My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 352 Next Station Starts

A proper massage wouldn't bring much benefit, so after relaxing for two hours, Gu Nan left alone and took a taxi back to the hotel.

The rest of them are still working on their designs and won't be back anytime soon.

After returning to the hotel, Gu Nan didn't think about going out to sea to fish, so he just played 2K in the room.

It was broad daylight here, but late at night at home, so he didn't want to disturb his wife.

As for looking for a fishing company to purchase goods, Gu Nan didn't consider it at all.

The main reason is that it is too far away. Not to mention the transportation cost of the seafood, the time alone is too much to bear. Basically, all we can get are cooked frozen goods and low-temperature frozen goods.

Most seafood can be imported from northern Southeast Asia and Taiwan, so there is no need to consider Lao Chou at all.

Of course, Gu Nan has a cheat, so he doesn’t consider imports, such as king crabs, which are used in large quantities and are not too far away.

It was not until after eight o'clock in the evening that Wang Jun and a group of people came back with their hands covering their waists.

"Do you want to go fishing?" Gu Nan asked with a playful look on his face.

Several people shuddered and waved their hands: "No fishing, no fishing, we need to have a good rest tonight."

"Take it easy." Gu Nan shook his head with amusement, and without saying anything else, went back to continue playing games.

A day passed and the competition came to the fourth day.

Halfway through the time, the ranking list has not changed much. Among the more than 300 groups of choices, there are still only a few dozen people who have successfully caught blue marlin.

The fourth place still did not exceed 500 pounds. Now, after so many years of competition, the number of blue marlins has become increasingly scarce.

Not knowing when this competition will be discontinued like the bluefin tuna competition, Gu Nan decided to be serious in the last three days.

Even if you don't use any cheats, you should still participate in the competition well.

It's hard to say what luck is. After two days of unsuccessful attempts to catch a blue marlin, Gu Nan caught one weighing over 500 pounds on the last day as soon as he went out to sea.

An Jun didn't get the bonus he wanted, but he won the third prize again.

The fish weighed 612 pounds, only a dozen pounds less than the second place. It was a bit of a pity, but we couldn't be greedy anymore.

Until six o'clock in the evening, there was still no movement in the top five rankings, and the third place prize was successfully obtained.

After the award ceremony, it was nine o'clock and the seafood party began.

Two giants were transported out and the master was asked to cut them up on the spot.

The old gangster also came. Although Gu Nan was not a fan of stars, he still went up to him and asked for a photo and autograph so that he could go back and brag about Ye Jing who liked basketball.

He doesn't know some other celebrities, perhaps because of different aesthetic tastes. He feels that no woman can compare to his wife.

She has a really great figure and is generous, and she is very clear about what to show and what not to show.
"You've got three prizes, Anan, you're awesome. For you, participating in the competition is really a way to take advantage of the organizers." After the seafood party started, Wang Junhe raised his glass frequently, and followed Gu Nan and Guo Xiaoan to drink and eat in the corner.

"Damn, I have to pay taxes to reduce my earnings by more than half. I didn't even consider this issue at the time, and now I feel so heartbroken that I can't breathe." Gu Nan never expected that he would have to pay taxes on fishing prize money.

"Don't make a fuss. You have to pay tax everywhere. You didn't pay in China because the organizer of the competition paid it for you. The prize money here is already high, who would pay extra tax for you?" Guo Xiao laughed when he saw his money-grubbing look.

"Just pay the taxes. It's more than 30% that's taken directly. This tax rate is too ridiculous. No wonder the rich people try all kinds of ways to avoid taxes, or even evade taxes." Gu Nan sighed.

The prize money of more than 4 million yuan was directly reduced by more than 1 million yuan, which is about 8 million yuan in dollars. Anyone would be heartbroken.

"Your income is high in China, but the tax rate isn't much better!" Wang Junhe said leisurely, "Now that you have a high income, you need to hire a professional to help you avoid taxes reasonably, otherwise you will lose most of your money every year."

Gu Nan nodded to show that he understood.

It is necessary to avoid taxes reasonably. Just continue to pay the taxes you should pay and don't evade or evade taxes.

If it were just him, it wouldn't matter if Gu Nan paid more taxes. After all, there was extra income from the plug-in, and paying more taxes could be considered as building the motherland.

But now there are An Jun and Ye Jing in the company, and he has to consider everyone's thoughts.

But speaking of An Jun, Gu Nan looked around and soon found that this guy was happily chatting with a yellow-skinned girl while holding a wine glass.

He shook his head speechlessly. A slut is a slut. Even if she is getting married, she will still be a bad person.

According to what he said, is he not allowed to flirt with girls even if we don't get a room?

Gu Nan was too lazy to care about him and just chatted and drank with him.

After eating and drinking, he left and opened a certain audio app to check his account data.

During this period, Wang Jun and the assistant he brought filmed the videos of the fishing competition and gave them to him.

Gu Nan sent the videos to China and gave them to Ye Jing, who had already hired an editor and others to do the post-production. Two videos have been successfully released so far.

His account itself was quite popular, and he spent some money on promotion.

In just two days, and with the heat of a hit, his number of fans suddenly increased from less than 50,000 to over 150,000.

However, the rapid increase in followers was probably only in the first few days, and the subsequent data became slower and more stable.

Gu Nan was not in a hurry, this was just the beginning.

As for the prize money in fishing competitions, only the Blue Marlin competition is valued by him. The prize money for those competitions in Southeast Asia is low and he does not take them seriously.

His main purpose is to build up the account and accumulate traffic so that he can monetize it later.

Two billion can only be achieved partly by monetizing traffic, and then the pressure of loans will not be so great.

To put it bluntly, he mainly makes money from the deposit, keeps a certain amount of funds for himself, and the rest depends on loans.

Who would pay the full amount for a ship worth 2 billion?
While scrolling through the videos and checking the comments, he suddenly discovered that a few old acquaintances had also joined in the fun.

Usually there is a seafood lady who buys goods from him, and Neptune also comes to tease him for not doing his job as a seafood store owner and instead running off to participate in competitions.

After a few simple replies, I found that they had sent me a private message asking if I had any new varieties of seafood.

Yes, of course!
A few days ago, in the deep sea mode, he caught a lot of langoustines, which could be sold to them.

Gu Nan replied directly and asked them to go to his seafood store to get the goods.

Then I sent the price to my father. It was late at night here, but it was broad daylight at home, so sending the message would not disturb my father.

The competition is over and the trip in Ugly Country is about to end.

Because Wang Junhe and Guo Xiao had signed up Gu Nan for fishing competitions in many places, their schedule was very tight and time was very tight.

The next day, a group of people set off for the airport with their luggage and returned to the Eastern Hemisphere.

The venue for this competition is in Malaysia. There are not many places to go in Southeast Asia at the moment, and some countries have to be avoided.

Especially in the country where people gamble on gemstones, they like rich people the most. Isn’t it faster to get ransom than to make money through fraud?

After getting off the plane in Malaysia, I went to the hotel to sleep and get over the jet lag as usual.

After a night's rest, everyone recovered a lot and went to rent a boat to adapt to the sea area where the competition was held.

In terms of environment, the coastal scenery here is beautiful, which is a scenery that Gu Nan could not see at all in Yangjiang Port. Only a small area in the South China Sea can be compared.

There are two competitions in Malaysia this time, and Gu Nan has already signed up for both.

One is a solo fishing and hunting competition, and the other is a bluefin tuna fishing competition.

The second one is still the team. The prize money for the two events is NT$200,000 and NT$1 million respectively. Of course, the currency unit is Ringgit.

Ringgit is the currency of Malaysia. One ringgit is about one dollar and a half. Secondly, you can only win the prize money once in these two events. It is different from the Blue Marlin Fishing Competition. It is impossible for one person to win all the prize money.

Gu Nan didn't care. The two championships combined would only be worth about 1.5 million dollars, and even less after paying taxes.

His main purpose of coming here is to increase his popularity and gain traffic.

After two days of adaptation, the day of the competition came.

The first event to be held is the fishing and hunting competition, which is a small event and serves as a warm-up for the fishing competition.

There are quite a few contestants participating in the bluefin fishing competition, at least not less than the number of contestants in the Ugly Blue Marlin.

The fishing and hunting competition only lasts for two days, and whoever hunts the bigger fish will win the championship.

It’s not about quantity or overall weight, but about who can hunt the bigger fish individually.

So, once the race starts, all the boats go out to sea in search of tuna.

It is bigger than fish and cannot hunt some protected animals, so it can only hunt tuna, which is the easiest to bully.

Giant grouper would also work, but there are too few of them, so it would be safer to go for tuna.

"Anan, shall we go find tuna too?"

"No, the main purpose is to shoot videos, as long as there are fish on the water surface it will be fine."

Gu Nan didn’t care whether he could win the championship this time. His main goal was to shoot some exciting fishing and hunting videos.

Wang Junhe, who was driving the boat, nodded. If they didn't specifically go for tuna, it would still be easy to find the fish.

The situation in Malaysia is different from that in China, but it is very similar to that in the U.S. The offshore resources are very good.

The boat had not sailed five nautical miles when it encountered a school of fish.

Unfortunately, it was a small school of fish, and when he was about to leave, Gu Nan suddenly stopped him.

"Brother Wang, wait a moment and follow these small fish. Who knows, maybe a big fish will come."

When Wang Junhe heard this, he thought it made sense, so he changed direction and followed the school of fish.

Gu Nan’s idea was indeed correct. How could a meat eater tolerate this group of meat wandering around on the water?
In just a short while, it attracted groups of hunters.

First came a group of sea wolf fish. These sea wolf fish were not small. Their traces could be vaguely seen on the water surface. Almost all of them were over one meter long, and many were suspected to be over one and a half meters long.

Afterwards, Mackerel and Kito also appeared.

These two types of fish are okay and can be targets.

The school of small fish was forced to stop and the fishing boat stopped beside it. Gu Nan put on his mask, turned over and entered the water.

However, he did not go over immediately. Instead, he floated up again and took the spear gun from An Jun.

Gu Nan went into the water, and Guo Xiao also accompanied him today.

For fishing and hunting competitions, organizers have stipulated that two people must go into the water, with one person responsible for dealing with emergencies to avoid accidents.

Freediving fishing and hunting is an extreme sport, and extreme sports all have certain risks. However, compared with skydiving, freediving fishing and hunting is relatively safer.

Gu Nan swam quickly towards the school of fish, and soon a sea scene like that in a TV documentary appeared in front of him.

A school of small fish gathered in one place like a storm, surrounded by predators.

These predators would attack schools of fish from time to time, and almost every time they did, they were successful.

However, as Gu Nan approached, these former predators gradually felt uneasy and those who were close to him moved away.

But there are fish that are wary, fish that are careless, or fish that are not afraid at all.

Gu Nan first loaded the spear gun and then began to select targets.

Guo Xiao also came up to him at this time. About ten meters to his left, he was holding an underwater camera in his hand, filming the fish and Gu Nan's every move.

Gu Nan also has a small recording device on his head, so the video cannot have only one viewing angle.

After choosing for a long time, he didn't find a fish that he particularly liked.

These fish are of average size, none of them are particularly large.

Just when I was planning to just pick one and have a good start, a group of uninvited guests arrived.

Gu Nan took a closer look and found that it was actually a group of sergeants. Gu Nan was lucky as there were several particularly large ones among them.

He doesn't usually fish for cobia, not because he rarely encounters them, but because the domestic aquaculture industry is well developed, making the price of this fish extremely low. Even wild ones can't be sold for much money.

Moreover, these fish are difficult to catch, and Gu Nan usually won't fish for them if there are other options.

But to be honest, cobia feels great to fish, and can grow up to about two meters long and weigh over 100 kilograms.

At this time, Gu Nan discovered five of them that were at least over 1.5 meters long. Because of the distance, they could not be seen clearly, but it was very likely that one of them was over 1.8 meters long.

He is over 1.8 meters tall and weighs over 100 grams.

Fishing and hunting for fish weighing over 100 kilograms is no longer a small fish and is extremely difficult.

Although a large number of people choose to fish and hunt tuna, not many of them can catch more than 100 kilograms.

Those who can catch fish and hunt over 100 kilograms are basically experienced hunters and ruthless people. Gu Nan is naturally within this range.

Gu Nan was not afraid of such a big fish.

He had been in the water for quite some time, so he first came out of the water safely to take a breath, and then went back down again.

Guo Xiao was floating on the water to take pictures, because the fish were on the upper layer and he could take clear pictures even on the water surface.

Gu Nan went back into the water and searched for a while before finally finding what was suspected to be the largest sergeant.

When a fish is hunting, its speed will suddenly increase, but when it eats meat, it will slow down again. This is the moment Gu Nan is waiting for.

After waiting for two minutes, the cobia came out with a small fish in its mouth, and he decisively pulled the trigger.

The fish arrow whizzed out and was almost invisible to the naked eye. Only a water channel could be seen left behind.

The next moment, the fish arrow pierced through the chest and abdomen of the sergeant fish neatly, and the arrow head emerged from the other side.

This indirectly reflects that the spear gun in Gu Nan's hand is powerful enough and is obviously specially used to deal with big fish.

The cobia was seriously injured and exploded with tremendous force the next moment. Even though Gu Nan was prepared, his body was still taken away.

The fishing line was almost all in, and more than thirty meters were lost in just a short while.

Gu Nan was chasing the fish while letting out the line, and the size of the fish's wound was also counted as a result.

If the wound is too big, the value of the fish will drop too much and the fish will be directly disqualified from the competition.

Therefore, Gu Nan had no way of pulling the fish hard and could only chase the fish for a while.

Fortunately, he had hit the target, so he came directly to the surface of the water and dived, exhaling through the snorkel without having to hold his breath.

The only drawback is that Guo Xiao can't keep up with his pace, and the distance between them is getting farther and farther. (End of this chapter)

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