My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 343 Gu Nan's fishing accident

Wang Junhe and Guo Xiao took turns working together to help catch the tuna that Zhao Kang had caught.

A yellowfin tuna, quite big, weighing nearly 200 kilograms.

The boatmen were very busy at this time. The two of them caught the fish. The same situation happened to other anglers who caught fish.

So the fishing boat caught about ten tunas at once.

The first batch of tuna were caught right away, and the second batch has not appeared yet. All the baits have sunk to the bottom of the sea, so the fishing boat continues to look for the next batch.

But a fishing boat would not spend the entire day looking for tuna. After going around for a long time and finding nothing, Ye Jing stopped the boat in an area with a depth of more than 120 meters.

There is a group of deep-sea fish at the bottom of the water here. Obviously, if you want to fish during the day, you can only fish for these deep-sea fish. As for tuna, you have to put out fish-attracting lights at night to see if you can attract some.

Otherwise, it would be troublesome if the fuel consumption was too high and there was not enough fuel after sailing for a whole day.

There are gas stations at sea, which are some oil tankers that can help refuel, but the oil tankers are far away from here, and the cost of refueling at sea is also high.

Fishing boats are out to make money, so costs must of course be controlled.

The boat stopped at this time and it was noon.

Tuna fishing is time-consuming and it is normal to spend a whole morning catching one fish.

After lunch, the fishermen came out one after another to continue fishing.

Today is a good day for fishing, but a thick layer of white clouds appeared in the sky, blocking out all the sunlight.

This makes the sea surface very cool and not sunny at all.

There are white clouds and no need to worry about rain or wind, so it will not hinder their deep-sea fishing.

The anglers who followed the boat this time were all very satisfied. Many of them were experienced anglers who had followed many boats, but there was no boat that could take them to make back their investment in just two or three days, and some even made a profit.

The fishermen are convinced by this.

Gu Nan and Ye Jing's initial plan was achieved. After returning, through the mouths of these fishermen, more fishermen would naturally know that there are more resources and more money to be made by going out to sea with their fishing boats.

Are you still worried that there will be no customers by then?

However, Gu Nan will not stop the activity just because of the decrease in business. At least during the period before the fishing ban, the discount will continue.

Gu Nan didn't slack off in the afternoon, mainly because he hadn't used up much energy in the past two days and couldn't even take a nap in the afternoon.

He was in high spirits and had a long phone conversation with his wife after dinner. The call ended only when Yi Chen got busy and hung up.

Gu Nan was so bored that he had to take out his fishing rod and continue fishing, which was also a way to pass the time.

Although he was fishing for deep-sea fish here, he did not use an electric reel, but still used the iron bait when fishing for grouper.

Spend a little more energy and you will sleep better at night.

Secondly, Gu Nan also planned to see if there was any possibility of encountering big fish. Anyway, he didn’t have much interest in fishing for small fish at the moment.

The iron bait entered the water and sank quickly to the bottom. Gu Nan swung the fishing rod up and down and began to pull it slowly.

No fish took the hook soon. I pulled the hook slowly three times. When there were no big fish, the fishing rod finally responded.

If the fish don’t come, it’s fine, but once they come, they bite very fiercely.

Gu Nan had no strength left. The fish almost pulled the fishing rod out of his hand, and the tip of the rod was stuck in the sea water.

The exaggerated bending amplitude made the eyelids of the people around twitch. Although Wang Junhe teased Zhao Kang, he never questioned Gu Nan's luck.

But there is no need to be so exaggerated right away. What did you catch? A big bluefin fin weighing four or five hundred kilograms wouldn’t be so fierce, right?

The fishing rod seemed like it was about to explode. What kind of big whale was caught?

"Oh shit, it's so powerful right after I got up here?" Gu Nan leaned against the side of the boat, holding the fishing rod tightly, trying to lift it up with force.

The veins on his arms were bulging, and the muscle contours looked very strong.

"Damn it, other people's fishing units are jin, but you use tons. Do you have to be so exaggerated!" An Jun cursed. He had almost never seen Gu Nan look so embarrassed.

I wanted to help but didn't know how to start, so I had to go over and help grab the fishing rod to share some of the pressure.

"It's okay, I can hold on!" He felt much more relaxed after leaning on the side of the boat for leverage, but the fish was not only strong, but also very heavy, so he couldn't lift the fishing rod no matter how many times he tried, and could only remain in this stalemate.

Having An Jun here won't make much difference at this moment. Even with his help, the fishing rod cannot be lifted, so it is better to let him move away so that he can find a chance to exert force later.

"It feels like the rod will explode. You guys stay away from it. Anan, you should be careful too." Guo Xiao frowned and said with a little concern.

Exploding rod?

Gu Nan was stunned, then smiled slightly.

This is nothing for the golden fishing rod. Unless a killer whale comes, the fishing rod can withstand it.

The fishing rod originally had restrictions, but after the open sea map, the upper limit continued to increase, and now the map has been opened to the inland sea.

If manpower was not limited, he would have wanted to try the feeling of fishing for a fish weighing ten thousand pounds and become the strongest fishing emperor.

At this time, the tip of the fishing rod keeps shaking, indicating that the fish is struggling fiercely at the bottom of the water.

Fortunately, it did not drill into the sand bed and drive the pile, otherwise it would be difficult for Gu Nan to lift it up because it was so big.

At this moment, he was also guessing what kind of fish it was. Judging from the pulling force, this fish was in no way inferior to the legendary Pacific bluefin.

It is even more powerful, but seems to be a little inferior to the legendary Atlantic bluefin.

Maybe the fish weighed half a ton, something in between.

Gu Nan directly ruled out whales. After biting the hook, whales will not stay at the bottom of the water all the time. They need to breathe and will run to the surface of the water on their own.

So this time you will catch a fish, but you can’t guess what kind of fish it is. There are so many diverse marine life that it won’t be surprising to catch anything.

But this fish felt much more troublesome than the legendary Atlantic bluefin he had caught before.

At that time, the bluefin bream was swimming at high speed on the water surface. Gu Nan only needed to let out the line and then try his best to consume the fish's energy.

At this moment, he could only half-lying on the side of the boat, trying hard to ensure that the fishing rod would not be pulled away.

His stomach resting on the side of the boat was very uncomfortable, and the fishing boat swayed slightly with the waves, which made him feel even worse.

Gu Nan gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and exerted force with his waist, abdomen and arms, trying to use the explosive force to lift the fishing rod a little higher.


There is an effect, but it's not very obvious.

But at least his stomach was no longer pressed against the side of the boat, which made him feel a lot more comfortable.

However, this seemed to anger the fish in the water, and it struggled even more fiercely. Gu Nan felt as if he was about to be lifted up.

He was so scared that he quickly lowered his center of gravity and leaned backwards.

Then, the two sides fell into a stalemate again.

"This is the first time I see Anan working so hard fishing!" Wang Junhe said with emotion.

Gu Nan did sell a few legendary bluefin fish, but he had never fished for these fish in front of others. So after he became stronger, every time they saw Gu Nan fishing, he seemed to be very comfortable and relaxed.

Just today, veins bulged and face turned red.

With such a big fish, Wang Junhe and Guo Xiao had no intention of taking it over to experience the feel of it.

They were afraid that they would be dragged directly into the sea without even the chance to struggle.

Even if he was rescued, he would be too embarrassed. He was a billionaire after all. He could be funny with his friends and family, but he had to maintain a good image outside.

More than half an hour passed by unknowingly, and people who came to Gu Nan to watch the fun came in groups one after another.

Obviously, they were all curious about what kind of fish he caught, as it was so big.

But obviously they came too early, and it is unknown how long it will take to catch the fish!

As for Gu Nan, he is not in a good condition at the moment.

Although he was not exhausted, most of his energy had been used up, and his shirt was soaked with sweat.

It’s difficult to fish. This is Gu Nan’s only feeling.

It was much harder to catch than the legendary Atlantic bluefin. The fish stayed at the bottom of the water, so he didn't dare to let out the line to fish.

In this situation, the fish is stronger and has better physical strength than him, so it is amazing that Gu Nan can hold on for so long.

Unfortunately, he couldn't find anyone else to help him.

If you give the fishing rod to someone else, the person may not get hurt, but there is a high probability that the fish will get off the hook.

After an unknown amount of time, Gu Nan's face turned pale and he was obviously a little exhausted.

However, just when he was about to give up, the fishing rod suddenly trembled, the bend rebounded slightly, and the fierce and heavy pulling force disappeared for the most part.

But it wasn't off the hook, the fish was still there, Gu Nan could feel it.


He breathed a sigh of relief, feeling extremely exhausted. Fortunately, the fish was also tired and began to rest. If it had been a few minutes later, he would have been the one who was tired and needed a rest, and it would have been unknown whether he would have been able to catch the fish by then.

While the fish was resting, Gu Nan turned the handle frantically and pulled the fishing line back thirty or forty meters in one breath, pulling the fish away from the sand bed.

As long as he wasn't in the water, Gu Nan wouldn't be so tired.

"It's done, this fish is really difficult to deal with." Wang Junhe said.

Seeing Gu Nan quickly hang up the phone, the people who had been paying attention also smiled in relief.

The main reason was that they were not sure they could control this huge cargo, so they had no way to take over and let Gu Nan rest.

Now that the first round of fishing was over, Gu Nan pulled the fish into the open water, making it much easier to fish.

He is definitely not as strong as the other one, but now he can cast the line and fish.

Look, when the handle suddenly stopped and the powerful force came again, Gu Nan did not fight hard like before, but decisively chose to let go of the line.

The fish had no intention of returning to the bottom of the water, but swam away as Gu Nan wished.

The thirty or forty meters of fishing line that had just been retrieved was easily pulled out of the drum by the fish in at least a short while.

Fortunately, the fish is not fast, far slower than the tuna.

This made Gu Nan more relaxed. Three thousand meters, you can go all in.

As I fished the fish and recovered my strength, the situation slowly began to turn around.

Gu Nan fished more and more vigorously, but the fish became weaker and weaker.

He didn't know how much time had passed in the afternoon, and the sweat on his body was dried by the sea breeze, forming white particles.

Seeing that there were only a hundred meters or so left on the fishing line, Gu Nan shook the handle hard to reel in the last section of the fishing line.

A somewhat strange black shadow slowly emerged in everyone's eyes, and all the fishermen on the boat knew that he had caught a big fish.

When they saw that he was about to bring the fish back, many fishermen came over to join in the fun, wanting to know what kind of fish he had caught and why it was so big.

However, after waiting for a long time, he did not get the fish, but instead got a long saw.

"What the hell is this?" An Jun was annoyed.

Gu Nan was also surprised at first. How did the saw get fished up?
No, what kind of saw is so powerful that it can torment him to the point of exhaustion?

Then a stingray appeared. This stingray looked very similar to a shovel ray, except that it had a saw, which made it look strange.

There are all kinds of strange marine life, and even Gu Nan’s knowledge of marine life is very limited, so he didn’t recognize what kind of fish it was at first.

But he has a cheat, so he can just throw an appraisal on it and be done with it.

It was a common sawfish, a marine creature protected by international convention. Apparently, its numbers are very low.

After reading the message, Gu Nan understood that the fish needed to be released, as it would be a lot of trouble if he caught it back.

Although he didn't know whether sawfish had been listed as a protected species in China, he was not going to kill it.

There are so many people on the boat and it would be troublesome if it capsized.

There are only a lot of marine life, and some of them can be eaten. No one dares to mess with the wild animals on land. Any rare animal you find is protected.

Therefore, we should be loving and not kill at will.

Gu Nan continued to reel in the fishing line. Although he planned to release the sawfish, it did not stop him from taking a photo with it!
For a fisherman, every photo with fish is a record of his success.

This sawfish is very large, estimated to be around five meters long, the size of a great white shark.

The body is flat, so it is much lighter than the same length.

Judging from the information just identified, it is not only sawfish that have saws, there is also a kind of saw shark.

Gu Nan had never heard of it before, but now he was a little curious. He didn't know when he could catch it.

"This fish is really strong. That long saw can cut the fishing line with just a slight movement, right?"

"Yeah, so it was luck that I caught this fish."

"Could it be a protected animal? It looks like it's very rare and precious."

"Yes, if we want to protect animals, we have to release them."

A group of onlookers were talking about this. An Jun and his companions also heard their discussion and their faces changed.

Wang Junhe immediately said, "Anan, why don't we just release this fish to avoid getting into trouble?"

Gu Nan smiled and said, "I had planned to release it, but I just brought it here to take a photo with the sawfish and keep the photo. This is my record, I can't lose it."

After hearing what he said, they felt relieved.

At this time, the sawfish was completely exhausted, but Gu Nan still pulled it back to the boat.

He told the boatman to use a crane to hoist the fish up, remove the hook, take a couple of photos and then put it back.

The boatman did as he was told. The fish would not die immediately after leaving the water, so there was no problem in catching them and taking a few photos.

That is to say, there must be a crane, which allows for flexibility. Otherwise, the only result is to cut the fishing line and release it.

With the rope tied to the fish's tail, the crane started and slowly lifted the fish up.

The five-meter-long giant finally appeared clearly in front of everyone. A person who was less than two meters tall looked particularly small next to the sawfish.

After the fish was brought onto the boat, most of its body was lying on the deck, with only its tail still hanging high.

There is no way, the fish is too big. (End of this chapter)

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