Chapter 233 Take the initiative!

The alien seemed not to be aware of the spiritual communication between Akafiel and Mu Xiyue. He was still concentrating on operating the disc in his hand.

Suddenly, the disc emitted a piercing alarm sound, and the alien's expression changed accordingly.

"How is it possible that the aura of the Demon Source Core disappeared right here? Why can't it be found!?" There was a hint of doubt in the alien's tone.

He suddenly looked at Mu Xiyue's spiritual channel and asked, "Where did the Heavenly Demon Source Core that was originally in your city go?"

"What is the source core of the demon? We don't know." Mu Xiyue acted as if she didn't know what Akafiel said.

At this time, Akafiel had already set his sights on the elevator platform of the alien spacecraft that had not yet been recovered and the black hole of the spacecraft hole that was supposed to be sealed by the elevator platform.

If you are fast enough, rely on superpowers to kill the alien, and directly enter the spacecraft, there may be a way to bury them directly in the earth.

However, it is not yet known what the alien's physical strength is. Akafiel cannot move lightly. Du Renyuan on the side has already asked people to call Liu Yuanzong over. Liu Yuanzong has the ability to read minds and may be able to read the alien's mind from the alien. People hear something in their hearts.

At the same time, because of Akafiel's spiritual communication, Mu Xiyue quietly informed the peripheral people nearby and sent someone to invite Gu Liu. With Gu Liu's exquisite heart power, he should be able to tell it at a glance. The reality of this alien helps them determine whether this alien is physically or mentally powerful, or whether it is just a technologically powerful ethnic group.

While Mu Xiyue was pretending to be cool with the aliens, the people who were supposed to come gradually arrived.

After Liu Yuanzong came over, he immediately tried to read the alien's thoughts. As a result, just as he was about to do so, the two antenna-like tentacles on the alien's head were suddenly aimed at him.

"People on Earth, don't try to read my voice."

As the alien spiritual communication came, Mu Xiyue was immediately shocked.

At this time, Liu Yuanzong also looked at the alien with a surprised expression.

Not only did he not read the alien's voice just now, he even had his voice read in reverse by the alien.

This is really causing trouble for Liu Yuanzong.

"There's something wrong with this guy." Liu Yuanzong immediately said to Du Renyuan next to him.

At this time, Akafiel also felt it, and he was already secretly screaming that something was not good. The worst possibility had appeared. This alien might be a powerful type.

Just when Liu Yuanzong's mind-reading was reversed and the scene became awkward, Guliu's vines had spread to the ground.

Soon Mu Xiyue received the message of Gu Liu's spiritual communication.

"This alien has a rebound ability. It can rebound all the abilities that are applied to him back to the person who applied the ability. And his strength is not low, at least level ten or above."

Gu Liu, who had always been calm and calm in Gu Jing, clearly showed a hint of turmoil in his mental communication with Mu Xiyue this time.

"What? Aren't we no match for those with powers above tenth level?" "No, they are different from the creatures on our planet. They only have strong mental energy, but not physical energy. They are different from our planet." The evolvers on the Internet are just the opposite. The evolvers have no superpowers but are physically strong. However, they have superpowers and are mentally strong but not physically strong. If they really fight, if there is a chance to break through and attack their fatal points, even if They are level 10 or above superpowers, so it’s not impossible for us to kill them.”

"So that's it, but they are not the same species as humans on Earth. What are their weaknesses? After all, their abilities are at such a high level. Once we attack their weak points accurately, it may be self-defeating and irritating. They are taking action against us." Mu Xiyue said worriedly.

"I have already sensed that their fatal point is the center of the abdomen, where your human belly button is. Their life source is located in this position of their body. There is also a fatal point in the head. If we can directly destroy their brains , can also kill them, but they have powerful mental source cores in their brains, and their mental power can be turned into substance for defense. It is not so easy to attack their big heads, so the best way is Or hit them at the fatal point in the abdomen.”

Gu Liu's Nine Apertures Exquisite Heart is indeed a powerful ability that can understand the past and the present. Even if it is an alien he has never seen before, he can quickly sense some important information about the other party after seeing it.

After receiving all the information conveyed by Gu Liu, Mu Xiyue immediately passed the relevant information to Akafiel.

When Akafiel received this information, he immediately felt happy. Although the aliens' powers were very strong, as long as they knew that their bodies were not invincible and that their own earth could not do anything to them, there would still be a chance to deal with them.

"Help me ask Senior Gu Liu, can you sense how many aliens are in the spaceship?" Akafiel immediately mentally communicated with Mu Xiyue and asked.


Soon Mu Xiyue conveyed Akafiel's question to Gu Liu.

"It can be sensed that there are only five people coming this time, and there are four people inside the spacecraft, but each of them has a superpower level of ten or more, which should not be underestimated."

After receiving the information Gu Liu sensed, Akafiel's mind started spinning rapidly.

At this moment, Zhao Yue and the others had returned to Mo City.

Zhong Yi flew all the way over, originally planning to stop outside the walls of Mo City to explore and see what the alien looked like.

As a result, he discovered a problem as soon as he arrived. All defense facilities in Mocheng seemed to be in a state of paralysis.

Soon he saw the alien spacecraft hovering over the Mingyuan Community in the distance, as well as the alien riding the elevator who was communicating with Mu Xiyue in the Mingyuan Community.

"Is this an alien?" Zhong Yi looked at the alien's big head like an ancient TV set, but for a moment he didn't feel how threatening it was.

Until suddenly an ancient willow vine appeared next to him.

"Senior Guliu, what's going on now?" Zhao Yue asked quickly when he saw the vines of Guliu spreading over.

"The situation is not good. These aliens are very powerful. They are all powerful people with powers above level ten. The only good news is that their bodies are not strong. If they really fight, we will have Odds beat.

It's just that we'd better strike first. Once they strike first, it will be difficult for us to gain the upper hand. "

(End of this chapter)

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