My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 344 Good News and Bad News

"Kacha kacha~"

Camera lights were flashing everywhere, and the sawfish was surrounded by many people, all of whom took out their cell phones or cameras to take pictures of the fish.

It's a rare animal, so rarely seen.

I don’t know how many fishermen have gone out to sea and never seen a single fish in their entire lives.

Gu Nan quickly took the opportunity to take a photo, record his achievement, and then arranged for the boatman to hoist the fish back and release it.

The longer we delay, the more the sawfish will lack oxygen. Don't let it die.

As the rope on its tail loosened, the sawfish swung its tail and disappeared into the water, returning to the bottom of the sea to be its overlord.

The fishermen on the boat were still not satisfied and were still talking to each other when they returned to their fishing spots.

"What a pity! I heard that sawfish meat is very delicate and tastes very good." Wang Junhe said, smacking his lips.

Guo Xiao rolled his eyes and said, "Then why didn't you let An Nan keep it? I don't think this thing is protected in China, right?"

"There are too many people on the boat. If the public opinion is too strong, it will affect An Nan's subsequent plans." Wang Junhe shook his head.

He and Guo Xiao already knew about Gu Nan's subsequent plans, and were currently inquiring about some large-scale competitions abroad during the fishing ban period.

Summer will be a busy season for them and they will not be idle because of the fishing ban.

Especially the Ugly Country Blue Marlin Fishing Competition that Gu Nan attaches the most importance to. Wang Junhe has already contacted them and is in the process of finding out more.

There is good news. The Blue Marlin fishing competition is no longer limited to domestic competitors. Chinese people have participated in the past two years.

But Wang Junhe has not found out whether he is Chinese or Dragon, but this is not important. What is important is that Gu Nan seems to have a chance to participate in the competition.

In addition to this competition, he is also following another bluefin tuna fishing competition in the United States.

There are also some fishing and hunting competitions in Southeast Asia, which Guo Xiao will be in charge of.

The reason why the two are so active is mainly because Gu Nan will participate in the competition in the name of the club. If he wins a place or even the championship, it will definitely be beneficial to the development of the club's influence.

And they also want to join in the fun, just treat it as a trip.

The only pity for Gu Nan was that Yi Chen couldn't go abroad with him because of her pregnancy, so she had to move to her parents' house and be taken care of by them.

After catching such a huge sawfish, Gu Nan’s fishing addiction for the day was completely gone and he had no intention of continuing.

The sweat on his body dried up several times. Now he just felt uncomfortable all over and many parts of his body were itchy.

He hurried back to take a shower and change his clothes. After taking a shower, he threw the dirty clothes into An Jun's room, and then leisurely went to the restaurant to wait for dinner.

It takes a long time to catch a thousand-pound fish, but now I can eat right after taking a bath, perfect.

Gu Nan sat at the dining table playing with his phone. After a while, Wang Junhe and others came over one after another to prepare for dinner.

"Anan, I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" Wang Junhe said as soon as he sat down.

Gu Nan was stunned, a little confused: "What good news and bad news?"

Wang Junhe chuckled: "About the competition during the fishing ban period."

Gu Nan's eyes lit up. There were two pieces of news, one of which was good news, which made him more excited.

"Then tell me the good news first!"

"The good news is that Blue Marlin's registration for the fishing competition has been successful. Lao Guo and I will go with you to participate."

"Fuck, it really worked?" Gu Nan stood up suddenly.

This is especially a business involving more than 20 million dollars, and there is a high probability of getting first place.

The remaining small probability is not that he cannot catch any fish, but whether he can handle the legendary blue marlin, which is more difficult to handle than the legendary Atlantic bluefin.

The physical strength and explosive power of the fish alone are a level higher. The Old Man and the Sea is not entirely an exaggeration. If there is only a small boat and a fishing line, it is not surprising to fish for three days.

In addition, you have to guard against shark attacks.

Gu Nan had learned about the competition. It was not that many contestants failed to catch any fish. Rather, during the fishing process, the blue marlin were either eaten by sharks or attacked by sharks, leaving their bodies covered with wounds.

According to the rules of the competition, the blue marlin caught does not have to be completely unharmed, but it must also be intact and visually appealing.

Simply put, a small wound is not a problem, but a big wound is not.

That's why Gu Nan didn't dare to say he was 100% sure. Compared to not being able to catch fish, sharks were the truly uncontrollable factor.

"What about the bad news?"

"The bad news is that I can't participate in the bluefin fishing competition. They said they want to protect the bluefin resources, so the competition hasn't been held in recent years." Wang Junhe spread his hands, expressing helplessness.

He hadn't paid attention to the fishing competitions on the other side of Blue Star, so he didn't know that the blue fin competition had been discontinued for a long time.

"Well, the point is still Blue Marlin. As long as I can participate in this competition, it's fine." This bad news didn't matter to Gu Nan.

There are no bluefin fishing competitions in the United States, but there are in other countries, the only difference is that the prize money is lower. The knife is still very valuable.

After Wang Junhe finished speaking, Guo Xiao smiled and said, "I have good news. You can sign up for several high-prize competitions in Southeast Asia. It depends on which ones you want to participate in."

"It's fine as long as it doesn't conflict with the Ugly Country's competition. By the way, when is Blue Marlin's competition?" Gu Nan asked.

Wang Junhe replied: "It starts on June 8th. We need to go there a few days in advance. The organizer will not provide the boats, so we need to provide them ourselves."

"The three of us will form a team. Lao Guo and I will assist you when the time comes. You just need to concentrate on fishing."

Gu Nan nodded in understanding. Lao Wang and Lao Guo could act as captain and assistants, and could also help with fishing when necessary, allowing Gu Nan to rest and relax.

This competition itself is a team competition, and it is unrealistic for one person to participate alone.

Originally, Gu Nan planned to let An Jun and Ye Jing help him, but he didn't expect that Wang Junhe and Guo Xiao would take their places on their own initiative.

On June 8th, it is obvious that their first game after the fishing ban will start with the Ugly Country.

The fishing ban begins on June 1st and ends in September, lasting three months.

This is the fishing ban period in Yangjiang Port. In some places, it started in May, which is one month longer than theirs.

This time is not fixed and depends on the situation in the region.

However, a month's delay is good news for Gu Nan. At least the company's fishing boats and angling boats can be busy for another month.

However, the impact on small fishing boats near the coast is not that great, because offshore resources are becoming increasingly scarce at this time, and the profits from going out to sea are dispensable, and even if you are unlucky, the costs cannot be recovered.

After a fishing ban period, when marine resources increase, offshore fishermen will be able to enjoy high income for at least half a month.

The itinerary to the Ugly Country has been confirmed, and Gu Nan does not need to worry about the visa. Wang Junhe will arrange it and the trip will be smooth.

Then we discussed some fishing competitions in Southeast Asia and registered one by one according to the schedule.

Gu Nan didn't participate in too many competitions. He signed up for five competitions in Southeast Asia, all in different countries. Many of the competitions overlapped, so he could only choose the national competitions that would maximize his benefits and provide a higher degree of safety.

One of the five competitions is fishing and hunting, which Gu Nan is looking forward to.

After discussing the matter and finishing their dinner, the group went to the top of the boat to drink tea and wait for news about the tuna.

At this point, all the fish-attracting lights on the fishing boat have been put into the water, and it remains to be seen whether any tuna will be attracted at night.

There are many fishing boats like his within a radius of fifty nautical miles around the fishing boat. People on the boats are silently waiting for the tuna to fall into the trap so that they can make a fortune.

Gu Nan was now lying on a recliner, chatting with his childhood friend Lao Wang and drinking tea. He felt so comfortable.

However, he also hopes that a batch of tuna will arrive in the evening and the quantity will be good.

Only when he catches fish can he make more money. The accumulation of money in billions is accumulated bit by bit for him.

He has no talent for finance, nor investment vision, so he can only rely on stupid methods.

Time slowly came to just after eight o'clock in the evening. Ye Jing suddenly ran out from the cab and brought everyone good news.

"Hurry up and get ready. A group of red dots have appeared on the fish finder and are rapidly approaching our fishing boat."

There is no need to explain in detail what the red dot is, everyone knows it, it means the tuna has arrived.

Gu Nan stood up swiftly and ran down first. The others then reacted and followed him.

Zhao Kang has been using an electric reel for fishing. The plug is on the side of the boat and it can keep working as long as it is plugged in. As long as there are no particularly large fish, the electric reel will not overheat or overload.

At this moment, he seemed to have noticed something. He turned around and saw Gu Nan jogging towards him. His eyes lit up immediately: "Is the tuna here?"

"Yes, stop fishing for small fish and change the line to catch tuna." Gu Nan nodded, then took out the fishing rod, pressed it on the stand, hung a small bluefin hook on it and threw it into the water.

He had just caught a sawfish in the afternoon, so there was no need to change the fishing line. He just had to take down the iron bait.

The boatmen were also ready. They took out the frozen sardine pieces from the cold storage and started to make nests.

Because we are not sure whether the tuna will come, the bait has to be kept frozen to prevent it from going bad.

When fishing, a slightly smelly bait may often work better, but it doesn’t work for tuna, as they prefer to eat what they know and is fresh.

Sardines from the East China Sea may not be so effective when used to catch tuna in the South China Sea.

Therefore, no matter which sea area they are fishing for tuna, anglers will basically choose bait from the local sea.

Tuna are very fast and they are there as soon as the bait is thrown into the water.

If you have a fish attracting light, you don’t actually need to throw bait.

However, in order to make the tuna open their mouths and actively look for food, making it easier for them to take the bait, it is better to throw some bait, but not too much.

Due to the phototaxis of tuna, they will not leave even if no bait is thrown. Instead, they will choose to rest under the fishing boat and spend the night.

At this time, there were movements from many anglers' fishing rods. Everyone was using small blue fin fish, so the chance of catching a fish was indeed high.

The same thing happened to Gu Nan. He, Ye Jing and Guo Xiao all caught the fish. Those who didn't catch the fish had to put away their fishing rods and wait for the next chance.

The reason why Zhao Kang missed the target wasn’t because he was just a little bit unlucky, but because it took some time to change lanes and he didn’t have enough time.

As the few people who had missed fishing reeled in their fishing lines, the area around the three people who had caught fish became a little more spacious, so they could fish with peace of mind.

Gu Nan suddenly lifted the fishing rod and stabbed the fish. He felt the force and found that it was not very big. He estimated that it should be a tuna weighing about 200 pounds.

So he took the fishing rod off the stand and went straight in.

Fishing for sawfish in the afternoon was indeed tiring, but after eating and resting until eight o'clock in the evening, his strength had long since recovered and it did not affect his ability to catch a tuna now.

At the beginning, he pulled the fishing rod back with force, which directly slowed down the momentum of the tuna by a large margin.

The fish in the water found it difficult to swim forward, and after rushing forward for a while, it decided to change its plan and swim to the left.

As soon as the direction changed, it suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

Gu Nan frowned. He thought that he couldn't run to the side, as it would easily get tangled with Guo Xiao on his left.

So he pulled hard to the right, trying to change the direction of the fish.

The effect was significant. The fish could not bear the pain in its mouth and was finally forced to change direction and run to the right.

Seeing this, Gu Nan pulled it to the left and held the tuna tightly.

The tuna was so annoyed that it didn't know what to do.

In the end, he had no choice but to continue rushing away.

Gu Nan, who realized that the direction was right, was not as tough as at the beginning and began to let out the line to fish.

Just keep your hand on the crank handle so that the fish doesn’t get away so easily.

He actually didn't want to let go of the line because it would take too long to fish, but there were people catching fish around him and there was not enough space, so he had to do this.

This is the disadvantage of fishing on a fishing boat. There are too many people and there is not enough space, so it is impossible to catch big fish without restraint.

And they had to take turns, and this time three of them caught fish.

After the fish is caught, it will be a bad idea to continue fishing. You have to wait until at least the people around you have caught fish before continuing.

It's okay to rush to fish, but if you are all friends and have a good relationship, there is no need to do so.

However, fishermen in other places do not have such harmony.

He will not give up the opportunity to others just because he has caught one fish, unless the people two seats to his side have also caught a fish or are fishing.

Fortunately, no conflicts will occur. Perhaps this is the tacit understanding formed over a long period of time.

After all, a tuna weighing about 200 pounds is worth a lot of money. Even just one can cover most of the boat fare for this voyage.

Gu Nan was still the fastest fisherman. Except for some aspects where he was slow, he was fast in other aspects.

He was slightly surprised when the fish appeared on the surface of the water.

I originally thought it was the cheapest yellowfin, but I didn’t expect it to have really big eyes. Its bright eyes are so cute.

"Not bad, not bad. Here comes a batch of bigeye tuna. These fish are more valuable." Gu Nan was very satisfied.

The different varieties allowed him to easily earn nearly double the money.

There are so many fish on the boat, even if a small portion is taken away, most of the remaining fish will be bought by their company. I hope everyone can give some support tonight.

One hundred people, if each person catches one hundred fish, tonight's catch will definitely be good, but we are just afraid that there won't be enough fish to catch. (End of this chapter)

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