Chapter 241 The terrifying strength index!

Seeing Zhao Yue's reaction, Chen Mo nodded with a smile and said, "Let's go back to Mo City first."

Chen Mo followed their current description of Magic City.

"Brother Mo, you are finally back. I miss you so much, wuwuwu...Mocheng...Mocheng has been destroyed by aliens, and Uncle Shu doesn't know what's going on now..." in the crowd , Ye Tong, who had grown into a big girl, suddenly ran out and threw herself into Chen Mo's arms, crying loudly.

She recalled Gu Liu's farewell attitude before sending her and Xiao Huang away, and she felt that Uncle Shu might have died.

Feeling Ye Tong's broken emotions, Chen Mo gently stroked her back and said, "We haven't seen each other for ten years. We are already so old, Tongtong. Don't worry, since brother Mo is back, Mo City will still be there."

As he said that, he held Ye Tong's face, wiped away her tears and said with a smile, "Okay, don't cry, there are so many people watching."

"Yeah." After Ye Tong said that, he threw himself into Chen Mo's arms.

Brother Mo's breath always made her feel so safe.

At this time, Lin Xiaotian on the side saw this scene. Although he was happy that Chen Mo was back, he was a little jealous.

When Chen Mo saw it, he smiled and patted Ye Tong gently and said, "Okay, if you hold me again, Xiaotian will be jealous."

The two children were similar in age and had grown up as childhood sweethearts. They were both talented and good-looking, so they naturally came together and had a crush on each other, but they didn't say anything about it.

The family doesn’t know yet.

Hearing what Chen Mo said, Ye Tong immediately blushed and turned to look at Lin Xiaotian.

Lin Xiaotian is also a thin-skinned person. Seeing Chen Mo say this in public, he immediately blushed with embarrassment.

"Okay, let's go back and talk slowly if you have anything to say. Let's repair our home first and drive away the outsiders." The moment Chen Mo's voice fell, everyone felt the light and shadow around them change. The next moment, they were all surrounded by Chen Mo. He was brought back to Mingyuan Community using super teleportation.

At this moment, Zhong Yi was extremely excited.

It was this ability. This was how he felt when Chen Mo took him to teleport at will. This kind of teleportation was as light as the breeze blowing on his face, and he could not feel the invasion of any strange energy at all. This was what allowed people to teleport. The highest state.

In a short period of time, he was sure that Chen Mo's teleportation ability far exceeded all those with such abilities that he knew.

Looking at the ruins around him, Zhao Yue sighed: "Alas, as the deputy city lord, I still failed to fulfill your instructions, failed to handle the affairs of Mo City, and failed to protect them."

"Sister Yue, don't blame yourself. You have done a good job. The current changes can only be attributed to the strong external enemies, not your fault. As for Mocheng and those who have just passed away, don't worry, Qinlan is here Well, everything can come back.”

After Chen Mo said this, Liu Qinlan was stunned and said: "No, my supernatural power is not that strong. It has been a long time since it was destroyed here, and I can't go back."

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but show a gloomy expression.

"It's okay, you can't do it, but I can." After Chen Mo said with a smile, Liu Qinlan suddenly felt that she had some kind of connection with Chen Mo. The next moment, Chen Mo's body surged with strange energy, and everything around him began to look like a replay. Just like a three-dimensional TV, everything begins to regress, and everything quickly changes back to its original state.

Whether it was the dead people or the destroyed buildings in Silent City, they all came back.

Those who had come back from the dead had blank expressions on their faces, as if they had just experienced a nightmare.

Liu Qinlan's retrace ability is called state retrieval. It is not a real time retrieval, so it will not clear the memory of the person being retraced.

They had been shelled before, scalded to death by high temperatures, and crushed to death by collapsed buildings. All the feelings were still deeply imprinted on everyone's heart.

So much so that most of the people who had just been resurrected were still in a state of shock and confusion, frozen in place. "Chen Mo, how can you use my ability?" Liu Qinlan looked at Chen Mo and asked in surprise.

"Aliens can use your abilities, and so can I." Chen Mo said with a smile, and after comforting everyone, he looked up at the spaceship in the sky.

Since Chen Mo's return, this group of aliens discovered that the visitor was evil. They didn't make any rash moves for a while, apparently because they couldn't see through Chen Mo, and for a while they were a little afraid to move without permission.

They took advantage of this period of time to observe Chen Mo, trying to figure out Chen Mo's origins.

It turned out that he seemed to be the life of this planet, which made the five aliens feel confused.

How could the life on this planet be so strong?

When they first came to Earth, they could easily sense that the strongest people on Earth were only half a step up to ten levels.

As a result, a person whose specific strength they couldn't sense at all appeared unexpectedly.

How could this not frighten them?

"Hurry up and activate the detector to detect his strength!"

"Already activated!"

As the aliens activated the detector on Chen Mo, the numbers in the detector also began to scroll rapidly.

The final detection showed two lines of numbers.

All written in strange alien scripts.

Translated into Chinese language, it is...

[Super ability index]: 44000
[Combat Power Index]: 80400
"Impossible! How can it be so high!"

"His supernatural ability index and combat power index are already comparable to those of the God of War of the Demon Clan! This is not something we can deal with. Come on!"

The moment they detected Chen Mo's strength, the five aliens were all amazed. They were so frightened that they immediately started the spacecraft to escape.

But it was obvious that they had no chance of escaping.

"Five of you, you're all here, so don't leave in a hurry."

The moment Chen Mo finished speaking, the five aliens noticed a strange energy shrouding themselves. The next moment, they left the spacecraft and appeared in front of Chen Mo.

"The ability index and combat effectiveness index updated by the system after I reached level 10 turned out to be your common data."

Chen Mo had just returned to Earth and used the global soul-reading secret technique. However, because the levels of these five people were too high, Chen Mo could only slightly read some of their nearby memories, but did not have time to read them completely.

After all, it is obviously difficult to simultaneously read the soul memories of all creatures in the world, and also read the soul memories of five powerful people above level 10.

Especially if it weren't for the resonance amplification of the four distortion source cores that Chen Mo had, these five people would even be stronger than Chen Mo, and it would naturally be more difficult to read them simultaneously.

At this time, the five people were detained, just in time to slowly learn about their civilization.

(End of this chapter)

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