Chapter 229 Decoding and Creation!
In the Survivor League, while thinking about who would be suitable to drive this Mecha Warrior, they sent people to study this thing.

After all, the spies inside Mo City are not the core members of Mo City, and they don't know all the information about the Mecha Warriors.

They immediately hired some talents with good mechanical and information technology skills to come over and inspect.

Soon this group of people detected the trouble with this mecha warrior.

"Lord Leader, this mecha warrior uses biometric identification technology. It should be bound to Zhao Yue's biometric information. It cannot be driven by anyone else."

Hearing this, Zhong Yi didn't pay much attention to it. Since he had planned to steal this mecha warrior, why hadn't he considered this issue?

"Ask Anna to come over."

He immediately said to a woman with a wavy hair next to him.


Soon, a girl wearing casual clothes, a lazy look and slightly curly short hair came here.

"Anna, there is a locked machine on the platform here. See if your super power can unlock it."

Zhong Yi said immediately after seeing her.

"Is this the legendary Mecha Warrior? I didn't even have a chance to see it that day."

Anna, who was originally a little lazy, immediately became more energetic after seeing this huge mecha warrior.

After being led directly into the cab by Zhong Yi, Anna immediately reached out and touched the driving suit.

As her superpower activated, the mecha warrior soon suddenly lit up.

Feeling the change in the light in the cab, Zhong Yi said happily: "It seems that as long as it is an information-related path, it cannot escape the control of your superpower."

"Having said that, this mecha warrior uses a relatively high-end biotechnology lock, which is much more complicated than decoding other information codes. This is the first time I have used such a large amount of supernatural power when controlling a machine."

"Did you successfully unlock it now? Or did you just bypass the biotech lock and forcefully activate it?"

"The unlocking is successful. If you just bypass it, you don't need to consume too much supernatural energy. The information processing capacity of this mecha warrior is huge, which is completely unlike what our earth's technology can do." Anna exclaimed.

"The technology in Mo City is basically beyond that of the Earth. Unfortunately, you have always been in the Survivor League and have never been exposed to those. If you have the opportunity to take Mo City this time, I will let you study it carefully." Zhong Yi smiled. said.

"Really? Then I'll thank the leader in advance." Anna said excitedly.

She has been interested in this industry all her life. Some people awaken their abilities completely randomly, while some people awaken abilities related to the ability they most want.

The principle of awakening is unknown, but people who awaken corresponding powers according to their own wishes basically account for about one percent of the total number of power users, and the number is still relatively small.

After successfully unlocking the mecha warrior, the Survivor Alliance has almost discussed the driver candidate.

What they were looking for was A Luo, whom Zhao Yue had planned to kill before, but had let go because of a momentary thought.

His time-stopping ability combined with the mecha warrior is a very powerful combination.

The normal time-stop is just a time-stop, and you have to cooperate with others to kill the target.

But Arlo doesn't have such trouble when he drives the mecha warrior. He is a big killer. He can pause the target instantly, and then use the powerful combat power of the mecha warrior to attack. Basically, he can achieve the same accuracy as Zhao Yue. The effect of the shot.

The Survivor Alliance unlocked the mecha warriors and discussed the follow-up actions, and Mocheng was also taking its own actions.

At this time, the person pretending to be Lin Xiaotian was sent directly to Guliu Prison. Guliu Prison is a prison in Mo City specially used to detain people with supernatural powers. The so-called Guliu Prison is actually a cage built by the vines spreading out from Guliu, and is personally guarded by it.

With the strength of this half-step tenth-level strongman, if it is under his watch, it basically can't even think about running away.

This is a trivial matter. The next step is to discuss how to deal with the Survivor Alliance.

Zhao Yue directly found Lin Xinru, and the two of them entered a secret area alone.

"Xiaoru, you already know all the information about the previous Mecha Warrior. Can your ability to manifest itself be reproduced and manufactured?"

Lin Xinru is now a ninth-level powerhouse, and her ability to manifest is not comparable to what she had originally.

At first, when she materialized, she could only create things about the same size as herself, but now, she has no problem even if she wants to build a spaceship.

The upper limit of the ability to manifest is very high. If the strength continues to increase infinitely, theoretically planets, galaxies, and even the universe can be created.

Of course, once it reaches that point, the strength of this superpower should have risen to an incredible level.

At Lin Xinru's current level, let alone the universe, galaxies, and planets, it is still relatively difficult to build a country's territory.

But building a hill is no longer a problem.

And she can also create various energy weapons, and even nuclear bombs.

The key point is that what she created is not some fake trick, it is all real and usable.

Therefore, one should not underestimate the combat effectiveness of those with the ability to manifest.

Who knows what she might pull out.

As for mecha warriors, they are also within the scope of Lin Xinru's production.

It's just that the more exquisite and powerful the things you make are, the more supernatural energy is lost and the longer they can't last.

Things like nuclear bombs, which disappear after use, have relatively light losses in energy.

For those like mecha warriors that need to maintain the state of creation at all times, the loss of supernatural energy will be much greater.

Regarding Zhao Yue's question, Lin Xinru smiled and said, "It's not a big problem."

With a flash of light in Lin Xinru's hand, a mecha warrior that was exactly the same as the stolen mecha warrior was created out of thin air in front of her.

"Go in and try it." After shaping, Lin Xinru immediately turned to Zhao Yue and said.

Looking at this mecha warrior that was exactly the same as the stolen mecha warrior, Zhao Yue couldn't help but sigh at the practicality of Lin Xinru's ability to manifest.

She immediately called out the lift and entered the driver's seat.

After putting on the battle suit, sure enough, the familiar control feeling immediately flooded into my mind. This mecha warrior is really comparable to the original version.

"Xiaoru, you are so amazing. No problem. I can feel that all functions are the same as before. There is no need to test." Zhao Yue said excitedly.

"That's good, but this thing consumes quite a lot of supernatural energy. If I don't replenish energy, it can last for up to 24 hours. However, there are senior Gu Liu's "Linglong Heart Nutrient Solution" or the "supernatural energy supplement" researched by our base. "Agent", I can ensure that this Mecha Warrior can be maintained indefinitely!"

(End of this chapter)

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