My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 351 Seafood Party

"Bring the harpoon!" Wang Junhe stretched out his hand and signaled the person next to him to help him get the harpoon.

The assistant was very perceptive and immediately handed him the harpoon.

Wang Junhe raised the harpoon and pretended to aim.

"Go away, you didn't catch the fish, so why should you harpoon it?" Guo Xiao pushed Lao Wang away and snatched the harpoon from his hand.

The fish was now lying on the surface of the sea without much reaction, so he was able to press the fishing rod back into the stand and take away the harpoon.

"Fuck! I gave you the last chance to catch the fish, and you're still fighting with me for this? Here you go!"

Gu Nan, who was resting on the side of the boat, had a very unhappy face. These two guys were just like naughty kids, struggling even when a fish was speared.

In the end, Lao Wang had rested longer and had better physical strength, so he successfully snatched the harpoon.

Fortunately, the fish is currently suffering from lack of oxygen due to stopping swimming, otherwise it would have recovered some strength and would definitely start swimming again.

Lao Wang seized the opportunity and accurately hit the giant bigeye tuna with his harpoon.

As long as this thing is over a certain size, you can take it back. It's almost five meters long, so there's definitely no problem taking it back.

"Anan, do you think that since this tuna is so big, the meat will taste better? I guess it will have a very high fat content?" An Jun didn't join in the fun, but watched from the side of Gu Nan.

Seeing that the fish was fat and big, he couldn't help but say.

"I don't know, but the fascia must be very thick. I'll find a chance to try it later. Anyway, no matter how big the fish is, it will be difficult to take it back." Gu Nan shook his head and became somewhat interested in eating fish.

He has caught a lot of legendary bluefin, but he has never eaten one himself. Maybe he can try the second-rate bigeye in the next few days.

It is actually quite troublesome to handle this fish.

At this time, Wang Junhe's harpoon had already pierced the fish's body, and blood began to float on the sea.

But this is not enough. The fish that Gu Nan caught all night needs to be further processed before it can be brought to the boat by crane.

Guo Xiao first put a rope around the fish's head, and then used a crane to lift the fish's head up a little so that someone could reach it.

Then Wang Junhe took out the fish-killing knife, opened the gill cover and hit the fish.

Scalding blood spurted out immediately, and Lao Guo quickly put the fish back into the water and used the slightly cool sea water at night to cool the fish down to avoid scalding the fish meat.

The bigger the tuna, the more carefully it needs to be handled.

Fish that weigh dozens of kilograms may basically still be alive when they are caught on the boat. If the fishermen are too busy and don't pay any attention to them, the fish will eventually suffocate to death, which will slightly affect the quality of the fish meat.

However, the meat of such a large fish has average flavor and the fat content is not that high, so it doesn’t matter if the price is low.

The assistant now ran into the cabin. He needed to keep an eye on the fish finder to see if a thick red line would appear on it and swim towards the fishing boat at high speed.

If there is any, we must notify them immediately and hoist the fish up to prevent it from being caught by sharks attracted by the blood.

Tuna is not only loved by humans, but also by various predators in the ocean.

The fish is big and meaty and delicious. One fish can fill you up or you may not be able to finish it all.

Especially sharks and killer whales, they will never let go of the opportunity to get something for free.

In other words, they are difficult to catch, otherwise there would not be enough tuna for them to eat.

Fortunately, the conditions were good at night, and when the bigeye tuna cooled down naturally in the sea water, no sharks came over.

Apparently, even abroad, there aren't that many sharks near the coast.

The situation is only slightly better than in China, where sharks are almost extinct in coastal waters.

Gu Nan has been fishing for such a long time, but he has not caught many sharks even in the deep sea, let alone near the coast.

I don’t know if it’s because he was lucky, but it seems to be even rarer than the bluefin bream.

At this time, a rope was already tied around the tuna's head, but the fish was too heavy and too large. Guo Xiao called out again, "Get a rope and tie it around its tail. The fish is too big to be caught with just one rope."

Gu Nan had calmed down by now, so he took a rope and went over to help. After all, he had caught the fish himself, so he had to participate in the end.

The rented fishing boat was well equipped and had a powerful hydraulic crane, so the tuna, which weighed at least half a ton, was easily hoisted up.

This boat is more of a recreational boat, and the refrigerated compartment is very small, so it can’t even hold the two fish I caught tonight.

If it was Gu Nan's Nanchen, it would be no problem to ship five more large ships of this size.

Now the ship's refrigerator compartment is small, so they have to freeze more ice cubes, take them out when needed, and spread them on the fish.

With a "splash", as the bigeye tuna was completely lifted out of the water, a lot of remaining sea water poured down, revealing the entire appearance of the fish in front of them.

The nearly five-meter tall body shocked everyone, but no one was particularly surprised.

Because if you see big fish too much, you will develop immunity.

In China, Wang Junhe and Guo Xiao bought legendary blue fin from Gu Nan.

On the first day they arrived here, they saw a blue marlin that was bigger than the tuna in front of them.

So after watching it so many times, I’m not so shocked as before.

I am still surprised today, mainly because of the species of tuna. Who has ever seen such a big bigeye tuna? It is obviously another record-breaking fish.

The processing of the tuna is not yet complete. It still needs to be gutted and then ice cubes in a large plastic bottle are put in to further cool it down.

Wang Junhe drove the boat back. There were people on duty at night from the competition organization, but if you asked for help, you would have to give more tips.

Back at the dock, perhaps it was the lights that attracted people, as soon as their boat docked, they saw two staff members coming over.

Gu Nan was slightly surprised to see them; they were Asian faces.

They were not surprised to see those people. Although the proportion of Asian players in the competition was not high, they were not just Gu Nan and his group.

After communicating with them, we found out that one of them was Asian and the other was a Chinese who came here to work.

Knowing Chinese makes communication a lot easier.

However, Wang Junhe and others did not show the enthusiasm of their fellow countrymen when they met them abroad, and their attitudes were normal.

Dragon people don’t cheat Dragon people, just listen to this sentence.

Moreover, there are traces of Dragon people all over the world. It is normal to meet them and there is no need to be surprised.

On the contrary, if the other party is overly enthusiastic about this, you have to be vigilant and not get sold out.

The two fish did not completely shock Gu Nan and others, but they shocked the two staff members quite a bit.

The quiet dock suddenly became lively again because of these two fish, and all the employees who were on night watch for the competition were attracted out.

But Wang Jun and his friends were tired and hungry, so they didn't want to waste any more time. They gave a $200 tip and asked the two staff members to quickly count the data of the two fish.

At the same time, they sold the black marlin to the organizer, and the bigeye tuna was temporarily stored in the ice storage here.

To remove the acid, a large ice bucket is needed, but they couldn't get one so late at night, so this was the only arrangement for now.

Moreover, it is easy to get a barrel that is more than three meters long, but it takes a lot of searching for a barrel that is five meters long.

After making the arrangements, they quickly left the pier and returned to the hotel to rest.

"The hotel also provides door-to-door massage services. Would you like to order a few?" On the way back, Wang Junhe suddenly asked because he was tired.

Hearing this, An Jun took out his phone and said, "The massage parlor is open 24 hours a day, why don't we go there directly?"

Guo Xiao shook his head: "It's close to the hotel, so it's safe. The massage parlor is far away, and it may not be safe at night. Let's go during the day!"

When these words came out, Gu Nan and An Jun were both stunned, and then they suddenly remembered that this was a foreign country, and the public security in many places was not as good as in China, and you could walk around on the street at two or three o'clock in the morning.

For safety reasons, several people decisively chose to return to the hotel.

I'm going to get a massage tomorrow, and none of us have plans to go in the evening, so we'll all go back home to take a shower and go to bed.

Gu Nan washed off the fishy smell and bloody smell on his body, changed into clean pajamas, and lay down on the bed, feeling comfortable.

Although he felt very tired, he did not enter the sea-hunting map to recover tonight, and was obviously looking forward to having some fun tomorrow.

The night passed peacefully, and Gu Nan woke up naturally before eight o'clock the next morning.

This point was considered late for him.

After having a free breakfast in the restaurant, Gu Nan went to call Wang Jun and a few others to get up.

In the morning, you have to buy an ice bucket to put the fish in to drain the acid. Putting it in a low-temperature cold storage is also possible, but the acid removal effect is not good and the speed is very slow.

Gu Nan recovered quickly and was full of energy now, but the others were not so good. They complained after being woken up one by one.

But there is no way, there are indeed things that need to be done, and if I take a break, I can continue in the afternoon.

Today, several people have made plans to take a day off and not go out to sea to participate in the competition.

If the competition hadn't lasted for six days, they would have taken the prize money and left long ago.

In terms of massage and entertainment, this place can't compare with Southeast Asia!
The group drove and bought a five-meter-high barrel. As soon as they returned to the competition venue, someone came over to discuss buying Gu Nan's bigeye tuna.

Bigeye tuna is not as good as bluefin tuna. Generally, if there is only one, large seafood dealers or competition organizers may be too lazy to actively purchase it.

But this one is so big, it may be the largest bigeye tuna in the world. It has a different meaning and a high invisible value, so it is worth buying.

Gu Nan shook his head decisively, indicating that he would not sell it.

"We are willing to offer thirty dollars." Those who come to buy fish first are naturally the organizers who get the news the fastest.

Thirty dollars, that's the price per pound.

Assuming the fish weighs one thousand kilograms, the whole fish would be worth thirty thousand dollars, which is comparable to a bluefin bream of very good quality weighing more than four hundred kilograms.

"Sorry, I plan to eat this fish myself. If you guys are willing, we can use this fish to have a seafood party after the competition."

The person who came to purchase the property twitched his mouth. Gu Nan's words made him completely at a loss as to how to continue the purchase.

When the price is raised, other people just use the fish to hold seafood parties. It is obvious that they don’t care about the value of the fish at all, and they are not short of money.

Apart from anything else, he knew that Gu Nan would most likely be the champion of this competition and would receive at least three million yuan. He was indeed qualified to ignore a mere fish worth tens of thousands of yuan.

He had no choice but to go back and respond to the person in charge, Gu Nan.

If we really want to get the organizers involved in organizing the seafood party, there is some room for maneuver. We can invite celebrities to once again increase the popularity of the competition and the various interests behind it.

An oversized blue marlin and an oversized bigeye tuna do qualify.

"Don't you feel bad about using tens of thousands of fish to hold a party in this way?" Wang Junhe said with a smile.

"Wouldn't you be happy to have a party? Who knows, you might even meet some pretty girls. Besides, we can't bring such a big fish back home, and we can't eat it all. Isn't it just right to have a party?"

Gu Nan spread his hands and continued, "It's so nice to get millions of knives for free every year! If I don't have a good relationship with them, I'm afraid they won't let me come after I get two bonuses."

"You are such a fleece!" Guo Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Your current income is not low, is it necessary for you to think about the prize money of this competition?"

Having been asked this question, Gu Nan also stated his ultimate goal: "I want to build a 2 billion dollar ship and go fishing in Antarctica!"

Everyone: "."

"You're not dead, are you?" Guo Xiao reached out and touched his forehead, then tried his own, "You didn't have a fever and burned your brain?"

Wang Junhe rolled his eyes: "You could do something else with 2 billion, but you ended up doing fishing?"

"There's no other way. Apart from doing these, I don't know how to do any other business!" Gu Nan spread his hands, indicating that he had no skills and could not do anything else.

"Make mobile games. If you do well, you can make a lot of money."

"You also said that the premise is that it is well done, but this thing is not very expensive!"

Wang Jun and Guo Xiao pondered over it and realized that Gu Nan didn't seem to know how to do anything except fishing.

It’s not easy to enter a new industry. If you don’t do anything big, you may easily get yourself killed.

If you start slowly, it would be better to start with Gu Nan's current business. A 2 billion ship sounds a bit silly, but if you really get a fishing license, the annual income will be much more stable than other industries.

Moreover, this is a goal, the kind that cannot be accomplished in the short term and will not be implemented. It is obviously a bit early to worry about it now.

However, Guo Xiao suggested: "If you want to do that, you should develop the fishery company first, and then see if you can get a fishing license. Otherwise, if you build the boat but don't have a fishing license, then you're wasting your time."

Gu Nan nodded: "I know, so it's a goal. Anyway, let's take it step by step. I heard that king crabs can be found in the deep North Pacific Ocean. I plan to find a chance to see if I can find a fishing spot."

"Let's see how the numbers are. If possible, we'll get a crab boat and slowly start with other seafood."

Wang Junhe nodded and said, "Don't even think about going to the Bering Sea. The ugly country and the bear won't let anyone in."

"Let's develop other things step by step first, at least expand the fleet to fish on the high seas. The country is more welcoming to fleets going to the high seas."

How can we not welcome this? Domestic resources are becoming increasingly depleted, and going to the high seas will at least give the country time to recover.

At the same time, the various taxes generated by fishermen will not be less, and may even be more.

After a short while, Gu Nan and others were invited to the office to discuss the matter of bigeye tuna with the organizer.

After confirming that the fish can be handed over to the organizer for the party, what happens next has nothing to do with them. The ice bucket is bought for free, but it's not expensive, so it doesn't matter.

After talking about the fish, the group left the dock and found a restaurant to eat and relax in the afternoon. (End of this chapter)

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