Chapter 242 The Sellians!
"Who are you? You can't be a life form on this planet. How can a life form on this planet become so powerful in just ten years!?
The life on the entire planet has the highest supernatural power index of only over 5,000 points, and the highest combat effectiveness index does not exceed 5,000 points.

Your ability index is as high as over 40,000, and your combat power index is as high as over 80,000. This is definitely not the change that can be produced by absorbing the mutations of the demon particles for ten years! "

Seeing that everyone was fighting for their lives, the five of them were no longer afraid. Instead, they became curious and made it clear that they planned to die.

As for resistance, they have run out of ideas.

Because they realized that Chen Mo's strength far exceeded theirs, there was no chance of resistance.

"Interesting, I didn't ask you where these five guys are from, but you asked me first."

Chen Mo ignored them and began to activate the secret soul-reading technique.

Chen Mo successfully read all the information about these five aliens from their consciousness through the secret technique of soul reading.

This information may include their identity, origin, purpose, as well as their race, civilization, technological level, etc.

Chen Mo learned that these five aliens came from a distant planet called "Serian".

Their race is significantly different from Earth humans in terms of biological form, especially in intelligence and perception.

The civilization of the planet Selian is highly developed and has a technological level that far exceeds that of Earth, especially in terms of interstellar travel and spiritual technology.

These five aliens are members of a special force on the planet Selian. Their usual mission is to explore new planets and search for possible resources. This time, they were ordered to track down the demon core because they escaped. .

The reason why they came to the earth was naturally caused by the core of the demon source that escaped to the earth.

That day, the demon source core brought changes to the earth, which could be regarded as attracting the devils.

However, although it was only the Heavenly Demon Source Core that attracted them, after arriving on Earth and using detectors to detect the Earth's special life and rich resources, their goal has changed to invading and occupying the Earth, not just capturing some humans. It was as simple as going back to do experiments. After they bombarded Silent City, they began to prepare for subsequent invasion operations.

Of course, there is no chance now.

In terms of superpower index and combat effectiveness index, the life forms on the planet Selian use a substance called "Sean particles" to enhance their spiritual power.

This substance was very rare on their planet, and they had to obtain it from outside. However, during an accidental exploration, they discovered something similar to Xian particles, which were the demon particles emitted by the demons on the demon planet after they died.

Seeing that the Heavenly Demon Star is so rich in Heavenly Demon Particles and has the ability to perfectly replace the Sai'an Particles, and at the same time, the level of civilization and technology on the Heavenly Demon Star is extremely low, after they discovered the Heavenly Demon Star, they immediately began a crazy invasion and attack on the Heavenly Demon Tribe people. Oppression, in order to carry out crazy plunder and absorption of the demon particles.

However, although the technological level of the civilization of the Demon Clan is very low, their individual biological evolution is very strong.

They also paid a heavy price, killing many people in the battle, and many of the demon tribesmen fled and hid in the universe, preparing to wait for opportunities to retaliate against the Selians.

Because the resistance of the Demon tribe was too fierce, many of them died in the battle. It was very difficult for them to capture prisoners of war and slowly raise them for long-term development. Later, they discovered that some demon tribesmen could abandon their physical source cores and escape, and could also be reborn with the help of the source cores, so they began to hunt down and recapture these demons' source cores based on their movement trajectories.

These Heavenly Demon Source Cores can easily combine with the life forms of other races they enslaved to give birth to new Heavenly Demon clansmen.

Recreating the devil life in a cage made on their own planet also facilitates their control and long-term reproduction and development.

The core of the devil can be reborn. Chen Mo already knew it from the system when he first came into contact with the core of the devil.

However, he did not expect that the powerful immortal Xiaoqiang-like abilities of the Demon Tribe, which was originally a racial advantage, would instead become a means for the Selians to capture and control them.

Since only the Cian particle-like part of the Celestial Demon Particles has certain compatibility with Cailian's organisms, and other parts of the effects have almost no effect on Cian people, so they only have superpower index after absorbing the Cian Demon Particles. After being promoted, the physical body has not changed much.

Therefore, their combat power index, which is based on physical energy as a statistic, is not very good, but their ability index, which is based on spiritual power, has improved relatively quickly.

This is why there are five power users of level 10 or above in one team.

Such a level of supernatural power index strength at such a low level is not something that ordinary life on the planet can achieve.

So even though the five of them have a low status in their own galaxy, they are still extremely powerful on Earth.

Their ability index reaches tens of thousands of points, and according to the calculation of the levels of the Demon Clan, they have reached the eleventh or second level.

However, compared with Chen Mo, their strength is insignificant. Chen Mo's single source core is only tenth level, and his power index may only be a little over 10,000 points. However, with the resonance of his four source cores, his power index is as high as 40,000 points. Many, this is not an ordinary numerical value to add, just like the five people on the opposite side with a power index of 10,000, the total is still only the combat power of five people with a power index of 10,000, and it will not become a qualitative change of 50,000.

After Chen Mo's source core resonated, he was really able to use the tenth level of strength recognized by the demon to achieve qualitative change and superposition, and exert a power index of more than 40,000 that far exceeded the tenth level.

The normal power index of level 11000 is 38000 points. Even if it reaches level , which the demon tribe considers, the power index is only points.

Chen Mo's power index was as high as 44000 points at this time, which was close to the upper limit of the Demon Man level .

But the upper limit of the Demons is not the upper limit of the universe. This is also the reason why the Demons were defeated. They were classified into the top level. In the eyes of the Sellians, or in the unified detection data of the Galaxy Alliance, it is only 60,000. Just multiple ability indexes.

Weak or not, after all, the team members sent by Selian, who specializes in invading other people's planets, only have more than 10,000, and more than 40,000 are naturally not weak.

But when it comes to being strong, it's not that strong. There are not only one or two people in the Galaxy Alliance who have a higher power index than this.

However, there are really not so many people with high mental power index and high physical combat power index. Earthlings and Demon Stars are the few beings seen by Selian people who can have good power index and combat power index at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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