Chapter 234 Fall out and take action!
"There are five of them in total. I can sense that they are not friendly to us. They haven't figured out why the demon source core they are looking for has disappeared from Mingyuan Community, so they are patiently talking to Mu Xiyue. Communicate. Once he gets impatient, I think the battle will start soon. The source core of the devil has been absorbed by Chen Mo. There is no way we can hand it over. They will definitely not believe it and they will definitely fight in the end. So We must strike first and be stronger,”

Even Gu Liu, who had always been peace-loving and calm in dealing with things, gave direct advice to strike first. Now both Zhao Yue and Zhong Yi realized the seriousness of the situation.

Although Zhong Yi couldn't stand the three deputy city lords of Mo City, he still respected Gu Liu very much.

The first is that Gu Liu is very strong, the second is that Gu Liu has a very good character, and the third is that he has received a lot of guidance and benefits from Gu Liu before he can cultivate to the current level.

Therefore, Zhong Yi was relatively obedient to his remarks.

"Zhong Yi, Lin Xiaotian, his ability may be the key this time. We need an ability that can quickly invade their spacecraft, so as to quickly attack them from the inside."

Upon hearing Gu Liu's inquiry, Zhong Yi immediately said, "I'll have someone wake him up right away and ask him to come back."

The alien spacecraft only paralyzed the electronic equipment inside Mo City. Zhong Yi was from outside. The electronic equipment was still fine and he could directly contact the Survivor Alliance.

He called Meng Yu and asked her to notify Meng Yi to wake up Lin Xiaotian.

"After waking up Lin Xiaotian, let him take Anna to open the passage back to the city wall in the south of Mo City. We are in an urgent need and must be fast."

At this time, Meng Yu had no time to ask Zhong Yi what was wrong. This was the first time she heard Zhong Yi speak to her in such an anxious tone.

Instantly she realized the seriousness of the situation, and she quickly went back to notify her brother Meng Yi. The two rushed to Lin Xiaotian's residence together, and she also called Anna over.

Anna is the person with supernatural powers who used her powers to unlock the high-tech biological information lock of the mecha warriors.

Zhong Yi called her over, naturally to restart all the equipment in Mo City to fight against alien interference.

If all the defense equipment in the entire Mo City could be restarted, it would really be possible to catch these aliens by surprise.

Soon Meng Yu, Meng Yi, and Anna had gathered at Lin Xiaotian's home in the Survivor Alliance.

"Why do you have to wake him up so soon?" Meng Yi asked curiously.

"Don't ask, that's what the alliance leader said. This matter is very important." Meng Yu urged immediately without bothering to explain.


Meng Yi stopped asking and began to use his powers to pull Lin Xiaotian from the deep dream all the way back to the surface dream, and finally woke him up directly.

After feeling sleepy for a while, Lin Xiaocai looked around curiously.

"Who are you?" Lin Xiaotian didn't recognize the three people in front of him.

"I don't have time to explain to you. Anyway, after the alliance leader asked you to wake up, he immediately opened the passage and took Anna back to the entrance of the wall south of Mo City."

"Ah?" Lin Xiaotian was filled with questions after hearing this strange order.

But he still complied with it. After all, the weirder the order, the more important the matter.

He immediately thought and opened an entrance directly to the entrance to the southern wall of Mo City. The moment the passage opened, Zhong Yi, Zhao Yue and others who were staying here immediately saw the passage.

As Lin Xiaotian and Anna walked out of the passage, Lin Yike quickly stepped forward to hug Lin Xiaotian and checked him up and down. After confirming that he was not hurt in any way, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sister, what are you doing with so many people watching?" Lin Xiaotian said shyly as his sister checked her like a child.

"Xiaotian, I'll let you siblings catch up on old times later. Now I have something important for you to handle."

Zhao Yue's voice came from the mecha warrior and began to explain to Lin Xiaotian what to do next.

Zhong Yi, on the other hand, told Anna what she should do.

"Huh? All the equipment in Mo City is activated by my power? I have long heard that the equipment in Mo City is much more advanced. Even if I am already at the ninth level, I am afraid it is not enough to support it.

After all, you also said that these aliens have technological power that far exceeds ours, and their blocking power must not be weak. I'm afraid they won't be able to unlock so many in an instant. "

"Don't worry, I will replenish your energy, and I will also send you some equipment that is not necessary to lift the blockade, so don't worry, you can definitely do it."

As Gu Liu communicated mentally with Anna, Anna nodded with understanding.

She had known about Gu Liu's existence for a long time. With the help of this half-step tenth-level expert, her pressure would be much less.

After Anna and Lin Xiaotian's tasks were all arranged, everyone was ready to take action.

Over there, Mu Xiyue had tried her best to delay as much time as possible, but at this time, it seemed that she could no longer hold on.

"Mr. Akafeel, things are not going well. He is already angry and gave us an ultimatum. If we don't hand over the core of the devil within 10 seconds, they said that even if they blow up the earth, they will find this core. The whereabouts of the devil’s source core.”

"Damn it! I knew they came with bad intentions. Senior Gu Liu, are you ready over there? It's time for us to take action!"

"Okay! You can take action!" The moment Gu Liu's voice reached Akafiel.

At this moment, the walls of Silent City suddenly lit up with a dazzling light, and energy beams shot out from the walls, violently blasting towards the alien spacecraft and lift platform.

"No, they actually released our electronic cage and prepared to fight!" The alien who was outside just now roared and disappeared in an instant.

"Damn it, how come he has the ability to teleport? Senior Gu Liu, you didn't tell me."

"This is not his ability, it should be a special technology. My ability can only sense their abilities, but cannot detect their technological capabilities." Gu Liu couldn't help it.

As the alien disappeared, his figure appeared in the spacecraft the next moment. A protective shield lit up on the surface of the spacecraft, blocking all the energy beams.

Although the energy beam on the city wall is powerful, it seems somewhat powerless in the face of the counterattack from the alien spacecraft.

On the other hand, looking at the bottom of the spacecraft, the muzzles were opened one by one at this time, and terrifying energy beams shot out instantly, sloping down towards the silent city to counterattack.

(End of this chapter)

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