Chapter 221 Mecha Warrior!

Meng Yi was very happy to receive Zhong Yi's praise and immediately accepted the reward happily.

After sending Meng Yi home, Zhong Yi used his clairvoyance to look back at Lin Xiaotian who was sleeping, "We'll see what Zhao Yue does tomorrow. At least he has Lin Xiaotian in his hand, so they don't dare to move."

The Survivor Alliance is making preparations, and the same is true in Mingyuan Community.

The mecha warriors they built were parked in a huge factory building. Zhao Yue was now learning about the mecha warriors under the guidance of experts.

Zhao Yue listened to the introductions of the people around him while checking the relevant information of this mecha warrior.

This mecha warrior is covered with thick armor, like a steel behemoth. Each piece of armor has been carefully crafted and assembled, using a very cutting-edge and indestructible geometric structure.

This structure not only enhances the body's defense capabilities, but also gives it a streamlined aesthetic, making it exude a strong sense of dynamics even when stationary.

The head of the mecha warrior is designed to be very sharp, with two huge mechanical eyes inlaid on it like two giant red gems. On both sides of the head, a pair of antennas are installed for receiving and transmitting signals to ensure To maintain smooth communication in a complex battlefield environment, this pair of antennas can also be used as weapons, emitting special radio waves that disrupt the enemy's mental state.

It can even cause hallucinations.

The antenna on its head is only an auxiliary weapon, and its body is its more powerful weapon.

The arms of this mecha warrior are extremely thick. One arm is probably as big as a truck. The arms are equipped with huge mechanical claws. These claws can not only be used for close combat, but also tear apart the enemy's armor and defense lines. , and can be converted into a high-energy laser cannon when necessary. This laser cannon has a long range and high accuracy, and can defeat the enemy in an instant.

The Mecha Warrior is equipped with two railguns on its shoulders. These railguns can fire high-explosive ammunition or armor-piercing projectiles, causing devastating blows to the enemy.

The rail gun has a long range, fast rate of fire, and high power. It is one of the main weapons of the mecha warriors in long-range attacks.

The mecha warrior is also equipped with a multi-tube missile launcher on its back. These missiles can be loaded with different warheads according to different combat needs, such as high-explosive bombs, armor-piercing bombs or smoke bombs.

The missile launcher has the ability to reload quickly and launch continuously, which can suppress the enemy with intensive firepower.

In addition to these main weapons, mecha warriors are also equipped with some auxiliary weapon systems, such as machine guns, grenade launchers, etc., to deal with different battlefield environments and enemy types.

These weapon systems are automatically and accurately controlled and aimed through the intelligent control system inside the mecha warrior, and can also be actively aimed by the driver to ensure maximum accuracy and power in combat.

At the same time, the armor of the mecha warrior is also specially designed to withstand attacks from most conventional weapons and protect the body from damage.

The combination of near- and long-range equipment allows the mecha warrior to exert powerful power in both melee and long-range attacks.

The chest of the mecha warrior is where the energy core is located, which is protected by a thick armor plate.

The energy core is emitting a faint blue light at this time, beating like a heart. It can automatically absorb the surrounding energy of heaven and earth to provide a steady stream of energy for the mecha warrior.

Surrounding the energy core is a complex circle of pipelines and biological circuit boards. They are spread throughout every corner of the body like blood vessels, transporting energy to every place where it is needed.

The legs of the mecha warrior are designed to be very slender and strong, allowing it to move quickly on various terrains.

The joints of the legs are equipped with shock absorbers to reduce the vibration of the body when running and jumping. On the soles of the feet, special anti-slip and gripping materials are installed to ensure that the mecha warriors can remain stable during battle.

After checking the appearance of the mecha warriors, Zhao Yue eagerly entered the mecha.

In the control room, there is no complicated console in the control room. Instead, there is a simple and efficient holographic synchronized combat system. A high-tech human body movement synchronized control system replaces the traditional keyboard and joystick.

This system uses the most cutting-edge sensor technology and artificial intelligence algorithms to achieve a seamless connection between the driver and the mecha warrior.

The driver needs to wear a special combat suit.

After Zhao Yue came in, he put on the combat uniform and a special helmet according to the relevant information he had just learned outside.

At first, Zhao Yue looked at this combat suit that looked like a gelcoat and wondered if it would feel tight when worn. However, he found that this combat suit fit tightly against the body and was extremely breathable. It's transparent and feels like an extra layer of skin when you put it on, without any pulling feeling at all.

There are many micro sensors and power devices built into the combat suit.

When a pilot dons a battle suit and a specially designed helmet, they establish a direct neural connection with the mecha warrior.

Advanced display technology and sensors are integrated inside the helmet, which can capture the driver's head movement and gaze direction in real time, and synchronously transmit this information to the mecha warrior's system.

The driver does not need to operate any physical control devices, and their every movement and command will be accurately captured through sensors in the combat suit and helmet.

These sensors read the driver's muscle movements, posture changes and intentions with extremely high speed and accuracy, then convert this data into real-time actions of the mecha warrior.

The use of holographic synchronization technology makes the control between the driver and the mecha warrior intuitive and natural.

The driver only needs to control the mecha warrior through his own movements and postures, without additional operations or command input.

This synchronous control mode not only greatly improves the flexibility and reaction speed of combat, but also allows the driver to feel every subtle movement and feedback of the mecha warrior more deeply.

Under this kind of holographic synchronous control, the pilot and the mecha warrior seem to be more easily integrated, and their will and actions can be perfectly executed in an instant.

This close control connection not only enhances the driver's control over the battle, but also allows them to experience unprecedented immersion and pleasure in the battle.

It was as if he had really transformed into a giant mecha and was fighting.

Zhao Yue stood inside the mecha warrior, feeling the shock brought by this high-tech equipment.

She took a deep breath, filled with anticipation and nervousness.

This was her first time trying to fly a combat mecha, which was quite new and exciting for her.

(End of this chapter)

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