a low price." Hong Jian said immediately.

"Haha, selling it at a low price, what price does Mr. Hong want to sell it at? Hongyun Group is not the Tang Group, and its market value is over 100 billion."

"One hundred million, just one hundred million." At this time, Hong Jian dared not say anything more than one-tenth or one-hundredth. He felt that one-thousandth was pretty good.

"It's so small. Is it enough for the Hong family to have so many people?" Chen Mo said with a playful smile.

"Enough, enough, it depends on what you mean, Mr. Chen."

"What I mean is that the Hong family shouldn't need to open their mouths so much to eat." Although Chen Mo had a smile on his face, the murderous intention revealed in his words was like a sharp sword piercing Hong Jian's heart.

Hong Jian said with an ugly face: "I know that what I did will not be understood by Mr. Chen, but after all, this matter was done by me alone and has nothing to do with the other Hong family members. I can let Chen do whatever he wants. Sir, please handle it, Mr. Chen, please be kind to me."

"I don't want to be arrogant, so why don't you just let me handle it? Isn't it a bit ridiculous for you to negotiate a deal with me on terms that I can already achieve?" Chen Mo said with a slight smile, but his tone was Hong Jian couldn't bear the coldness.

"I know I'm not qualified to negotiate terms with you, but if I take the lead in selling Hongyun Group, the contract signing and other matters will be easier to complete than after I disappear.

After all, once I fall, there will be a lot more people in the Hong family who control the share. You have to gather a group of them to legally take over the Hongyun Group's share. It will only add to the trouble, won't it?

Please also ask Mr. Chen to give you a chance, as long as 100 million, to give us the Hong family a chance to breathe. Hong Jian said with a pleading look on his face.

"Okay, I will leave 5 million for the Hong family, just like the Tang family, but you won't have the same luck as Mr. Tang. After you finish what you should do, get on your way.

Go to Du's house to sign the contract today, and then settle it with dignity. "

Chen Mo glanced at the dead body label on Hong Jian's head and was too lazy to do anything.

"Thank you Mr. Chen for giving me this decent opportunity. I will do it well."

"Now that the Tang family and the Hong family are in my hands, I want to see what the GPP company will do next."

Thinking of this, Chen Mo remembered that the Tang family and the Hong family relied on the Jiang family in the imperial capital, and the Jiang family's hands were quite deep in the magic city.

The Jiang family also needs to deal with this.

He actually cooperates with the company GPP and wants to harm his own people. Damn it!

"Mr. Hong, your cooperation with the Jiang family is quite good. Can you tell me about the Jiang family's affairs?"

Hearing Chen Mo mention the Jiang family, Hong Jian immediately said: "The Jiang family has a strong foundation in the imperial capital, unlike us, so we should not touch it lightly."

In order to protect the Hong family, Hong Jian was extremely cooperative at this time.

"Don't worry about what I want to do, just tell me about the Jiang family."

While talking, Chen Mo had already begun to read information related to the Jiang family from Hong Jian's heart.

Soon he understood everything about the Jiang family.

This Jiang family has a lot of connections with the Bird Country, and I always feel that something is not right with my butt.

It's just that this situation of wrong butt has not always been like this, but has appeared in recent decades. There is obviously something wrong here.

And I learned from Hong Jian that the only change in recent decades is that the current head of the Jiang family did not follow the family marriage requirements and choose someone he liked.

After hearing this, Chen Mo felt that this woman might be the turning point in the Jiang family's attitude change.

But even if just one woman could influence the head of the Jiang family, it would be difficult for her to influence the strategic direction of the entire Jiang family.

There should be some other reasons for this.

Chen Mo didn't have time to delve into this for the time being.

Finish the things in the magic city first, and take your time and don't rush the other things.

After understanding the matter and giving Hong Jian an ultimatum, Chen Mo disappeared directly in front of him, as if he had never appeared in front of him.

If it weren't for the fact that the gap on the table that Chen Mo was playing with had changed and was placed over there, Hong Jian would have even doubted whether he was hallucinating.

He immediately clicked on the computer and checked the surveillance camera at home, but there was no sign of Chen Mo at all.

It was as if this person appeared and disappeared out of thin air.

After learning that the other party had such magical powers, Hong Jian did not dare to neglect. For the future of the Hong family, he immediately set off for the Du family manor.

Du Renyuan just sent Tang Zhan away and spent some time collecting some information and dealing with some things. Then he heard that the head of the Hong family came to the door.

He couldn't help but look at Du Zihang and said with a smile: "Our family is really lively today. The heads of the Tang family and the Hong family ran over one after another. This person must have the same purpose again."

"After listening to what Divine Doctor Chen said before, I thought he had no chance to go out, but I never thought that he would still have a chance to come to us alive." Du Zihang said with a smile.

"Go meet him and see what he has to say."

Soon Hong Jian was invited in the reception room.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Hong. What kind of wind brought you here today?" Du Renyuan smiled and said hello.

"We don't need to say these polite words. I think you know why I came here today. Let's just sign the contract."

As he said this, Hong Jian glanced at the lawyer beside him.

Soon the lawyer took out a pile of contracts.

Du Renyuan and Du Zihang checked it and saw that it was the acquisition agreement of Hongyun Group, and the acquisition price was shockingly low.

"5 million? Are you kidding?"

According to the Tang family's share, Du Renyuan thought it would be 10 billion anyway.

"Originally it was 1 million, but Mr. Chen Shenyi had a lot, so he offered me 4 million. Obviously he wasn't kidding, so just sign it." Hong Jian said weakly.

Hearing what he said, Du Renyuan and Du Zihang were even more stunned.

Unexpectedly, Chen Mo, who said he was looking for the Hong family just before leaving, found him so quickly.

This efficiency is simply incredible.

In this case, they did not hesitate to sign the acquisition agreement directly.

"I will hold a press conference to announce the matter immediately after I return." After finishing speaking, Hong Jian left.

"Dad, our stocks are probably going to skyrocket." Du Zihang smiled.

Whether it is the Tang Group or the Hongyun Group, they were both purchased by the Du Yuan Group, and they were the ones who signed the contract.

When the press conference was held, it must have been announced that Cheng Duyuan Group had acquired them.

Such a large acquisition transaction was enough to instantly raise Duyuan Group's stock to the point where people were squeezing their heads to buy it for a month.

"It seems that this is the feedback that Divine Doctor Chen gave us." Du Renyuan said with a smile.

Indeed, when Du Renyuan said he was willing to pay, Chen Mo had no intention of signing the contract in his own name, but asked Du Yuan Group to sign it.

This is tantamount to giving Du Yuan Group an opportunity to increase its reputation in disguise.

This is Chen Mo's feedback.

After settling the affairs of the Hong family and the Tang family, I went back to contact the GPP company.

This company researches high-tech powerful therapeutic drugs and life-prolonging drugs. If it is said that it has nothing to do with Watt Company, Chen Mo will definitely not believe it.

If we go back and investigate this company, we might be able to directly investigate the Watt Group.

However, the acquisition work has not been completed yet, and Chen Mo is not in such a hurry.

This Walter company seems to be as smart as anything. The slightest disturbance may cause the gecko to dock its tail, so it's better not to disturb them at will.

When Chen Mo returned home, Zhao Yue was leading Xiao Huang to the gate of the community.

After learning their location, Chen Mo immediately came over.

"Sister Yue, what are you looking at?" Chen Mo smiled and suddenly put his head on Zhao Yue's shoulder from behind.

"You idiot, you want to scare your sister to death." Looking at the head that suddenly popped up on his shoulder, Zhao Yue scolded with a smile.

"Hehe." Seeing that Zhao Yue had been frightened, Chen Mo looked ahead with a smile and said, "They are being escorted with arms. It can't be my gold."

"That's right, I'm just looking at your gold. I've already found someone to transport it over. I bought a total of 8000 kilograms of gold for 200 million."

"That's great, then I can start building things."

"Do you really want to use gold to build a toilet?" Zhao Yue rolled her eyes at him.

"How is that possible? Of course I built a golden house to hide my beauty." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"What kind of gold house can be built with just 200 kilograms of gold? It is enough to build a toilet."

Chen Mo smiled and didn't say much. After the escort moved all the gold into Mingyuan Community, Chen Mo took out the architectural drawings of the virtual realm and rented three construction robots from the system for free.

As soon as he thought about it, three construction robots suddenly appeared around him. They were made of the most cutting-edge technology, and their entire bodies shone with a light silver metallic luster, making them look both sturdy and futuristic.

Each robot has four retractable mechanical legs that can move stably on any terrain.

Their bodies are rectangular, with various precision tools and instruments embedded in the smooth body surface. These tools can complete various complex construction tasks under the precise control of the robot.

The robot's head is a structure similar to that of a human head. It is equipped with high-definition cameras and sensors, which can observe the surrounding environment 360 degrees without blind spots, and transmit the data to the central processing unit for real-time analysis.

This design enables the robot to have extremely high flexibility and accuracy when performing construction tasks.

"What are these three things? Where did you get such a big thing?" Zhao Yue deliberately glanced at Chen Mo's butt with a smile.

Chen Mo smiled silently and said, "Where are you looking?"

(End of this chapter)

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