My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 334: Departure Station 1

Soon, it was time to set off.

Gu Nan and Ye Jing were standing at the dock to greet the friends they had met. The dock was very busy at this time. Fishermen were lining up with their suitcases, and the boatmen were sending them up in small boats.

The company's first mate was already on board, but because Ye Jing's driver's license was still a few days away, a captain was temporarily hired to help.

After returning from this voyage, Ye Jing will be able to get his driver’s license and become a proper captain.

A small boat driving license is different from a large ship driving license. Not only does the captain need a license, but the boat workers also need to take a certificate. Without a certificate, they are not allowed to work on board.

The company recruits experienced boatmen, so there is no such problem.

Gu Nan is currently also taking time to take a large ship driver's license test. He plans to take all kinds of ship driver's licenses to prepare for when they are suddenly needed in the future. It is not a difficult task anyway.

Large ships are indeed more troublesome than small ships. The operation room alone is the size of a small room, and it takes several people to operate it.

But the difficulty is not that great, the main thing is to understand it.

It’s just like when ordinary people want to drive a car, they have to take the C level driver’s license. If you want to drive a larger car, you have to take a higher level test. It’s the same principle.

After a while, Wang Jun, Guo Xiao and their group arrived.

After the two sides greeted each other, Gu Nan arranged for the boatman to take them on board first.

Later, Li Shuai also came. He actually brought his girlfriend with him and bought tickets for her, but he didn’t even know about this.

It’s a pity that Yi Chen is pregnant, otherwise he would have taken his wife with him as well.

There is also the owner of the small shop where I bought the scratch card last time, and many members of the club.

Seeing that most people had arrived, Gu Nan and Ye Jing also prepared to board the ship.

Then, he saw an unexpected person coming with a small package.


"Brother Nan." Zhao Kang waved and greeted Gu Nan when he saw him.

Because they often go to sell fish, the two are quite familiar with each other.

"What's going on?" Gu Nan asked.

I came to the dock with a small package, and I didn’t want to sell fish or go fishing!

Zhao Kang took out a folded coupon from his pocket and handed it to him: "Brother, this is the coupon my neighbor gave me. He said I can go fishing on the boat for free."

"He couldn't go because of something, so he gave me the spot and told me to just give him 5,000 when I come back."

When Gu Nan saw the scroll in his hand, a strange look appeared on his face.

He was very familiar with this volume. After asking Wang Junhe to send out the information about the fishing boat, they also organized a lottery with ten free places.

There is one single room, two double rooms, and the rest are the rooms at the bottom, with seven places.

Coincidentally, the ticket Zhao Kang took out was for a single room.

Gu Nan didn't bother to care about selling the quota, and asked, "Are you so sure that you can earn more than 5,000 yuan by going out to sea?"

"The ticket price is about 10,000 yuan, so if you get 5,000 yuan after you come back, you will definitely make a profit. But if the fish you sell doesn't reach 5,000 yuan, you will not only waste almost a week's time, but you will also owe some money."

"I think my fishing skills are pretty good and I want to try it." Zhao Kang looked determined.

In fact, he had another idea, which was to try whether he could get used to going to the open sea. If he could bear the hardship, he planned to ask Gu Nan if he could come to work with him.

The salary of a seaman is pretty good. He is uneducated and can only make two to three thousand yuan a month at most if he looks for a job.

Yangjiang Port is a fishing port, and there are no decent factories nearby. He couldn't even go to the factory to screw in screws.

If he went far away, there would be no one to take care of his sister. It was normal for a little girl to be bullied and killed.

Although it is not the era of decades when families would be wiped out, the outcome is not much better either.

Although crew members often go out to sea, they can come back to rest for a day or two every few days or a week. At least it means that they are at home, which is naturally much better than not being able to go home many times throughout the year.

Making money from fishing is too unstable. Even if you are really lucky, it is impossible to catch grouper on the shore every day.

In fact, Zhao Kang didn’t catch even a single grouper this month, only other fish, and the prices were not high.

If they hadn't been frugal and spent little money on food and drink in a day, they would have hardly been able to make ends meet.

He is just lucky. Normal anglers are either losing money or on the way to losing money. Only a few can make money by fishing on the shore.

"Okay, let's get on the boat together. I'll teach you how to fish for deep-sea fish then." The young man wanted to make some money by fishing, and Gu Nan didn't object, so he simply took him on the boat.

"What's going on?" Ye Jing asked in a low voice.

"One of Chenchen's neighbors had financial difficulties at home so he left home early to find ways to make money. He also has a younger sister at home so it wasn't easy for him. So Chenchen and I will take care of him in any small matters we can." Gu Nan explained briefly.

Ye Jing understood, and if he encountered such a thing, he would also take care of it a little.

I didn’t have the ability before, but now that I have a good life, I should do good deeds and accumulate blessings for myself and my family.

Several of them have donated money to the charity foundation established by Wang Junhe. The money he donated can truly help those in need.

At ten o'clock in the morning, everyone arrived and the fishing boat set off on time.

Ye Jing went to the cockpit to learn from the temporary captain and accumulate some sea sailing and driving experience. Gu Nan took Wang Junhe and Guo Xiao to visit the entire ship.

"This boat is not as luxurious as the one I rented, but it's also very good. The rooms on the third floor are also very comfortable to live in. Most importantly, it's big enough. Ordinary fishing boats are only about 40 to 50 meters long, but yours is almost 60 meters long, so you can carry more customers." Wang Junhe said after looking at the boat.

Guo Xiao also nodded in agreement: "It's great to be able to buy a second-hand ship like this. By the way, how much did you spend on it?"

Gu Nan: "Not counting fuel costs and so on, it cost 6.5 million to get it."

Guo Xiao: "The price is not bad, it's not a loss. If others are not in urgent need of money, it's no problem to sell this ship for more than 7 million."

Gu Nan: "Yes, that's why I took it decisively."

The three of them talked as they walked back to their room on the third floor and leaned against the corridor to get some fresh air.

Wang Junhe looked at the unremarkable seascape in the distance and suddenly said, "What a pity! We are in Yangjiang Port. If we were in the South China Sea, we could often go to places like Xisha, or even Nansha."

"There are a lot of groupers in those places, and they are big enough, so it's fun to fish."

Guo Xiao disagreed: "If I give you that big grouper, would you dare to eat it?"

Wang Junhe: “Why not?”

He suddenly stopped talking halfway.

Yes, I really don’t dare to eat it.

The chance of ciguatera poisoning is too high, so the local anglers there don’t eat it.

Gu Nan naturally knew the reason and said with a smile: "Grouper is good, but it has to be comfortable to eat. If the problem is minor, at most you will have diarrhea, but if the problem is serious, you will need to be hospitalized directly."

"The good thing about our East China Sea is that there are relatively few poisonous seaweeds, so the chances of the fish we catch being infected with ciguatera are also low."

Each sea area has its own advantages. The South China Sea does not go to those islands, but it can also go to various oil wells, and the resources are equally rich. As for ciguatera, Southeast Asia has more grouper. If we are really afraid of this, no one will eat fish anymore.

Therefore, although Guo Xiao said so, if they had a choice, the three of them would choose the South China Sea, as they could often go to the vicinity of the archipelago to carry out large shipments.

However, there is one advantage to this waters. We don’t need to go to the archipelago like in the South China Sea, where the journey alone would take a long time.

We set off at ten in the morning, had lunch, and arrived at the first destination around four in the afternoon.

Gu Nan and Ye Jing spent an entire afternoon studying this route and selected several fishing spots with the best resources.

From near to far, and then from far to near, it just makes a small circle and comes back.

In this way, customers can catch a lot of fish, and the fishing boat's sailing route is relatively short, which can save a lot of fuel costs.

Generally, when fishing boats go out to sea, they often find fishing spots with resources but end up catching no fish or the anglers are tired of the location.

Gu Nan’s arrangement this time is different. He has five fishing spots here, where he can catch a variety of different fish, ensuring that there is freshness every time he changes the fishing spot.

Otherwise, just fishing for a week or so would be very boring.

When the boat found the fishing spot, the captain used the horn to notify everyone. The boatmen had already been busy and prepared a large amount of bait.

Gu Nan didn't encounter any fish when he went out to sea a few days ago, so he bought all the bait himself.

There are two main types. One is the widely used Antarctic shrimp, which is the largest in number.

The second is sardine bait, which is also prepared in large quantities and is mainly used for fishing big fish and tuna.

If anglers want to catch big fish, they have to catch bigger baits themselves, and Gu Nan can't do anything about it.

The first fishing spot was a group of reefs. The tide had just receded and you could see a lot of reefs exposed on the sea surface, some here and there. It was obvious that there were quite a few reefs underneath.

The captain is very experienced and there were too many fishing boats to get close, but he still found a fish path to ensure that the anglers could get a catch.

"Xiaokang, let's go fishing." Gu Nan specially brought Zhao Kang with him and called him over to occupy a fishing spot on the left side of the boat.

The stern of the boat had already been occupied by some experienced anglers. This trip was mainly to serve fellow anglers. Gu Nan didn't want to open a back door for himself and others, so he reserved a good fishing spot at the stern.

But the same is true on the side of the boat, as long as there are fish underneath, there will be a catch.

Zhao Kang followed Gu Nan to the side of the boat. Wang Junhe and others were also there. They all had their own fishing rods, except him.

But when he held the fishing line and hook, it was clear what he was going to do.

"Please bring a boat pole." Seeing this, Gu Nan ordered the crew to get the equipment.

The equipment on the boat is all new and customers can use it at will. Just get whatever you need.

With the boatman watching, there is no need to worry about anglers doing something reckless.

There are hundreds of people with varying qualities. If we don't keep an eye on them, who knows if anyone will secretly take anything away.

Zhao Kang is a little guy who only uses hand fishing rods. He has never used a sea fishing rod properly and has no idea how to choose. If Gu Nan doesn't help him, he will definitely go with a hand fishing rod.

"Brother, I don't know how to use a fishing rod." Zhao Kang said with a little embarrassment.

Gu Nan smiled and said, "It's okay. If you don't know how, I'll teach you. Fishing with a fishing rod will make it much easier. Hand strings are too taxing on your fingers. After you learn how to use a fishing rod, I'll give you a set when you get back."

"No, no, I'll earn money to buy it myself in the future. Brother, you've already helped me a lot."

Gu Nan smiled and didn't mention the matter again. If the other person really didn't want him, could he force him to give it to him?
Soon the boatman came over with a new set of fishing rods. After taking it, he began to teach Zhao Kang how to use it, how to tie the fishing line, etc.

Just now when we came down, the boatman reminded me of the fish situation at the bottom of the water. There were a few medium-sized fish, but no particularly large ones.

Therefore, the boat rod is not heavy, and there is no problem in fishing for fish weighing less than 20 kilograms.

The depth here is only a little over fifty meters, so there is no need for an electric winch. Gu Nan helped to install a spinning wheel.

"The fish are right under the boat. We just need to put the fishing rod on the side of the boat. This is the fishing hole. Just insert the fishing rod and secure it."

"Once you catch a fish, the pulling force will be absorbed by the boat, making fishing much easier."

After Gu Nan finished teaching, he let Zhao Kang try fishing by himself.

When you go fishing for the first time, you will either be lucky enough to catch something good, or your bait will keep getting eaten. The latter is more likely.

Experience needs to be accumulated through practice, and it is impossible for Gu Nan to take care of him like a baby.

Zhao Kang couldn't wait to hang a relatively large Antarctic shrimp, threw the hook and bait into the water and started fishing.

Gu Nan's own golden fishing rod had already been equipped with the line set, so he could start fishing right away.

He also had Antarctic shrimps, but there were no large ones, so he didn’t need sardines.

Although there was a novice around, this novice was a semi-newbie. He had fished on the shore before, but this was his first time out to sea and his first time using a fishing rod. Therefore, his BUFF level was not good, and he could not catch fish as fast as Gu Nan.

However, BUFF is sometimes not as good as luck.

Wang Junhe next to him suddenly raised his fishing rod, making a "whoosh" sound.

The fishing rod was bent quite exaggeratedly, which obviously meant the fish was not small. Secondly, the fishing rod was also a little soft.

"Haha, what a turn of events, today it's my turn!"

What Wang Junhe said was incomprehensible, but Gu Nan understood what he meant. He meant that he was the first one to catch a fish this time.

"Sure, Lao Wang, there are fish as soon as we cast the rod. Eat them in seconds!" said a middle-aged man nearby. He was one of the people brought by Wang Junhe.

"Haha, the force is quite strong. I estimate it's at least 70 or 80 kilograms." Wang Junhe was as happy as a child.

But everyone was frowned at what he said, because judging from the way he spoke with such energy, the fish weighed at most 20 kilograms.

And there is a high probability that there is none, it should be around ten pounds.

But the experience of catching a fish just after throwing the bait was too rare for Wang Junhe, so it was normal for him to be overly excited.

With only this weight, Gu Nan didn't need to reel in the line and could continue fishing.

After waiting for a while, the fishing rod shook slightly and the fishing line was pulled, obviously it was caught.

Gu Nan lifted the rod several times to stab the fish, then quickly reeled it in in one go.

Zhao Kang, who was watching next to him, was very envious, and continued to stare at his fishing rod with a bit of anticipation.

Maybe he was concentrating too much, the tip of his fishing rod suddenly shook a few times.

He was so shocked that he immediately grabbed the fishing rod and lifted it up. He remembered some of the fishing knowledge Gu Nan taught him and knew that this was called spearing the fish, which would prevent the hooked fish from escaping.

He didn't understand this before, but after listening to it, he understood it all at once. He also knew why he often lost fish when fishing with hand fishing line before, it was because he missed this step.

However, he stabbed the fish too early, and before the fish could take the bait, it was immediately scared away by the sudden movement.

Gu Nan saw the frustration on his face and comforted him, "Don't worry, take your time. It takes time for fish to eat bait. Some fish will try to eat the bait, swallow it and hold it in their mouths, but instead spit it out. They will repeat this several times before eating. Some fish eat fiercely and will make a big noise after taking one bite."

"You have to look at the condition of the fishing line, not the condition of the rod tip. Sometimes the undercurrent at the bottom of the water can also cause the rod tip to shake." (End of this chapter)

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