Chapter 130 Sensation! (triple)

After listening to what Chen Mo said, Wei Changfeng nodded immediately and said: "I understand, I will report this matter to the police. I believe there will be a result soon."

Wei Changfeng changed the subject and said, "By the way, Doctor Chen, since you are willing to help the country, I can tell you about the things I wanted to say before but never said."

Wei Changfeng thought that Chen Mo came to report this matter today because he wanted to investigate this drug for the sake of national development.

"What's going on?" Seeing what Wei Changfeng said, Chen Mo asked immediately.

"There is a department in our country that specializes in recruiting talented people, called the Dragon Group. It is an organization that enjoys a lot of rights and is very free. I wonder if you, Doctor Chen, are interested in joining?

The only obligation to join the organization is to make full use of your abilities when the country needs you. "

"Ah? There really is a dragon group. Do some of the people in it have special powers?" Chen Mo said in surprise.

"Hahaha, Doctor Chen, you are so funny." Wei Changfeng laughed after hearing Chen Mo's words and said, "If compared with ordinary people, the people inside do have special powers. After all, they are all top-notch in their respective fields. exist.

For example, your medical skills are probably only a handful in the world. In the eyes of ordinary people, your miraculous medical skills are almost the same as your so-called special powers. "

After listening to what Wei Changfeng said, Chen Mo finally understood that this so-called Dragon Group recruits talents with particularly outstanding abilities in a certain aspect. These abilities may not be useful at ordinary times, but they may be of great use at certain times, so The country has specially set up this department to recruit this type of talents.

But it's not a group of supernatural beings.

At least based on the information Wei Changfeng knew, it was not clear whether there were people with supernatural powers among them.

Therefore, this dragon group can only be regarded as a "special group of capable people and strangers".

But it is a bit arbitrary to judge that there are no people with super powers just based on this. After all, although Wei Changfeng's status is not low, he may not know the secrets of higher levels.

Secondly, there is also the possibility that there are people with superpowers pretending to be ordinary people with special abilities and are afraid to reveal their abnormality.

Chen Mo didn't care too much about this.

After all, when the apocalypse comes soon, the world will be filled with demonic particles, and everyone may be a person with superpowers.

"What rights can you enjoy by joining this dragon group?" Chen Mo asked after hearing this.

"You will be issued a special agent certificate. This certificate allows you to have a good say in most places. It can be very convenient on weekdays."

"That's good, but I might be busy and not always available."

"It's okay. Generally, members of the Dragon Group are very relaxed and free. Even if the country needs you, they will notify you first, and they will not rush you to get there immediately, unless there is a very urgent situation. An emergency call-up will only take place if the solution requires the help of some of you immediately.

To put it bluntly, he is like a guest in name only. In most cases, he enjoys his rights but has no obligations. "Wei Changfeng said with a smile.

"That's okay." Chen Mo nodded.

Having a good status in the country will make it more convenient for daily activities.

Chen Mo did not refuse.

"Okay, then I will find someone to compile your information today and report it together with what you just said.

The results will be available tomorrow and I will inform you tomorrow. "

"Okay, then I'll leave first."

After Chen Mo left, Wei Changfeng also attached great importance to what Chen Mo mentioned and immediately called the Imperial Capital to report the matter.

This news is still very touching.

After all, there are drugs that can create super soldiers, drugs that can treat various diseases, and drugs that can extend life.

Taken alone, any one of these three heads is an extremely impressive effect, enough to attract the attention of any force.

What's more, these three effect entries appear at the same time.

Naturally, the country immediately attached great importance to this matter.

Zhao Ran mysteriously disappeared in Su City that day. No one knew where he disappeared or where he went after disappearing.


The disappearance of Zhao Ran was just the disappearance of a small figure and did not attract any attention. However, Hong Jian, the head of Hongyun Group in the Magic City, suddenly held a high-profile press conference to announce that Hongyun Group had been successfully acquired by Du Yuan Group. Starting today, Starting from the beginning, Hongyun Group and all its industries and businesses will be transferred to the hands of Duyuan Group.

Once this news was released, it was like dropping an information nuclear bomb in Shanghai.

Not only in Shanghai, but also in the financial circles across the country.

After all, Hongyun Group is a group with a market value of hundreds of billions and is also a well-known group in the country. It was suddenly revealed that they had been acquired by Du Yuan Group, which would be baffling to anyone who heard it.

After all, although Du Yuan Group has a good foundation in Shanghai, the market value of Du Yuan Group is not much higher than that of Hongyun Group. Everyone cannot figure out why Du Yuan Group can acquire Hongyun Group.

For a large group like this that is still in its heyday, the purchase price usually paid may even be higher than the market value of the group.

Everything about this thing is weird.

90% of the shares of Hongyun Group are in the hands of the Hong family themselves.

Hong Jian holds as much as 80% of the shares, and the remaining 10% is allocated to the Hong family branch.

This is tantamount to Du Yuan Group secretly acquiring fully 80% of Hongyun Group's shares from Hong Jian in some unknown way.

How much does it cost?

I can't even think about it.

It’s also hard to imagine.

Many people wanted to find Hong Jian immediately to ask the reason.

But they didn't know that Hong Jian used his prestige to take back nearly 90% of the shares controlled by the Hong family and gave them to Du Yuan Group.

No one dared not to hand it over. The deaths of Hong Xingyu, Hong Xingsheng, and Hong Xingyuan, as well as the fate of Tang San and Tang Tianhao, had completely frightened everyone in the main and branch families of the Hong family. At this juncture, their own family The boss said that he had a plan to spend money to save his life, so naturally most people immediately joined him.

Even if there were a small number of people who took money very seriously, once they saw that Tang San and Tang Tianhao looked like they were worse off than dead, they had no other thoughts.

This is simply worse than death.

When they thought about the consequences of resisting, naturally no one of them dared.

90% of the shares were eventually exchanged for only 5 million. A large group of people would get one share, and a small one might get a million, and a large one might get a few million at most.

But even so, it is better than being made into a human being.

At least such assets are enough for ordinary people to squander for a while.

It's just that it's difficult for them to enjoy the extremely luxurious life before without restraint.

It takes some getting used to.

After the Hong family held a press conference, Du Yuan Group's stock price immediately began to soar crazily.

The stock prices of Nasdaq and Duyuan Group on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange can be said to have gone crazy, nearly doubling their value in a very short period of time.

Hong Jian, the head of the Hongyun Group who caused such a sensation, not only did not answer any reporters' questions on the spot, but was found dead in his office not long after holding the press conference.

He left a suicide note in front of him, which said that he had done something wrong and regretted committing suicide. He also wrote some instructions to other people in the Hong family, telling them to listen to Tang Zhan as much as possible if they had no one to rely on in the future. arrange.

The suicide note was authenticated and found to be his own handwriting.

When this news came out, rumors from all walks of life spread like wildfire, spreading rapidly. Regarding Hong Jian's death and the acquisition of Hongyun Group, various versions emerged one after another, almost everything could be said. .

Some people say that Hong Jian was actually held by the Du Yuan Group for some unspeakable reasons. They pointed out that although Hong Jian announced the news of the group's acquisition at the press conference, his expression was abnormal and he was obviously under great pressure. Moreover, it is unbelievable that such a successful entrepreneur would suddenly commit suicide.

Some people say that Hong Jian's death is related to the infighting in the Hong family. Although the Hong family is beautiful on the outside, it has long been torn apart internally, with overt and covert fights among each house. Many of them were bribed by the Du Yuan Group. Hong Jian may have lost the internal fight and chose to commit suicide. This suicide note was nothing more than what he was forced to write in order to protect his family.

Others say that Hong Jian was actually beheaded or possessed by a witchcraft, so he announced such news at the press conference and committed suicide later. They pointed out that Hong Jian mentioned in his suicide note that he had "done some wrong things", but no one could explain what the wrong thing was.

Some people even speculate that the acquisition of Hongyun Group and Hong Jian's death are actually a big chess game at the national level. Although the Hongyun Group is powerful, it may be involved in some sensitive industries and fields. The state will intervene in order to clean up and control these resources.

Although these rumors are not supported by conclusive evidence, they are widely circulated among the people, and some people even say that they have inside sources. This also made the whole incident more confusing and attracted more people's attention and speculation.

But this is just the beginning of this fog.

Because not long after Hong Jian announced the news, Tang Zhan stepped forward and held a press conference.

Although Tang Group's market value is not as good as that of Hongyun Group, it is still a good group, and it was inexplicably acquired by Du Yuan Group.

The Tang Group is a family group through and through. All the shares are in the hands of the Tang family and are firmly controlled by the Tang family heads in the past generations. There is almost no room for being shaken.

But even so, Tang Group was actually acquired by Du Yuan Group.

This is simply more shocking than the news that Hongyun Group was acquired by Duyuan Group.

This made the rumors already flying in the sky have dozens of different versions.

For a time, the entire Demon City, and even all over the country, were talking about this matter, without understanding the situation.

The Jiang family in the imperial capital and the president of GPP in the Bird Country were all shocked after hearing the news.

The Jiang family called Tang Zhan directly that day, and the news they received was that the Tang family and the Hong family were quitting. If anything happened later, the Jiang family should communicate with Du Renyuan, and they would take over their previous jobs.

"Du Renyuan has been whitewashing the Du Yuan Group. Will he take over your previous job? Tang Zhan, what the hell are you talking about!?" Just as the Jiang family asked, they heard a beep on the phone. the sound of.

Tang Zhan actually hung up the phone directly. This was the first time he hung up the phone first.

What happened here was so surprising and weird.

Soon a call from Niaoguo GPP Company came to the Jiang family.

After all, they had already planned to help the Tang family and the Hong family take down most of the groups in the Demon City, so that they could do whatever they wanted in the Demon City. However, they never expected that now the Tang family and the Hong family would all be taken over by the Du Yuan Group. Got it, what is this?

Naturally, they have to call and ask for clarification.

"Hey, Mr. Jiang, why were both Tang Group and Hongyun Group suddenly acquired by Du Yuan Group? Do you have any new arrangements? Are you planning to support Du Yuan Group?"

Listening to the questions on the phone, Jiang Jie, the current head of the Jiang family, also looked confused.

He didn't even know what to say. He didn't even know what happened. He didn't understand it. He didn't even know how it happened.

Originally, he wanted to ask Tang Zhan for clarification, but the guy actually asked him to directly contact the current controllers of Tang Group and Hongyun Group. The relevant business parties should continue to cooperate, so he hung up the phone.

Jiang Jie couldn't even handle this.

"Mr. Hex, I have something to do now. I will call you to explain the situation to you in a moment." After Jiang Jie took a deep breath, he immediately said in an extremely calm tone.

He obviously couldn't panic at this time, otherwise it wouldn't mean that there was a big problem with the plan, and then Hex might just change someone to cooperate with him, which would be troublesome.

The future market prospects of this top-quality drug like GPP can simply be described as unbelievable.

Whether it is the launch of membership-based drugs for sale in the future, or the fact that they can now, as partners, get drug samples in advance and enjoy the benefits of being easily cured of diseases, extending their life span, and greatly strengthening their bodies, these are the benefits that make Jiang Jie unable to stop. An important reason for letting GPP go.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to say that there is a problem on his side.

Because what happened in the Magic City was so weird, Hex could only think that the Tang Group and the Hongyun Group suddenly merged into the Du Yuan Group. It was the work of the Jiang family. They had already completed the three major projects. The group plans to merge into one.

After hearing Jiang Jie's calm reply that he was busy now, he didn't think much about it: "The three major groups merged into one are really busy. Then when Mr. Jiang is free, tell me about today's plans." situation."


After Jiang Jie hung up the phone, he hesitated and took out Du Renyuan's contact information.

After all, they are all at this level, and no one has clicked on anyone’s contact information.

He immediately called.

At this time in the Du family manor.

Du Renyuan was happily watching his group's stocks soar like crazy.

Now it has soared to almost three times what it was before.

"Father, if this stock goes up, I want to sell it directly." Du Zihang said with a smile.

"Don't worry, we can still climb some more. Once we climb some more, we will settle the profits. At that time, we will announce to the public that these shares are under the name of Divine Doctor Chen."

"If this is announced, the people outside the stock market rushing in will go crazy." Du Zihang said with a smile.

"I'm not very happy that these foreign investors are entering our country to harvest the hard-earned money of investors. Let's harvest them in the opposite direction." Du Renyuan held the Maotai wine glass in his hand and took a sip of enjoyment with a smile.

Just as they were watching the stock surge, the landline phone in Du Renyuan's office suddenly rang.

Du Zihang immediately picked up Du Renyuan.

After saying a few words, he immediately covered his mouth, held the handle away and said, "Father, it's Jiang Jie, the head of the Jiang family, calling."

Upon hearing this, Du Renyuan immediately became interested, "Give it to me."

Taking the phone handle, Du Renyuan put it to his ear with a smile and said, "Mr. Jiang, why do you call me when you have time?"

"Mr. Du, it's a pleasure to meet you. Mr. Du is really high-spirited today. He easily won the Tang Group and the Hongyun Group. From today on, Mr. Du will probably be the most prosperous person in the Magic City."

Jiang Jie said something polite.

"What the hell, Mr. Jiang deserves the award. Did Mr. Jiang just make this call to congratulate me?"

"Of course not. I had some business dealings with Tang Group and Hongyun Group before. Now that the two major groups have been transferred to Duyuan Group, I just had a phone call with Tang Zhan. He said that the previous cooperative business allowed me Let me tell you, I wonder if Mr. Du is interested in continuing to cooperate?"

Hearing Jiang Jie's words, Du Renyuan said with a smile: "I'm sorry, actually I am just temporarily keeping the Tang Group and Hongyun Group for others. I estimate that they will be transferred to others in the next two days. Is there any specific information? Please ask Mr. Jiang to discuss the cooperation plan with this person in person."


After hearing Du Renyuan's words, Jiang Jie was really surprised.

The only one in the entire Magic City that has the ability to acquire the Tang Group and the Hongyun Group is the Du Yuan Group. However, this ability is not something that the current Du Yuan Group can achieve. It just means that the Du Yuan Group's status in the Magic City can reach this level.

But now even Du Renyuan personally said that the Tang Group and Hongyun Group he had captured were not actually in his hands.

Then in the entire Demon City, the only one who can sit on his head is the country, right?

If the state acquired it, what else would Jiang Jie do? The GPP Group's plans were originally designed not to be known to the state. Once the Tang Group and Hongyun Group fell into the hands of the state, all his plans would be in vain.

"Are you talking about the Modu government..."

Jiang Jie was only halfway through his words when Du Renyuan smiled and said: "That's not the case, it's another person. I think Mr. Jiang must have heard of his name, Chen Mo Chen, the miracle doctor who caused a sensation in the Magic City before. A character, even Mr. Jiang must have heard of him in the imperial capital."

"What!? Is it him?"

After hearing Chen Mo's name, Jiang Jieren became even more stupid.

"Even though he is a miracle doctor, how can he be able to take over the Tang Group and the Hongyun Group in the hands of Mr. Du?" Jiang Jie felt incredible.

"After all, Divine Doctor Chen has saved my life. Not to mention the Tang Group and the Hongyun Group, even if I add the Du Yuan Group, it will be difficult to repay this life-saving grace."

"Mr. Du is really kind and affectionate. I admire him. I wonder if Mr. Du can give me the contact information of Divine Doctor Chen?"

"Let me ask you this first. Mr. Jiang, please wait a moment."

Du Renyuan put down the phone, took out his cell phone and sent Chen Mo a message.

At this time, Chen Mo was driving home. He directly controlled the phone in front of him and opened the message to take a look.

"Oh? The Jiang family came here so quickly."

He immediately smiled and replied with a message.

[Shenjin Doctor Chen]: Tell him, it just so happens that I have something to discuss with him.

After receiving Chen Mo's reply, Du Renyuan immediately picked up the phone and replied: "Doctor Chen has agreed. Please note his number..."

As soon as he got Chen Mo's number, Jiang Jie couldn't wait to hang up Du Renyuan's number and call Chen Mo.

"I'm really impatient." Du Renyuan laughed as he listened to the busy tone on the phone.

"Father, why is Mr. Jiang looking for you?"

"It's a matter between the Tang Group and the Hongyun Group. Sure enough, there were no problems in the previous investigation. The Jiang family is behind these two companies.

Now these two companies didn't even say hello to him, and just held a press conference to sell the group. Naturally, he was anxious.

Now I want to see if I can continue our previous cooperation. "

"Then my father didn't ask what the previous cooperation was?"

"Don't ask, don't ask about things you shouldn't ask. This is the basic principle of our industry. Since Hongyun Group and Tang Group are not in our hands, we shouldn't ask about related matters.

Only in this way can you stay in this industry for a long time. "Du Renyuan taught.

"My father is still transparent."

Du Renyuan's call was hung up, and a call request came from Chen Mo's cell phone.

Chen Mo glanced at it and picked it up directly.

"Hey, who's there?"

"Miracle Doctor Chen?"

"It's me, you?"

"My name is Jiang Jie, and I am the chairman of the Imperial Capital Jiangsheng Group."

"Oh, it turns out he is the chairman of the famous Jiang Sheng Group. I wonder why you are calling a little guy like me?"

"Doctor Chen is joking, you are no longer a nobody, your name is already well known among all the forces.

I made this call today because I wanted to talk about some related cooperation between Tang Group and Hongyun Group and our Jiang family.

I heard what Tang Zhan said. He sold out the Tang Group, but there seems to be room for cooperation in related businesses? "

"So that's it. They must be very willing to cooperate. Anyone with a discerning eye knows what a huge piece of fat the prospect of GPP's drugs is. Who can resist eating it?" Chen Mo said directly with a smile.

Isn't this the reason for taking down the Tang Group and the Hongyun Group? If the fish finally comes, he will naturally not let it go.

"Since Divine Doctor Chen is interested, when can we discuss the details further when we have time?"

"Okay, doesn't GPP also have a person in charge in Magic City? You should have a spokesperson in Magic City, so let's get together among the three parties to talk about follow-up cooperation. I also have the Zhao Group and Du Yuan here. From the group." Chen Mo replied with a smile.

[PS]: It’s the end of the month, and we’re still far short of a thousand monthly tickets. Please vote, please vote~~~ Friends who have tickets can help me get together~

(End of this chapter)

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