My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 347: Low Chance of Triggering Deep Sea Mode

"Anan, it looks like the fish is almost out of energy. How about I take over so you can take a rest?" An Jun said after feeding Gu Nan some water.

"It's okay, just hold on a little longer." Gu Nan shook his head.

The fish is currently just swimming back and forth on the surface of the water but has not yet lost control of its body.

So far, everything has been going well and there have been no shark attacks.

Gu Nan was afraid of any accidents, so he just wanted to get the fish out quickly.

As soon as the fish comes up, more than three million US dollars will be directly deposited into the account, and it doesn’t matter even if no fish is caught later.

The suspense of the game was gone as soon as it started, which was not a good thing for the organizers.

But if it is a blue marlin weighing 800 to 900 kilograms, the organizers may take some measures to make the next competition continue to be exciting.

But this is a real behemoth. If we lose it, we may not see it again in the next ten years.

Of course, it may also be caught by other anglers in the next moment.

A fish that far exceeds the previous record can bring huge attention to the competition. Overall, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, so Gu Nan was able to successfully catch the fish to the side of the boat.

It is actually very simple to disrupt the competition. Just secretly release some blood in the nearby waters to attract sharks.

Finally, it took Gu Nan another half an hour to completely turn the giant over, until it was completely exhausted and even lay on its belly facing up.

"Huh~ I leave it to you." He breathed a sigh of relief, handed the fishing rod to An Jun, and sat on the deck.

At this moment, he just wanted to take a quick shower and have a good sleep, and he didn't even want to eat.

"Okay, leave it to us!" An Jun took the fishing rod, and then called on his assistant and Guo Xiao to help to get the fish up.

Such a huge fish naturally requires a crane.

But before that, the fish needs to be killed first, otherwise it will be very dangerous. Such a huge marlin is fully capable of fighting back.

So Guo Xiao took the harpoon, came to the stern of the boat, and stabbed the harpoon directly into the marlin's head.

The fish was big and its target was big too, so it was killed with one strike. The fish tumbled on the water for a while, splashing water everywhere, and it only died completely after it got all over him.

It was estimated that the largest one was no more than 1,500 kilograms. The crane on the fishing boat had no problem bearing the weight, and slowly lifted the giant from the water onto the deck.

Looking from the sea surface, the fish already seemed very huge, and now that Gu Nan was lying next to the fish, the comparison made the fish seem even bigger.

Gu Nan, who is 1.8 meters tall, is like a small fish that will be swallowed by the marlin in one bite.

"Awesome! I was able to catch such a big marlin by myself. Wow, I'll take some pictures first and post them online later." Wang Junhe walked out of the cabin, patted the fish, took out his cell phone and started taking pictures.

The same went for the rest of the group, all of them taking great photos at once.

Gu Nan lay on the deck and rolled his eyes at the men. He sat up reluctantly and said, "Go back quickly and hand over the fish. I need to have a good rest this afternoon."

"Yes, yes, yes, you should have a good rest. I will treat you to a big dinner tonight." Wang Junhe had taken enough photos. He nodded repeatedly after hearing what he said, and then ran to the cabin to start the boat.

The news that Gu Nan had caught a big fish was seen by some nearby contestants, and then spread from one to another. Soon, it was known to almost all the contestants through the radio.

It was quite a blow. More than three million was gone just at the beginning of the game.

No one thinks they have the luck to catch a bigger one. This is not a hundred years ago, when resources were good and big fish were frequent.

But everyone's enthusiasm and initiative were aroused and motivated.

The remaining two million is not a small amount of money. Since there are fewer opportunities, we should work harder. We can't go back empty-handed, right?
When we returned to the dock, staff were already waiting.

They used a crane to lift the fish from the boat to the shore, then stamped the number 88 on the back of the fish. This number was the competition number of Gu Nan and his team, indicating that they were the ones who caught the fish.

Then the fish is taken to be weighed and its length is measured. Regardless of whether it is a record-breaking fish or not, all these data must be recorded.

It is 5.1 meters long and weighs 1,682 pounds, which is a little over 1,525 kilograms.

The crowd exclaimed in amazement once again. The fish was so huge. From the inception of the Big Rock Fishing Competition to now, no one had ever caught a blue marlin weighing more than one thousand pounds, let alone one weighing more than one thousand six hundred pounds.

This record may not be broken by anyone even after the competition is cancelled, unless Gu Nan takes action.

But he won't do it again. Just once will be enough, or every five years or more.

But five years later he was confident that he would not be so short of money, so there was no need to use cheats. He might as well just enjoy the game.

Wang Junhe came up with a smile, opened his wallet, took out a handful of green US dollars, and gave one to each staff member present.

"Brother Wang, what are you doing? If you have a lot of money, don't give it to others. Give it to me. I need it." After resting for a while, Gu Nan, who had recovered a lot of strength, was a little confused about his behavior, so he said.

"Don't make a fuss, this is a tip for others."

"Uh, aren't they the staff of the organizer? They have to be tipped?"

"Tips are also part of their salary, what do you think? But I'm happy, so I gave a little more. Normally, five or ten dollars is enough."

Hearing this, Gu Nan shook his head speechlessly: "Let's go, let's go eat something first. I wasn't hungry just now, I took a shower, and I'm starving now after a rest."

"Okay, you've been exhausted just now so naturally you have no appetite. Eat something now to digest the food, and you can take a nap in the afternoon." Wang Junhe nodded, waved his hand, and led the group to eat.

As for blue marlin, staff will send the fish to the ice storage.

This fish still belongs to Gu Nan. After the competition is over, the organizer will buy it at a suitable price, which will be another small income.

After coming here, Gu Nan realized that the price of Blue Marlin was not that exaggerated.

A few million is the prize money for the competition, not as high as hundreds of thousands.

In fact, the price of this fish is not that exaggerated, and it is about the same as the purchase price of bluefin.

It is not cheap even by this view. It is still much more expensive than cheap fish like black marlin which are available in large quantities.

Of course, the principle that the bigger the fish, the more expensive it is still the same. It should be no problem for Gu Nan to sell this fish for thirty dollars a pound, so a whole fish is worth fifty thousand dollars.

The unit price of blue fin is only about fifteen to fifty dollars. Of course, this is the purchase price, not the market price.

After eating and drinking enough, Gu Nan recovered quickly, so it was actually okay for him not to sleep.

But I thought that if I just rested like this, I would inevitably feel soreness in my body tomorrow, so I might as well go to the beach to catch some seafood in the evening and then have a good sleep.

Therefore, he took a short nap in the afternoon, and by the evening, he had enough energy to enter the sea-hunting map.

The weekly sea fishing had just been refreshed, so he decided not to go sturgeon fishing today, but to see where he would randomly end up in the evening.

The sea-hunting map has a variety of new sea-hunting experiences, and sometimes there are even special sea-hunting situations and special high-tech.

For example, this time, when he saw himself appearing directly in the water and surrounded by darkness, Gu Nan knew that he would definitely discover some new species tonight.

This was the third time he experienced this situation. The first time, he was so scared that he directly exited the space, wasting an opportunity in vain.

Because he was in the deep sea, and he was wrapped in a special protective suit, he looked like an astronaut, but the suit was not so thick and was relatively light. There was a flashlight on his head, which lasted for three hours, very punctual.

The light was bright, at least he could see everything around him clearly.

Gu Nan raised his wrist skillfully and looked at the small screen on his hand.

There is a number 625 on it, which indicates his current depth under the sea.

The most common way to catch seafood is by reefs, and a slightly more troublesome way is to catch seafood by diving, but those are all shallow waters, and the depth generally does not exceed thirty meters.

As for deep-sea fishing, forget it. Currently there is no technology that can protect humans from moving freely and easily hundreds of meters underwater.

But the game did it, but this is a plug-in, so any situation seems understandable.

Therefore, a deep sea mode has appeared in the game, but the chance of triggering it is very low.

From the opening of the sea-hunting map to now, it has happened once a week. Gu Nan has experienced it dozens of times now, but the deep sea mode has only been triggered for the third time.

Moreover, whether the profits from sea-hunting are good or not has nothing to do with the sea-hunting model.

The first time he was scared was not counted. The last time was during the Chinese New Year, when Gu Nan appeared in the deep sea in an unknown location. He wandered around for three hours, but the underwater world was deserted and he gained almost nothing.

It really depends on luck. If you find it on the bottom of the Bering Sea, you can pick up the mountains of king crabs at will.

Even if your luck is a little bad, you can still try catching some king crabs.

If it’s even worse, the spider crab will have to give it to you, right?

Today, Gu Nan didn’t know whether he was lucky or not. Anyway, he hadn’t seen any valuable stuff or any big crabs.

He did not waste any more time, but swam forward and began to look for potentially valuable seafood in the pits of this deep-sea reef area.

There are some deep-sea fish around, but unfortunately they are not particularly big. Secondly, the game does not provide spear guns this time.

The luck in the deep sea mode seemed to be good this time. As Gu Nan leaned his head to look into the first reef hole he discovered, the light above his head immediately shone on a giant crayfish.

These crayfish are as big as lobsters and look to weigh at least two kilograms.

It looks similar to an ordinary crayfish, but with a particularly large head and two long, iconic claws.

The crayfish seemed uncomfortable with the sudden exposure to the light, and instinctively felt uneasy, so it began to try to shrink deeper into the cave.

Unfortunately, the cave was so small that Gu Nan reached out and easily caught it, putting it into the net bag tied around his waist.

This was a crayfish that Gu Nan had never seen before, and he had never expected that a crayfish could be so big.

Because after putting it into the net bag, it will be identified.

It is called spiny langoustine, a very rare type of langoustine. It has no economic value, but its flavor rating reaches six stars.

After seeing the flavor level, Gu Nan immediately realized that this crayfish could be bought and sold to make money.

It's just because it's too rare that it has no economic value.

What a good thing!

Gu Nan's eyes lit up. It would be no problem to sell this thing for four or five hundred yuan per pound.

It depends on the number of fish he catches. If the number is large, the price can be slightly cheaper. If the number is small, the price will be higher without negotiation.

Most hotels, restaurants and customers would not buy this kind of stuff, but there is a group of people who like it very much, and they are the seafood lady who made the video.

If you get a batch and sell it to them at a high price, you can make a lot of money.

Gu Nan immediately became enthusiastic. Although there were no king crabs or snow crabs, the crayfish were also good. He believed that there must be more than one in this reef area.

Just as he expected, after swimming only ten meters, he found another dense-spined shrimp.

It was even bigger than the first one, weighing about two and a half kilograms.

I took it and continued to look for the third one.

The density of crayfish in this reef area is not very high, and you basically have to look for a while to find one. Secondly, apart from some small fishes and shrimps and various strange deep-sea animals, there are no other valuable things here.

Fortunately, the reef is wide enough, so there are a lot of crayfish, and it should be no problem to catch dozens of them.

Gu Nan was also happy to stay in the space for a while longer. The longer the time, the easier it would be for him to fall asleep after returning, and he would be able to recover better the next day.

He slowly explored the reef area, but he didn't know that the appearance of such a bright light in the deep sea was as attractive as a signal light.

There is no one in the deep sea, and no one will appear on the game map, but marine life will appear.

Far away from him, there were two large light bulbs moving slowly under the water, and their target was exactly where Gu Nan was.

Because of the long distance, it has not yet noticed the light coming from Gu Nan's direction, but as long as it does not change direction, the two sides will meet sooner or later.

Gu Nan knew nothing and was having a lot of fun looking for crayfish.

Before he knew it, more than two hours had passed and he had caught more than fifty crayfish.

We have visited most of the reef area, and there is less than an hour left. It will be no problem to catch more than 20.

On average, one fish weighs two kilograms. If you sell it for five hundred yuan per kilogram, you can get about seventy or eighty thousand yuan.

This income is already above the average level for sea-hunting. It’s not a big hit, but it’s not a waste of time either.

Soon, Gu Nan discovered another cave.

This cave is a bit big, and I don't think we will gain anything.

After catching so many crayfish, he has discovered a small pattern, that is, large caves cannot give crayfish a sense of security, and they will not hide in such caves.

But habit made him look down, and when he did, he discovered a particularly large head.

Gu Nan was immediately excited. What a big crayfish.

The head alone is twice as big as the previous crayfish. It must weigh about six or seven kilograms, right?

I didn't expect this thing to be so big, it must be the ancestor!

This time, Gu Nan did not reach out to grab it directly.

Those two big claws are no joke. For a two-pound crayfish, those two claws are just decorations and won’t hurt anyone.

But the one weighing seven or eight kilograms is a bit scary. Its claws look like those of a blue crab, and are much longer. Gu Nan doesn't want to be hit by it.

Just as he was using the only tool in his hand, a sea hook, to pull out the giant lobster, two big light bulbs appeared not far away.

The light bulbs, one large and one small, seemed to have noticed the light coming from Gu Nan and were hurrying over. (End of this chapter)

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