Blue lobsters can be found along the coast of European countries on the eastern side of the Mediterranean or the Atlantic Ocean. They can also be found in the waters of the North Isle of Man and inland seas on the game map.

I was lucky today, as my sea-hunting map randomly led me to such a place.

Although blue lobsters are much smaller than Boston lobsters, they have a great advantage in price.

It is hard to say which one will sell for more money between the two because of their different sizes and prices.

But blue lobsters have one advantage: they taste much better than Boston lobsters.

After all, lobster is known as the most unpalatable lobster, and it is obvious that any lobster can taste better than it.

Maybe it was because of its big claws, after Gu Nan hooked the blue lobster out with the hook, it just crawled slowly, and with its big claws intimidating, it was easily caught.

Boston lobsters used to be so easy to catch. Compared with small blue lobsters and flower lobsters, lobsters with large claws may have much weaker mobility because they have weapons.

Even if it flapped its tail and fled in the water, its speed would be much slower. At least Gu Nan could easily catch up with it in the water.

The seafood produced in the game map is generally large, and this blue lobster is the same, weighing almost three pounds.

In some parts of Europe, blue lobsters can only be taken away if their head shell is more than eight centimeters long. Those shorter than this must be released, and those caught will be fined.

Many people go to the beach to catch seafood and encounter police officers checking on the shore.

As for Gu Nan's, its length should be about ten centimeters, which is just the right length.

Although there are no so-called police in the game map, he also does not intend to catch the small ones.

It's cheap, but it's small and has no meat, so it can't be sold for much. Why bother?

Gu Nan surfaced to take a breath, then continued to swim somewhere else.

While looking for lobsters, he also discovered a fine variety of oysters and abalone.

Abalone is large and very valuable. Although oysters are also fine products, they cannot compare with abalone in price.

However, Gu Nan recognized the type of oysters, which should be French Marantz.

He was not quite sure, so he pried one off and had it identified to be sure.

It seems that he is in a region similar to Margherita-Oleron in France.

Because there are a lot of Marantz here, Gu Nan walked a little forward and found a large area of ​​them densely packed on the reef.

But the ones other people have are farmed, but the ones here are all wild.

But for this kind of high-quality oysters, under normal circumstances, wild ones may not be as good as farmed ones.

This is because most farmed ones are large and relatively uniform in size, while wild ones vary in size and fatness due to food issues.

However, for games, these shortcomings can be ignored, as they can all be sold for money anyway.

But Gu Nan didn't plan to focus on oysters today. He still planned to continue catching lobsters and even abalone.

There are fish under almost every reef with holes, most of which are blue lobsters, and occasionally there are a few large brown crabs hiding.

As long as it was found, Gu Nan would take it without hesitation.

He soaked in the water for three hours without noticing the passage of time until the game reminded Gu Nan.

Instead of going out directly as he did in the past, he continued to catch blue lobsters in the last ten minutes.

In just ten minutes, he could catch three or four.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to catch so many, but the density is high and the number is large.

The result was that when the time came, Gu Nan fell asleep immediately after being kicked out of the space, and soon began to snore.

At this moment, he is definitely sleeping like a pig and cannot be woken up no matter how much you call him.


In a daze, the wandering soul returned, Gu Nan regained consciousness and woke up from his sleep.

I stretched out my body first, and then I felt refreshed and energetic.

The recovery effect is so good that massage can't compare to it at all.

Then he couldn't wait to enter the game, opened the aquarium and checked last night's harvest.

We didn’t catch many abalone last night, just a small bucket, about 60 to 70 kilograms.

I also got a small bucket of oysters, mainly for my own consumption.

Find an opportunity to organize a barbecue party and invite your friends to have a delicious meal.

However, most French oysters are better eaten as sashimi and are not suitable for grilling. Once grilled, they will shrink significantly and become unpalatable.

There were not many king crabs, just a dozen or so.

Fortunately, North Man Island produces a lot of them. I can catch a lot every time I go out to sea alone, and then ship them together and sell them.

Finally, the highlight is the blue lobster, which is the largest in number and was Gu Nan’s main target last night.

It takes time to catch this, so there aren't many of them actually.

Gu Nan counted them directly and found that there were fifty-seven of them, with an average weight of about four pounds.

That's right, last night he thought the first blue lobster he caught was already quite big, but when he went to catch them in slightly deeper waters later, he found that most of the ones he caught were big ones weighing four or five kilograms, and there was even one that weighed eight or nine kilograms.

Unfortunately, none of them weighed over ten kilograms. Apparently, it is not easy for a blue lobster to grow to over ten kilograms.

Although fifty-seven may not seem like a lot, there are actually only a few stores selling blue lobsters in the seafood market where Gu Nan’s new store is located.

All goods need to be pre-ordered, and one kilogram can be sold for about two hundred and sixty yuan.

This batch of blue lobsters cost nearly 60,000 yuan, plus abalone and other products, the profit from last night's fishing was almost 80,000 yuan.

Even though you can sometimes earn 200,000 or 300,000 yuan from one trip to the beach, those are actually special cases and you have to be extremely lucky to encounter them.

Under normal circumstances, it is considered good to earn 50,000 yuan from one sea fishing trip, and the average is about 30,000 to 40,000 yuan.

Therefore, for Gu Nan, the opportunity to go to the beach once every seven days is mainly to restore his physical strength, and secondly to experience different gains and surprises each time. Making money is not so important.

No matter how much money he can make from catching fish at sea, it is not as profitable as fishing. When fishing for fish in the game map, he has to line up several fishing rods in a row to catch a whole day's catch, but he doesn't know how long it will take.

With an electric reel, if he is lucky in a day, he can catch millions of fish, and on average he can catch about half a million.

Most of the seafood produced in the main maps are expensive and large. The basic price and weight are there, so it is normal to make a lot of money.

In other words, these top-quality goods cannot be sold all at once, and Gu Nan has not yet opened up trade routes outside the province.

His current business has just begun to radiate outside the city, and he is still far from making tens of millions of dollars a month by selling fish.

He was hungry early in the morning and the seafood in the aquarium made him envious. Gu Nan closed the game, got up, washed up, and went to have breakfast first.

Although they cooked their own special dishes, the food was not as good as what Wang Junhe had arranged before. But it was true that Lao Wang had hired a chef, while he only hired an ordinary chef, who was only at the level of the better chefs in the food stalls.

Although the taste is okay, the dishes are far less refined than others, and secondly, the main feature is the strong flavor.

After filling his stomach, Gu Nan walked out of the cabin, only to find that he had gotten up a little early and the sun had just risen.

I had no plan to go fishing so early in the morning. I was just about to go back to lie down, play games, and watch videos, when the fishing boat suddenly started moving.

After thinking about it, he simply walked to the roof and entered the driver's cab.

A new group of people has been replaced in the cockpit. The temporary captain has gone back to rest, and Ye Jing and the first mate are giving orders and making arrangements.

"Ah Jing, are you leaving so early in the morning?"

"Hey, Anan, you're here so early?" Ye Jing turned around when he heard the voice and was surprised to see Gu Nan.

"Well, those who go to bed early get up early!" Gu Nan nodded and said with a smile.

"You think going to bed early in the morning is considered early?" Ye Jing rolled his eyes and asked back, then continued to explain, "In fact, we can still leave in the afternoon, but the captain said that many customers fished until 4 or 5 last night and then went back to sleep. They are probably all fast asleep now, so I discussed with the first mate and decided to leave in the morning so that we can try trolling at the new fishing spot in the afternoon."

"Oh, it's better to set off early. I can also try trolling in the afternoon." Gu Nan understood. If the customers are sleeping, they can indeed set off early.

The fishing boat slowly reeled in the anchor, and the engine was almost warmed up. The fishing boat slowly started and headed for the next fishing spot.

After driving for almost an hour, it was already dawn. I estimated that it would take another two hours to reach the next fishing spot.

Just then, a group of seabirds appeared on the left side of the boat and moved side by side with the fishing boat.

Some of the faster ones slowly ran ahead.

When the people in the cockpit saw the seabirds, they had experience and knew that something might have happened.

Gu Nan was the most idle person here. He came to the door and looked out. Wow, the sky was full of birds, blocking out the sun.

"Hurry, follow the seabirds, you might encounter a school of tuna later." Gu Nan said immediately.

The first mate began to give orders, and Ye Jing asked, "Do you want to wake up the customers?"

Gu Nan thought for a moment and said, "Wait a minute. We don't know how long it will take to get to the school of fish. Let's ask the boatmen to call for help after we get there!"

I had just gone to bed after fishing all night, and it would be really offensive to wake people up at this time.

But if you really encounter a school of tuna, that would be even more offensive.

Such a huge flock of birds will definitely have a large school of fish as its final destination, thus attracting a large number of tuna.

There may be bluefin bream among them, so when you go fishing at sea, as long as there are schools of fish or birds, you must follow them.

Of course, in the evening, you have to rely on judgment, because evening is the time when seabirds return to their nests. If you encounter them, they are most likely not chasing schools of fish, but going back to rest.

After following for an hour or so, Gu Nan and others saw seabirds flying and circling in the sky ahead.

They observed the school of fish, and after circling for a while and finding the target, a group of seabirds launched an attack on the sea like aerial fighters. The scene was very spectacular.

"Fuck, this is too exciting, right?" Ye Jing was stunned.

Although he had encountered large flocks of seabirds several times, each type of seabird had a different way of hunting, and this was the first time he had seen such a scene.

Not to mention him, it was the first time for Gu Nan himself to see it. He immediately took out the digital camera he had prepared long ago and ran outside to take a lot of pictures.

Not only him, because the boat had stopped, almost everyone in the cockpit ran out to take photos and videos.

There must be a lot of people watching this sea spectacle at night, and these are all the views.

After taking a few pictures, Gu Nan also switched to photography mode. Since he decided to go for live video shooting, he naturally registered an account on Tik Tok.

On a daily basis, he plans to post some videos of the wonders he encounters at sea and various large shipments to accumulate fans first.

If I go abroad to compete in the future, I will upload some videos of fishing competitions from time to time.

So many people like to watch sea fishing, so it makes no sense that no one would watch the more exciting sea fishing.

After a while, the deck gradually became lively. Sleepy-eyed customers walked out of their rooms one after another, obviously having been woken up.

The boatmen just went to notify everyone one by one, and if they really wanted to sleep and didn't plan to get up, they couldn't do anything about it.

Is it possible to forcibly drag someone up while fishing?
Gu Nan hopes that everyone will come out fishing. The more people catch, the more fish his company will receive, and naturally the more money he will make.

Seeing Wang Jun, An Jun and others also appear on the deck, he greeted Ye Jing and walked downstairs to the deck.

"Stop watching and get ready to catch big fish!" Gu Nan came downstairs and saw that they were still watching the fun, so he patted their shoulders and reminded them.

"Yes, yes, fishing for big fish. With such a large flock of birds, there must be a larger school of fish under the water. There must be a lot of big fish." After Wang Junhe reacted, he immediately went to get the fishing rod and prepared.

Gu Nan looked at Zhao Kang, who was still half asleep, and said, "We may have tuna today. The cheap ones will cost at least a few thousand yuan, and the expensive ones can cost hundreds of thousands."

"How much more?" Zhao Kang's eyes suddenly widened with an incredible expression.

"Why don't you go fishing by yourself? Why are you just standing there?"

"Oh oh oh, I'll go get the fishing rod."

"Ask the boatman to choose a heavy-duty rod for you, and tell him you want a large electric reel." Gu Nan instructed hurriedly.

Given Zhao Kang's malnourished body, if the tuna really takes the bait, he wouldn't know whether he was fishing or the fish was fishing him. By getting a big electric reel to help with the fishing, he wouldn't have to worry about being caught by the fish.

Gu Nan also went to get a fishing rod, came to the fishing spot that Wang Junhe had specially reserved for him, and began to change the line group.

There are boatmen nearby helping to make a nest, so you can go fishing directly later.

After a while, Zhao Kang came trotting over with a heavy fishing rod in his arms, and behind him was a boatman holding a large electric winch.

There were many passengers on the boat, but the number of boatmen hired was far less than the required number.

One-to-one service is impossible, basically one boatman is responsible for four or five customers.

If you get a large shipment, the boatmen nearby will come along to help.

Therefore, even though Gu Nan was the big boss, they only had one more boatman to help, and there was no special preferential treatment.

But three boatmen are responsible for eight or nine people here, which is enough.

Eight or nine people. Normally there are eight people. If Ye Jing joins, there will be nine people.

Ye Jing didn't go fishing last night because he had to go to bed early so he could take over the shift in the morning. But there was a high possibility that a school of tuna would come this time, so he naturally wouldn't miss it and took the seat next to An Jun.

Zhao Kang was still next to Gu Nan, just like yesterday.

Today we are fishing for a big fish, and the situation is different from last night. Gu Nan immediately ordered: "When your brother Jun or I catch a big fish later, remember to reel in the fishing line quickly. If you don't reel it in, it will easily get tangled and eventually cut the line."

"If you were caught first, we would do the same. It's basically the same when fishing for big fish. Unless there is enough space, people nearby will have to reel in their fishing lines to make room for fishing."

Zhao Kang wanted to ask why, but after hearing the second half, he realized that if he didn't reel in the line, the fish would easily escape, so he nodded seriously to show that he understood. (End of this chapter)

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