Chapter 126 Abnormal ship! (-in-)

Regarding the three high-tech construction robots that Chen Mo took out, Zhao Yue's eyes flashed with curiosity and he was looking at them with interest.

These foreign machines full of technology are quite novel and interesting to her.

However, her attention was soon attracted by a sudden jingling sound.

She was surprised to find that Chen Mo took out a bunch of things from some mysterious place.

[System prompt: After the material exchange is completed, a total of 5 grams of gold will be charged to the host. 】

As the system prompt ended, the 200 kilograms of gold that Chen Mo had just put into the ring was immediately reduced to about 150 kilograms.

Looking at the pile of things around her, Zhao Yue couldn't help but laugh out loud and joked: "Do you have a fourth-dimensional chrysanthemum? How come you can always take out so many things?"

Chen Mo smiled slightly, showed the ring on his hand and said, "This is called a storage ring."

Although these things were actually taken out of the system warehouse, he did not reveal this secret.

He turned around and gave instructions to the three robots: "You three, start building according to the drawings of the Void Realm. All the materials are here." Following his order, the three robots immediately began to take action.

Their mechanical legs moved freely, the tools and instruments on their bodies began to shine, and the construction work began quickly and orderly.

Their robotic arms wield various tools flexibly, and they accurately carry out construction according to the drawings of the virtual world.

Chen Mo stood aside, preparing to observe for a while to see if these three construction robots could ensure that everything was built according to the architectural drawings.

Zhao Yue's curiosity has not diminished because of the robot's work, but has become more intense.

She walked around the robot, exclaiming from time to time.

The speed and precision with which these robots worked far exceeded her imagination, giving her a deeper understanding of the power of technology.

"Mo Mo, the mobility of your three robots is almost the same as that of humans!" Zhao Yue sighed as he watched the three robots fit the materials around them tightly together, and gradually the building became more formal. He asked, "How do they achieve such accuracy?"

"These are high-tech products." Chen Mo explained, "They are equipped with sophisticated sensors and control systems inside, which can accurately sense and execute various commands."

While talking, the three robots had completed the construction of the basic framework and began to construct more complex internal structures.

Chen Mo and Zhao Yue also walked aside to better observe the entire construction process.

"But what is this realm of virtuality that you are talking about?" After looking at it for a while, Zhao Yue was stunned and didn't understand what the three construction robots were building.

The thing in front of you at this time is like a huge metal frame, with various intricate structures and parts intertwined together, making it difficult to see its true appearance for a while.

"Virtual Realm is actually a high-tech device." Chen Mo explained, "It can create a virtual space in which people can experience environments and scenes that are completely different from reality."

Zhao Yue was confused, but still tried to understand: "So, this thing can allow us to enter another world?"

"No, everything is false. For example, if I activate this building to transform your house into a prison cell, your house will become a building that looks like a prison cell, but in fact your house has not changed at all. It’s just a cover-up.”

"Is it fake to deceive the eyes? It's not like a 3D projection, it seems useless." Zhao Yue was immediately a little less interested.

"That's not true. This one can achieve a very high degree of fidelity. You can simulate your room into a beach, watch the waves of the sea, and the sounds can be simulated.

You can even simulate yourself in a spaceship with the stars and sea outside. Don’t you think it’s cool? "Chen Mo said with a smile.

Hearing what Chen Mo said, Zhao Yue's eyes lit up: "Isn't it possible to simulate the world in the game?"

"Of course, you can simulate any scenario you want."

"That sounds quite interesting. Can you let me play with it after you finish it?" Zhao Yue suddenly became interested.

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Of course, but it will probably take a while to build. Just wait here until they are finished. I have something else to do."

"Why are you going?" Zhao Yue looked at Chen Mo and said with a smile, "You are really busy every day now."

"Something important."

After Chen Mo finished speaking, he began to look for them based on the route to sea that his parents had mentioned before.

Although going fishing at sea is just like flying on an airplane, and every time something goes wrong it will appear serious, but the chance of an actual accident is actually very low.

Much lower than the chance of getting into a car accident.

But after all, wandering on the vast ocean is still relatively dangerous. Before, he couldn't contact his parents thousands of miles away at sea. Chen Mo could only wait for them to come back. Now that he has a way to go directly to his parents, Chen Mo is naturally not ready to wait for them to come back. .

After all, life at sea is quite difficult. Now that he has the ability to let them enjoy their happiness, and the ability to reach them directly from thousands of miles away and bring them back, Chen Mo is naturally prepared to go directly and take them home.

Save them the trouble.

However, my parents were on an ocean-going ship, and they had been out for quite some time. I don’t know exactly where they sailed to, and it wasn’t that easy to find them if they teleported there.

Chen Mo directly checked the fishing boat's route.

"Deer Arowana No. 2862, the route is the waters of Peru and Chile. It shouldn't be too difficult to find."

Turning on his mobile phone, he glanced at the world map. After seeing that all the nearby sea areas were noted down, Chen Mo immediately teleported to the nearby area in an invisible state and began to search by relying on his ability to sense blood.

After all, it is a fishing boat, so the smell of blood is inevitable on board.

His other abilities may not be strong, but his ability to sense blood is due to the blessing of the vampire bloodline, and he can directly target a radius of a hundred miles for perception.

This range of perception is huge.

With such ability, it is obviously not difficult to find Lulongyu No. 2862.

Sure enough, Chen Mo soon sensed some faint smell of blood.

However, when he rushed over to take a look, he found that it was not the fishing boat where his parents were, so he had no choice but to continue searching.

With such a wide range of search capabilities, Chen Mo didn't waste much time in finding his parents' ocean-going ship in another piece of Chilean waters.

But what made Chen Mo feel a little strange was that the smell coming from the ship was not quite right.

"This kind of bloody smell is no longer like the bloody smell of only fish, nor is it like the bloody smell of human beings who have scratched a few wounds."

Sensing something was wrong, Chen Mo immediately teleported to the target ship.

As he opened his X-ray glasses, he saw the scene on the ship.

The captain was stabbed for some reason and tied up in the room. There were two men nearby guarding him with knives.

There were several other people gathering on the same floor eating seafood hot pot. There was another group of people on the lower floor, and several people gathered together, eating and drinking.

The people on the upper and lower levels seemed to be divided into two camps.

There are almost 10 people in each camp.

In addition to these two camps, there was another camp consisting of only six people. Chen Mo found that his parents were among these six people.

Six people huddled in a sailor's room, all looking at a loss.

Chen Mo was curious, and immediately activated his mind-reading skills to read everyone's thoughts, and finally figured out everything that happened on the ship.

It turned out that the fishery company to which this fishing boat was affiliated got a deceptive contract.

It is said that even if there is no gain in going overseas, you can still get a guaranteed annual salary of 50,000 yuan.

In the end, who would have thought that this contract would deceive people because of this guarantee.

The only thing that deceives people is the so-called lack of gain.

When everyone signed the contract at first, they didn't notice any traps in it.

I just think that this company is quite conscientious. Even if there is no gain in going overseas, it can still give everyone such a high guaranteed annual salary.

Only then did they pass the news one by one, and more than thirty people were summoned to get on the boat.

As a result, after going to sea, everyone gradually discovered something belatedly.

That is, this so-called no gain is a huge pit.

Because as long as this fishing boat goes to sea and makes a little bit of harvest, it no longer belongs to the category of no harvest.

This means that the contract that guarantees a minimum annual salary of 50,000 yuan cannot be triggered.

How much money everyone can get depends entirely on their own harvest.

The salary for harvest is very low.

Among them, the man named Zhang Laosan who took the lead in stabbing the captain was originally the one who gained the most from this trip to sea.

It was precisely because he worked so hard that he almost fell into the sea once, so some people couldn't help but persuade him not to work so hard. After all, his monthly salary was only 1000 yuan, and he was risking his life just for squid that only cost cents per catty. ? Just muddle along and that's it.

Zhang Laosan was originally quite touched by his concern for his coworkers, but when he heard the second half of the sentence, everyone else was dumbfounded.

He asked the worker, "Didn't you say that the guaranteed annual salary was 1000 yuan, but why did it suddenly become yuan a month?"

He works so hard for the sake of his annual salary.

When a discerning person saw the flaws in the contract and told him about it, Zhang Laosan realized that something was wrong.

He immediately rushed to the captain's cabin to seek confirmation that day.

The answer I got was: "What 5 yuan? The contract clearly states that if no fish is caught, there will be a guaranteed income of 5 yuan. But now that our boat has harvested, there is no guarantee." Annual salary? Calculate it as a monthly salary of yuan and a commission of cents per catty!"

The captain's cunning face made Zhang Laosan intolerable.

He immediately argued angrily with the captain, and even ended up yelling at him.

As a result, the captain made it clear that he was a bully and didn't talk nonsense to him at all. He directly hit him with a blaster and beat him until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. He begged for mercy again and again before letting him go.

However, after the captain finished beating him, he was still not satisfied. He even squatted next to his ear and threatened him. On the vast ocean, any accident was possible. What if he accidentally fell off because the deck was too slippery? If he goes to the sea, it will only be considered bad luck for him, and no one will be held responsible for it.

Zhang Laosan couldn't understand what this sentence meant. It was obviously the captain warning him that if he didn't obey, no one would be able to do anything to him if he was killed one day.

When Zhang Laosan returned to the cabin, his body was bruised and bruised, which finally aroused the indignation of the other more worthless workers around him.

Like Zhang Laosan, they left their hometowns and came to this desolate sea, wasn't it just for the high income promised by the company at the beginning?

Unexpectedly, this contract was really a yin and yang contract. Now that everyone knows the truth, they can't swallow their breath at all.

But after seeing Zhang Laosan's fate, although everyone shouted fiercely, no one dared to go to the captain to argue.

However, after seeing how angry everyone was, Zhang Laosan, who had just been beaten up and had his life threatened, did not dare to stay on this fishing boat any longer.

Even if he dares to stay, he will only be used as cheap labor by the captain. He cannot swallow this breath and suffer the disadvantage of being dumb.

A bold decision suddenly came to his mind, and he announced to everyone: "The captain is not that great. He has followers. We have more people. We also have fishing knives. We have more people than the captain. After all, It’s not certain who has the final say on this ship!”

His words were like thunder, exploding in the crowd, who were surprised by his determination, even though nine co-workers from the same hometown as him chose to follow him firmly.

At the same time, another group of workers, although they were not the same as Zhang Laosan, could not stand the captain's behavior and decided to rebel.

In the end, only Chen Mo's parents and a few timid workers chose neutrality.

In this way, the two rebel organizations were easily established and successful.

When Zhang Laosan led his men to the captain's room, he stabbed the captain twice before breathing out.

At the same time, the captain was forced to return.

But after calming down, he was also stupid.

He has now committed the crime of wounding. If the ship really returns, he is afraid that he will go to jail.

So he deceived the people around him and stabbed the captain's men and threw them into the sea.

As a result, all twenty people from these two groups of rebels became accomplices.

When everyone becomes a grasshopper on a rope, they have the final say on the next movement of the ship.

It was obvious that they could not return to the country now, so they began to think of ways to find a follow-up escape route.

Fortunately, they were not so crazy that they took any action against Chen Mo's parents, who were neutral. For the time being, everyone occupied a place on the ship and lived in peace.

But floating on the sea like this is not a thing, and everyone's mentality gradually began to change.

After learning the whole story, Chen Mo also understood why the situation on the ship had developed like this. The yin and yang contract of the aquatic products company was the source of the trouble!

It's terrible when honest people are driven crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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