My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 304 The Difference Between Pacific Bluefin and Atlantic Bluefin

The harvest from a small section at the end of the ground cage can weigh about dozens of kilograms. This quarter is worth at least a hundred kilograms, and maybe a hundred and fifty kilograms.

Even if most of the things inside are worthless, the amount caught is still amazing.

After taking a general look, I found a lot of lobsters and swimming crabs, some fish, and more random things. It seemed that the species was very rich.

The cage was pulled up. Gu Nan untied the rope at the tail and lifted the cage with all his strength. The seafood inside immediately poured out.

Originally, there were a lot of things in the cage, but now they can only be piled into a small mountain when poured out. It will probably take a long time to sort them.

Gu Nan did not immediately collect the second ground cage, but quickly found all the lobsters and put them into the live fish cabin. They were worthless if they were dead.

There are many types of lobsters, the smallest one is blue lobster, followed by many dense-haired lobsters, and corrugated lobsters. Finally, Gu Nan also found three flower dragons.

It was estimated to be three to four kilograms in size. A lobster of this weight is not small, but if it is not eaten on the boat, it will have to be released.

Seeing that he had harvested at least twenty lobsters, he released these three.

In addition to lobsters, there are also a lot of fan shrimps. The price is cheaper, but the taste is no worse than lobsters.

Gu Nan also looked for them and found that there were more than lobsters.

In addition to these two valuable ones, there are also about ten large prawns, all of which are as big as a palm.

There are a lot of small ones left. These will be scooped up and thrown into the basket later. An Jun and Ye Jing will pick them slowly when they wake up. He doesn't have that much time now.

A dozen large swimming crabs, a few coral fish, and two groupers were all collected, and the rest was roughly turned over with a shovel. When Gu Nan didn't find anything good, he shoveled it up and put it in a basket.

It took five large baskets to finish, which also illustrates the harvest this time.

Then Gu Nan hurriedly went to collect the second ground cage. Unexpectedly, he harvested more. At a glance, he found a lot of large prawns, which made him overjoyed.

Apparently there was a swarm of prawns that passed by last night and he caught some of them. These wild shrimps can be sold for 261 pounds even if they are dead.

If you live, the starting price is three hundred and fifty, which is expensive.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to find live shrimps caught at sea, and even if they are alive, they may not survive long enough to return to shore. This makes him very sad.

The three ground cages have been collected, and the plastic boxes and baskets on the boat are almost used.

Lobsters, shrimps, swimming crabs, etc. are all placed in hollow plastic boxes and then put into the live fish cabin to prevent them from running around and being eaten by several large groupers.

After finishing his work, almost an hour had passed. Gu Nan quickly pulled out the water pipe with a high-pressure nozzle to wash the deck clean, and then sailed away.

At present, there are already people on more than a dozen nearby fishing boats going out for morning fishing. If he wants to catch fish from Beiman Island, he must leave here and go to an uninhabited water area.

Being so far away, Gu Nan only drove for half an hour before arriving at a water area with a depth of about 150 meters and a certain number of fish at the bottom of the boat.

After putting down the anchor and stopping the boat, he quickly took out his fishing rod and started fishing.

Perhaps because of the new location, Gu Nan just spent a few hours collecting the required unlock types.

Using the last trial card, Gu Nan arrived at a familiar platform in a flash.

Already familiar with the competition in the trial tower, he held the fishing rod very calmly and waited for the content of the competition to be released.

[Golden trial mission released: Please successfully catch a 500-pound northern bluefin tuna. The first to complete the mission wins! 】


Five hundred pounds, fishing from the shore?

Gu Nan was numb, this was really a surprise.

He has tried the difficulty of fishing for big fish on the shore several times. At the beginning, before his physical fitness improved, it was difficult for him to catch fish weighing dozens or even hundreds of kilograms.

I just caught a huge catfish a few days ago. If I hadn't been prepared and specially made a few rocks to use as a stepping stone, he would have been dragged into the water if I hadn't put out the line at that time.

Not to mention the bluefin that now weighs 500 kilograms. The only good news is that he can put the line out to walk the fish.

Unlike catfish, bluefins don't drill into the soil to drive piles, so from this aspect, the difficulty is not as high as catfish.

Gu Nan took a deep breath. No wonder there was such a big piece of iron bait hanging on the fishing line.

When he came in and saw this bait, he thought that he must be catching a big fish this time, but he didn't expect that it would be the blue fin he was longing for.

As the three-two-one started, Gu Nan threw the iron bait far away with a whoosh.

The length of the fishing line is one thousand meters, and he thinks a fish weighing 500 pounds should be fine, but the premise is that he must catch the fish faster than the player next door.


The iron bait fell into the water, and Gu Nan, who thought he would have to wait for a while, was staggered by a huge force the next moment.

Then he found that the unloading force was as tight as usual, so he quickly adjusted and loosened it a little.

This is not on a boat, but on a platform without guardrails. A single burst of unloading force can pull the fish into the water.

After relaxing a little, Gu Nan quickly raised the pole to stab the fish to prevent the fish from taking the opportunity to escape.

After doing this, he held the fishing rod and let the hooked blue fin run away.

Taking a moment, he also glanced at the old man next door, whose movements were almost the same as his.

That’s right, the newly hooked blue fin has the most explosive power, so what can you do if you don’t let it run away?
However, after loosening the pressure, the blue fin swam very fast. In less than a minute, the fishing line was shuttled out for more than 100 meters.

According to the tuna's endurance and this progress, the fish can run a thousand meters in less than ten minutes, then break the fishing line or escape from the hook.


Gu Nan exhaled, knowing that he could not go on like this, so he slowly stepped back until he reached the edge, and then adjusted his unloading force again, leaving only a little buffer space.

In an instant, a strong pressure hit, and Gu Nan was inevitably pulled forward a few steps again.

But this time, I kept my foot down and firmly controlled my body.

He didn't hold down the crank, so he could still bear the tugging force.

Due to the unloading adjustment and his efforts to hold the fishing rod and pull it back, the speed of the tuna suddenly dropped.

A thousand meters is still not that far for the fish, but Gu Nan at least bought himself a few more minutes of buffer. A few more minutes would mean more variables, and he would be able to adjust according to the situation later.


However, compared to others, the fishing rod has endured unprecedented pressure.

The weight of five hundred pounds of blue fin is the upper limit of the purple fishing rod. If it is not done well, the rod may break at any time. These are all things that fishermen need to pay attention to.

The fishing line seemed to be unstretched, trembling all the time, and all the water droplets on it were shattered and turned into mist.

Gu Nan hadn't fished so directly for a long time, and his face turned red for a while.

It used to be so difficult to catch a marlin weighing hundreds of pounds. Although my physical fitness has improved a lot now, the bluefin of 500 pounds is many times heavier, so it is actually more difficult.

The crank turned so fast that in just five or six minutes, one-third of the fishing line in the fishing wheel was missing.

However, the fish's momentum was the same as at the beginning, and there was no sign of fatigue at all.

Gu Nan knew that he had to use his strength to fight hard, otherwise even if the fishing line was one thousand meters long, he would not be able to stop the fish from running away.

At this time, he no longer had any energy to look at the situation of the old man next door. He concentrated his attention, shouted low, tensed up the muscles in his arms, and pulled the fishing rod back hard. Even the body fell backward, almost reaching forty-five degrees.

The fish is very powerful, and when he really exerts his strength, he is not a vegetarian. Under his strong pull, the speed of the blue fin suddenly dropped sharply.

In the water, it obviously felt that its swimming was becoming more and more difficult, so it instinctively shook its head, trying to shake off the iron bait hanging from its mouth.

The fishing line also swayed, driving the fishing rod and Gu Nan immediately knew the fish's plan.

Seeing this, he squatted down slightly, lowered the angle of the fishing rod, and then suddenly pulled it up hard.

This was another action of stabbing the fish. Not only did the hook on the iron bait near the bluefin's mouth not loosen, but it became even tighter.

In addition, the fishing rod was lifted high, and because of the angle, the fish always swam up unconsciously. In just a short while, he appeared on the water surface.

But it struggled more fiercely than before, causing the fishing rod to creak louder. Gu Nan was frightened for a moment, fearing that the fishing rod would suddenly break with a "snap" at the next moment.

Fortunately, the quality of the fishing tackle produced by the game is guaranteed. The fishing rod looked like it was about to break at any time, but it remained strong in the end.

The blue fin that appeared on the water found that no matter what method he tried, he couldn't get the iron bait off his mouth, so he had no choice but to continue swimming farther away.

Gu Nan tried hard to stop it, but could only watch as the fishing line became less and less.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a fish approaching his blue fin on the sea in the distance.

He turned around and looked, suddenly enlightened.

Lao Tie next door pulled the fishing rod to the left, which also forced the fish to swim to the left.

Such behavior can significantly slow down the speed of releasing the fishing line and will not let the fish run too far.

Gu Nan was annoyed for a while. The fishing was going too well during this period. He found that his thinking was too rigid and he did not have the flexibility to adapt to changes before.

Now that he saw such a good idea, he immediately started following the example of the old man next door.

From time to time, he pulled the fishing rod hard to the left. Every time he pulled it, the hook would hit the fish once, which made the blue fin become more and more violent and jumped out of the water twice.

But in the end, it had no choice but to swim to the left obediently in order to save itself some pain.

As soon as the direction changed, the strength also became lighter, and Gu Nan's entire center of gravity began to shift to the right.

He has discovered that the progress of the old man next door is slightly faster than his.

If you don't change the current situation, you will definitely lose in the end.

Then we can only fight!

Gu Nan looked at the rotating handle and grabbed it.

The next moment, the fishing rod bowed hard again, and it seemed that the condition was almost reaching the limit of the fishing rod.

But Gu Nan had no choice but to fight hard to win.

Fortunately, the fish ran like this for about ten minutes. Although its strength was still very strong, it was half as strong as at the beginning.

Gu Nan's strength still couldn't stop the fishing line from continuing to be released, but while stabilizing herself from falling off the platform, it could further consume the fish's physical strength and speed up its rest time.

Then the two sides entered into a tug-of-war again, and he and the old guy next door couldn't tell who was progressing faster.

But the old man next door still used the same method as before. Steady is steady. But as time goes by, the balance of victory has obviously slowly shifted towards Gu Nan.

Because Gu Nan occasionally used force to lift the rod, he could still slightly retract half a circle of fishing line, half a circle of fishing line or something, but the gap became bigger and bigger the more times he did it.

Catching big fish is a particularly hard job.

As time slowly passed, Gu Nan's physical strength was also exhausted. His chest was heaving violently and his breathing was very rapid, as if he had run a long-distance run of 10,000 meters.

In order to win, he naturally has to put in more physical effort. The old guy next door is in much better shape than him at first glance.

But when catching so many big fish, Gu Nan could persevere to the end every time, so he didn't skimp on his physical strength.

In this way, more than twenty minutes later, his fishing rod slowly rebounded, and the pulling force of the fish was obviously much smaller.

Tuna swim throughout their lives, even when they are resting.

In this state, the fish has obviously entered a moment of rest.

Gu Nan's spirit was shaken. After learning about the fish's condition, a surge of power suddenly surged through his body.

He put his belly on the fishing rod, pulled the rod up hard, and then started to reel in the line.

However, he didn’t completely exhaust his strength. The five-hundred-pound blue fin can last for more than one or two rounds. This is a long-lasting challenge.

Sure enough, after only taking in the fishing line for about ten minutes, and after about seventy or eighty meters, the fish started swimming again.

Gu Nan had already been prepared, but he was not caught off guard.

He was fishing in the space, and the sun outside was gradually rising and was about to reach its highest altitude.

At this moment, Gu Nan's room suddenly flashed and he appeared out of thin air.

At this time, his face was pale and his body was covered in sweat, as if he had been fished out of water.

But there was a smile on his lips. It was obvious that this trial was successful.

I looked at the time and found it was almost eleven o'clock.

Not only did he successfully obtain Beiman’s golden fishing rod during this trial, but there were also two 500-pound blue fins in the ice cream parlor.

Of course, after bleeding and removing the internal organs, the weight was only a little over 460 kilograms.

There was just one thing that made Gu Nan feel a little regretful.

He originally thought that there was no difference between Pacific bluefin and Atlantic bluefin, just that they lived in different sea areas.

But after catching Atlantic bluefin this time, he used identification and then knew the difference between the two.

From the appearance point of view, there is almost no difference between the two species, and they appear to be the same species.

However, the position of the belly after cutting is different. The Pacific bluefin has a U-shape, while the Atlantic bluefin has a low-angle triangle. Anyone who knows how to do it can see it at a glance.

Secondly, Atlantic bluefin are larger and more expensive.

If Gu Nan directly sold it as Pacific Blue Fin, he would undoubtedly suffer some losses, and the risk of being discovered would also be high.

He originally planned to take out the blue fin, but now he had to give up the plan.

It seems that the legendary selection card still has to be used.

A Pacific bluefin weighing more than 400 pounds is not enough to get more compensation.

After resting for a while, Gu Nan took a shower and then walked out of the room.

Ye Jing and An Jun were naturally still sleeping, and Gu Nan was hungry because of blue fin fishing.

So I went to the kitchen to settle my stomach first, and then came to the living room to think about the next voyage. (End of chapter)

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