Chapter 220 Mo Cheng’s plan, Zhong Yi’s response! (triple)

"Uncle Du, is this a bit too much..." Lin Yike has not killed anyone after so many years. Her super powers are used to save people. Suddenly she was sent to carry out an assassination before. Her heart was pounding.

Zhao Yue fell into silence at this time.

Although the Mecha Warrior has been built now, it is possible to drive the Mecha Warrior to fight head-on. There are too many variables. Indeed, everything is not as efficient as assassination.

Just doing this had a big impact on the Lin Yike siblings.

These two people are good people with kind hearts, and they can't accept it when they are suddenly asked to carry out an assassination mission.

Just like Lin Xiaotian is in a tangle at this time, it is precisely because of his kindness that he is in a tangle, and that is why he is subjected to Zhong Yi's PUA, which is obviously a moral kidnapping, and has to think carefully about his decision.

After all, in his opinion at this time, his decision will affect the lives and safety of many people.

If they were to carry out an assassination operation, they would have to kill at least half of the ninth-level experts in the Survivor Alliance. This number was not a small number.

To kill more than sixty ninth-level experts, this approach would also cause considerable losses to human genetic data.

After all, it doesn't mean that everyone can cultivate to the ninth level so quickly in a good environment.

There is something special about these people who can cultivate to the ninth level so quickly. The genes of these people are worth studying.

The number of people living in Mo City in the past ten years has been at least tens of thousands, and there have been only a few ninth-level powerhouses in total.

The ratio is actually not high.

The key to this is because the environment in Mo City has been transformed and the blessing of the fruits of the ancient willow is the only reason. This would obviously be more difficult in a normal environment.

Therefore, these people are relatively important research materials. Killing them for nothing is actually a huge loss.

Because information about human genetic evolution is obviously more conducive to improving human progress than genetic information about other organisms.

Akafir pondered for a moment and said: "Although the assassination plan is a feasible method, it is still a bit not good after all. How about using a deterrent method?

After all, the mecha warriors have been built, so Deputy City Master Zhao will drive the mecha warriors out of the city to show off your combat effectiveness combined with the mecha warriors.

This will scare them.

With the ability of Deputy City Lord Zhao and the combat effectiveness of the mecha warriors, it is not difficult to have a certain deterrent effect. "

"But if the mecha warriors are exposed in advance and are only used as a deterrent rather than to eliminate these gangsters, will it give them time to think about countermeasures?" Du Renyuan felt that it was still inappropriate.

He was once the leader of the Du Yuan Group and a totalitarian person. He knew best how to gather power and make others afraid of him.

Over the past few years, the reason why Mocheng has continued to decline is mainly because this place is not Du Renyuan's one-word hall, and there are many iron-blooded methods that he cannot use.

With Zhao Yue and Akafiel standing in the middle, it would be difficult for him to do something more ruthless to scare Xiao Xiao.

Zhao Yue did not want to cause too much killing, but at the same time he also followed Chen Mo's instructions.

Akafir simply wanted to retain more research materials.

He very much agrees with Chen Mo's ideas, even to the point of fanaticism, because the improvement of human genetic technology is also of great benefit to him.

He does not start from the perspective of any great ideas, but starts from himself and supports it.

Du Renyuan had no intention of competing with Zhao Yue and Akafiel for the right to speak before, but now the situation is getting increasingly critical. If they continue to be allowed to adopt a soft policy, Mocheng will fall until Chen Mo comes back. into the hands of others.

While several people were discussing, a passage suddenly appeared in Zhao Yue's house.

Lin Xiaotian's figure appeared in the passage. After looking at a few people, he repeated what Zhong Yi said.

He thought for a while and felt that it was not okay for him to think alone like this, so he decided to come to Zhao Yue and others to ask.

After hearing Lin Xiaotian repeating Zhong Yi's words, Zhao Yue, Akafiel and Du Renyuan all fell into deep thought.

They understood Lin Xiaotian's inner struggle and confusion at this time, and they also knew the pressure he was under.

Zhao Yue looked at the young man in front of her and couldn't help but feel emotional.

She knew that Lin Xiaotian was a kind and responsible person, and the reason why he was so entangled was because he couldn't bear to have innocent people hurt because of his decisions.

Akafir thought about the problem from another angle.

He believes that although Zhong Yi's words have some truth, it cannot be an excuse for them to change their original intentions.

He firmly believes that Chen Mo's ideas are correct and they cannot give up their beliefs just because of the current difficulties.

If those people were allowed to occupy Silent City, then the world would really be destroyed. It seemed that the peace in front of them had been exchanged, but with the help of a large number of ninth-level powerhouses in the human race, other creatures would not be defeated by them in a moment. Clean it all?
There are only human beings on the entire earth and no other living creatures. Such a world lacks too many changes.

Du Renyuan couldn't help but glance at Zhong Yigao.

This guy's plan is actually similar to Du Renyuan's own plan.

The plan Du Renyuan just proposed is similar to Zhong Yi's beheading plan.

There is only a difference in the number of people who need to be solved by both sides.

Zhong Yi and the others only need to take down their three deputy city lords, and then everything else will be easy to deal with.

But they have to eliminate at least half of the people in the Survivor Alliance.

One is a beheading plan and the other is an assassination plan.

If three of them are controlled on one side, the battle can be stopped.

On one side, sixty ninth-level experts must be killed to stop the war.

If this choice were put before the people of Mocheng, they would probably choose the former.

But this choice was placed in front of the three city lords, and they couldn't choose like this.

They occupy the position of deputy city lord, and that is not for nothing.

Before Chen Mo left, he entrusted the three of them with important tasks and asked them to jointly manage Mocheng. As a result, they were already ashamed when it turned out like this. If Mocheng was further lost, they would be even more shameless to face Chen Mo.

After Lin Xiaotian finished talking about Zhong Yi's plan, Du Renyuan also told Lin Xiaotian about his previous plan.

Lin Xiaotian couldn't help but hesitate when he heard that Du Renyuan's plan was so similar to Zhong Yi's plan and both were very feasible.

Both plans are now relatively feasible, and both can minimize innocent casualties.

It's just a plan that goes against Chen Mo's instructions before he left. A plan that requires the sacrifice of dozens of ninth-level powerhouses.

It's still a dilemma.

Seeing that Lin Xiaotian was hesitating, Zhao Yue thought for a while and said: "Since the other party also wants to solve the problem in a gentle way, there is no need for us to assassinate him as soon as he comes up. Let's follow Mr. Akafiel's advice first. I'll drive the mecha warrior out to intimidate them.

If this time's deterrence is not enough to make them restrain, how about we follow Uncle Du's idea and further escalate the action into an assassination? "

Zhao Yue combined Akafiel's and Du Renyuan's plans.

After hearing what she said, everyone could only agree.

For now, that's all it can do.

There is no other better way to solve the current incident.

Although Lin Yike and Lin Xiaotian didn't want to stain their hands with blood, they had to do so for the sake of Mocheng.

Soon Lin Xiaotian returned to his home in the Survivor League.

And the girl with the inner eye who had been monitoring him also saw the changes in his heart at this time.

“Damn it, what’s so charming about that silent city!”

Seeing that Lin Xiaotian did not agree with Zhong Yi's plan, she immediately ran to Zhong Yi's residence.

"Come in."

As the girl with the power of mind opened the door and entered the room, she saw Zhong Yizheng naked wiping his wet hair with a towel.

But her mind can be adjusted, so if she doesn't want to see it, she can adjust the area where she can't see clearly.

It's just that this girl didn't do this at this time.

"Miss Meng, why are you back so soon? Has Xiaotian already figured it out?"

Looking at the blind girl Meng Yu with her eyes closed in front of him, Zhong Yi sat down in front of her without caring and said.

"I figured it out," Meng Yu said, looking directly at Zhong Yi's strong body.

"Oh? Then it seems that there is no need to make other troublesome preparations." Zhong Yi said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, I didn't make it clear. He has figured it out, but not to stand on our side, but to not help us.

Now it seems that a very powerful machine has been built in Mo City. It is called a mecha warrior. It seems that ordinary people can have the fighting power of a ninth-level powerhouse by riding on it.

I don’t know if it’s true or not, but they haven’t tested it thoroughly yet.

And now Mocheng is planning to have Zhao Yue, one of the deputy city lords, as the driver of the first mecha..." "Zhao Yue will be the driver! "Hearing this, Zhong Yi couldn't help but ponder, "I had heard that they were manufacturing this mecha warrior before I left, but they were still building machines for making parts. I didn't expect that it would actually be made now. They caused it.

This extraordinary technological product is definitely left by Mr. Chen Mo. Since it is something left by him, then it is definitely not false when they say it can have ninth level combat power. "

"That means that ordinary people can really reach the ninth level of combat effectiveness while driving this machine? What kind of terrifying technological strength is this? Our current strongest batch of combat effectiveness on the earth can only reach the tenth level in half a step.

It is too exaggerated that one machine can bridge the gap between mortals and ninth-level experts. "Meng Yu felt unbelievable.

"Don't be surprised, nothing left by Mr. Chen Mo is ordinary." Zhong Yi didn't have much doubt about this.

"If according to what you said, ordinary people driving have ninth-level combat effectiveness, then wouldn't the ninth-level powerful pilots be even more invincible? How can we fight them?" Meng Yu exclaimed.

"That's not the case. It's not that the stronger the driver, the higher the upper limit of combat power. The upper limit of this thing is around level nine. The key is that different drivers have different driving endurance.

I've heard of this kind of mecha warrior before. Driving it puts a lot of pressure on the driver's various indicators. Although ordinary people can meet the corresponding indicators, whether it's physical damage or mental loss while driving, it will make them suffer. It is difficult for ordinary people to bear it for a long time.

The total combat time of driving a mecha warrior is relatively limited, while a ninth-level warrior can basically be in the full control state, but there is this difference. "

"So that's it. If it were just like this, it would be a little better. After all, there is only one Mecha Warrior at present, but judging from the news heard by Lin Xiaotian, Mocheng is now capable of producing the first Mecha Warrior. , they will have the ability to continue production. Once there are more and more mecha warriors in the future, they will have a lot more ninth-level experts who can replace and repair them at any time.

And once our ninth-level powerhouse's body is seriously damaged, it will be difficult to even resurrect him. "

"Originally it was fine, but the key problem still lies with Zhao Yue. This woman has very powerful superpowers and can directly and forcibly mentally control other people with powers. At the same level, she can control several people at the same time. Even if they are... With my mental strength, I can barely break free from her control quickly, and I still cannot be completely immune.

You should be able to imagine what a terrifying scene it would be if her abilities were used in conjunction with the mecha warriors. "

After hearing what Zhong Yi said with a frown, Meng Yu also understood the seriousness of this matter.

Indeed, a person with a superpower who can mentally control a ninth-level powerhouse would have a frail body that would not allow him to fight on the front line, otherwise he would be easily assassinated or suffer various AOE damage.

But now with the extremely safe mecha warrior body protection, she can go to the front line of the battlefield in person. While attacking with the combat power of the mecha, she can also forcibly control the enemies to kill each other.

Just thinking about this scene made Meng Yu feel horrified.

"Then there's no way to deal with her?"

"There is no other way. Let's get rid of Lin Xiaotian for the time being. Since he is unwilling to help us, if we keep him, he may carry out some assassination plan, which will be too troublesome for us."

"Since he is no longer of use to us, what else can we do to destroy him? With your strength, isn't it just a matter of using laser eyes to kill him?" Meng Yu said.

"He cannot be killed. The residents of Mingyuan Community in Mo City are all Mr. Chen Mo's relatives and friends.

Lin Xiaotian is also one of them. Although I don’t know much about the specific relationship between Lin Xiaotian and Mr. Chen Mo, at least he is one of the people he cares about. If Lin Xiaotian is killed, how will I face Mr. Chen Mo if he comes back in the future? to him? "Zhong Yi shook his head.

He can kill everyone else, but he really doesn't want to touch the people related to Chen Mo.

Even with the previous beheading plan, he promised Lin Xiaotian that he would only dismount the three deputy city lords, but not take their lives.

These words did not lie to Lin Xiaotian.

"If you can't kill him, how can you destroy him?"

"Isn't that brother of yours able to make people fall asleep? Let him sleep for some time first."

"I said before that my brother's superpower is useless, but I didn't expect you to use it." Meng Yu said speechlessly.

"Every superpower has its own use, and it will never be useless unless you haven't developed it well. Although your brother's superpower has a large activation limit, it actually has a lot of uses. But I don't have time yet. Help him develop it well," Zhong Yi said, caressing Meng Yu's cheek.

"Then when you are free, please help my brother develop super powers. By the way, what are you going to do next? Zhao Yue and the mecha warrior are not easy to deal with.

I understand, I will think of countermeasures in the next two days, so you don’t have to worry about it. It’s getting late today, so you should go back and rest first. "

After sending Meng Yu away, Zhong Yi immediately began to plan how to deal with Zhao Yue's addition of mecha warriors.

After Meng Yu left, he went directly home to find his brother who had been depressed at home.

Everyone else's superpowers are all very useful, but his superpower is just the ability to dream, which is useless.

This makes him stay at home all day long, embarrassed to go out to meet people.

In fact, Zhong Yi thought of many uses for Meng Yu's brother Meng Yi's superpower. It was not very useful in battle, but his auxiliary ability was great.

First, it can help people understand their psychological trauma.

Second, it can be used as a super training time and space.

The time in a dream is different from that in reality. You can have a dream for ten years after entering the dream, and it only takes a moment to wake up.

You can also have a dream for a while, and it has been several days since you woke up.

This is the third use that Zhong Yi thought of, which is to imprison other people's consciousness.

Because Meng Yi's ability can control the duration of other people's dreams at will, he can completely make a person fall into a dream for an extremely long time.

Just being imprisoned is good, but if you go further, it can even drive a person crazy, giving him an indefinable sense of blur between reality and the dream world, and thus making a person lose the will to survive in reality.

This ability is still very scary when used properly.

However, if you want to use it on the battlefield, you need to cooperate with some other superpowers, otherwise you will not find anyone sleeping on the battlefield.

When Meng Yu returned home, she told Meng Yi Zhong Yi's request.

As soon as he heard that he had been invited by one of the ten leaders of the Survivor Alliance, he rushed out and came to Zhong Yi's house.

At this time, Zhong Yi had already changed into pajamas. After opening the door and seeing Meng Yi, he immediately said with a smile: "Mr. Meng, your sister has told you everything I want you to do."

"Said it." Meng Yi said excitedly.

"This matter is of great importance. Your ability is very crucial. Others can't do it, so I'll ask you to take action." Zhong Yi is quite knowledgeable about human nature. He is very aware of Meng Yi's lack of confidence and desire for recognition.

Sure enough, when he heard what Zhong Yi said, Meng Yi's eyes shone with excitement, and his body couldn't stop trembling as he said, "I...I will definitely not let down the leader's expectations."

"Very good, sit at my house for a while first, and then you can go over after he goes to bed." Zhong Yi welcomed Meng Yi into the room, poured him a glass of juice, and said with a smile, "I have something else to do, you go first." Just read some books here to pass the time. I don’t know exactly when Xiaotian goes to bed. I’ll let you know when I see him sleeping.”

"Okay, when you need me, just give me an order." Meng Yi replied with a bow and a bow while holding the drink cup.

As the night got darker, Lin Xiaotian, who was tossing and turning and unable to sleep, also fell asleep.

However, Meng Yike was still energetic at this time. When Zhong Yi came to him after making various arrangements, he was still in high spirits and waiting for orders.

"He is asleep, I will take you there."

As Zhong Yi spoke, he led Meng Yi to the balcony, grabbed his waist, and flew him up.

This was the first time Meng Yi experienced the feeling of flying in the sky.

This made him once again envious of other people's superpowers.

He hated his superpower so much, because this idiot's superpower was already stupid enough. In those depressing days, he wanted to use his dreaming superpower on himself, to make up a good dream for himself, and let him dream in the dream. It was a little better to live in a state of drunkenness and dreams.

It turns out that his superpowers can't be used on him at all.

He can only help others enter their dreams and control their dreams, but he can do nothing about his own dreams.

In other words, since awakening this super power, he has never had a dream again.

He no longer even had the chance to dream about pleasure.

This is also the reason why he is becoming more and more depressed.

Fortunately, he also had a good sister. In order to prevent him from feeling too useless, Meng Yu begged him every day to give her good dreams, which somewhat maintained some dignity for Meng Yi.

It made him feel that at least his superpowers could meet his sister's expectations and be of some use.

This small sense of achievement supported his already fragile spiritual world.

If his sister no longer needs him, he may not even have any hope of living.

As Zhong Yi led Meng Yi to Lin Xiaotian's balcony, Meng Yi immediately rubbed his hands eagerly, then faced Lin Xiaotian with his hands and slowly closed his eyes.

Soon he had entered Lin Xiaotian's dream.

At this time, Lin Xiaotian's dream was that Chen Mo was back, and the battle between Mocheng and the Survivor Alliance was successfully ended, and everyone lived happily together.

Seeing Lin Xiaotian's dream, Meng Yi felt that the dream seemed pretty good, so he deepened his dream perception, letting Lin Xiaotian fall further into the dream, thinking that he was in the real world, and then slowed down the dream time to 1 minute in the dream , the ratio of 1 hour to the outside world.

This is the maximum time span that Meng Yi can currently influence the dreams of ninth-level experts.

This impact is already huge enough. After all, if Lin Xiaotian had this dream for one day, it would be equivalent to two months in the outside world.

"Alliance leader, it's done. Now even thunder can't wake him up." Meng Yi said with a smile.

Looking at the sleeping Lin Xiaotian, Zhong Yi not only let him sleep because he didn't want him to die but also didn't want him to cause trouble. His biggest purpose was to hold an important hostage in his hands and make Zhao Yue and the others take advantage of him!
"Well done, Mr. Meng, I really worked hard for you tonight. I will ask you again if I have the opportunity in the future. The impurities in these five alien beast source cores have been removed. You can just wear them with you and absorb them slowly. It will help improve your strength, and it will be considered as the reward for your hard work tonight.”

After Zhong Yi finished speaking happily, he took out five alien beast source cores and handed them to Meng Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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