My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 303 Electric Cat Cat Head

"Ajun, your fish is not a gargi, it is called Matsubara winter snapper. It is a high-end fish. There are not many in other places, but there are still some near the bay or Ryukyu waters."

After seeing Yu's introduction, Gu Nan said to An Jun.

"Satsuhara winter snapper? The name is a bit strange. I thought it was an ordinary gargi fish, but I didn't expect it to be something else. What about the price? It won't be cheaper than the gargi fish, right?"

"This is a high-grade edible fish with a lot of fat and good taste. The price can be sold for 160 yuan, which is much higher than ordinary gargi fish."

"One hundred and six, that's okay."

An Jun weighed the fish in his hand and felt that it weighed almost three kilograms, which was nearly five hundred yuan. He looked very satisfied.

The fish was caught in shallow water, so he also put it into the live fish cabin.

Due to its place of origin, this fish is available both domestically and imported. Therefore, they are basically all chilled. If you take them back alive, the price may be a little higher.

Of course, the premise is that there are more fish. If there are only a few fish, you basically have to sell them in bulk or take them home to eat.

An Jun is not worried. He can invite a few old customers with good connections in the store to taste it.

If you want old customers to come back often, new species of fish are also crucial.

"I don't know if there are many of these things." An Jun threw the bait into the water and said.

"It depends on your luck! Even if there are not schools of snapper of this size, there should be some if you catch some one after another."

Gu Nan knew a lot about the habits of sea bream. Black sea bream, yellow fin sea bream, gargi and red sea bream were rarely found alone unless they were particularly large.

Maybe what he said was right, the next moment, Ye Jing also brought up a piece of Matsubara winter snapper.

In order to make sure there was no mistake, Gu Nan also made a special inspection.

"Hey, it seems the quantity is okay." An Jun looked at the two kilograms of snapper in Ye Jing's hand and smiled.

"If you want it, I'll sell it to you when you get back." Ye Jing tied the fish with a tie and said.

"Okay, then you can sell all the fish you two caught to me." An Jun agreed happily.

Gu Nan has no objection to this. Who is selling to whom is not selling?

Although it was afternoon, due to the abundance of resources, there were also a lot of fish coming out to look for food during the day. The three of them almost caught fish one after another.

That is to say, they are of average size. Except for Gu Nan's first fish, which weighed ten kilograms, almost all subsequent fish weighed two or three kilograms, mainly snapper.

Groupers were not active during the day, and the three of them didn't catch any.

The sky was getting dark, and because the fish were in good condition, Gu Nan and the others didn't even think about cooking for a while.


However, Dahua, who was waiting for the dinner in the evening, couldn't wait any longer and ran out of the cabin with her two children.

The "meow" voice was thin and high-pitched, and it was obviously coquettishly coquettish to him.

"Ouch, Dahua is hungry, come on, come on, let's eat a fish first to fill our stomach!" An Jun happened to catch a snapper that was estimated to be less than a pound, so he simply untied it and threw it into Dahua's beside.

Maybe it’s because Dahua used to be a stray cat, so he’s really not picky about food.

It eats good food and ordinary food. It instinctively goes up to the food that is delivered to the door and takes a bite in its mouth, showing off its quickness and precision.

Xiaohua and Xiaoju also hurried to their mother's side and stretched out their heads to smell the fish.

Xiaohua soon lost interest, but Xiaoju meowed at her mother, seemingly begging for food.

Gu Nan immediately laughed and scolded: "This big flower is really not picky about food, and so is Xiao Ju. He is indeed of Fat Ju's blood."

The freshly caught fish is very energetic. It is constantly twisting and struggling with its waist and abdomen, and its tail is flicking up and down quickly.

This makes the three people fishing also happy, the electric cat head.

It's a pity that it's not mackerel, otherwise it would shake faster.

Gu Nan didn't object to feeding Dahua raw fish. He had no intention of keeping a pet cat.

He will have to rely on it to solve the rat problem on the ship in the future. For the time being, he will give cooked food to the two younger ones, and he will occasionally feed them raw food when they get a little older.

"It's almost time, Arjun, let's make dinner! The fish situation should be better at night, and the number of groupers will increase. It will be a pity to waste time cooking and eating!"

Gu Nan quickly grabbed the fish he was currently fishing and said, seeing that it was Matsubara winter snapper and weighing more than three kilograms, he decided not to put any live fish in the cabin and would give himself and others extra food in the evening.

When An Jun heard this, he thought it was right, so he nodded, took back the fishing line, and followed Gu Nan to the kitchen.

Only Ye Jing was still fishing quietly on the deck. He had no choice but to cook for two people, so he couldn't escape the task of washing dishes later.

Gu Nan first prepared dinner for the three cats, and then dealt with the Matsubara winter snapper.

An Jun was cooking other dishes and handed him this simple steamed fish dish.

Gu Nan scraped off the scales to remove the internal organs, and slit the fish's belly with the meteorite dagger. A layer of white fat immediately stuck to it, indicating how fat the fish was.

This kind of fish is just like eel. It doesn't require oil and is delicious when grilled directly over charcoal fire. The fat will be slowly baked out by itself.

But this kind of high-end fish that has never been eaten before is better to be steamed for the first time so that you can taste the original flavor of the fish.

"Ajing, come over and eat!"

It only took more than half an hour to prepare four dishes and one soup. Gu Nan went to ask Ye Jing to eat and put the prepared cat food into the cat's bowl.

The three cats, who couldn't wait for a long time, immediately immersed themselves in hard work.

Big Hua ate the fastest, and Xiao Ju was not much slower. Xiao Hua chewed slowly, like a lady.

Gu Nan ignored them, went back, washed his hands, and started eating his dinner.

The three of them ate very quickly. In just a short while, Gu Nan and An Jun walked out of the cabin and came to the deck.

It was now completely dark, and none of the fishing boats on the sea seemed to have left. The lights turned on illuminated a large area of ​​​​the sea.

There were barbecues and beers on several fishing boats. The smoke was thick, and the occasional sharp punching sound could reach them.

Men generally don't have very loud voices unless they drink too much.

Ye Jing was washing dishes in the kitchen obediently. An Jun didn't take a break and just started fishing.

But Gu Nan decided to make a big one at night. Instead of using the purple fishing rod from the afternoon, he took out two golden fishing rods and started changing the fishing lines.

Considering that groupers would appear at night, he didn't change the fishing line to be too thin, and the fishhook wasn't too small either.

He plans to target fish between five and twenty pounds. If the fish are average, he will change the hook to a smaller one at that time.

The small squids taken out in the afternoon were not put back into the refrigerated cabin. Gu Nan first cut some and threw them into the water to make a nest, and then changed the thread.

After the line groups and hooks of the two fishing rods were replaced and pressed on the brackets, his position had already begun to become nestled.

I caught about forty or fifty fish in the afternoon, averaging about two pounds and three pounds. Because the overall value of the fish is high, my income is almost over ten thousand.

If you add a fishing rod at night, you can't get less than in the afternoon, right?
With this in mind, Gu Nan hung up a cut half of the squid and threw it into the water.

There is a mouth almost when it goes down, and the golden fishing rod is obviously bent. It is obvious that the fish is not weak and its body is not that small.

An Jun next to him had already caught three fish when he changed the line, but just like in the afternoon, they were all ordinary snapper and no grouper.

Seeing the movement on his side, even though I'm used to it, it still feels a bit disturbing. "Why do all the good fish and big fish come to you first?"

"Maybe I'm handsomer than you?"

"Damn, you said that your fishing skills and luck are better than mine, I admit it! But in terms of appearance, I have a problem if you say you are more handsome than me! Brother, I never spend money to flirt with girls, but I often do it when walking on the road Being accosted.”


Gu Nan rolled his eyes, too lazy to talk nonsense to him.

He stared closely at the water. The fish was almost coming up, and the other fishing rod also caught a fish, and the movement was only a little less than the first rod.

The fish were much bigger than those caught in the afternoon, but not particularly big.

Soon, a brown-white grouper with black spots all over its body appeared on the water.

"Damn, rat spots?" An Jun's eyes almost bulged out. He thought it was an ordinary fish, at most a common grouper, but ended up going straight to the king?

"Haha, I won the prize!" Gu Nan was immediately overjoyed. This one was worth an entire afternoon's gain, and the time he just spent changing lines was well spent.

I quickly picked up the fishing net, picked up the fish, and then used the fish controller to lift it up to check the weight.

"Thirteen pounds and two, damn, it's so big!" An Jun stopped caring about fishing and hurriedly came over. He felt envious when he saw the weight. He's the king of fish!

"Hurry up and change the hook to a bigger one. There should be a lot of groupers at night." Gu Nan happily tied the fish with a tie and put it into the live fish cabin.

Although he has a lot of income, he is usually not short of ten thousand or twenty thousand.

But every time I catch something of this quality, I always feel very happy for some reason.

"I don't know if there are any more rat spots. I've never caught them before." An Jun made a nest and started to change the fishing line.

Gu Nan said: "There must be such a large fishing ground. The sea here is far away and is not as plowed as the offshore sea."

"That's right, but there are no rat spots. You can have some other valuable groupers, but I won't pick them."

After a while, Gu Nan's second fish came up, a ten-pound white starfish.

Ye Jing, who was walking out after washing the dishes, happened to see it. He learned from An Jun that Gu Nan had caught a rat spot just now. His eyes suddenly lit up and he quickly picked up the fishing rod and changed the line.

The two were "sharpening their knives" and obviously wanted to have a big fight that night.

This made Gu Nan next to him feel excited. Looking at this state, the two of them would obviously work all night long.

That way, you can go to bed early, get up early tomorrow, stagger the time, and try to catch fish on the North Man Island to see if you can open the golden trial.

If you unlock the blue fin, you can use the five accumulated legendary selection cards because you spend gold coins to open the treasure chest.

These five cards can only be used to select fish caught in the game, but there are currently only two real-life legend selection cards, which are not many in number.

In reality, he still had to be careful when making legendary blue fins and not make too many.

However, you can get one of the imported ones every once in a while. There is no use leaving the card alone. The truth is to exchange it for money.

There are indeed a lot of groupers at night, which should be related to the good resources here.

One fish after another appeared on Gu Nan's side, and from time to time there would be a grouper, which probably accounted for a quarter of all the fish at night. This ratio was not low.

It wasn't until twelve o'clock at night that Gu Nan stopped.

"Huh? Why don't you continue fishing?" An Jun asked strangely when he saw him put away his fishing rod.

Gu Nan deliberately yawned: "I'm tired and want to go to bed early. It's the same thing when I wake up tomorrow morning and fish. You guys stay up all night?"

An Jun and Ye Jing looked at each other and nodded: "We'll stay up all night. If you want to sleep, go ahead!"

Gu Nan just nodded and was about to go back, but suddenly thought that the resources here are so good, there must be a lot of lobsters, so he said: "Since you guys are working all night, let me put a few cages in. There should be a lot of lobsters here. If you don't catch them, you won't catch them." "

"Okay, we'll be here at night, so they won't be stolen." Ye Jing and An Jun agreed happily. Gu Nan would also give them some of the harvest from the cage, so why not take the free money.

I didn't get out of the cage before, mainly because the location was not good, but today this place is very suitable.

Gu Nan didn't bother too much and just put three cages around the boat.

If it rains too much, it will definitely be farther away. You can't see clearly at night, and they won't know if it is stolen.

Gu Nan went back and took a shower, talked on the phone with Yi Chen who was still asleep for a while, and then closed his eyes comfortably and went to sleep.

At five o'clock in the morning, the alarm clock on his mobile phone rang on time. He had set it specially before going to bed.

Getting up early can also give you more time to fish. Since you want to catch fish in the game, this is definitely not the place for you.

There are many boats around here, and sometimes it is inevitable to find something wrong when fishing.

It would be great fun if the one-meter-long wave dragon caught was caught.

Coincidentally, after washing and walking out of the room, Ye Jing and An Jun just put away their fishing rods and were about to go back to sleep.

"Hey, you guys collected your poles so early today? Didn't you go back after fishing at six o'clock last time?"

"Sleepy!" An Jun said with a yawn.

"Any good results?"

"It's not bad. Ajun caught a few valuable groupers, and I caught a rat spotted that weighed more than five kilograms." Speaking of the rat spotted, Ye Jing couldn't hold back the smile on his face.

"Not bad. A wild rat spot weighing more than five kilograms can be sold for six to seven hundred per unit." Gu Nan said unexpectedly.

He didn't expect that there was actually a second rat spot here. It weighed more than five pounds, which was not too small.

Ye Dingding nodded: "Yes, it's a pity that you didn't continue fishing at night. The fish conditions at night are very good."

"It's okay. I'm lucky. It's the same when fishing in the morning."

"Well, then go ahead and get busy. Let's go to bed first."

"Don't want to eat in the morning?"

"No, just wake up and eat again."

It's been a few days since we went out to sea this time. Fishing is physical work, so the energy of the two of them is naturally not as good as when they first got on the boat. It's normal if they can't stand it any longer.

This was more convenient for Gu Nan, as he didn't need to make extra breakfast for two people.

He originally planned to take some time to make a fancy breakfast, but since both of them went to bed, he simply gnawed two pieces of bread and drank a bottle of yogurt.

When you come out, collect the ground cages first. There are three ground cages on the side of the boat, one at the stern, the left side and the bow.

Gu Nan collected the left one first and pulled it with a winch.

Hook up the float with a hook, tie the rope to the winch a few times, and then start it.

As the rope was slowly pulled up, the underwater cage gradually emerged from the water.

Some crabs that were too late to react found themselves inexplicably appearing on the surface of the water and hurriedly ran to the bottom.

The seafood caught in the ground cage slowly came up as the ground cage came up, and all gathered at the tail.

When the entire cage appeared on the water, Gu Nan was shocked. There were so many things beyond his expectation that they actually took up a quarter of the cage. (End of chapter)

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