Chapter 232 Slavery and being enslaved!

Akafiel naturally saw Mu Xiyue's mentality at this moment. He immediately said with a smile: "Don't worry, don't be afraid. If you don't know how to communicate, you can set up a spiritual communication line to communicate with the aliens at any time." Just tell me what you say, and I will teach you how to say it in time."

Hearing what Akafiel said, Mu Xiyue could only nod her head. She couldn't help but wish that she could directly organize a spiritual network.

This way, Mr. Akafir can communicate directly with aliens.


When Mocheng's side suffered an alien spacecraft that directly paralyzed all electronic equipment, Zhao Yue's side also immediately lost communication with Mocheng.

She suddenly felt that something was wrong, and looked directly at the Survivor Alliance in front of her and said, "Zhong Yi, there is a special situation in Mocheng today. I will argue with you another day."

Originally, Zhong Yi was quite surprised that Zhao Yue actually had a mecha warrior. He had already lost some of his chances of winning today's duel, so he didn't really want to start the battle right away. Since he could steal the first place. station, then they can steal the second station, and there is no need to fight against Mocheng, who is at the peak of his combat effectiveness.

But now that they have come out, they cannot be scared away in despair, so they can only remain in a stalemate for now. When he suddenly heard Zhao Yue say this, he found a good step.

But he did not go down immediately, but asked curiously: "What special situation? With the state of technology inside Mo City, and with Senior Guliu here, what special situation can happen?"

"Alien! You'd better send Xiaotian back. His abilities may be very useful against these aliens."

After Zhao Yue finished speaking, he ignored him and led the team directly back to the city.

When he heard the word alien, Zhong Yi couldn't help but be a little confused.

A person like Zhao Yue does not seem like someone who would make such nonsense.

From Zhao Yue's tone, he could also hear Zhao Yue's anxiety, so he somewhat believed it at this time.

But do aliens really exist? Even if they exist, what level of technology and strength do aliens have?

Curious in his heart, he immediately tried to contact the secret agents in Mo City.

As a result, no one could be contacted.

Of course, they couldn't be contacted. Not to mention that the aliens had paralyzed all the electronic equipment. Even if the aliens didn't come, these people had already been imprisoned in Guliu Prison by Mocheng. How could they be contacted.

"Sir, the leader of the alliance, I have tried to contact everyone, but I can't contact anyone. It seems that something really happened over there in Mocheng."

As soon as these words came out, Zhong Yi couldn't hold back his curiosity. He was going to follow him to see what was going on in Mocheng.

With his superhuman abilities, he can still come and go freely.

Zhao Yue also noticed that Zhong Yi was flying over. Zhao Yue could only temporarily control this guy for a moment, but it was of no use. This guy's physical body was as strong as anything, and he couldn't be beaten at all.

To kill him, a person with super powers like Lin Yike would have to take action, and it would be possible to injure him severely.

So Zhao Yue didn't pay much attention to him.

After all, Lin Xiaotian had come back before and talked about Zhong Yi's attitude towards Chen Mo. This guy still respected Chen Mo, but he just refused to obey her control. If there really was an alien invasion, even if everyone was an enemy, he would have no choice but to Choosing to put aside our prejudices and work together can be considered a fighting force.

Soon a group of people rushed back to Mo City. Over at the Survivor Alliance, Zhong Yi also said before leaving that Zhao Yue also had a mecha warrior that was still difficult to deal with in a real fight. Let's wait and see if he can steal it again. Everyone has seen Zhao Yue before. Considering how perverted the mecha warriors were, they all agreed with Zhong Yi's idea and immediately evacuated obediently.


In Mo City, the alien spacecraft has completely landed in the sky above Mo City. A suspended lifting platform was lowered directly from the spacecraft. A person with purple skin came down from the spaceship, and there were two antenna-like tentacles on the square head. of strange aliens.

Many older people nearby saw it and thought they were seeing an old-fashioned TV set.

It's square, with two antennas standing on the back.

The moment she saw him, Mu Xiyue immediately tried to communicate with him mentally.

"Hello, friend from aliens."

"Huh? The creatures on your planet can also communicate with souls? Or have you awakened such powers?" The alien looked at Mu Xiyue in surprise.

"Do you know about our ability awakening?" This time it was Mu Xiyue's turn to be surprised.

"Of course, we are here to recover the things that caused your mutations." As he said, the alien took out a strange disk, clicked it, and began to detect and search.

"Recycle the things that caused our mutation?" Mu Xiyue was a little confused. After all, Chen Mo had never told her about this matter.

She immediately conveyed the content of the conversation to Akafiel, and Akafiel also immediately replied through mental communication, "It's the Demonic Source Core. The thing that mutated us is called the Demonic Source Core. It flew from an unknown planet." It’s just that this thing that came to our earth is gone long ago.”

"Huh? Where did this thing go?"

"It was absorbed by the city lord. The city lord talked about this before leaving, saying that there will no longer be chaotic mutations on the earth. In the future, mutations will occur during the evolution process."

"So that's it."

After receiving the news, Mu Xiyue immediately replied: "What should we do now? Should we directly tell them that this thing is no longer available? Maybe they will choose to leave directly."

"Wait a minute, we still don't know what their attitude is. We should be calmer and take our time when dealing with alien civilizations.

Since ancient times on our planet, people of the same race and the same country have been at war over things like territory and resources, let alone different galaxies and different species. Even if our planet is not that good, how can we say it? It is also a planet where life was born, and it is also a planet where intelligent life was born.

I don’t believe they would just leave this kind of planet as if they didn’t see it. Now that it has been discovered by an alien civilization with higher technology than ours, our situation is very passive.

Once we can't figure out their attitude, for the sake of safety, our best choice is to find a way to kill them all! "

Mu Xiyue was shocked when she heard Akafiel's reply.

"Does it have to be like this? Can't everyone be friends?"

"Your idea is too naive. When the strength is not equal, there is only a relationship between slavery and being enslaved. It is difficult to use the word friend at this time.

But we can't be impatient now. If they are chasing the core of the demon source, their combat power is not bad, but we don't know whether it's their own combat power or purely relying on technology. If they are fragile enough, then we won't be able to sneak attack and kill them. They will leave their chance. "

(End of this chapter)

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