My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 354: Medium-Weighted Grouper

Fighting hand-to-hand with such a giant grouper is a very dangerous thing. If you are not careful and get hit by it, it may cause great harm to you.

The force of a fish's tail is enough to break a person's bones in one blow. It is not impossible that the person will be killed if it hits the head.

The spines on the fish's fins are very sharp and can easily break human skin.

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, it is not a good idea to engage in hand-to-hand combat with such a two-meter giant.

Gu Nan quickly followed, pulling the fishing line. Seeing that the fish was still alive and well, he knew that the damage caused by the arrow just now was not as great as he had imagined.

The fish might not survive, but without external forces, it could even hold out for another night.

After chasing for a while, seeing the fish hiding next to a huge reef at the bottom of the water, Gu Nan did not continue, but slowly let go of the fishing line and floated to the surface.

He spit out the breathing tube, breathed in, and waited for Guo Xiao to approach.

This time Guo Xiao did not lose it, mainly because the grouper was not very fast, and he kept filming about seven or eight meters away from the fish.

Seeing Gu Nan go up, he took a picture of the scene after the fish stopped and then followed him back to the water.

The main thing is that I have no choice but to go up. I feel a little uncomfortable holding my breath.

After coming to the surface and taking a breath, Guo Xiao slowly swam to Gu Nan and asked, "What's the plan?"

"Just kill it with a harpoon, what else can you do!" Gu Nan raised his chin and motioned for him to take the harpoon on his back.

This is also one of the fishing and hunting sets. In order to facilitate fishing and hunting, he gave the harpoon to Guo Xiao first.

As for the dagger, he is not Danzo, who likes to stab Susanoo with kunai.

Even if it's only a two-meter-long fish, it's still too dangerous to use a dagger. The moment the fish struggles, it's very dangerous.

Guo Xiao suddenly realized and quickly took down the harpoon and handed it to him. Come to think of it, the arrow was stuck in the fish, what else could he use if not the harpoon?
The two of them got ready and dived back into the water.

This time, Gu Nan was like the King of the Sea, holding a long harpoon and rushing directly towards the grouper at the bottom of the water.

Guo Xiao followed closely, fighting grouper in close combat was a good selling point.

But although it is said to be a selling point, in reality it is a one-sided massacre and there is absolutely no excitement of fighting.

As soon as Gu Nan arrived above the grouper, he raised the harpoon and stabbed it towards the fish's forehead.

The grouper had sensed the danger, but it did not react in time. Although it moved, it was still hit in the brain by the harpoon.

This was a truly fatal injury, causing it to struggle frantically.

The mud and sand at the bottom of the water were stirred into a mess, and Gu Nan felt an unimaginable force coming at him, which almost made him lose his hold on the harpoon.

He reacted quickly, swinging his legs in time to swim upwards and away from where the grouper was struggling.

The sea water was constantly stirred by the grouper, and the mud and sand slowly spread along the sea water, making it difficult for both of them to see the specific situation inside.

Fortunately, Guo Xiao had the spear gun with him, so he could roughly judge the movements of the fish based on the fishing line.

As the fishing line was slowly pulled up, it was obvious that the fish moved again. Although it felt that its life was slipping away quickly, it still followed its instinct and moved away from this dangerous place.

Gu Nan handed the harpoon back to Guo Xiao, grabbed the spear gun, turned the handle to reel in the fishing line, and swung his legs to keep up.

There is no need to do anything now, just wait for the fish to die.

With its brains stabbed out, how long can the fish survive?
Before I could even finish my breath, there was no movement at the other end of the fishing line.

A big fish lay quietly on the messy reef, its mouth still trying to open and close, but it no longer had the strength to control its body.

Now it is difficult for it to even breathe through its mouth.

Gu Nan was not a pervert who liked to torture and kill animals. He took out a dagger and stepped forward, ready to quickly kill the grouper to prevent it from suffering before dying.

This time the fish basically didn't react much. The bigger the fish, the harder it is to move in such a situation. On the contrary, the small fish might even twist its body to protest against you.

Both of them were very excited about successfully capturing this huge grouper.

Gu Nan put away the spear gun and handed it to Guo Xiao, then he stepped forward and grabbed the fish just below the gill cover. This is where you usually grab the fish so it's more stable.

Even Gu Nan couldn't lift a fish weighing several hundred kilograms on land, with the help of the buoyancy of seawater. He could only drag it along at best.

The two people and the fish swam slowly towards the surface of the water. Gu Nan's breath was quickly consumed. The fish was very heavy after it died, even in the water.

Fortunately, the higher he went, the more relaxed he felt.

When the water depth reaches a certain level, there will be negative buoyancy in the water.

It's like swimming in a freshwater river, the body will sink.

It is different in the upper water layer of sea water. The buoyancy can hold the human body very well, and one can float on the sea even if he does not move.

Such a big fish cannot float, but fortunately it is possible to reduce the weight of the fish, which weighs several hundred kilograms, by half.

Back to the surface, Gu Nan dragged the fish. Guo Xiao emerged first, waving his arms to greet several people on a fishing boat not far away, asking them to drive the boat over.

As soon as he saw the situation here, An Jun on the boat immediately notified Wang Junhe inside to start the boat.

It was obvious from the posture that they had successfully caught a big fish, but the distance was a little far and the fish did not completely float to the surface, so they did not see the true appearance of the big fish.

Soon, the fishing boat came to their side. An Jun saw the fish and said "Wow" out of courtesy.

I have seen many big fish, but I still have to give them the exclamations they deserve.

"Sure, it feels about two meters tall, and must weigh several hundred kilograms."

Gu Nan nodded with a smile: "There are some in Zhongbai."

Zhongbai refers to a weight between 400 and 600 kilograms.

"Hurry, hurry, get the fish up first. I need to have a good rest. You don't know how tiring it is to follow Anan." Guo Xiao couldn't help but urge them when he saw them chatting endlessly. He didn't want to continue soaking in the water.

Wang Junhe just came out of the cabin and heard this, and laughed: "Before I said I wanted to go into the water with you, but you didn't agree, and you insisted on fighting with me. Now you know you are tired!"

"You coming tomorrow?"


"Hehe, with such a big fish, we probably don't need to go out to sea tomorrow." Gu Nan interrupted their conversation and said with a smile.

Guo Xiao: "."

Although I don’t think it’s bad to be filmed, I don’t know why it’s so unpleasant?

Forget it, there are mouse spots at night, so just eat more.

The fish was lifted onto the boat by a crane. Gu Nan was successfully freed and returned to the boat with Guo Xiao.

The two of them went to take a shower, and Wang Junhe drove the boat back.

An Jun was not idle either. He sent the footage shot by Guo Xiao back to China and had someone edit it and save it.

Although only one day's worth of material was recorded, it was enough to be divided into two episodes.

It's just a video. Anything over five minutes is considered long. It's no problem to edit a few minutes of the two fishing and hunting clips in the morning and afternoon.

After taking a shower, I walked out of the door feeling clean and refreshed. The fishing boat just returned to the dock. A two-meter-long giant grouper immediately attracted the attention of everyone at the dock.

The fishermen from Long Country are still very active in Southeast Asia. When Gu Nan went to Chou Country, he did not find many players from his own country, but there were quite a few people participating in the competition here, accounting for almost one-tenth.

So at this moment, among the series of words that Gu Nan could not hear, occasionally a word like "awesome", "great", "wow" could be heard.

However, Gu Nan was not familiar with these people, so he had no intention of paying any attention to them.

The fish was quickly taken over by the organizer's staff, who weighed it and measured its length.

It weighs 432 kilograms and is just over two meters long, reaching 2.03 meters. What a coincidence!
If it had been caught a year earlier, or even half a year earlier, this fish might not have been two meters long.

On the ranking list, above a group of fish weighing more than 100 kilograms, a fish weighing 432 kilograms suddenly appeared.

The huge gap was almost 300 kilograms away from the second place.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that whoever catches the giant grouper is safe, unless there is someone even more amazing who catches a particularly large tuna.

Among groupers, this one can be called the king, and there are very few that can surpass it.

There is a very small chance of encountering a saltwater crocodile, also known as a saltwater crocodile, in the waters here. As long as this creature is not too small, you can basically catch it.

But when you encounter this thing, it’s hard to say whether you are using it to participate in the competition or it is using it as a snack.

In the evening, Gu Nan and others began to enjoy the mouse spots leisurely.

This thing is so rare and precious that even Gu Nan couldn't bear to waste it, so they used the steaming method to preserve its freshness.

"People, when they are hungry, pursue oil and water. After they are full, they like all kinds of fresh food. In the past, this fish grouper was not as delicious as a piece of pork to ordinary people." Wang Junhe sighed after tasting a piece of fish.

"Don't act so old-fashioned. What does the era of hunger have to do with you? You talk as if you had never had enough to eat when you were a child." Guo Xiao interrupted his sigh without giving him any face.

"This doesn't even make me feel emotional!" Wang Junhe muttered in dissatisfaction and continued eating fish.

Gu Nan smiled but said nothing. He was born in the 1990s, almost 2000, so how could he know the hardships in the past.

Even if the family conditions are average, it won't be a big problem for children to have enough food to eat well when they are young.

Instead, he often wondered what kind of sparks he would create in those times if he had been given a chance to be reborn instead of a cheat.

Will there be another old Gu between the two Ma?
Or conquer the sea at that time and see the grandeur from the sea?

However, he might not be able to adapt to going back to that era. Accustomed to the era of computers, mobile phones and information explosion, he might find such days boring.

The only thing I want to do is probably to meet the goddesses of their youth in Hong Kong Island. If conditions permit, maybe I can even make an appointment with them?
His thoughts were a little vague, Gu Nan shook his head and continued eating.

The next day, the group did not go out to sea, but instead admired the exotic scenery in the nearby towns.

Gu Nan didn't care at all whether he could win the fishing and hunting competition.

He didn't care about it, so Wang Jun and the others naturally had no thoughts or opinions.

The day passed quickly and they returned to the competition venue before the end of the evening.

Looking at the ranking list, the first place is stable, the second place is replaced by a tuna weighing more than 200 kilograms, and the ones behind are basically all yellowfin tuna.

But they are all around 200 kilograms, so the difference is not that big. It seems that this group of people encountered a school of yellowfin tuna when they went out to play!
Sure enough, even in Southeast Asia, bluefin tuna is still not easy to come across.

It would be very difficult for a yellowfin tuna to weigh more than 400 kilograms, unless there was a bigeye tuna like the one Gu Nan caught in the Ugly Country.

But the probability of encountering this kind of crappy stuff is even smaller than that of encountering a bluefin bream.

As expected, Gu Nan won the championship.

After winning another golden trophy, he began to consider whether he should have a small room in his new home specifically for displaying the cups.

During a fishing ban season, he can participate in more than ten competitions, and fill up an entire cabinet with fish from each trip.

The next day, the fishing competition officially began.

The rules and team situation of the competition are not much different from those of the Ugly Country. This is Gu Nan's fourth fishing competition, and it is basically the same, so he is already very familiar with it.

But the competition here was rather slow. It did not start directly in the morning, but an opening ceremony was held instead.

There were even beautiful young ladies dancing, and An Jun and a group of SPs were watching with great interest.

The young lady dances really well. No, her legs dance very well. Bah!
There were more contestants in the fishing competition, with an average of four or five people in a team. There were more than a thousand people on the scene, filling the entire pier.

After watching the dance and listening to a bunch of nonsense, several major sponsors took turns to go on stage.

After all, he is the sponsor, so he should be given a chance to show up.

Moreover, it seems that the dancing ladies were invited by these sponsors, and they are good people.

After lunch, the competition officially began.

The competition is still about who catches the bigger and heavier fish, and there are also individual bonuses.

For example, the GT bonus means that whoever catches the bigger GT will get this single extra bonus.

But the prize money is not that high, only one hundred thousand.

There are five individual prizes in total, including swordfish, marlin, mackerel and swordfish. The prize money is the same, with a total of 500,000, or about 750,000 yuan.

Gu Nan shook his head and sighed. Although he didn't like the Ugly Country, that was his political stance. He still liked the structure of the Ugly Country.

The current situation in Malaysia is not good. It’s a waste of all the hot beauties here.

In addition, there is a time limit for this fishing competition.

It starts at 9am every day and ends at 4pm.

Participants are not allowed to go out to sea at other times, so forget about night fishing.

Gu Nan agreed with this.

There are many things you can do at night. I heard that during the Ugly Country competition, there were contestants who wanted to do something at night.

However, the fish that Gu Nan caught was so big that no one could catch that big even if they cheated.

But he had a chance to take a chance on the second and third place prizes, but unfortunately he was caught and banned for life.

The people here in Malaysia are much more straightforward, and the night shifts for employees are also a considerable expense, so we just fish during the day.

Whether you can catch big fish during the day depends on your ability.

They don't have patrol ships or drones for real-time monitoring, so they just sent a recorder.

While monitoring, the weight of fish caught is recorded and reported in real time.

If you catch a protected fish, you can release it immediately after weighing it. There is no need to bring it back and you won’t kill it.

Sponsors collect fish like yellowfin fin, and there is a certain profit to be made from the purchase and sale of these fish.

After all, with more than 200 boats, if they encounter a school of fish, they can catch a lot of tuna in a day. (End of this chapter)

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