My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 335 Catching Blue Lobsters

Zhao Kang regrouped and also caught the small fish on Gu Nan's side.

It was a deep-sea stonefish, but it was quite big, probably a little over three pounds, enough to make a big pot of fish soup.

After struggling for a long time, Wang Junhe finally pulled up a large blue spot. It seemed smaller than he expected, weighing only about ten pounds.

"Wow, eighty kilograms is really big!" Gu Nan teased.

Wang Junhe blushed: "It's because the grouper is so strong that I mistook it for a big fish!"

Because the water was shallow, the giant grouper's energy had not been completely consumed. The boatman holding the scoop net nearby did not scoop the fish up immediately, but waited until the fish's energy was further consumed before scooping it up.

If you scoop up a fish while it is struggling, it is very likely to use the scoop net to get rid of the hook and escape, so the fish must be calmed down before being caught.

The fishing situation at the bottom of the water was indeed pretty good, and the timing was also right, so most of the anglers on the boat had caught something, and each of them had a look of joy on their face.

From 3 to 6 p.m., many fish will come out to feed. This is the peak period of fish activity, and sometimes the fishing situation will be better than at night.

According to this situation, it is absolutely easy to get your investment back, and you can even make a lot of money.

If a fishing boat has resource points and enough fishing spots for anglers to make money, then it will definitely not have to worry about business.

No one likes to lose money on something that costs money, and even those who don’t care about money will enjoy the fun of catching fish all the time.

I’ve never heard of anyone who likes to catch nothing. Even Jiang Taigong wouldn’t catch nothing when he was fishing!
It’s just that the fish he caught was special, and the fact that he finally became an official in the court was the best proof of that.

Zhao Kang was a little anxious when he saw that most people had caught fish.

If Gu Nan hadn't specially helped to bring the fishing rod, he would have just used the fishing line as before, which he was familiar with.

Fortunately, there are plenty of fish, so there is no need to worry about running out of fish.

After Gu Nan successfully pulled in the second stonefish, there was movement on his fishing rod as well.

Having learned his lesson, Zhao Kang did not lift the rod immediately. Only after he saw signs that the fishing line was being pulled did he quickly lift the rod to stab the fish.

There was no problem this time and the fish was successfully stabbed.

After a while, like Gu Nan, he also caught a deep-sea stonefish.

"Brother Nan, this fish is the same as the one you just caught. How much can it be sold for?"

"This fish is different from the one you catch on the shore. It's more expensive, about 80 to 100 per piece. The exact price depends on the price on the day you get back."

The price given by Gu Nan was the purchase price. If it was the market price, it would be easy to sell it for 150 yuan.

Zhao Kang's eyes lit up. This fish weighed more than two kilograms, which meant it would weigh at least one hundred and sixty yuan. Five thousand yuan seemed like a piece of cake!

He suddenly burst into great enthusiasm. If he could make this much money every time he went out to sea, then there would be no need for him to be a boatman. He just needed to pay attention to the time when the fishing boat went out to sea and follow it every time.

The semi-new BUFF might have played a role, and he continued to fish one after another.

It should be because there happened to be a fish nest of Shi Jiugong right below where he and Gu Nan were, and there were quite a lot of fish. By six o'clock when he had dinner, he had already caught sixteen fish.

These stones weigh at least one catty, and the larger ones weigh more than three catties. So he has more than twenty catties in total. The unit price is eighty, which is a total of two thousand.

At this moment, Zhao Kang suddenly had an epiphany. He finally knew why Gu Nan made so much money. It was mainly because there were many and expensive fish in the distant sea!

"Let's go, eat first, then go fishing. This fishing spot is the worst. I guarantee you'll catch more in the next few days and make a lot of money."

At this time, most of the anglers have gone back to eat, and the fishing rods are temporarily placed on the side of the boat because they will be used at night.

Seeing that Zhao Kang was still fishing, Gu Nan patted him on the shoulder and said.

Zhao Kang didn't want to eat what he had caught. The fishing conditions were so good that he had to catch more. It was impossible for him to fish like this on the shore. If he caught five or six fish weighing more than one kilogram in a day, he would be considered rich.

But when he heard Gu Nan say that they were going to eat, and that there would be better resources later, he reluctantly retracted his fishing line and followed him to eat.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Gu Nan took him directly to the kitchen, where there was a table of dishes prepared for them.

Wang Junhe and his friends had already sat down, and Ye Jing also came with two captains.

The meals outside are served in a big pot, where each angler holds a disposable square aluminum box and queues up to get food and drinks.

The lunch boxes and chopsticks are not thrown away after use today. After eating, they have to wash them and put them in the room.

If you lose it, you have to pay for it, and the ship will not provide a second copy.

If it were provided free of charge, there would be too much garbage generated. The bowls and chopsticks alone would pile up quite a lot, and the remaining food residue would start to stink over time.

Not only is it extremely unhygienic, it also takes up space to store.

This is why anglers need to keep their own food supplies, not because Gu Nan is reluctant to spend the money.

It's just some disposable tableware. The bait and fishing gear are provided free of charge, so it doesn't matter.

Because they were going fishing in the evening, the group didn't drink any alcohol, they just ate and chatted.

Perhaps Zhao Kang was not used to sitting with them, so he ate very quickly and finished in just a short while.

"Brother, eat slowly."


"Well, I'm full. I'll go out first."


Zhao Kang threw his food scraps into the trash can, put his dishes in the sink, and then ran out in a hurry.

It was indeed very uncomfortable for him to have a meal with a group of big guys with powerful auras. He regretted it as soon as he came in and sat down. If possible, he really wanted to go out for a big pot meal.

After walking out of the kitchen, Zhao Kang breathed a sigh of relief. Thinking about making more money as soon as possible, he did not hesitate and returned to his fishing spot to continue fishing.

In the kitchen, Gu Nan and others were still eating.

Wang Junhe smiled and said, "You are quite caring towards that young man!"

Gu Nan smiled and explained, "It's just something I did casually. I'm out of pity. There's no one else in my family except my younger sister. She couldn't find a good job at such a young age, so she went fishing at the beach every day."

"But that guy is pretty lucky. He can catch a few groupers and valuable snappers every month right on the shore and sell them in my store."

"Fuck, can you catch grouper from time to time on the shore?" Wang Junhe didn't care much at first, but when he heard that grouper was caught from time to time, he suddenly found it unbelievable.

"That's right. I've been fishing for such a long time, but I've only caught grouper on the shore a few times." Gu Nan nodded affirmatively.

Of course, this is not considered a fish on the game map.

He was fishing normally on the shore. He vaguely remembered that he might have caught grouper, but it had been a long time and he had long forgotten it.

Everyone at the table looked at each other in bewilderment after hearing this. Everyone has done rock fishing on the shore, and it is possible to catch a grouper if you are lucky, and sometimes even occasionally. Who could be so lucky?
As for the resources near the Yangjiang Port, there are not even many grouper fry.

"Then I have to keep an eye on this little guy in the next few days. His luck sounds better than yours, Anan. Maybe he can catch some bluefin fin this time. I will take him home then." Wang Junhe said seriously.

Gu Nan hesitated for a moment and said, "Don't mention it, it's really possible."

Wang Junhe's words also reminded him, which made him take it seriously.

How should I describe his own luck? It's sometimes good and sometimes bad. Basically, in many cases, he has good luck on the first cast, but not so good later on.

If there is a lucky guy around, then he really has to bring people with him. Whether it is fishing or fishing at sea, there are various factors that determine whether the harvest is good or not, but luck is the most important.

If your luck strikes, you can become rich overnight. This is much more realistic than gambling on stones.

To put it bluntly, gambling on stones has a threshold.

Without connections, you won’t be able to get good materials. You’re considered very lucky if you can buy a glutinous stone.

After dinner, everyone returned to their fishing spots and continued to work.

Ye Jing, who was originally in the cab, also came over to join in the fun. The conversation at the dinner table just now made him curious about Zhao Kang, and he wanted to see if his luck was really that good.

"Hey, Brother Nan, what kind of grouper is this?"

Time passed slowly, and just when everyone focused their attention on fishing, Zhao Kang let out an exclamation and asked Gu Nan beside him.

"Damn, Neptune grouper?" Before Gu Nan could react, An Jun, who was fishing across the pond, cursed.

Gu Nan's mouth twitched. He had only caught three of these things.

In addition to the time he caught it last year, he went fishing twice afterwards. This fish was the least caught of all the fish he had caught.

"It seems like you are really lucky. I have only caught this fish three times in total."

"If you can bring this fish back alive, you can sell it for 40,000. If it's dead, you can sell it for 1,000 to 1,500 per pound. According to the upcoming fishing ban, it should be able to sell for 1,500 even after it's dead."

"Hiss~" Zhao Kang took a breath. He had been fishing since this afternoon and had seen quite a few top-quality fish.

For example, the long-tailed sea bream that Gu Nan just caught cost two hundred and sixty yuan per pound.

Wang Junhe from next door caught a black sea bream, and the price was also one hundred and eighty yuan.

There are also deep-sea groupers, and basically none of them are less than one hundred and fifty yuan. This really opened his eyes.

But I didn't expect that there is always someone better than you. There is actually a fish worth 40,000 yuan, and it is so small.

Zhao Kang's hands holding the fishing rod were shaking a little, and he didn't know how to turn the handle.

Forty thousand yuan, he had never seen such a high amount in his life!
The boatman carefully scooped the fish and breathed a sigh of relief after pulling it up. He would have been uneasy if he had failed to catch such an expensive fish and it had escaped.

"Its belly is a little bloated, let the air out first. Don't put it in the live fish tank, put it in a separate box and turn on the oxygen pump to preserve it." Gu Nan ordered.

The live fish hold of the fishing boat is different from that of his fishing boat. Although there is seawater inside to raise fish, there is no deliberate live fish hold.

A lot of live fish are thrown in to raise, and basically some of them die every day.

If kept alone and oxygenated, the Neptune grouper's chances of survival would be much greater.

Wang Junhe next to him gave him a meaningful look. Gu Nan understood what he meant. He was obviously saying that his little brother was quite lucky as he was able to catch such a rare and top-notch fish as Neptune grouper on his first trip to the sea.

This is the kind of fish that countless fishermen who go out to sea to fish may not be able to catch in their entire lifetime.

But we have to wait and see. It’s just a top-notch fish, so it can only be described as shit luck.

If he is lucky later, I will give him a share of the profits and a salary so that he can go fishing at sea in the future.

The time soon came to one o'clock in the morning. Gu Nan put away his fishing rod and prepared to go back to sleep.

This is only the first day, and the fishing spot is the closest to the coast. Compared with the following fishing spots, the resources are nothing.

This time the final stop was near the high seas, a fishing spot that Gu Nan had discovered before for catching Japanese perch.

He found two in total, and he contributed the one with worse resources.

The resources here are slightly inferior, meaning that the chance of catching a Japanese perch is smaller than in the other place, but there are quite a few deep-sea fish.

The resources he provided to the fishing boat were all of medium and upper quality, with two top-notch locations.

Ye Jing also knew that there were several excellent fishing spots, but he had not yet included them in the fishing boat route plan.

Gu Nan had no hidden thoughts. He knew how much he could catch by himself, so of course he had to ask others to help him fish.

Moreover, every time he goes out to sea, he has to spend a lot of time fishing for fish in the game map. Even if there is no daily quota, the harvest from fishing for seafood in the game map is greater than in reality.

No matter how good the fishing spot is, the maximum you can get is only half of the map, so you won’t feel bad about making the contribution.

Wang Jun and a few others had gone back to sleep long ago, so it was late for him to go back now.

There are still many people fishing on the deck. With such good fishing conditions, these fishermen who bought tickets are reluctant to go to sleep.

Gu Nan didn't call Zhao Kang to go back and rest. Anyway, they would continue to the next fishing spot during the day tomorrow. Plus, the resources at night were usually better than during the day, so it wouldn't hurt to sleep a little longer during the day.

He went back at this time, actually with the idea of ​​going to the beach at night.

The number of times he goes to the sea once a week has been refreshed for three days. A few nights ago, he slept with his wife in his arms and did not have time to use up the number of times. Now it is just right to go out to the sea.

I used up the number of times today, and I can use it again when I return in a few days.

I returned to the room and took a shower, then lay on the boat, opened the game and entered the sea-hunting space.

The scene flashed, and Gu Nan found himself standing in the water, wearing a diving suit.

There was a net bag around his waist and a lasso and hook in his hands.

When he saw the lasso, he immediately knew what the theme of this sea-hunting trip was, which was catching lobsters.

Lassoes are generally used to catch lobsters. Of course, when actually diving into the sea to catch lobsters, people more often use their hands. Anyway, both methods are acceptable.

The hook is used in a similar way, basically to get the lobster out of the reef hole, but that only applies to lobsters hiding on the water surface. It is not suitable to use this if they are hiding under the water.

Do lobsters hide on the surface of the water?

This is not realistic in China, but it is entirely possible abroad.

He had never seen it before, but one time when he was out to sea in an area near North Man Island, he discovered a Boston lobster in a rock cave on the sand. It could even lie on the sand, which really broadened his horizons.

Gu Nan looked around and took in the environment.

Right in front of him was an island, surrounded by a large reef area with a lot of seaweed on the water.

He was evidently on an isolated island, not on the shore.

There are more lobsters near the isolated island, what are there on the shore?

It looked like today was another day for Boston lobster, something he was familiar with.

Now he was standing in the water and wearing a diving suit, so he simply dived into the water.

There are indeed some lobsters on the shore, but there are more of them in the water, and they are larger.

Although there are a lot of aquatic plants, the water quality is clear. After Gu Nan enters the water, he can clearly see the situation within a dozen meters nearby.

He quickly spotted his target and swam over quickly.

As soon as he approached, he noticed tentacles swaying at the entrance of the cave, but the color of the tentacles seemed a little wrong. Why were they blue?

He lowered his head and looked inside. Damn, a blue lobster? (End of this chapter)

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