My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 348 Sperm Whale Hunting Giant Octopus

"Hey, I caught it!" Gu Nan showed a proud smile on his face after forcibly pulling the crayfish out of the hole without losing its claws.

This crayfish is huge. Its head alone seems to be the size of a football.

Of course, a football is round, and the head of this thing is cone-shaped.

At that time, we just need to invite more people to compete for it so that we can sell it at a good price.

He had just put the crayfish into the aquarium and when he looked up, he saw two large glowing light bulbs.

"What the hell! "

Gu Nan's hair stood on end, he was really scared.

The light bulb was about twenty meters away from him, as big as a basketball, and seemed to be getting closer.

Gu Nan quickly retreated in an attempt to get rid of this sudden creature, but the other party seemed to have noticed his reaction and suddenly accelerated.

One was chasing and the other was fleeing, and in just a short while, the other's face was fully revealed under the light.

What the hell, Suluk?

No, giant squid?
Not really. It was missing two tentacles and was crawling on the rocks. It was a giant deep-sea octopus.

Gu Nan, whose body was comparable to that of a car and who only had a hook in his hand, just went up and gave it to him.

However, compared to the giant squid, this octopus is more dangerous, but its meat is much more delicious.

Of course, the premise is that it is not overcooked, and the way of eating it definitely matters.

If you boil it directly, I guarantee you will think you are eating a piece of rubber, not octopus.

Gu Nan looked at the remaining time and sighed. It seemed that this was the end of the day.

But he still threw an identification on it to see what kind of octopus it was.

Giant octopus, that's its name, sounds a bit perfunctory.

But this thing can grow to a maximum length of nine meters and one meter and weigh five hundred and forty-four kilograms.

They can be found in both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and as they grow larger, the areas they live in become deeper and deeper, which is also one of the main food sources for sperm whales.

The number of this giant octopus is as mysterious as that of the giant squid, but scientists speculate that there should be a lot of them.

It only lives in the deep sea and is rarely encountered by humans.

Of course, humans may be able to catch other species of giant octopuses on a regular basis.

Gu Nan knew about the kind that weighed dozens of kilograms and had eaten it before. It tasted very good.

Although he felt like he couldn't escape, he still didn't give up.

The giant octopus is huge in size, but its speed is actually average.

The main reason why Gu Nan was caught up was that he was wearing a special protective suit and could not swim at all.

Just when he was about to be caught up, another accident happened.

Suddenly, a larger creature appeared, opened its huge mouth and bit the giant octopus.

The sea water it brought along wherever it passed directly blew Gu Nan away, but he had already seen the one coming, an adult sperm whale.

This is really an eye-opener!

This scene, which only exists in human imagination, was witnessed by him with his own eyes. At this moment, Gu Nan completely forgot why these creatures appeared in the deep sea simulation.

At this moment, he wished he had a camera in his hand so that he could record the scene in front of him.

The giant octopus, as big as a car, is just a small octopus in front of the sperm whale. No matter how it struggles, it cannot get rid of it.

Gu Nan originally thought that the sperm whale would take a few bites and then swallow the octopus directly.

Instead, it moved its body as if it wanted to tear the octopus apart before eating it.

Gu Nan, who had seen the skeleton of a sperm whale, knew how sharp its teeth were. As expected, the giant octopus didn't last long before its resilient body was torn apart.

The offended part was directly separated from the boiled egg-like head, and the force of the tentacles that were originally pulling on the sperm whale's head was also much lighter.

As the sperm whale continued to shake its head, the octopus's tentacles only held on for a short while before falling off, slowly sinking in the water until they fell into the crevice of the reef.

The sperm whale seemed to notice this. It quickly ate the octopus's head and then moved over to continue swallowing the remaining tentacles.

As a result, its head was too big and the crevices in the reef were too small, so it had no way of eating it.

After trying several times, the sperm whale had no choice but to give up and return to the surface to breathe.

Eh, just leaving like that?
Gu Nan was hiding behind a large reef nearby and watching with great interest. Unexpectedly, the octopus's tentacles happened to be preserved.

His eyes lit up and he immediately sneaked over.

Soon it arrived at the crevice in the reef, but for the sperm whale it was just a crevice, but for him it was a waterway, and it was very spacious!
The eight remaining tentacles and part of the octopus' body were lying quietly at the bottom, and the tentacles could still move slightly.

Gu Nan did not rush forward, but waited for a while. After seeing that the tentacles were completely motionless, he stepped forward to grab the tentacles and tried to put them into the ice cream shop.

With a whoosh, the tentacles at the bottom disappeared and were successfully collected by him into the ice cream shop.

Not bad, not bad. The price of each octopus is not high, but these eight tentacles are not light in weight. Adding up they weigh at least 50 kilograms, if not a hundred kilograms.

There is no need to sell it. You can just call a group of people over for a meal and taste this deep-sea Suluk.

When I identified it just now, the flavor level of this thing was five and a half stars. Obviously it tastes very good, no wonder sperm whales love to eat it.

Being chased by a giant octopus and witnessing a sperm whale hunting scene, only the last ten minutes of the originally limited time were left.

Gu Nan was too lazy to catch crayfish anymore, so he simply chose to quit and go back early.

Back to reality, I felt deeply tired and fell asleep.

The next day, Gu Nan slept until he woke up naturally.

Whether or not to go out to sea for the competition and when to go out to sea are all decided by the contestants themselves.

Gu Nan reached out and fumbled around, found a switch and pressed it. The curtains opened automatically and the dazzling sunlight shone in. He couldn't help but squint his eyes. It took him a while to get used to it.

Judging from the sky and the position of the sun, it should still be early.

I glanced at my watch and saw that it was just after seven o'clock.

However, many contestants should have already set out for the competition. The early bird catches the worm, and the same applies to fishermen.

If you want to catch the few blue marlin, fishing at night or early in the morning is the best option.

During these two time periods, fish will be more active, thus attracting hunters, including blue marlin.

Get up and go to the hotel restaurant for dinner.

Breakfast is provided here. Although it is in an ugly country, the service of a five-star hotel is still very good.

There's not just Western food, there's also Chinese food, Japanese food, etc. There are options for people from most countries.

Gu Nan looked around and didn't want to eat Western food, so he chose the familiar Chinese food.

After breakfast, he went to the rest area and checked his phone, waiting for Wang Jun and them to get up.

I don’t have any intention of going out for a stroll for now, mainly because my English is not very good and it would be a bit troublesome to rely on an interpreter when going out. If I want to have fun, I’d better go out with Wang Jun and the others.

Just over half an hour later, the phone rang. Guo Xiao called. "Anan, where are you?"

"I'm in the lounge area."

"Okay, wait a minute, we'll come find you after breakfast."

After learning of Gu Nan's whereabouts, the people standing at the door of his room felt relieved. After knocking on the door for a long time without any response, they couldn't help but feel a little worried.

After all, we are abroad and afraid of getting lost.

After Wang Jun and his group finished breakfast and found Gu Nan, they set off for the competition venue.

Although the championship was basically in his hands, Gu Nan's ultimate goal of coming to the competition this time was also achieved.

But they don’t mind continuing fishing. Who knows, maybe they can get the second or third place prize as well?
Even if there is none, you can catch some fish and sell them to the organizers, or eat them yourself.

"Why don't we go fishing today so you can have a good rest? I've found out about a good fishing spot where there's a high chance of catching blue marlin." After getting on the boat, Wang Junhe suggested.

Gu Nan readily agreed. Although his condition had recovered to its peak, if they wanted to play, then let them play!

However, he remained skeptical about the fishing spot that Wang Junhe had inquired about.

The blue marlin is a migratory fish, so it will not move in a small area. This fish, like tuna, needs to be found.

This time the fishing spot was a little far away and took more than 40 minutes to drive.

Along the way, they encountered a variety of fishing boats, all of which were obviously contestants.

Wang Junhe and Guo Xiao went out with their golden fishing rods to prepare, while Gu Nan helped them drive the boat. If they caught a big fish later, they would have to chase it again.

It is worth mentioning that although it is a team fishing trip, the bonus belongs to Gu Nan personally, which was agreed upon before departure.

However, the daily expenses for this competition, as well as the costs of renting a boat and buying fuel for the competition were all paid by Gu Nan.

Although this week's expenses were not small, they were just a drop in the bucket compared to the bonus.

Gu Nan walked out of the cabin to watch the excitement. After a while, a fish was really caught. The fishing rod made a lot of noise, so the fish was obviously not small.

Guo Xiao and An Jun worked together to put away the fishing rods next to them, and then went to Wang Junhe to watch and help.

"Do you want to sail?"

"It's okay. It shouldn't be necessary if the three of us take turns." Wang Junhe tried the feel of the fish, let out the line and reeled in the fish and said.

Seeing this, Gu Nan just watched quietly by the side, looking at the water with a little curiosity.

He originally thought that Wang Junhe had been fooled, but he didn't expect that there really was a fish.

However, after a hard fight, a great white shark came up.

It doesn’t matter, this is only the first one. Just now, several thick red lines appeared on the fish finder, which means there are quite a few fish at the bottom of the water.

It just depends on luck. A great white shark has appeared, and there might be more. The fish you catch will most likely be eaten.

Wang Jun and a few others were a little hesitant, not knowing whether to continue fishing here.

However, after taking a break, they decided to continue here.

There is no pressure in the main competition. Even if the fish is eaten by sharks, I will not feel disgusted and will go back to make chopped pepper fish head to eat.

However, the next one was also a great white shark, which made them doubt their lives. Since when did great white sharks start living in groups?

"Hey, I don't believe it. What we caught in the afternoon was still a shark!" Wang Junhe said indignantly while holding the bowl.

For lunch, I had instant noodles cooked by Gu Nan, which can be bought at the supermarket.

Add some ingredients yourself and it still tastes delicious.

Guo Xiao rolled his eyes: "If it's still a shark, I won't play with you. I'm wondering if you were cheated. I asked you who got the fishing spot from, but you didn't tell me."

Emmm Wang Junhe was embarrassed to say that he actually didn’t ask at all. He just happened to see the information while playing on Twitter, so he came over to take a look.

Who knew there were sharks here?

After lunch, I took a break and then put on my hat and went back to battle.

They would definitely go fishing again, and if they caught another shark, they would go back.

Even though three people plus an assistant took turns fishing, it was still very strenuous to catch these big fish. If they caught a few more, they would probably have a sore back when they woke up tomorrow.

Put on the bait and throw it into the water.

It is really easy to catch fish, the hook and bait will appear after a short while.

The same thing happened the previous two times, which gave everyone a bad feeling.

Wang Junhe was still the first to go up. He lifted the rod and stabbed the fish. Feeling the heaviness, he turned his worry into joy and laughed: "Haha, this time it's settled. It may not be a marlin, but it's not a shark either. From the feeling, it looks like a giant grouper."

Guo Xiao nodded in satisfaction: "As long as it's not a shark, it's better not to be a giant grouper. Let's get an edible one and stew it at night to replenish our body."

However, the reality is cruel.

Finally, a big fish with stars on its back appeared on the water surface. It was a juvenile whale shark, only about four meters long.

Can whale sharks also take the bait?

In a way, Wang Junhe was extremely lucky, because at least Gu Nan had never caught this.

The whale shark is the largest shark. Although it does not have sharp teeth and is not ferocious but has a gentle temperament, it is currently the largest fish in the ocean.

The largest adult individuals can grow up to twenty meters, almost as large as a sperm whale.

However, after all, it is still a shark.

"Donor, you have a connection with sharks today!" Gu Nan almost burst out laughing.

I worked on it for almost a whole day, and ended up catching all three sharks. This is really bad luck.

Wang Junhe never expected such an outcome. He thought the worst case scenario would be a giant grouper!

He looked very embarrassed because he had wasted a day.

However, there was no pressure in the competition, and everyone was just here to have fun, so Guo Xiao and An Jun didn't care at all.

Instead, he excitedly took out his photos and took a few photos with the baby whale shark, and Gu Nan also joined in the fun.

"It doesn't matter if there's no fish head or grouper. We still have time. Let's go somewhere else and catch some other fish and have a seafood dinner tonight." After taking pictures and releasing the whale shark, Gu Nan suggested.

"Okay, let's do as you say." Guo Xiao agreed immediately.

Wang Junhe had no objection. When it came to luck and finding fishing spots, no one present could compare to Gu Nan.

Gu Nan started the fishing boat. He didn't plan to catch big fish this time, so he deliberately drove the boat towards the small isolated island.

There is a small isolated island nearby that is only the size of a basketball court, with a small reef on the west side.

Gu Nan drove the boat here specifically because there was a reef area at the bottom of the water, and who knows, he might be able to catch a few groupers.

Several of them participating in the competition have fishing licenses, so they can catch other fish and take them back, but not too many.

Secondly, there was a booklet on the boat that told them which seafood species were protected and which ones had to meet certain specifications before they could be taken away.

It's a hassle, but as long as they follow the manual, they won't have any problems bringing the fish back. (End of this chapter)

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