Chapter 228 Discovery!

"How's it going?" Seeing that the two of them didn't say a word after they came back, the person next to them immediately asked anxiously.

At this moment, the person with the storage ability could only see a proud smile, and the next moment, a behemoth appeared out of thin air beside everyone.

It was Zhao Yue who drove the mecha warrior that beat the shit out of them before.

Seeing this scene, both Zhong Yi and several other alliance leaders were extremely excited and immediately praised the four of them.

In an instant, the entire Survivor Alliance base erupted in enthusiastic cheers, as if the final victory had been won.

Zhong Yi and several other alliance leaders gathered around the huge mecha warrior, their eyes shining with excitement and pride, and their faces filled with indescribable joy.

"Awesome! You really did it!" One of them was so excited that he almost jumped up. He patted the shoulder of the person with the storage ability and praised loudly, "You are such a genius! Such a huge mecha warrior, You actually pocketed it so easily!"

Although he didn't really praise him, he was just using people to make false compliments, and he just said them innocuously.

But such words are extremely useful to people who were once not recognized by society or themselves.

Other alliance leaders also echoed and praised the four people. The success of this operation not only meant that they got a powerful mecha warrior, but also meant that Silent City lost a perfect combination.

Zhao Yue would not have such terrifying combat power without the support of mecha warriors.

The enemy has lost one large force, and our own side has gained one large force. This time, the fighting power has increased a lot in an instant. In addition, there are more superpowers in their Survivor Alliance than in Mo City. In the future, In the struggle, they will undoubtedly have a greater advantage.

"You four are really the pride of our Survivor Alliance!" One of the alliance leaders said with emotion, "You go and take a rest first. We will discuss it later and we will reward you well!"

"That's right!" Another alliance leader took over, "The success of this operation is all thanks to you. I believe that in the days to come, you will definitely bring more victories to our Survivor Alliance! "

Everyone said something to each other, and the four of them were a little embarrassed by the praise.

They had endured a lot of psychological pressure for this operation, and now they were finally rewarded.

Zhong Yi looked at the mecha warrior again, with a cunning light flashing in his eyes.

He knew that Zhao Yue must still be having a headache on how to decipher the fake Xiaotian's sleep state, but he had already obtained this mecha warrior.

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Zhao Yue.

Soon the news spread, and the entire Survivor Alliance base was immersed in an atmosphere of celebration. Everyone was happy for the success of this operation.

They seemed to have seen the future victory beckoning to them.

After celebrating, everyone began to study how to drive this mecha warrior.

According to the intelligence passed back by the insiders of Mo City, they already know the basic information about this mecha warrior.

But how to choose a driver is something worth considering.

After all, after seeing the suppressive power displayed by Zhao Yue in conjunction with the mecha warrior, they knew that this mecha warrior could not be as powerful as Zhao Yue just by just finding someone to pilot it.

While the people here are studying how to make the mecha warriors work perfectly, things are already in chaos inside Mocheng.

The person with the storage ability just stole the mecha warrior in front of the inspectors.

Although they were confused when this moment happened, they were only stunned for a moment before everyone immediately sounded the alarm. At this time, Zhao Yue was still in the laboratory watching the researchers use a special machine to wake up Lin Xiaotian. The communication watch on her wrist was already beeping like crazy.

Zhao Yue immediately clicked to answer, "What's the matter, Brother Huo?"

"Sorry, miss, the mecha warrior was stolen... snatched away!"


Hearing the voice on the phone, Zhao Yue immediately looked shocked, "How is it possible that such a big thing was snatched away at noon and you were watching?"

"The surveillance has been sent to you, you can take a look."

While talking, Brother Huo had already sent the surveillance content.

Zhao Yue clicked it and took a look, and was immediately stunned.

Unexpectedly, there is someone on the opposite side who has such teleportation ability. He can take people to any place through the air.

This ability to move instantly is too strong.

Just when Zhao Yue was shocked that the mecha warrior was stolen, Lin Xiaotian had been awakened from his sleep by scientific researchers using special radio waves.

From the initial confusion to being completely awake and seeing the people around him clearly, Lin Xiaotian's face clearly flashed a look of panic and a sense of strangeness towards the people around him.

Zhao Yue's observation skills are still very keen. She quickly noticed this situation, and for a moment, an unpleasant emotion surged in her heart.

The same goes for Lin Yike at this time. After all, he is her biological brother, and there is a special magnetic field induction between the two.

Although he couldn't tell the specific problem, Lin Yike always felt that something was not right with Lin Xiaotian in front of him.

Just when she was doubting, Zhao Yue had already taken action.

A mental wave came from her body, and in the next moment, Lin Xiaotian was already frozen on the spot with dull eyes.

Seeing this scene, everyone immediately turned to look at Zhao Yue.

"There's something wrong with this Xiaotian." After Zhao Yue explained, she immediately activated Lin Xiaotian's abilities controlled by her.

Sure enough, in the next moment, Lin Xiaotian had changed her appearance and turned into an ordinary girl.

"Transformer! This damn Zhong Yi actually lied to us." Seeing this scene, Zhao Hai immediately shouted angrily.

At this time, Zhao Yue also looked unhappy, "What a good trick. We were afraid that we would see right away that what was sent back was a fake, so we specially gave this guy a deep dream power, trapping her in a deep dream. , leaving us with no way of distinguishing authenticity.”

"That means Xiaotian is still in their hands. I just listened to your call. Our mecha warriors were also stolen by them, right?" Lin Yike looked at Zhao Yue and said.

"Yes, the current situation is troublesome for us. It seems that we can no longer hold back. Yike, if you let go of your heart and are willing to kill people, with the strength of your super power, I'm afraid not many people on the other side can do it. If you resist, it's time for us to make some plans. We gave them too many opportunities before, which made them become more and more presumptuous!" Zhao Yue said coldly.

After enduring it for so long, Zhao Yue could no longer follow the previous policy. Even if she was willing, the Survivor Alliance would probably take action soon. She decided to act according to Du Renyuan's plan.

(End of this chapter)

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