Chapter 131 The big radish! (-in-)

Jiang Jie couldn't help but feel happy when he heard that Chen Mo had managed both the Zhao Group and the Du Yuan Group, and was very interested in cooperating.

He had previously cooperated with Tang Group and Hongyun Group, and these two companies were the ones he wanted to deal with the most.

As long as we capture them, it is basically equivalent to capturing at least 70% of the Demon City's industry.

Then, they can do whatever they want in the Magic City?

"Miracle Doctor Chen really has some tricks up his sleeve!" Jiang Jie said in admiration, secretly thinking that he didn't want to leave this piece of fat to outsiders. It would be best if he could eat it himself. He immediately said, "Okay, look. What time and place do you want to make an appointment?”

"It will be four o'clock in the afternoon, in the private room No. 666 of Du Yuan Restaurant."

"No problem, I'll notify the people in Shanghai and GPP right away."

"Then we'll talk later."

As Chen Mo hung up the phone, Jiang Jie put away his smile and immediately dialed the numbers of several capable people in the city.

"Investigate whether Chen Mo has any connection with the government."

Although Chen Mo can handle the Tang Group, Hongyun Group, Zhao Group, and Du Yuan Group at the same time, this is a very good thing.

But with a mere quack doctor, how can he cover the sky in Shanghai with one hand and take care of so many groups by himself? If there was no government support behind this, it would be hard to believe.

Although Jiang Jie hopes to maintain the cooperative relationship, this cooperation with GPP must not be known to the government.

After all, they have to do some dirty things in private.

That's why we are so cautious.

Of course, Jiang Jie didn't have any information about Chen Mo.

As far as he has learned, Chen Mo has an excellent relationship with Zhao Yue. At the same time, he saved Du Renyuan and gained Du Renyuan's connections and huge favors, so he said that he had solved the Zhao Group and Du Yuan. The words of the group are not entirely false.

Jiang Jie can still believe this.

What puzzled him most right now was how the Tang Group and the Hongyun Group were transferred directly from the Du Yuan Group to the hands of the miracle doctor Chen.

What is happening here is what bothers Jiang Jie the most and what he wants to find out the most.

Although he promised to be happy, behind the scenes, he was very investigating.

After hanging up Jiang Jie's call, Chen Mo didn't pay much attention to him.

What he mainly cares about is the cooperation with GPP Company.

This GPP company has the idea of ​​establishing a unique research institute in China, and then they will definitely secretly transport the special drugs they hold.

This is what Chen Mo wants to get most.

Although he has teleportation and can sneak into the headquarters of GPP Company, but with the cautious nature of Walter Company, there is probably no information worth exploring inside GPP Company that is exposed to the public.

Really relevant drugs will only enter the GPP company through special channels.

In order to avoid alerting the public, Vought Corporation would be frightened to withdraw its plan to infiltrate the world with drugs. Then it would really be like looking for a needle in a haystack to find Vought Corporation.

Now they are moving like this, with so few hands and feet exposed.

If it couldn't shrink, it would be impossible to find it at all.

Chen Mo decided that it would be better to take his time, and there was no need to be so anxious about this.

Since the apocalypse will break out in half a year, the progress of Watt Company's drug research should still be in a very unstable state at this stage.

If they are pushed into a hurry and don't pay attention to controlling the side effects and start testing drugs on a large scale, they might bring the end of the world to an earlier date.

Although it is said that the Demon Star will not arrive early due to any changes in the current timeline, it is obviously not a good thing for the biochemical crisis to break out early.

As Chen Mo drove back to Mingyuan Community, Lin Yike had already moved in with Lin Xiaotian.

Moreover, Lin Yike wisely bought some fruit and visited the landlord Zhao Yue.

When Chen Mo came to get the key from her before, Zhao Yue said that Chen Mo must have lured another little beauty somewhere, but it turned out to be true.

And this beauty still has a heroic beauty.

"You must be Sister Yue. I am Mr. Chen's nanny. My brother and I will rent here from now on. Please take good care of me in the future."

Lin Yike smiled and handed over a basket of fruits.

Zhao Yue glanced at Lin Xiaotian and was moved by the scene. She used to have such a lovely brother by her side, but it was a pity that he left too early.

"What are your names?" Zhao Yue asked with a smile.

"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Lin Yike. This is my brother Lin Xiaotian. Xiaotian, please call someone." Lin Yike patted Lin Xiaotian's back.

"Hello, sister Yue." Lin Xiaotian politely addressed Zhao Yue immediately.

"What a well-behaved child." Zhao Yue smiled and touched Lin Xiaotian's head, "Since you were found silently, you are all a family. You don't need to be too polite in the future. There is no big deal between us in Mingyuan Community. More rules for getting along.”

Seeing how easy-going the beautiful landlord Zhao Yue was, both Lin Yike and Lin Xiaotian felt that the neighborhood atmosphere in this community must not be much different.

Immediately, I felt much more at ease about the life I lived here.

"Sister, that Brother Mo is so kind. He treated me for free and gave us such a great place to live for free." Lin Xiaotian held her sister's hand and said happily while looking at the beautiful Mingyuan community.

He has always been in the hospital ward, but he has never seen such a beautiful place.

Such a beautiful community environment and a beautiful big house to live in.

The decoration inside the room is also extremely good.

Lin Xiaotian, who was lying on the hospital bed in this kind of accommodation environment, didn't even dare to think about the place where he would live after he recovered.

I didn't expect that he could actually live there in reality.

When the two of them walked back, Chen Mo had already parked his car and returned to the community.

Seeing the construction robot busy nearby, Chen Mo didn't pay much attention.

When he returned home, he saw Lin Yike waiting at the door.

"Ms. Lin, have you moved in yet?" Chen Mo said hello with a smile.

"Well, I don't have many things, and Xiaotian doesn't have much either. I just brought some belongings with me and we moved in." Lin Yike said with a nice smile.

"Then if you need to buy anything later, you can tell me. You're welcome. From now on, it will all belong to my family." Chen Mo said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lin Yike blushed and said, "Since we are all a family, Mr. Chen can just call me Yike from now on. There is no need to call me Miss Lin."

"Okay, then you don't have to call me Mr. Chen, just call me by my name." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"No matter what happens, you have to call the master."

"This title sounds good, but don't call me that in front of people. It will make people feel a little weird. Just call me by my name in front of people." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Yike nodded and said, "I see that my uncle and aunt are not back yet, so I want to come and help clean your house first."

"Don't worry, you and Xiaotian have just moved in. You should get more familiar with the surrounding environment. You can take him around for a walk to get familiar with the surrounding environment. You can use the money to buy some good food, drink and clothes. Yes." Chen Mo said after transferring 100,000 yuan to Lin Yike.

After all, it was confirmed through mind reading that she would devote her whole life to following him, so she would be no different from one of his own. "This... so much?"

"You should not care about money from now on. You also said that you will live with me from now on. From now on, your money will be my money. So no matter how much I give you, it will still be my money. I allow you to spend it." , you can spend it with confidence, if I have no money, then I will definitely not give you money to spend, I will have to send you out to help me make money back." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen, no...thank you, master." Lin Yike said respectfully immediately.

"This title always reminds people of something bad." Chen Mo said with a smile.

Lin Yike's face turned red, he took a deep breath, and then said with a blushing face: "No matter what the master needs, Yike can satisfy it."

"Then what I ask now is that you take your brother to have a good time. Today is another half-day holiday for you. If you have fun today, you will start working officially tomorrow."

"It's the master." Lin Yike was very grateful for Chen Mo's request.

Looking at his back turned, her eyes were full of respect.

Just when Chen Mo was about to enter, Mu Xiyue happened to walk over.

After what her mother said, she also felt that it would be better to say something to Chen Mo.

As soon as they came over, they saw Chen Mo talking to a girl who looked a bit heroic and had a delicate and clean face.

Hearing Mu Xiyue's footsteps, Chen Mo immediately turned to look at her and said with a smile, "Xiaoyue, do you have anything to do with me?"

Seeing Mu Xiyue coming towards him, Chen Mo asked immediately.

At this time, Lin Yike glanced at Mu Xiyue, then turned and left.

"Who was that girl just now?"

"It's a friend I met before. Do you have something to do with me?"

Seeing that Mu Xiyue was hesitant to speak, Chen Mo asked with a smile.

Mu Xiyue nodded and said, "Can we come into the room to talk?"

"Of course, please come in." Chen Mo smiled and opened the door.

As soon as she opened the door, a furry thing suddenly rushed out. Mu Xiyue was so frightened that she leaned back and almost fell down. Fortunately, Chen Mo had quick eyes and quick hands and grabbed her waist and supported her.

"Xiao Huang, didn't I tell you not to rush around?" Chen Mo let go of Mu Xiyue and patted Xiao Huang's butt.

"Master, we have a strange flower in our house. It almost hit me just now." Xiao Huang complained.

Hearing this, Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, then smiled and communicated with his soul: "I forgot to tell you, this is my new subordinate, called Xiaohua. You two must get along well in the future, you know?"

After driving Xiao Huang back into the house, Chen Mo turned to look at Mu Xiyue, who had a pink face, and said, "Xiaoyue didn't scare you, did she? Come into the house."

It was the first time she was held in the arms of a boy just now. At that moment, she felt the warmth of Chen Mo's chest, which made her heart beat faster and faster.

After bringing Mu Xiyue into the house, Chen Mo introduced Xiaohua and Xiao Huang to each other, which made the two guys who had almost fought at home suddenly reconcile.

Xiao Huang lay down next to Xiao Hua and barked twice.

However, the two of them are reconciled. One of them is a strange beast and the other is a spiritual plant. They have no language or method of communication at all.

Chen Mo was able to communicate with them because of the soul contract, but the two of them did not have the ability to communicate with each other.

"Xiao Huang, Xiao Hua can't understand what you are saying, so there's no need to bark. Just get along well in the future."

Chen Mo glanced at them with a smile, then asked Mu Xiyue to sit down and said, "Juice or milk?"

"It will be all right."

"Then milk."

Chen Mo took a can of milk and gently handed it to Mu Xiyue with a soft smile in his eyes: "Now, can you tell me what's wrong?"

"I've always wanted to say something to you..." Mu Xiyue held the can of milk, as if looking for some courage.

"What are you talking about?" Chen Mo smiled and looked at her with interest.

Mu Xiyue's slender fingers gently slid over the milk jug. She wanted to speak several times, but lowered her head shyly.

Finally, she gathered up the courage and said in a trembling voice as subtle as a mosquito's chirp: "Chen Mo...I...I like you."

Although her voice was small, it seemed as if she had used all her strength.

After finishing speaking, she immediately lowered her head, her cheeks as red as ripe apples, waiting for Chen Mo's response.

"Oh?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows and smiled even more, "I like you too."

Seeing that Chen Mo's tone seemed to have misunderstood her confession, Mu Xiyue's heartbeat accelerated instantly. She hurriedly raised her head and clarified: "No, the love I am talking about is... the kind of love that wants to be with you. "

Although her voice was still trembling, it was full of determination and expectation.

Chen Mo looked at her serious eyes, his heart moved slightly, and he smiled and said, "Okay."

This answer was like a spring breeze blowing through Mu Xiyue's heart. Her eyes lit up instantly, and her face was filled with indescribable joy and happiness.

That passionate feeling surged from the bottom of her heart, making her whole body feel as if she was bathed in warm sunshine, and her whole body became extremely warm and comfortable.

However, Chen Mo's next words caught her off guard.

"But there are some things I want to tell you in advance."

"What are you talking about?" After hearing Chen Mo's promise, Mu Xiyue no longer cared about anything else, and she asked quickly.

"That means I don't necessarily have only one girlfriend. Can you accept dating a playboy?" Chen Mo also said bluntly.

As soon as these words came out, Mu Xiyue couldn't handle it, because she had never thought about this situation at all.

The education she received since she was a child told her that love should be dedicated and unique. However, the man in front of her, whom she liked deeply, raised such a question, which made her have to re-examine her view of love.

For a girl with her traditional thinking, this answer was very shocking.

Seeing her fall into silence, Chen Mo smiled and said: "It's okay, you don't have to come up with an answer immediately, you can go back and think about it first, don't be in a hurry.

If you like a man who only focuses on you, then obviously the man in front of you is not.

Ask yourself if you are willing to fall in love with a man who treats you as a treasure, but also treats other girls he likes as treasures. "

Chen Mo didn't say much else. Everything was a matter of mutual consent.

From the moment he knew that the end of the world was coming, Chen Mo never thought about being together for the rest of his life. He preferred a world full of spring scenery in the end of the world.

His voice was gentle and firm, as if there was a kind of magic power that made Mu Xiyue's heart beat faster again.

When she walked out of Chen Mo's home, her mind was still confused, but her heart was full of expectations and longing for the future.

She knew that she needed time to digest all this and understand Chen Mo's somewhat unusual view of love for her, but she also believed that no matter what the outcome was, she would have no regrets if she said what she needed to say today. .

She was thinking about the feasibility of what Chen Mo said. Can one person really date several people?

If so, what will the living environment be like in the future?

Soon Mu Xiyue remembered the scene where she had dinner with Chen Mo, Lin Xinru, Zhao Yue, Yue Yuqing... and it seemed that such a scene was not so difficult to accept.

(End of this chapter)

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